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2014 5th IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT Europe), October 12-15, Istanbul 1 Scope of Electrical Distribution System Architecture considering the integration of Renewable Energy in large and small scale Ana Cabrera Tobar, Hasan Ul Banna, Cosmin Koch-Ciobotaru Electrical Engineering Department Technical University of Catalunya Spain a.cabreratobar.2012@ieee.org Abstract.- Although numerous proposals for electrical and communication topologies for distribution automation had been presented, not all of them are suitable for the use of renewable energy as a source of electricity. Selecting the most appropriate topology requires good knowledge of the particular characteristics and requirements. This paper presents the analysis of the basic characteristics, topologies and the main functions of the distribution network and evaluates the communication architecture suitable for a sustainable energy resources integration. Finally, recommendations for a new architecture are presented as well as for the communication to use. Keywords— distribution automation; communication; smart grids, IEC61850, renewable energy, smart grids, microgrid. I. INTRODUCTION In recent years, the integration of renewable energy systems (RES) in the grid is the new trend of research on electrical power systems. The addition of this new technology has the potential to solve problems associated to ecological and economic constraints as the CO2 emissions and the fossil fuels’ costs [1-3]. It reduces the dependency with other countries on energy matters and its political disputes. Using RES, in the electrical grid, is an attractive option; however it presents challenges with respect to its practical design and implementation for several reasons. First, the intermittent behavior of renewable energy can cause a problem on the use of energy according to the demand [3-5]. Commonly, the energy was produced according the user needs, but now this is almost impossible to accomplish due to the energy availability. Thus, storage systems are added to its installations [6-8], but they are the second challenge on RES integration. Until now there is any storage system which is capable to save large amount of energies for a reasonable amount of time with a small size and price. Third, the integration requires advanced power converters [9-10] as well of specific control algorithms for frequency synchronization, voltage/var control, protection, fault detection, isolation and reconfiguration [11-16]. The technology is still in development and more research is necessary to have a good performance. Another challenge is the automation of large power plants and interaction of different RES, deployed on different scales, based on communication standards. Because of the appearance of RES in the system, is difficult to automate the generation together with the demand due to the energy availability. Therefore, new communication tools, and architecture are necessaries to automate the system. Though there are more challenges, availability of energy, storage, control algorithms, power electronics, automation technology and communication are the basic to overcome. The automation of the new architecture depends on IT technology’s optimization [12-13]. The distribution system must be aware of the demand and the external data to improve the efficiency of the grid to approach the renewable energy and to permit the reduction of cost for the consumer [17-19]. The exchange of data and information regarding weather, load, and generation forecasting is a requirement for an automated grid together with price optimization according the user’s comfort [20]. The IT technology must also be aware of the estimation, prediction and the modelling of the different systems and variables of the grid. The proper functionality of the new architecture depends on IT infrastructure, thus different protocols should be studied for its use with renewable energy components. The remaining of this paper is structured as follows: section II explains the topology and functions of the new grid. It compares the existing trends and chooses the most suitable architectures for RES integration. In section III, the communication tools are presented to link the parts of the network. In section IV there is a suggestion of a new architecture with a particular idea of communication. In section V, conclusions and future work are presented. II. RES INTEGRATION The existing electricity grid considers four basic stages: generation, transmission, distribution and the final consumer. The generation considers large power plants-coal, natural gas, nuclear or thermal energy- which is transmitted through power 978-1-4799-7720-8/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 2 lines at high voltages until the substations. Then, the energy is distributed to the consumers. Each of the stages plays specific roles to permit the flow of energy from the generation until the consumer. The grid can be studied by three main characteristics; control, monitoring, and information. Their purpose is specifically to permit generation of energy according to present demand at real time. The grid mostly is monitored for protection, fault detection, isolation and reconfiguration purpose. The communication technology is used to monitor data as voltage, current, power developed at the distribution station and the generation power plant. In this scenario the consumer plays a passive role because it does not receive or send any information [20]. However, the need for renewable energy as source of electricity changes the topology and functions of todays’ grid. The four stages -generation, transmission-distribution, consumer- suffer of transformation with the addition of several parts like renewable energy sources at different points of the grid and storage systems [1214],[21]. The generation will not only consist in power plants based on conventional energy, it also considers the inclusion of large power plants based on photovoltaic panels or wind turbines according to [4],[22-23]. Other proposals studied the idea to include large and medium power plants next to the distribution substation [21],[24]. Smaller plants can also be attached to the consumer -home, neighborhoods, buildings, commercial zones [25-26]- depending of the source availability and the country policies. The idea is to have a distributed generation (DGs) based on renewable energy sources around the grid. The addition of DG must consider overcoming the variability of solar or wind energy to supply the demand when the user needs. The production of energy depends on the weather state –clouds, temperature, irradiation, wind speed- and not on the demand [4], [11-15]. Thus the new topology must consider storage systems to supply energy to the consumer when is need it. The change of topology develops new roles and functions of the parts involve. The basic changes are in control, monitoring and information technology. The transmission and distribution system must have an intelligent control to manage the energy regarding its flow and balance of energy according some constraints related to production of energy and demand management [11-16]. The consumer, who changes to be “prosumer” [20], can know the information of the grid and be an active part of the electrical system. The accomplishment of these new functions for transmission, distribution and consumer must have an adequate information technology together with its communication (ITC) [12-15], [27-28]. The research on topology and its functions, defined at different levels of interaction, are part of the new trend of investigation. Many projects have been done to develop test beds to apply different control algorithms, monitoring systems and information technology. The next section analyzes existing electrical systems with renewable energy sources according their topology and functionality. A. Comparison of existing systems The importance of renewable energy sources linked to the electrical grid has permitted some attempts to improve its automation by the proposal and implementation of new architectures with appropriate control, monitoring and information technologies. 1) Topology There are two main cases: integration of large power plants at the generation, and the use of DGs in different points of the grid. The insertion of large power plants in the generation stage is studied in [29-31]. The main characteristic is the use of wide areas to locate photovoltaic panels and wind turbines to generate power from 50 MW until the value of GW. This concentration of energy presents some pros and cons. a) Advantages. It is closest to locations with high presence of renewable energy as solar and wind power. The transmission line is shorter and thus the losses are less. b) Disadvantages; the high penetration of RES at the generation have some problems related to the electrical system, the technology, maintenance, cost and environmental effects. The electrical system suffers of instability, unbalance, frequency problems, and lack of storage, high losses and more [32]. The technology as photovoltaic panels, storage, and power converters presents low efficiency, big size, and are still in research stage for improvement and better performance [33]. The maintenance work depends on the weather conditions and the technology used. Snow, dusty, rain, higher temperature, and strong winds can damage the system. Thus regularly maintenance is necessary. The costs are related to the use of land, the size of the system, the technology, the maintenance and the physical structure for settlement. In the other hand, the use of DG distributed in different points of the grid is detailed in some projects [34-40]. They can overcome the disadvantages of larger power plants. Medium and low power plants, located as close as possible to the main user, have some advantages and disadvantages. a) Advantages, the power losses at the transmission line are reduced. The storage systems have a better performance and are suitable for smaller DGs. The size of the components is smaller making it easy to install and to maintain. The initial and operational costs are reduced due to the installation equipment, structure, maintenance, and size. b) Disadvantages, many DGs in the electrical grid can damage its balance and stability due to the variability of weather and load conditions. The complex control algorithm tools help to overcome these problems and optimize the management of energy. Because of the difficulty to develop large power plants with renewable energy, many projects have considered the location of DGs in different points of the electrical grid as the best topology, creating microgrids. It is a small network that has 3 the corresponding DG, the group of loads, and the storage [41]. This microsystem can be connected or disconnected from the grid. The number of loads, type of storage system, or technology used depends on the designer and the user needs. Nowadays, the research is focused on the development of the microgrids as a test bed for new topologies and functions [42], [43]. The integration of DGs linked with storage closed to the user is proposed in ongoing projects. The use of photovoltaic panels is considered in [31], [34-37]. Hybrid energy considering wind turbines, photovoltaic panels and fuel cells is studied in [38-45]. On these projects the loads considered are buildings, houses, commercial loads, factories, and controlled and non-controlled loads. 2) Functions Due to RES integration with the existing network, the main functions regarding the control, monitoring and information technology change a) Control. The new topology developed in many research projects considers the intelligent control divided in two main areas: power functions and energy management. Power functions consists in the control of power flow, balance of energy, voltage/var, active and reactive power, frequency [35, 40], and reduction of harmonics, conversion of energy [35-37], and outage control [41]. Meanwhile, the energy management focuses on load and energy scheduling [40]-[46], control of the storage system [49] according spot price [46-47], user’s comfort [48-49], and weather conditions [48-51]. The energy management can have two types of control: i) decentralized [35-37], or ii) centralized [35], [40], [38-39], for an adequate Distribution System Operation considering home and building energy management [52]. b) Monitoring; The microgrids monitor and transmits values of voltages, current, power, and frequency to the controller by the use of smart meters [35-40]. These intelligent electronic devices have two ways of communications for general purposes on the control function. Nicegrid [33-37] uses an existing advanced metering interface called Linky which provides specific information from the load and the electrical system. c) ITC. The information technology considers the use and management of data which can be displayed by graphical user’s interface [53]. It uses computational intelligence for data management, analysis and modelling. The data management considers the estimation and prediction [54] of load behavior, weather conditions, generation production, and CO2 emissions. Machine learning [55-57], neural network techniques [58-59], pattern recognition [35], multiagent based [52] and others are utilized for estimation and prediction. The transmission of data and control signals are sent according the communication infrastructure. The standards that can be used on this type of topology are: IEC61850, IEC60870, IEC60364, IEC6357, IEC69850 for substations, RES and storage management. The IEC60364, IEC62746 are used at home and building energy management together with Zigbee and IEEE802.31 [27], [60]. The topology and functions of different architectures around the world has been described. However a comparative analysis of ongoing projects is necessary to do to get the best approach. B. Competitive architecture and communication technology. There are several projects which can be analyzed according their network components, architecture, and ITC features. These are used as base of the new proposal architecture. The projects to study are SEDMS [35], IREC’s microgrid [38-39], MG-EMS[38], and NiceGrid [35-37]. The network components present similar characteristics. They include storage system; DGs based on photovoltaic panels, and loads as heating and cooling system for buildings and homes with the respective smart metering system. Though some similarities can be found among these projects, SEDMS and IREC’s presents the inclusion of electrical vehicles as part of the load, so the requirements of control and energy management could be different. IREC’s microgrid presents also the use of emulators to simulate a group of photovoltaic panels, storage system and the load. A complete network must considerer all the components presented on these projects to do an adequate algorithm of control and then the architecture can be studied. The architecture developed in these examples is based on microgrid concept with a centralized management (SEDMS, MG-EMS, and IREC). This centralized management receives the information of smart metering and external data to manage the system. However, a better scope is introduced by Nice Grid. This is focused in the decentralized management of the load and it goes from the smaller user until the complete system with different tasks and complexity. This structure helps to have a reliable system with high efficiency on energy management. The architecture however also depends on the protocol used. IREC’s microgrids use IEC 61850 which permits the development of communication architecture to link the different parts of the distribution system. The standard applicability could extend its functions for a distributed management of the electrical system with the presence of renewable energy. The difference among these projects is due to IT technology and the communication used. The computing tools are basically used for prediction of load and market behavior, as well for generation forecasting. This data helps to do the energy management and scheduling of the load. Also the IT technology is focused on flow control (SEDMS), voltage (Nice Grid), active and reactive power (MG-EMS and IREC’s microgrid). Moreover, the communication among the parts commonly is via wireless and wired using different protocols. For instance Zig bee (SEDMS) is a protocol dedicated to home energy management, and for substation the standard used is IEC61850 as described at IREC’s project. Many protocols can be used to communicate the parts of the electrical system; however IEC61850 is a common standard for distribution 4 automation. From the comparison, the present work will propose a new architecture with communication based on IEC 61850. The integration of RES in the electrical grid must consider the appropriate architecture, its components and the IT used for a reliable system with good efficiency and performance. The details of the standards and the proposed system are in the following sections. III. COMMUNICATION BASED ON IEC61850 The integration of renewable energy in the electrical system is challenging due to communication system as part of the distribution automation. Commonly, the standard IEC61850 has broadly used by substation to automate the electrical distribution of energy within equipment prepared to accept the flow of energy in one sense, or the protection system according the natural behavior of the grid. However, due to intermittency of RES as solar energy and the need of storage, the automation of the system could be more complicated. The standard IEC 61850 is based in three main characteristics. The first is the architecture which offers the three layers of communication from the process level until the station of control through a bay layer within control units. The process level is composed by smart metering and actuators. The bay level has equipment to take the analogical data to convert it to digital and transmit to the next level. The station layer consists on a graphical user interface (GUI) plus a supervisor control of the data and its management [61-65]. The information transmitted among the layers includes system information, physical device characteristics, metered values, controllable data, status information and settings. The transmission of this information is done into a single package through the use of the object oriented model using the different layers. This is the second characteristic. Besides the layers and the modelling, the mode of communication is another important characteristic of the standard (Fig. 1). Basically, IEC 61850 defines different modes of communication; Client/server, and peer to peer communication. The first type is developed between station controller and the IED’s of the system. This vertical communication is operated by GOOSE (Generic object oriented substation events) or by manufacturing message services (MMS). GOOSE is used for high- priority information and MMS permits read, write and report information considering the constraints by the standard. The second type of communication, peer to peer, exchanges information between IED’s. This is done by GOOSE and SV (sample values).The sample values transmit the data as current and voltage from the sensors. These messages types could be applied in different control situations. GOOSE and SV messages are suitable for protection and fault detection; meanwhile MMS are useful for energy and outage management [62], [63]. The use of the standard to operate and to control smart electrical systems within photovoltaic energy presents many challenges. Figure 1 Communication modes (IEC61850). Therefore is necessary to study the complete scenario which is a group of microgrids, connections, protections, faults, energy management, load’s and weather conditions. Because of so many components, simulation tools are necessary. The simulation leads to understand and to analyze the complete system. Some other challenges could present during the development of the research. Nevertheless, some solutions should be found and linked wisely with the actual standard. IV. SUGGESTED NETWORK The study cases, detailed before, gave an overview about the architecture of the grid with renewable energy distributed on different points of the network. From the analysis done, a new network can be proposed considering the architecture, IT technology and communication. The general architecture of the grid considers a distributed generation in each part of the electrical system based on photovoltaic panels. Thus, the new network will have the following parts, generation, transmission, gen-distribution and gen-consumer, Fig. 2. The first part, generation, shall considerer renewable energy sources and fossil fuels as power source. The power will be transmitted in AC voltage until the next point. Then, the gendistribution consists in three main functions, generation, storages and power distribution. The generation considers medium size DGs with its own storage. Besides, the system implements an independent storage system, to save energy according two constraints; price and CO2 emissions. Then the power is distributed to consumers, however, they also can generate power through the use of small DG (gen-consumer), which can be installed in the roof of houses, buildings or in a space of land of a neighbourhood with their respectively storage system. The gen-consumer side is divided in five different scenarios (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5), grouping each neighbourhood and commercial loads according to similar characteristics. 5 Figure 2. New electrical grid with the insertion of renewable energy. This dramatic change of electrical architecture should contemplate other alterations, for instance, this new network considers a distributed management (Fig. 3). Every home and building has its energy management (HEM/BEM) which controls the appliances schedule according the user’s comfort, power availability, and price. The DG, photovoltaic panels, also has a box management (PVM). The storage system, which can be located at any part, also contains its box management (STM). Each of the zones will be managed according to its behaviour characteristics and constraints. This control box is nominated as gen-consumer management (GCM). To determine the adequate distribution of energy to all the zones according price, availability and ecological restrictions a gen-consumer system operation management must be developed (GCOM). This should communicate its decisions, requirements and data to the distribution system operation management (DSOM). Its duty is the management of power from the grid, medium DG plants and storage system according to the restrictions of the network. Every box management must accomplish specific requirements according the input data and the system constraints. The creation of this network will develop some possible scenarios. The first scenario (S1) shows a low DGs integration. It has a neighbourhood with its own DG and storage system. The second scenario (S2) is a medium DGs integration. This has a neighbourhood in which each of the houses has its own DGs, this is based on solar panels with its own storage. A building is also in this scenario, with its own DG and storage system as well. The third scenario (S3) is a large DGs integration in a neighbourhood. Each of the houses has its own DG and storage system. There is also a DG for the entire neighbourhood with its storage. The neighbourhood has another storage system to have the possibility of save power at better condition from the grid, other neighbourhoods, or from the same scenario. The fourth and fifth scenarios are dedicated to a high penetration of DG and especial loads as electrical vehicles. The fourth scenario (S4) consists in a complete neighbourhood. Each of the houses has its own DG. The neighbourhood also has its own DG with its storage. A load is added, it is a plug in hybrid electrical vehicle (PHEV). It is assumed that each house has its PHEV. Then, the fifth scenario (S5) considers a commercial zone. It has a business building with its own DG and storage system. Besides, it has a parking space with charging points for PHEV with its DG and storage equipment. The general new architecture need of IT technology and computing tools to link the different management boxes and the scenarios. The IT technology is based on the optimization of consumption of energy. This control of the different scenarios and the parts involve must use optimization algorithms to accomplish the requirements as user’s comfort, lower price, lower CO2 emission and RES availability. Moreover, the complete algorithm not only should work for a specific scenario, it also should be capable to control any other scenario. So, the algorithm must adjust itself according any change suffered at the network. Thus, learning characteristics must be part of the control algorithm. This is the main difference with other networks proposed. The communication among the different equipment of the grid is done according IEC 61850. The functions of DSOM, GCOM and the corresponding GCM are similar to a substation, thus the applicability of the standard is feasible. Each of them has IEDs as the smart metering and the corresponding actuators in the process level, then the control unit and management of the information received is done in the bay level. Finally DSOM, GCOM, GCM will have a physical station with a GUI in which the data is managed and stored and it provides a visual interface of the corresponding system. Each of these “substations” will have a corresponding function and complexity and thus the type of messages will vary. 6 Figure 3. Decentralized management and its components. GOOSE and SV are considered for crucial information as fault detection, problems in the network, blackouts. Meanwhile, MMS is used for management functions. So, the proposed grid has IEC61850 as the main protocol to communicate the parts, the modes of communication chosen is according to the operation of the system. The new network proposed look for a feasible solution for the integration of renewable energy as source of electricity. The architecture of the network changes and therefore new components are necessary with a specific function. The automation of the network depends broadly of the IT technology as well of the communication. The network considers a new mathematical tool as the learning machine techniques. Moreover, the communication architecture is based on the standard IEC61850. It permits the transmission of important data from the different levels for an accurate automation and energy management. V. corresponding network and management system. The automation is mainly based on the communication tools and the control algorithms to have a good performance with efficient use of energy. Currently, the development of this network has been divided in several stages to be accomplished in ten years. At the moment real time simulation is investigated to perform the basic system with only one group of loads. Furthermore, the control algorithms, and prediction tools are also been developed to automate the distribution system. At the end control machine techniques must be implemented on the overall system for a smart automation of the parts involve. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work is supported by National Secretariat of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation of Ecuador (SENESCYT). Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the host institutions or funders. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK The paper is focused in the architecture, IT technology and communication for the automation of distribution network with RES. The analysis of four different cases is done in which the decentralized management proposed by Nice Grid is attractive and challenging. Moreover, the use of IEC61850 in IREC’s microgrid develops a communication architecture which can be explored with a decentralized management. Then, a critical analysis of the standard is done for the application in an electrical grid with the insertion of DGs. The main contribution of this paper is the presentation of a new network system to be automated according the integration of DG. A new architecture and IT technology is proposed based on the standard IEC61850, which should be adapted to the REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Electricity Networks Strategy Group. “Smarter Grids: The Opportunity.” Technical report, Department of Energy & Climate Change UK, 2009. K. Deffeyes. “Hubbert’s peak, the impeding world oil shortage.” . Oxford. Princeton University Press. 2009 L. Hongkai, X. 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