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""The article explores the experiences of separation and reunification undergone by the children of migrant mothers in Italy by analysing 32 qualitative interviews conducted with adolescents who had rejoined their mothers at different... more
""The article explores the experiences of separation and reunification undergone by the children of migrant mothers in Italy by analysing 32 qualitative interviews conducted with adolescents who had rejoined their mothers at different moments in their lives.
We show that international migration causes children to face multiple shifts in the configuration of their family ties due to the geographical dislocations and re-locations to which these ties are subject. The way in which children interpret and adjust to these changes depends on factors such as the timing of the family migration process and the frequency of transnational family practices, which subject then to more or less abrupt discontinuities in their family life after their mothers’ and their own departure.""
This chapter aims to expand the existing knowledge about cultures, attitudes and opinions of young adults aspiring to work in the knowledge-based, digital economy. Based on findings from a questionnaire administered to 19to 25-yearold... more
This chapter aims to expand the existing knowledge about cultures, attitudes and opinions of young adults aspiring to work in the knowledge-based, digital economy. Based on findings from a questionnaire administered to 19to 25-yearold students enrolled in university courses in Milan, we give account of the broad range of expectations and perceptions towards working in this emergent domain by this cohort, exploring notions of flexibility, independence and career aspirations in a context, Italy, that is dominated by high youth unemployment. Results question the often-unchallenged assumption that so-called ‘millennials’ are more interested in the pursuit of independence and flexibility, as opposed to job stability, than previous generations. Independence and flexibility emerge as an important but not discerning aspect in a balance between job security and individual passions. These insights suggest that any generational differences that Chapter 7 The myth of flexibility may exist about...
Length weight relationship, sex ratio, size at maturity and condition of Clarias gariepinus in Lake Babogaya were studied at Lake Babogaya located in the vicinity of Bishoftu town at about 45 Km East of Addis Ababa. Samples of... more
Length weight relationship, sex ratio, size at maturity and condition of Clarias gariepinus in Lake Babogaya were studied at Lake Babogaya located in the vicinity of Bishoftu town at about 45 Km East of Addis Ababa. Samples of C.gariepinus were collected monthly during September (2005) through to August (2006) using hook - and - line method and gillnets of various mesh sizes. The relationship between total length (25 to 102 cm) and total weight (165 to 7000 g) was curvilinear and represented as TW = 0.0156 TL 2.934 , R 2 = 0.942, P < 0.05. Sex ratio was not significantly different from 1:1 except in samples taken in April and July, and in length groups between 25 and 54 cm total length (TL) in the total sample. In all these cases, there was a preponderance of females over males. In the total sample, for instance, females were about 1.26 more numerous than males. The 50% sexual maturity length (L 50) was estimated at 50 cm TL for females and 56 cm TL for males. Fulton condition fa...
... Una ricerca sui progetti legati alla legge 285 Claudio Baraldi e Vittorio lervese (a ... 1.1 giovani di origine straniera nella letteratura sociologica europea di Paola Rebughini 1. Tradizioni diverse ... ai giovani di origine... more
... Una ricerca sui progetti legati alla legge 285 Claudio Baraldi e Vittorio lervese (a ... 1.1 giovani di origine straniera nella letteratura sociologica europea di Paola Rebughini 1. Tradizioni diverse ... ai giovani di origine straniera, che paesi di più antica immigrazione hanno accumulato ...
The aim of this introductory article is to shed light on the complexities and ambiguities of the definitions, uses, and categorizations of what is termed ‘racism' or alternatively, in a more flexible and protean manner,... more
The aim of this introductory article is to shed light on the complexities and ambiguities of the definitions, uses, and categorizations of what is termed ‘racism' or alternatively, in a more flexible and protean manner, ‘othering'. However, while racism and otherness have been forged within the history of modernity, coloniality and capitalism, the current concreteness and linguistic use of these notions is a matter of discussion also within post-colonial societies and emerging geo-powers. Communities of people who have struggled against western discriminations in the past are today faced with similar problems within their societies due to the inter-twining among local and distinctive forms of inequality, segregation, and othering. Keywords: difference; globalization; othering; racism.
Gli anni seguenti alla crisi economica del 2008 hanno avuto un impatto profondo sulla vita dei giovani europei, in particolare degli italiani, soprattutto per coloro che si sono affacciati in questi anni al mercato del lavoro o che vi... more
Gli anni seguenti alla crisi economica del 2008 hanno avuto un impatto profondo sulla vita dei giovani europei, in particolare degli italiani, soprattutto per coloro che si sono affacciati in questi anni al mercato del lavoro o che vi erano appena entrati. Da questo punto di vista i giovani sembrano tra gli attori pi\uf9 interessanti da interpellare in una esplorazione delle trasformazioni sociali suscitate dalla crisi. I giovani italiani si sono infatti trovati a fare i conti con la necessit\ue0 di sperimentare nuovi modi di vivere in anni cruciali del proprio percorso biografico in un contesto in cui, per molti di loro, i modelli di adultit\ue0 ereditati dalle precedenti generazioni non rappresentano pi\uf9 un\u2019alternativa percorribile. In questo quadro, la discussione del presente capitolo ruota attorno a due interrogativi, che si intersecano nella riflessione sui processi di individualizzazione nella societ\ue0 del rischio (Beck 1999) e nel capitalismo flessibile (Sennet 1999) attraverso cui le ripercussioni della crisi del 2008 possono essere lette come accelerazioni di processi di trasformazione di pi\uf9 lungo corso. In primo luogo, ci si interrogher\ue0 sui modi in cui i giovani ricostruiscono il proprio percorso collocandolo o meno nell\u2019esperienza generazionale del diventare adulti nel contesto della crisi
Il volume presenta i risultati di due ricerche realizzate tra il 2006 e il 2008 relativamente ai rapporti familiari e alle pratiche di consumo tra i giovani con genitori stranieri.The book presents the data of a research on foreign second... more
Il volume presenta i risultati di due ricerche realizzate tra il 2006 e il 2008 relativamente ai rapporti familiari e alle pratiche di consumo tra i giovani con genitori stranieri.The book presents the data of a research on foreign second generation youth and their ability to cope with a not inclusive country such as the Italian one. It describes the ambivalences and difficulties of rebuilding a relationships with parents after a long separation
In the context of a society where digital technologies have come to pervasively intermediate most social, cultural and economic processes, algorithms represent an important socio-technical component of ‘the social’. Unsurprisingly,... more
In the context of a society where digital technologies have come to pervasively intermediate most social, cultural and economic processes, algorithms represent an important socio-technical component of ‘the social’. Unsurprisingly, algorithms also hold an important role in the formation of public opinion. The way people access news and informational content, thus forming their political and social views, is now largely mediated by social media platforms. Their algorithms represent new types of gatekeepers that contribute in decisive ways to shape individual and collective access to information. In this literature review, we discuss the most relevant research concurring to the existence of what we define as an 'algorithmic public opinion', from an interdisciplinary perspective that brings together the sociology of media, critical algorithm studies and information design.
Zusammenfassung: Der Aufsatz untersucht die Erfahrungen von Trennung und Wiedervereinigung von Kindern und gewanderten Müttern in Italien anhand der Analyse von 32 qualitativen Interviews, durchgeführt mit Heranwachsenden, die zu... more
Zusammenfassung: Der Aufsatz untersucht die Erfahrungen von Trennung und Wiedervereinigung von Kindern und gewanderten Müttern in Italien anhand der Analyse von 32 qualitativen Interviews, durchgeführt mit Heranwachsenden, die zu unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten ihres Lebens wieder mit ihren Müttern vereint wurden. Wir zeigen, dass internationale Migration die Ursache ist, dass Kinder mehrfach Veränderungen in der Zusammensetzung ihrer familiären Bindungen ausgesetzt sind, die aus der räumlichen Trennung und Wiedervereinigung resultieren, von der diese Bindungen abhängig sind. Die Art, in der Kinder diese Wechsel interpretieren und sich ihnen anpassen, hängt von Faktoren wie dem Zeitpunkt des familiären Wanderungsprozesses und der Häufi gkeit transnationaler Familienpraktiken ab, die von den mehr oder weniger abrupten Unterbrechungen des Familienlebens nach der Abreise der Mutter und des Kindes beeinfl usst werden.
Covid-19 affects different social groups in unequal ways: from the older to the younger, from more (MD, nurses and manual worker in the tertiary sector) to less dangerous jobs Economic conditions affect sanitary and poverty risks across... more
Covid-19 affects different social groups in unequal ways: from the older to the younger, from more (MD, nurses and manual worker in the tertiary sector) to less dangerous jobs Economic conditions affect sanitary and poverty risks across fragile social groups, revealing a strong correlation between economic and health conditions The social consequences of Covid are extremely serious and socially stratified: young people, irregular migrants, working mothers and poor children which had to handle everyday life in extreme economic, social, housing and cultural malaise © 2020 Societa Editrice il Mulino All rights reserved
This paper deals with the transformation that new technologies, in particular the Internet, have brought about in interpersonal relationships, especially in gender relationships and those between adults and children, between people that... more
This paper deals with the transformation that new technologies, in particular the Internet, have brought about in interpersonal relationships, especially in gender relationships and those between adults and children, between people that live in countries where technology is widespread and accessible, countries where technology is not so wide spread, and countries where technology is used among other things to economically exploit extremely weak bodies, who are easily blackmailed, often unlawfully used, and traded to consumers who are found thousands miles away. The use of new technologies, in particular that of the Internet, not only discriminates between who can afford to use it and who cannot, the difference of gender, level of education, possibility of access, etc., as the debate on the digital divide, has clearly brought to light (Sartori, 2006), but can become an instrument of exploitation and violence towards the weakest group, for those that through poverty and ignorance are ...
Abstract For almost 10 years there has been talk of the economic crisis affecting the European area, with more evident effects in the Mediterranean countries. Yet the expression ‘economic crisis’ has become too wide and blurred to be... more
Abstract For almost 10 years there has been talk of the economic crisis affecting the European area, with more evident effects in the Mediterranean countries. Yet the expression ‘economic crisis’ has become too wide and blurred to be useful for describing how the current socio-economic conjuncture is affecting different categories of young people in different ways. Precariousness and reduced job opportunities, with their consequences for social mobility, constitute only the more explicit and raw evidence of the lived experience of the crisis among young people. Although families remain the all-solving institution, the consequences of the crisis are diversified according to the economic, cultural and social capital of each individual, to gender and generation position, and to subjective and contextualized perceptions. This article presents research conducted to investigate how young people living in the urban area of Milan locate, react, readapt and reinvent themselves in the present economic context by analysing their aspirations, expectations and practices. We develop a comparative analysis of the main structural bias (gender, education, social class position) in order to shed light on the effects and perceptions of the crisis among young people in the city of Milan.
Vengono presentati alcuni risultati di una ricerca etnografica svolta a Milano che consente di cogliere la rilevanza di un'analisi dello spazio, del tempo e più in generale del ruolo degli oggetti materiali per una lettura delle... more
Vengono presentati alcuni risultati di una ricerca etnografica svolta a Milano che consente di cogliere la rilevanza di un'analisi dello spazio, del tempo e più in generale del ruolo degli oggetti materiali per una lettura delle interazioni sociali, ci si propone di mettere in luce le ...
L’articolo mostra la complessita dell’attuale crisi economico-finanziaria e suggerisce l’utilita di una prospettiva intersezionale per cogliere la variabilita dei suoi effetti nella vita dei giovani italiani. Particolare attenzione e data... more
L’articolo mostra la complessita dell’attuale crisi economico-finanziaria e suggerisce l’utilita di una prospettiva intersezionale per cogliere la variabilita dei suoi effetti nella vita dei giovani italiani. Particolare attenzione e data alla posizione di generazione e alle conseguenze del particolare intreccio di genere, capitale culturale e background etnico. Analizzando la condizione dei giovani dentro la crisi, risulta infatti evidente che le tradizionali dimensioni ‘strutturali’ (come genere, classe, background etnico, capitale culturale e sociale, la diversa collocazione territoriale, ecc.), seppure ancora centrali nel determinare gli effetti della crisi nei percorsi individuali, non si rivelano pienamente utili se considerate in modo isolato. E il loro specifico intreccio che produce distinte configurazioni di opportunita e vincoli in cui si manifesta concretamente la capacita di azione individuale e collettiva.
Research Interests:
The paper intends to present some preliminary results of a research we are carrying out in Italy to investigate the impact of social transformations, spawned by the 2008 financial crisis, on young people and their working conditions. The... more
The paper intends to present some preliminary results of a research we are carrying out in Italy to investigate the impact of social transformations, spawned by the 2008 financial crisis, on young people and their working conditions. The research's main goal is to highlight, thanks to the methodological tools of sociology, not only the crisis' possible outcomes but also how social actors cope with the new situation adopting best practices. Specifically, we concentrate on the changes in the everyday life's routines, in the consumption practices, in the capability of viewing and planning the future, in the relational models adopted, in the emergence of newforms of identification and belonging. The main goal is to highlight paths, critical points, tactics and strategies adopted to cope with the economic crisis. The research will also point out the impact of the crisis on every day practices, on the methods of planning for the future, on the interpersonal relationships. The ...
È universalmente noto che la ricerca delle cause sociali del sui-cidio ha dato origine a uno dei più classici e controversi dibattiti nella storia della sociologia. Non può quindi non suscitare interesse il recente denso volume che Marzio... more
È universalmente noto che la ricerca delle cause sociali del sui-cidio ha dato origine a uno dei più classici e controversi dibattiti nella storia della sociologia. Non può quindi non suscitare interesse il recente denso volume che Marzio barbagli ha coraggiosamente dedicato ...
Perchè?; Per chi?; Contro chi? : Tre diversi punti di vista sul suicidio / L. Leonini. - In: Rassegna italiana di sociologia. - ISSN 0486-0349. - 50:4(2009 Dec), pp. 690-695. ... There are no files associated with this item. ... Items in... more
Perchè?; Per chi?; Contro chi? : Tre diversi punti di vista sul suicidio / L. Leonini. - In: Rassegna italiana di sociologia. - ISSN 0486-0349. - 50:4(2009 Dec), pp. 690-695. ... There are no files associated with this item. ... Items in AIR are protected by copyright, with all rights ...
Il volume Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social Sciences (CHA), a cura di James Mahoney e Dietrich Rueschemeyer, è uno dei più recenti contributi ad una discussione metodo-logica ed epistemologica che da alcuni anni si sta... more
Il volume Comparative Historical Analysis in the Social Sciences (CHA), a cura di James Mahoney e Dietrich Rueschemeyer, è uno dei più recenti contributi ad una discussione metodo-logica ed epistemologica che da alcuni anni si sta svolgendo nelle scienze sociali (soprattutto ...
The article discusses the future of the second and third generations in Italy by developing a generational perspective. Through the adoption of a constructionist theoretical approach, informed by works on globalization and the new social... more
The article discusses the future of the second and third generations in Italy by developing a generational perspective. Through the adoption of a constructionist theoretical approach, informed by works on globalization and the new social movements, it advances beyond the limits of theories ...
Gli scambi tra familiari non sono paragonabili a quelli di mercato, caratterizzati dall'impersonalità delle relazioni e dal valore monetario, ma a ciò che da Mauss in poi viene definita l'economia del dono in cui ciò che si dà –... more
Gli scambi tra familiari non sono paragonabili a quelli di mercato, caratterizzati dall'impersonalità delle relazioni e dal valore monetario, ma a ciò che da Mauss in poi viene definita l'economia del dono in cui ciò che si dà – sia che si tratti di prestazioni, prestiti, cura, ecc. – non è ...
To cite this article: Enzo Colombo Enzo Colombo is Professor in Social and Political Studies at the University of Milan , Luisa Leonini Luisa Leonini is Professor in Social and Political Studies at the University of Milan & Paola... more
To cite this article: Enzo Colombo Enzo Colombo is Professor in Social and Political Studies at the University of Milan , Luisa Leonini Luisa Leonini is Professor in Social and Political Studies at the University of Milan & Paola Rebughini Paola Rebughini is Professor in Social and ...

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