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The onset of a global pandemic has put contemporary social life on a stand still. People’s movements have been constrained due to border closures, travel restrictions, and lockdowns. As a result, many people have increasingly relied on... more
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      Mobility/MobilitiesDigital MediaFacebookMigration Studies
Migration is experienced not only by individuals who migrate, but also by their family members that remain at home. While previous research on origin communities has focused primarily on the economic impacts of remittances, this study... more
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    • Transnational Families
By their very nature, transnational family constitute an elusive phenomenon - spatially dispersed and seemingly capable of unending social mutation. Their ability to reconstitute and redefine themselves over time contingent on spatial... more
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      Social NetworksGlobalizationTransnationalismMigration Studies
Número 11, enero-junio, segunda época. México: PCSH / DCSH / UAM-Cuajimalpa. 194 págs. Dossier “Tránsitos migrantes: actores, trayectorias e interseccionalidad en realidades precarias” Coords. Mónica Patricia Toledo González Daniel... more
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      International MigrationMigration policiesTransnational FamiliesMigraciones Internacionales
This article proposes a conceptual framework for studying remittances as social transactions that can take a number of different forms. For the past three decades, the dominant framework for understanding remittance relationships has been... more
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      Economic SociologyTransnationalismEconomic AnthropologyInternational Migration
The notion of ‘transnational families’ emerged at the beginning of the 21st century to designate in particular “families that live some or most of the time separated from each other, yet hold together and create something that can be seen... more
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      Family studiesWellbeingTransnational FamiliesTransnational migration and caregiving
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      Educational ResearchRomanian StudiesMigration StudiesTransnational migration
Public discourse on Asian parenting tends to fixate on ethnic culture as a static value set, disguising the fluidity and diversity of Chinese parenting. Such stereotypes also fail to account for the challenges of raising children in a... more
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      GlobalizationAsian American StudiesImmigrationMigration
As transnational social networks expand, people increasingly form intimate relationships with partners from a different sociocultural background. While intercultural intimate relationships are not a new phenomenon, they have attracted... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationInterracial FamiliesIntermarriagesCultural Differences
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      SociologySociology of FamiliesFamily studiesChildren and Families
This article is concerned with the impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) on Filipina transnational mothers’ experience of motherhood, their practices of mothering and, ultimately, their identities as mothers. Drawing... more
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      TransnationalismDigital MediaMigrationTransnational Families
In the Philippines, more than 10% of the total Filipino population is working overseas in order to provide a better future for their families. While the purpose of parental migration is for financial stability, the compositional change in... more
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      CommunicationRecreation & Leisure StudiesMigrationLeisure Studies
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      Gender StudiesParentingTransnational migrationTransnational Families
À côté des études, en France, sur le plurilinguisme des familles de migrants et des travaux internationaux sur les politiques linguistiques familiales, cette thèse s’intéresse aux pratiques langagières intergénérationnelles de familles... more
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      Contact LinguisticsMultilingualismSociolinguisticsArabic Language and Linguistics
Transnational families, while not new, are a rapidly increasing family form. Moreover, they challenge our traditional methodological and theoretical conceptualisations of family life. The dramatic increase in mobility and the revolution... more
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      Family Caregivers/CarersICTTransnational migrationMigration policies
Drawing on ethnographic field studies of youth on the transnational move, across Seoul, Toronto, and Vancouver, this book examines transnational flows of Korean youth and their digital media practices. This book explores how digital... more
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      Transnational migrationTransnational FamiliesKorean WaveSocial Media and Youth
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      Migrant labourUkraineRomaniaMigrant Domestic Workers
An entire generation of children, adolescents and young adults has been caught in the crucible of increasing criminalization of immigrants coupled with neoliberal globalization policies in Mexico and the United States. These are first-... more
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      Immigration StudiesImmigration LawMigration StudiesCitizenship
In this article, we introduce the key themes of our Special Issue on "Transnational care: families confronting borders". Central to this collection is the question of how family relations and solidarities are impacted by the current... more
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      Mobility/MobilitiesRefugee StudiesInternational MigrationTransnational Families
"Smuggling far from constitutes a crime of the powerful: [to echo Scott], it is instead a tool of the weak. It is a practice primarily carried out by people from disenfranchised groups, who oftentimes lack not only ties to organized crime... more
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      SociologyCriminologyLatin American StudiesCriminal Law
In one of the first volumes to address social work practice with this emergent and often marginalized population, practitioners and scholars specializing in transnational issues develop a framework for transnational social work practice.... more
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      Critical TheorySociologySocial ChangeSocial Movements
¿Cómo podemos pensar las interfaces entre las migraciones internacionales y la protección social en un mundo marcado por una división internacional de riesgos y protecciones y por una combinación entre la transnacionalización de la vida... more
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      GlobalizationTransnationalismMigrationSocial Protection
Seamen’s wives know absence very well. Their lives are striated by it. Based on interviews with seamen’s wives conducted in Ilocos Norte, this article investigates the communicative practices obtaining amid absence and separation, and the... more
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      Feminist SociologyGender StudiesCommunicationMedia Studies
A moving ethnographic account of the transnational caregiving experiences and practices of migrants and refugees who live in Australia, with their parents in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and New Zealand. This timely work contributes rich... more
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    • Transnational Families
Current Dutch family migration policies are among the most restrictive in the European Union. (Groenendijk et al 2007b) From the 1990s onwards, the conditions for admission and stay of foreign family members in the Netherlands have... more
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      Immigration And Integration In EuropeMigration StudiesInternational Migration and Immigration PolicyTransnational Families
As global social networks expand, couples are increasingly comprised of partners from divergent sociocultural backgrounds (e.g. Piller, 2007; Dervin, 2013). This unfolding trend inspires research into complex identification processes in... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociolinguisticsCultural IdentityCultural hybridity
Este artículo tiene tres partes, en la primera pasamos revista a las migraciones entre Europa y América Latina desde una perspectiva de larga duración destacando las incidencias de la globalización en el aumento de las desigualdades entre... more
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      Southern EuropeLatin American MigrationEconomic CrisisTransnational Families
This chapter investigates the cumulative consequences of new communication technologies for the phenomenon of migration. Drawing on a seven year long comparative and multi-sited ethnography of long-distance communication within Filipino... more
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      Transnational FamiliesInformation and Communication Technologies and MigrationPolymediaSocial Media and Migration
Abrego, Leisy. 2009. “Rethinking El Salvador’s Transnational Families.” Special Issue “A New Day in El Salvador: The FMLN Victory and the Road Ahead.” NACLA Report on the Americas 42(6). Available online at: https://nacla.org/node/6225
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      El SalvadorTransnational Families
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      International MigrationChinese Diaspora (Migration and Ethnicity)Migration StudiesTransnational Families
As a result of the dominance of highly individualised, economistic and gendered analyses of migration and globalisation processes, family life has often been relegated to the 'back stage' of research on globalisation and migration.... more
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      FamilyTransnational migrationTransnational Families
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      Economic DevelopmentUndocumented ImmigrationTransnational FamiliesLeft-Behind Children
This piece teases out the links between this special issue's key themes regarding performance and citizenship and the distinct realities of transitional democracies. This article looks at mobile media access in the Philippines and the... more
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      Digital DivideGlobalizationDigital MediaMobile Media
This paper introduces a special issue on "Migration and ICTs: ‘being together’ and ‘co-presence’ in transnational family life"
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      Migration StudiesNew Communication TechnologiesTransnational migrationTransnational Families
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      SociologyLatin American StudiesFamily studiesTransnationalism
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      French HistoryNobilityTransnational Familieslate medieval and early modern history of European nobility and courts
This article examines the practices of ‘flexible kinship’ used by Chinese migrants in colonial Tahiti. ‘Flexible kinship’ draws attention to the strategic uses that are made of kinship in the context of migration and diaspora: the... more
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      AnthropologyFamily studiesChinese StudiesPacific Island Studies
The existing scholarship on middle and upper-class East Asian transnational families accompanying their children to English-speaking countries has mainly focused on long-term transnational migration pattern. However, we know less about... more
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      Japanese StudiesGender StudiesFamilyTransnational migration
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      Psychological AnthropologyTransnational Families
""The article explores the experiences of separation and reunification undergone by the children of migrant mothers in Italy by analysing 32 qualitative interviews conducted with adolescents who had rejoined their mothers at different... more
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      Sociology of FamiliesImmigrant childrenImmigrant youthTransnational Families
In this essay, Joanna Dreby, Sarah Gallo, Florencia Silveira, and Melissa Adams-Corral use a transnational frame to explore the meanings of US citizenship for binational children and its importance to experiences of belonging. Drawing on... more
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      Border StudiesCritical PedagogyElementary EducationMexico
Family history can be seen to be comprised of both told and untold stories and sentiments related to them, all of which affect family members. Drawing on interviews conducted with immigrants from the former Soviet Union living in Finland... more
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      FolkloreAnthropology of MobilitySilenceEthnology
A pesar del creciente interés que ha suscitado el estudio de los procesos de migración internacional desde una perspectiva de género, la mayoría de los estudios solamente describe la migración de hombres y mujeres por separado sin tener... more
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      MigrationGenderTransnational Families
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      Islamic LawFamily LawPrivate International LawLaw and Religion
Transnational connections, social capital and networks, and family considerations which are found to be central in migrants’ lives and decisions in relation to migration and settlement may not be sufficient for migrant retention when some... more
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      Transnational FamiliesPolitics in Atlantic CanadaImmigration and Integration of Newcomers in Canada
This article centres on the interaction between transnational families, the global labour market and migration policies of receiving nation-states. Transnational families act as hubs of migration decision-making, directed towards... more
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      Gender StudiesDevelopment StudiesGlobalizationMobility/Mobilities
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    • Transnational Families
In southern China, small-scale factory owners have forged cross-cultural collaborations with transnational brokers, suitcase traders and subcontracted agents, to create the cross-border partnerships that comprise the transnational supply... more
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      EntrepreneurshipKinship (Anthropology)MigrationGender
Scholarship on transnational families has regularly examined remittances that adults abroad send to children in their country of origin. This paper illuminates another permutation of these processes: family members in Senegal who... more
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      African Diaspora StudiesSocial MediaAnthropology of KinshipSenegal