Recent papers in Patrology
Our personal study of this topic cannot begin to satisfy the need. We hope that is encourages others to begin their own eventful pilgrimages in this direction. It is the blood of Christ, not our perfection of doctrine that saves us. Be... more
В настоящей статье мы публикуем отрывки из богословских сочинений прп. Никиты Стифата (XI в.), сохранившиеся в славянском переводе и до сих пор неизданные. Они извлечены из славянского перевода «Диоптры» Филиппа Пустынника, греческий... more
Acquire my peace within yourselves! (...) For the child of true Humanity exists within you. Follow it! Those who seek for it will find. Gos Mary 4:2, 5-71 SUMMARY – The roles of women through whom a Matrology might be derived, are... more
Newspaper article on the book: M. GIROLAMI, Le prime vie per seguire Gesù. Introduzione alla Patrologia (I-III secolo), Edizioni Messaggero Padova - Facoltà Teologica del Triveneto, Padova 2021.
В настоящей публикации вниманию читателя предлагается критическое издание первого «обличительного», или «столбового», слова прп. Никиты Стифата против армян (Invectiva 1 in Armenios), осуществленное впервые. Прп. Никита, известный... more
We surface a brief overview of a few of the problems of contemporary theology, in hope that readers will find a fresh starting place in old evidence: a place to build a consensus that reaches for unanimous agreement in the Spirit.
The concern of the book is whether Hilary of Poitiers compromised the Nicene faith, a charge suggested even in Hilary’s own day, when he attempted to bring together the homouseans and the homoeouseans. The author revisits the arguments... more
Este artículo propone algunas pistas para pensar, desde la patrología , la relación entre tres actos profundamente humanos y que poseen, por lo tanto, simultáneamente una primordial simplicidad y una sofisticada complejidad: leer, comer y... more
«Theophylaktos of Ohrid», MOCHE 8 (2013) 289-290 [Strategikes Ekdoseis, Athens]
«Θεοφύλακτος Βουλγαρίας», ΜΟΧΕ 8 (2013) 289-290 [Στρατηγικές Εκδόσεις, Αθήνα]
«Θεοφύλακτος Βουλγαρίας», ΜΟΧΕ 8 (2013) 289-290 [Στρατηγικές Εκδόσεις, Αθήνα]
«Theodore the Studite», MOCHE 8 (2013) 137-140 [Strategikes Ekdoseis, Athens]
«Θεόδωρος Στουδίτης», ΜΟΧΕ 8 (2013) 137-140 [Στρατηγικές Εκδόσεις, Αθήνα]
«Θεόδωρος Στουδίτης», ΜΟΧΕ 8 (2013) 137-140 [Στρατηγικές Εκδόσεις, Αθήνα]
The article refers to the thought of Origen of Alexandria and the controversies surrounding his concepts in the 3rd and 4th centuries. First of all, it sketches the main stages of critique of the main theological theories of Origen, which... more
The article is an inquiry on the persecution and martyrdom experienced by the Church in the nascent years of her existence. There are three points under which the said phenomenon is investigated. The first part concerns with looking at... more
«John Chrysostom. Teaching», MOCHE 9 (2013) 189-192 [Strategikes Ekdoseis, Athens]
«Ιωάννης Χρυσόστομος. Διδασκαλία», ΜΟΧΕ 9 (2013) 189-192 [Στρατηγικές Εκδόσεις, Αθήνα]
«Ιωάννης Χρυσόστομος. Διδασκαλία», ΜΟΧΕ 9 (2013) 189-192 [Στρατηγικές Εκδόσεις, Αθήνα]
«Theodoret of Cyrus (Activities-Theological opinions - Works)», MOCHE 8 (2013) 130-132 [Strategikes Ekdoseis, Athens]
«Θεοδώρητος Κύρου. Δράση-Σκέψη - Συγράμματα», ΜΟΧΕ 8 (2013) 130-132 [Στρατηγικές Εκδόσεις, Αθήνα]
«Θεοδώρητος Κύρου. Δράση-Σκέψη - Συγράμματα», ΜΟΧΕ 8 (2013) 130-132 [Στρατηγικές Εκδόσεις, Αθήνα]
«The Great Canon», MOCHE 9 (2013) 422-423 [Strategikes Ekdoseis, Athens]
«Μέγας Κανών», ΜΟΧΕ 9 (2013) 422-423 [Στρατηγικές Εκδόσεις, Αθήνα]
«Μέγας Κανών», ΜΟΧΕ 9 (2013) 422-423 [Στρατηγικές Εκδόσεις, Αθήνα]
Joseph Hazzaya's Romanian translation by Hieromonk Agapie Corbu. The Introduction represents a very comprehensive and synthetic view on the theology and the age of this great spiritual author, being followed by the translation of ten... more
The monograph "The Death of Judas in the Bible and the Christian Tradition" (published in the scientific series "The Library ‘the Word of the Cross’"; Verbinum, 2012) is devoted to the Biblical account of the Judas’ death. It analyzes... more
Rozprawa została zainspirowana rozpowszechnionymi w XX wieku krytycznymi opiniami o doktrynie Augustyna z Hippony na temat małżeństwa, zwłaszcza intymnych stosunków małżeńskich. Aby nie pozostać na poziomie opinii, w mojej tezie zwróciłem... more
Богословсько-історичний науковий журнал Волинської Православної Богословської Академії Української Православної Церкви Київського Патріархату. 2017.
Contributo per un seminario nell’Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, anno accademico 2016-2017.
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Patrology examines every verse of Scripture we could find that contains a written reference to God the Father. Occasionally, we interposed comments. The paper concludes with a discussion of God's sexuality and the hot debate over sexism... more
Il Dio trascendente nella filosofia alessandrina giudaica e cristiana: Filone e Clemente, Roma 2013. Esaminando il concetto della trascendenza di Dio nel pensiero giudaico e cristiano dei primi secoli, argomento ampio e complesso,... more
Este artículo pretende poner en luz la influencia que la doctrina de San Juan Damasceno (c. 675-c. 749) sobre la muerte, la resurrección y la asunción de la Virgen María podría haber ejercido sobre las complementarias iconografías... more
Originally submitted: May, 2017. Last edited and expanded: October, 2024. In this research thesis we will discover that Augustine’s opinion that concupiscence was an evil, hereditary stain of original sin was not in line with the... more
This inquiry exhausts the Mariological description of St. Gregory Nazianzen, who designates Mary as “prokathartheisa (prepurified).” Gregory likely attempted to solve the riddle of the Purification of Jesus and Mary in the Temple.... more
Recent Publications on Origen and the Alexandrian Tradition (2015).
Lorenzo Perrone
Lorenzo Perrone
Más de 40 Testimonios de los Padres. Se aclara expresiones que ya en su época estaban siendo malinterpretadas. Oficio de Pedro: Portar la figura de la iglesia en su nombre (Jesús Dios la Roca en cada creyente). Migné y Shaff.
π. Ε. Πριγκιπάκης, " Άγιος Κύριλλος, Αρχιεπίσκοπος Αλεξανδρείας (περ. 378-444)" , Μεγάλη Ορθόδοξη Χριστιανική Εγκυκλοπαίδεια [ ΜΟΧΕ] 10 (2013), σ. 414-423 (Βίος έργα και διδασκαλία του Αγ. Κυρίλλου Αλεξανδρείας).
Seminario di Patrologia sull'opera De Divinis Nominibus dello Pseudo-Dionigi Areopagita
Il saggio è poi confluito nei miei libri I Padri della Chiesa e La Navata della Sapienza
В сборнике опубликованы материалы X студенческой научно-богословской конференции, проходившей в Санкт-Петербургской духовной академии 25-26 апреля 2018 года. Тематика конференции традиционно весьма широка - богословие, библеистике,... more
It is well known that the vast majority of ancient Christian writings have been translated into Ethiopic (Gǝʽǝz) from their oriental versions and some only directly from the original Greek texts. This is also true with regard to monastic... more