Ukraine, Russia, Eastern Europe
Recent papers in Ukraine, Russia, Eastern Europe
What are the origins of the armed conflict that has been raging in eastern Ukraine since 2014? Which role did Russia play in the emergence and escalation of the originally unarmed confrontation, in the Donets Basin (Donbas), after the... more
As a result of Russia’s annexation of Crimea and its “hybrid war” in the Donbas, the present-day nonproliferation regime, with its exceptional treatment of the permanent Security Council members, could in the future, paradoxically,... more
The world's progress towards net-zero ambitions will bring down fossil fuel utilization and imports over time. However, crises such as COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine conflict have raised questions about the reliability of nonrenewables... more
Wenn ein Unterzeichnerland des Vertrages selbst vor einem der fünf Garanten des Sperrabkommens nicht sicher sein kann: Welchen Sinn hat dann das Verbot der Nichtweiterverbreitung von Kernwaffen? Im Austausch gegen einen Abbau von... more
The paper suggest looking into the portrayals of India and Ukraine in Russia and the UK in the context of postcolonial theory based on Edward Said's conceptualisation of orientalism as discourse. The results of the research which was... more
One of the most popular narratives favored by the Kremlin and critical Western commentators such as Carpenter is the idea of Ukraine as a hotbed of right-wing extremism. Such claims are rooted in Soviet-era propaganda which aimed to sully... more
Ця книга відкриває дослідження братовбивчої стихії, яка переслідувала східнослов’янську історію, і намагається сформулювати імпровізований договір, спрямований на стримування цього елемента, який уже є відповідальним за загибель мільйонів... more
Tesi di Laurea triennale in Storia delle Relazioni Internazionali Relatore: Prof. Paolo Wulzer Questa tesi ha per oggetto l’analisi della politica estera italiana nel contesto della crisi in Ucraina. Tra le diverse tensioni... more
This paper analyzes changes in regional electoral behavior and attitudes towards separatism and foreign policy orientation in Ukraine after the “Orange Revolution” and the “Euromaidan,” which turned into a violent internal conflict and... more
JOURNAL OF SOVIET AND POST-SOVIET POLITICS AND SOCIETY. Vol. 1, No. 1 (2015). Paperback. 334 pp. €34.00. Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS:... more
Die größte strategische Herausforderung für die Herausbildung eines stabilen und geeinten ukrainischen Nationalstaats und das größte strukturelle Hindernis für eine erfolgreiche wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der Ukraine bleiben weiterhin... more
The crisis in Ukraine has been a truly divisive event. On almost all levels and aspects of the crisis we have witnessed, and continue to witness different understandings and, indeed, narratives of individual events, processes and the... more
The Kremlin’s loudly announced disarmament of Ukraine has, like most of its other aims in Eastern Europe, little chance of ever materializing.
Before 24 February 2022, the Russian-Ukrainian agreements signed in the capital of Belarus in 2014–2015 were seen by many observers as a path to a settlement of the Donbas conflict. However, the contradictory Minsk deals were signed under... more
This article was submitted in late 2021, and became dated after Russia's demonstrative preparation as well as start of an open, large-scale invasion of Ukraine early 2022. We nevertheless publish this commentary here in order to document... more
В этом очерке не раскрывается весь многогранный и динамичный феномен новых добровольческих частей 2014 года. Вместо этого, я сфокусируюсь лишь на предыстории и некоторых аспектах возникновения одного особого и несколько девиантного... more
Die aufgeführten Tatsachen und eine Reihe anderer aufschlussreicher Aspekte der denkwürdigen Ereignisse vom Februar-März 2014 sind in der Ukraine und unter Osteuropaexperten an Universitäten und Think-Tanks sowie bei Regierungen und... more
I explore six possible scenarios—options and strategies for the development of Ukraine’s (as well as, to a lesser degree, Georgia's and Moldova’s) security situation during the coming five to 15 years. As long as Russia’s current regime... more
Ukraine’s, Georgia’s and Moldova’s European aspirations have already been publicly and repeatedly acknowledged by the EU’s Commission and Council. Moreover, the European Parliament asked the EU’s executive bodies several times to finally... more
Opponents of a formal accession path argue that all three countries are partially occupied by Russia: an ongoing war in Ukraine and frozen conflicts with unrecognized Russian puppet states in the case of Moldova and Georgia. Were these... more
Wie die Kriege der jüngsten Zeit belegen, fühlen sich Georgien und Ukraine als ehemalige Sowjetrepubliken zurecht von Russland bedroht. Ihrem Sicherheitsbedürfnis könnte eine Zwischenmeerallianz dienen.
The focus of this paper is twofold. On the one hand, it outlines the geopolitical rationale behind contemporary Russian expansionism, as well as presents the asymmetric mechanisms utilized by Russia to solidify its authority in the... more
European misperceptions of the Ukrainian-Russian conflict are the result of, among others, lacking expert knowledge about Ukraine, in the member states of the EU. The most recent example of continuing misunderstanding is a Western... more
We strongly support Ukraine's candidate status in the European Union and call on EU leadership and its Member States to grant this status to Ukraine in June 2022, opening the door to Ukraine's membership and fulfilling the aspirations of... more
Since its first issues, Engramma has come to terms with images in war. In 2001, after the attack on the Twin Towers; in 2015, an issue dedicated to the abecedaries of Aby Warburg, Bertolt Brecht, and Ernst Jünger; at the end of 2015, an... more
Ob es einen Staatsbankrott geben wird oder nicht, hängt von den laufenden Verhandlungen Kiews mit seinen Gläubigern ab. Er würde zu einer neuen Abwertungsspirale führen und die Inflation nochmals anheizen. Bereits jetzt häufen sich... more
In January 2022, articles by international commentators appeared in the media about the first steps towards a new union in Europe. The United Kingdom initiated this development following the declaration about the strategic partnership... more
Розділи "Вічне повернення до"вічної Росії": виклики "української кризи" для французького інтелектуального дискурсу" та "Фукідід у колгоспі тварин: грецький підхід до українсько-російського конфлікту"
An effective cooperation of a legitimate Ukrainian government in a country-wide demilitarization would be difficult for Russia to secure. A direct demilitarization by a Russian occupation or puppet regime would, in turn, be difficult to... more
The EU should revert back to its pre-Minsk approach to Russia’s intervention in Ukraine. The main raft of sanctions were introduced before both of the Minsk Agreements were negotiated. Back then, the lifting of sanctions had been linked... more
V Di Nicola, Guest Editorial – A Clarifying Moment: The War on Ukraine and the Unraveling of the Global Order. Global Mental Health & Psychiatry Review, Spring-Summer 2022, 3(2): 7-8.
Доктор Андреас Умланд – персона весьма известная даже в мировом масштабе, а уж тем паче – на постсоветском пространстве, которое стало центральным полем его деятельности. Специалист по экстремистам, правым, ультраправым, фашистам,... more
Conferenza | Aula gradoni, Tolentini, Venezia Presentazione del volume: Engramma 190. Figli di Marte 2022 conversazione tra Aldo Ferrari e la Redazione di Engramma interverrà Rino Rocchelli, padre di Andy. Marzo 2022, ed è di... more
Obwohl die Ukraine den territorial zweitgrößten Staat Europas darstellt, ist sie nur selten Objekt adäquater Medienberichterstattung, tiefgehender öffentlicher Diskussionen und politischer Auseinandersetzung in Deutschland. Im Resultat... more
Für die kommenden Jahre wird die geostrategische Grauzone zwischen der NATO und EU einerseits sowie der Moskau-dominierten Organisation des Kollektiven Sicherheitsvertrages und Eurasischen Wirtschaftsunion andererseits die Hauptquelle von... more
The research presents analysis the framing of anti-Russian sanctions, in Russian government's official newspaper Rossiiskaya Gazeta. The dominant frames of the newspaper were Economic, Strategic game, and the combination of Suffering... more
Попри дивну історію СНА/ПУ, навіть у специфічному контексті українського правого екстремізму, до кінця осені 2014 року деякі з її керівників разом з їхнім тимчасовим спільником Ляшком через свою широко розрекламовану участь у створенні,... more
Cet article envisage la crise ukrainienne comme le résultat d’un double processus de fond qui repose d’une part sur le délitement des mécanismes de sécurité euro-atlantique hérité de la Guerre Froide, et d’autre part, sur l’incapacité... more
Seit der Annexion der Krim und der Unterstützung der ostukrainischen Separatisten durch Russland ist die Ukraine bestrebt, die Energiebeziehungen zwischen beiden Ländern auf ein Minimum zu reduzieren. Die Kooperation im Bereich der... more
«Русский мир» как геополитическая и идеологическая концепция стал приста- нищем для целого ряда весьма разнородных течений русской антизападной и неоимперской мысли, объединенных, как правило, идеей «особого пути» России как государства и... more
Ο πασίγνωστος Χένρυ Κίσσινγκερ επανεμφανίστηκε πρόσφατα και έκανε δήλωση σχετικά με την ανησυχία του για την ρωσοουκρανική σύρραξη. Το γεγονός δεν θα προκαλούσε εντύπωση, εάν δεν συνέτρεχαν δύο καθοριστικής σημασίας λόγοι, δηλαδή: Πρώτον,... more
This book first proves that the rationale behind Russia’s aggressive actions in its neighborhood resides in its goal of achieving certain geostrategic objectives which are largely predefined by the state’s imperial traditions, memories,... more