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This edited volume brings together the work of scholars from different disciplines including sociology, political science and anthropology, and analyses how global institutions are embedded in local contexts within development aid. It... more
This edited volume brings together the work of scholars from different disciplines including sociology, political science and anthropology, and analyses how global institutions are embedded in local contexts within development aid. It examines theoretical and empirical implications of the diffusion and anchoring of world polity institutions at the local and global levels. The volume furthers the understanding of the dynamics of norm negotiation and glocalization processes in culturally varied societies in an era of globalization. Themes and topics covered include: children and human rights, gender mainstreaming, multi-level actor partnerships, anti-corruption programming, local ownership, land rights and corporate social responsibility. Bringing together expert contributors, this comprehensive volume will be an invaluable resource for all scholars of localization and globalization studies, as well as those in the field of international relations.
Dieses eLearning-Angebot ist das Ergebnis eines standortübergreifenden Ringseminars der Universitäten Freiburg, Tübingen, Mainz, Düsseldorf, Hamburg und Marburg im Sommersemester 2017. Im Zentrum stehen zwei zentrale Fragen: - Worin liegt... more
Dieses eLearning-Angebot ist das Ergebnis eines standortübergreifenden Ringseminars der Universitäten Freiburg, Tübingen, Mainz, Düsseldorf, Hamburg und Marburg im Sommersemester 2017. Im Zentrum stehen zwei zentrale Fragen: - Worin liegt in den derzeitigen (europäischen) Krisen eine Gefährdung für den "Frieden" in Europa? - Wie und durch welche Akteure könnten diese Gefährdungen ausgeräumt werden? Diese Fragen werden in Modulen an acht verschieden Krisen gestellt. Die Studierenden erstellten einführenden Dossiers zu jedem Thema, erstellten Analysen und ein ganze Reihe von multi-medialen Zusatzmaterialien wie Videointerviews, Umfragen und Radiobeiträge. Im Zentrum jedes Thema steht ein per Video aufgezeichneter ExpertenInnenvortrag, unter Mitwirkung verschiedenster renommierter Partnerinstitutionen. Die folgenden Lernmodule wurden an der Universität Freiburg erstellt. Die Modulen wurden von allen Beteiligten nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen erstellt, trotzdem empfehlen wir ...
Although sexual rights of LGBT people are internationally disputed, a global norm on LGBT acceptance and non-discrimination has been established since the 1970s as an outcome of the gay rights movement in Western Europe and North America.... more
Although sexual rights of LGBT people are internationally disputed, a global norm on LGBT acceptance and non-discrimination has been established since the 1970s as an outcome of the gay rights movement in Western Europe and North America. However, norm-challenging authoritative voices are still powerful not only in domestic contexts, but also in international forums. In this contribution, we argue that this degree of contestation matters for the attempt to localize sexual rights. Drawing on the literature on norm contestation and norm localization, we explore the techniques both norm entrepreneurs and norm antipreneurs use in Ukraine in order to advocate for or against sexual rights. The contribution is based on reports, statements, and several interviews which were conducted in Ukraine in 2014 and 2015.
After more than ten years of political and economic transformation in Ukraine, trade unions are among the marginalized and peripheral actors. This also applies to the miners‘ unions in the Donbass, the formerly relevant coal mining area... more
After more than ten years of political and economic transformation in Ukraine, trade unions are among the marginalized and peripheral actors. This also applies to the miners‘ unions in the Donbass, the formerly relevant coal mining area of the Soviet Union and the showcase of socialism. This diagnosis might come as a surprise because one might assume that trade unions play an important role in the transformation of an old industrial region. This contribution strives to prove the contrary and provides explanations for this contra intuitive phenomenon. It is led by the thesis that the powerlessness of the trade unions is an expression of the Soviet legacy of a “weak” society and owes to the predominance and structural and symbolic control strategies of powerful regional actors. The continuing cooptation by the political and economic establishment prevents social interests from taking effect.
... The Captured Region. Actors and Institutions in the Ukrainian Donbass. Post a Comment. CONTRIBUTORS: ...
https://www.opendemocracy.net/can-europe-make-it/andreas-umland/securing-peace-instead-of-rewarding-expansion On December 5, 2014, 60 prominent German personalities from politics, business, and the cultural sphere published a joint appeal... more
https://www.opendemocracy.net/can-europe-make-it/andreas-umland/securing-peace-instead-of-rewarding-expansion On December 5, 2014, 60 prominent German personalities from politics, business, and the cultural sphere published a joint appeal titled " Another War in Europe? Not in Our Name! " [http://www.zeit.de/politik/2014-12/aufruf-russland-dialog] Although this open letter deals with Germany's policies towards Russia and Ukraine, only a few of the signees are currently involved in East European studies, or in journalistic reporting about Ukraine. On the contrary, most of those who signed the appeal have only limited expertise in the post-Soviet space, little relevant research experience, and apparently no deep knowledge of Ukraine or recent events there. This is no coincidence. The overwhelming majority of German researchers, activists, and reporters who, from a scholarly, civic or journalistic perspective, are observing the current conflict in Ukraine are united in th...
This paper looks at the Ukrainian presidential elections from the perspective of machinations, including machine politics, administrative resources and fraud. By conceptually differentiating between different electoral strategies, it... more
This paper looks at the Ukrainian presidential elections from the perspective of machinations, including machine politics, administrative resources and fraud. By conceptually differentiating between different electoral strategies, it offers a model for ...
Wenn in den Sozialwissenschaften von Wanderungen die Rede ist, so sind meist Menschen gemeint, die politische Grenzen überschreiten. Doch viele Europäerinnen und Europäer sind im 20. Jahrhundert durch Grenzverschiebungen, durch den... more
Wenn in den Sozialwissenschaften von Wanderungen die Rede ist, so sind meist Menschen gemeint, die politische Grenzen überschreiten. Doch viele Europäerinnen und Europäer sind im 20. Jahrhundert durch Grenzverschiebungen, durch den Aufstieg oder Zerfall von Imperien oder Nationalstaaten, zwischen politischen Einheiten „gewandert“, ohne ihren Wohnort gewechselt zu haben. Dabei waren die verschiedenen Teile Europas nicht in gleichem Maße betroffen. Während
Im Anschluss an ein neoinstitutionalistisches Verständnis von Globalisierung wird in dem Beitrag reproduktive Gesundheit als makrokulturelles Konstrukt innerhalb eines globalen institutionellen Feldes begriffen, in dem Vorstellungen zum... more
Im Anschluss an ein neoinstitutionalistisches Verständnis von Globalisierung wird in dem Beitrag reproduktive Gesundheit als makrokulturelles Konstrukt innerhalb eines globalen institutionellen Feldes begriffen, in dem Vorstellungen zum angemessenen Umgang mit Sexualität, rechtliche Rahmenwerke zur Implementierung von reproduktiver Gesundheit in nationalen Gesundheitssystemen und Auffassungen über die Funktionsweise von Sexualität oder Geburt global verankert werden. Zunächst wird gezeigt, dass für die globale Ausdifferenzierung eines institutionellen Feldes der reproduktiven Gesundheit ein menschen- und frauenrechtliches Verständnis von reproduktiver Gesundheit zentral war, das in den 1990er Jahren von institutionellen Unternehmern global verbreitet wurde. Allerdings ist in der Folge ein diskursiver Wandel zu beobachten, der dazu führt, dass ein medizinisch-wissenschaftliches und zunehmend formalisiertes Verständnis von reproduktiver Gesundheit die Oberhand gewinnt. Der Beitrag zei...
Research Interests:
Research on successor parties in the former Soviet Union has mostly focused on leftist parties and paid little attention to their interplay with centrist forces which equally have their roots in the Soviet system. This article examines... more
Research on successor parties in the former Soviet Union has mostly focused on leftist parties and paid little attention to their interplay with centrist forces which equally have their roots in the Soviet system. This article examines the development of both leftist and centrist successor parties in post-Soviet Ukraine. After consideration of the role of legacies of the old regime as well as the current legal and societal framework, the evolution of leftist parties and the so-called parties of power is explored. The analysis shows that the leftists were weakened by internal splits and a partial inability to modernize. But equally important was the logic of power preservation in the Leonid Kuchma regime, which promoted the formalization of the party of power and crowded out the leftist competitors.
142 Osteuropaexperten wenden sich gegen den Aufruf "Nicht in unserem Namen" zu mehr Dialog mit Russland im Ukraine-Konflikt.
This edited volume brings together the work of scholars from different disciplines including sociology, political science and anthropology, and analyses how global institutions are embedded in local contexts within development aid. It... more
This edited volume brings together the work of scholars from different disciplines including sociology, political science and anthropology, and analyses how global institutions are embedded in local contexts within development aid. It examines theoretical and empirical implications of the diffusion and anchoring of world polity institutions at the local and global levels.

The volume furthers the understanding of the dynamics of norm negotiation and glocalization processes in culturally varied societies in an era of globalization. Themes and topics covered include: children and human rights, gender mainstreaming, multi-level governance, anti-corruption programming, local ownership, land rights and corporate social responsibility.

This comprehensive volume will be an invaluable resource for all scholars of localization and globalization studies, as well as those in the field of international relations.
Research Interests: