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sustainability Article Examined in Theory—Applicable in Practice: Potentials of Sustainable Industrial Heritage Conservation in a Contemporary Context—The Case of Belgrade Marko Nikolić , Jelena Šćekić * , Boško Drobnjak and Ena Takač Faculty of Arhitecture, University of Belgrade, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 73/II, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia; marko@arh.bg.ac.rs (M.N.); drobnjak.b@arh.bg.ac.rs (B.D.); takac.e@arh.bg.ac.rs (E.T.) * Correspondence: jelena.scekic@arh.bg.ac.rs Abstract: The industrial heritage of the city of Belgrade is the focus of this research, which highlights the possibilities of preserving industrial heritage from the perspective of a contemporary context and sustainable development. Guided by theoretical principles on the preservation of cultural and industrial heritage, their values, authenticity and spirit of place, as well as the idea of the necessity of integrating industrial heritage into the contemporary context, this paper aims to examine the possibilities for the preservation of industrial heritage following theoretically established principles, with the introduction of new uses and sustainable solutions. The analysis of the case studies of Belgrade’s industrial heritage presented in this paper results from research conducted by the teachers, associates and students of the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture. The research focuses on the possibilities of translating the principles of preserving cultural and industrial heritage from their theoretical definition to practical application. The students’ conceptual solutions for protection, revitalisation and presentation of the analysed case studies represent the research results. An im- portant aspect of this paper is defining the criteria for valorising students’ conceptual solutions, which are aligned with the principles of preserving cultural heritage and establishing sustainable development. The valorisation of students’ conceptual solutions through a defined set of criteria indicates real possibilities for the simultaneous preservation of all the values of industrial heritage and its transformation into a social, ecological and economic resource of the contemporary city. Citation: Nikolić, M.; Šćekić, J.; Drobnjak, B.; Takač, E. Examined in Keywords: principles of heritage preservation; industrial heritage; values; authenticity; the spirit of Theory—Applicable in Practice: place; integration; contemporary context; sustainable development; criteria for valorisation Potentials of Sustainable Industrial Heritage Conservation in a Contemporary Context—The Case of Belgrade. Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16072820 1. Introduction Academic Editor: Humberto Varum Even though industrial heritage is the focus of this research paper, in order to better understand its values, principles of preservation and the possibility of its integration in Received: 25 January 2024 accordance with the contemporary context and sustainable development, it is necessary Revised: 2 March 2024 to first look at the meaning and significance of cultural heritage within which industrial Accepted: 21 March 2024 heritage is a typology. The phenomenon of cultural heritage and the development of ideas Published: 28 March 2024 concerning the importance of its preservation began in the 19th century, with the works of authors from the field of conservation theory, among whom William Morris’s The Manifesto of The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings and The Seven Lamps of Architecture Copyright: © 2024 by the authors. from John Ruskin stand out [1,2]. A special contribution to the preservation of cultural Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. heritage as a testimony to future generations was provided by Alois Riegl, emphasising This article is an open access article that “a monument is a work of man erected for the specific purpose of keeping particular distributed under the terms and human deeds or destinies (or a complex accumulation thereof) alive and present in the conditions of the Creative Commons consciousness of future generations” [3] (p. 69). However, the development of the cultural Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// heritage preservation field at a global level began in the 20th century after the Second World creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ War, with the establishment of internationally recognised organisations aimed precisely at 4.0/). the study of world heritage. Among them are the International Council on Monuments Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16072820 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 2 of 36 and Sites (ICOMOS), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Center for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), Council of Europe, which the author Nikolić points out in his research [4]. The documents verified by these organisations provided important definitions of the term heritage and a set of principles for its preservation, which are still relevant and indispensable starting points for heritage research. Also, globally recognised charters, declarations, conventions and recommendations represent an attempt to translate the theoretical thought about the importance of cultural heritage preservation into its practical application in the process of cultural heritage restoration in the contemporary context. The analysis of the most important documents in the continuation of this paper gives us a better insight into the definition of heritage and its values. It also points to essential principles of heritage preservation and possibilities for their implementation in practice. 1.1. Cultural Heritage and the Analysis of Relevant Documents With the First International Congress of Architects and Technicians of Historic Monu- ments held in Athens in 1931, general principles in the field of cultural heritage preservation related to the protection of monuments were set. Through the so-called Carta del Restauro adopted in 1931, seven main resolutions were defined, the implementation of which would be crucial for developing the field of cultural heritage preservation in the 20th century. The Athens Charter from 1931 became the driving force for the formation of international organ- isations in the field of cultural heritage preservation (Paragraph I), defining appropriate measures for the protection of cultural heritage through the application of conservation and restoration (Paragraphs II, IV, V), but also for the consideration of the importance of preserving cultural heritage from the global to the local level (Paragraph III, VI, VII) [5]. On the other hand, only with the verification of The Venice Charter in 1964 was a more ex- plicit coverage of cultural heritage given through the definition of the historic monuments (Article 1) and guidelines for their preservation through the application of conservation (Articles 4–8) and restoration (Articles 9–13) [6]. The importance of viewing “ancient mon- uments as a common heritage” [6] (p. 1) and their preservation “for future generations” [6] (p. 1) is particularly emphasised, which indicates not only cultural–historical, architectural or aesthetic monument values, but also human values as equally important. However, the first definition that directly determines the scope of cultural heritage was given in the Con- vention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage framework in 1972. According to the Convention, the existence of cultural and natural heritage was recognised, and within the framework of cultural heritage, monuments, groups of buildings and sites were defined [7] (Article 1). Given that the Convention made the first division of heritage into cultural and natural, as well as that “the outstanding universal value” [7] (Articles 1–2) is highlighted within the definitions of the scope of these categories of heritage, the question of the value of cultural heritage and its relationship with the natural environment was raised. The question of value becomes the focus of further research in the field of cultural heritage preservation and the adoption of internationally recognised documents. 1.1.1. Cultural Heritage and the Question of Its Values Within the Recommendation considering the safeguarding and contemporary role of historic areas, defined in 1976, in addition to the recognised cultural, social, architectural and historic values of cultural heritage, the importance of property value and market/rental value is highlighted [8] (Paragraphs 12, 33, 38). Recognising these typologies of values raises the issue of integrating and using cultural heritage in the contemporary context in a way that responds to the needs of the local community and the place where it is located. The Burra Charter, verified in 1979, is particularly important for understanding the value of cultural heritage and its significance, within which “cultural significance means aesthetic, historic, scientific, social or spiritual value for past, present or future generations” [9] (Article 1). In its later version from 2013, in addition to those mentioned above, it is emphasised that Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 3 of 36 cultural significance is “embodied in the place itself, its fabric, setting, use, associations, meanings, records, related places and related objects” [10] (Article 1, Paragraph 1.2). The importance of cultural heritage understood in this way indicates the necessity of preserving all its values, which are not only related to the protection of tangible aspects of cultural heritage but also of intangible ones, connected with people. That cultural heritage is inseparable from people is also confirmed through the Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe from 1985, within which the importance of fostering “public awareness of the value of conserving the architectural heritage” is indicated [11] (Article 15, Paragraph 1) through appropriate education and the promotion of cultural heritage values. However, the official recognition of intangible aspects of cultural heritage at the global level was achieved only in 2003, with the verification of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. According to the definition, the intangible cultural her- itage “means the practices, representations, expressions, knowledge, skills—as well as the instruments, objects, artefacts and cultural spaces associated therewith—that communities, groups and, in some cases, individuals recognise as part of their cultural heritage” [12] (Article 2, Paragraph 1). Within the framework of the Convention, the changeability of intangible cultural heritage is particularly emphasised, which is conditioned by the context in which it exists and the people who modify it over time; also, the importance of preserving and passing on intangible cultural heritage to future generations as part of their identity is highlighted. The great importance of the Convention is reflected in the definition of a set of guidelines for the preservation of intangible cultural heritage at the local and international levels, as well as through highlighting the education and participation of local communities, groups and individuals in the processes of preservation of intangible cultural heritage [12] (Paragraphs 11–18). The inclusion of local communities in the processes of preserving cul- tural heritage is the focus of the Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society from 2005, which also recognises a particular type of community—“heritage community” [13] (Article 2, Paragraph b)—aimed at nurturing the values of cultural heritage and preserving them for future generations. Although the previously presented documents indicate the complexity of the cultural heritage phenomenon, its values, the relationship between cultural heritage, context and people, the most comprehensive interpretation of cultural heritage is provided within The Québec Declaration on the Preservation of the Spirit of the Place, verified in 2008. Through the definition of the spirit of the place “as the tangible (buildings, sites, landscapes, routes, objects) and the intangible elements (memories, narratives, written documents, rituals, festivals, traditional knowledge, values, textures, colors, odors, etc.), that is to say, the physical and the spiritual elements that give meaning, value, emotion and mystery to place” [14] (p. 2), it is possible to see cultural heritage as a set of tangible and intangible elements that are in a dynamic relationship of change with the environment in which they are located and with the people who modify them over time. By defining the spirit of the place, a step forward in the interpretation of the cultural heritage was encouraged, from the previous static material remnant of the past towards a “living” dynamic and changing cultural heritage that should be an integral part of the context in which it is located, and that should reflect the values of the time in which it exists. 1.1.2. Cultural Heritage and the Question of Its Authenticity A change in the interpretation of cultural heritage from static to dynamic, i.e., change- able over time, raised the question of understanding its authenticity. The concept of authenticity was defined in 1994 in The Nara Document on Authenticity, based on the premise that preserving cultural heritage implies preserving all its values throughout the various periods of its duration. Special focus is on relevance, i.e., the authenticity of the source of information, of which the study enables learning about the cultural heritage and its values. In this regard, authenticity is interpreted “as the essential qualifying factor concerning values” [15] (Paragraph 10). Defined in this way, the notion of authenticity becomes the determinant by which a monument, group of objects or site is determined as cultural Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 4 of 36 heritage. In the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention from 2005, a list of information sources was established to determine the authenticity of cultural heritage [16] (Paragraph 82). Jokilehto et al., in their study from 2008, further developed this list into “three main headings: (a) creative-artistic authenticity, (b) historical- material authenticity, and (c) social-cultural authenticity” [17] (p. 43). The fulfilment of the aforementioned authenticity criteria implies the preservation of the authenticity of the material, form and purpose of cultural heritage, as the author Nikolić points out in his work [4]. Studying the authenticity of cultural heritage is also significant in determining “the outstanding universal value of the cultural heritage”, based on which a particular monu- ment, group of objects or site qualifies for Unesco’s World Heritage List [18], thus confirming their global importance. Although the definition of the term “the outstanding universal value” is missing, it is interpreted, like the authenticity of cultural heritage, through a set of six criteria that are used to analyse the following: exceptional artistic or aesthetic achievement, excellence in witnessing a vanished civilisation or a civilisation in develop- ment, excellence in construction and technical–technological achievements, excellence in the presentation of lifestyles, beliefs, ideas, as well as excellence in the exchange of human values [19]. Like cultural heritage, the criteria for determining “the outstanding universal value” are conditioned by the context in which the cultural heritage is located; they are dynamic and have undergone certain modifications over time, as shown in the work of the author Vahtikari [20]. In addition to the concept of authenticity, integrity plays an important role in re- searching cultural heritage and its values. It represents “a measure of the wholeness and intactness of the natural and/or cultural heritage and its attributes” [16] (Paragraph 88). Concerning the concept of authenticity, which fosters the preservation of all values of cultural heritage created in different historical periods of its duration, the definition of the concept of integrity is often interpreted as the preservation of the original state of cultural heritage, which does not represent its adequate understanding. In contrast, the concept of integrity should be seen as “a measure of the wholeness and intactness of the elements that together form a reference for its importance” [21] (p. 15). While the concept of authenticity is related to the credibility of the source of information about the cultural heritage that needs to be preserved, the concept of integrity indicates the credibility of the cultural heritage in situ. Viewed in this way, the notions of authenticity and integrity of cultural heritage are complementary, with the common goal of shedding light on the credibility of cultural heritage over time by studying available sources of information and searching for their tangible and intangible fragments in space. Research on the authenticity and integrity of cultural heritage is a prerequisite for preserving its tangible and intangible values, but also for considering the possibility of integrating cultural heritage into the contemporary context, precisely through the sustainable conservation, presentation and promotion of its values. 1.1.3. Cultural Heritage and the Question of Its Sustainable Conservation The development of the concepts of cultural tourism, cultural landscape and cultural routes at the beginning of the 20th century represents a consequence of the search for an integral and sustainable model of protection, presentation and promotion of cultural heritage in the contemporary context. The leading idea of these concepts is the perception of cultural heritage in a broader spatial, natural, cultural–historical and social context and the preservation of all aspects that participate in forming cultural heritage and its environment. Within the framework of the International Cultural Tourism Charter Managing Tourism at Places of Heritage Significance, verified in 1999, a special focus is directed at the potential of using tourism in areas with heritage values, emphasising the importance of interactions between visitors and the host community [22]. On the other hand, the Charter indicates that poorly managed tourism can threaten cultural heritage, host communities’ lifestyles and the visitor’s experience of the place. Therefore, the Charter emphasises the application using tourism in areas with heritage values, emphasising the importance of interactions Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 between visitors and the host community [22]. On the other hand, the Charter indicates 5 of 36 that poorly managed tourism can threaten cultural heritage, host communities’ lifestyles and the visitor’s experience of the place. Therefore, the Charter emphasises the application of cultural of cultural tourism, tourism, in in which which the the focus focus isisononlearning learningabout aboutother othercultures, cultures,customs, customs, local local population’s lifestyle and the values of the places visited, based population’s lifestyle and the values of the places visited, based on which it is possible to on which it is possible to improve the quality of life of the local community and the economic improve the quality of life of the local community and the economic status of the place. status of the place. Theneed The needfor forthe thesustainable sustainableconservation conservation of of cultural cultural heritage heritage andand its its environment environmentwas was also confirmed through the verification of the Landscape Convention also confirmed through the verification of the Landscape Convention in 2000, within which in 2000, within which culturalheritage cultural heritageofficially officiallybegan begantotobebe interpreted interpreted within within thethe framework framework of aofbroader a broader nat- natural ural context and human activity [23]. The term landscape context and human activity [23]. The term landscape is seen as “an area, as perceived is seen as “an area, as perceived by people, by people, whose whose character character is is the the result resultof ofthetheaction actionand andinteraction interactionofofnatural naturaland/or and/or human factors” (Article 1, Paragraph a) [23], and cultural heritage human factors” (Article 1, Paragraph a) [23], and cultural heritage is an integral part of is an integral part of it. it. Sustainable landscape Sustainable landscape management managementincludes includesthe theintegral integralpreservation preservation of of all all constituents constituents of of the cultural the cultural landscape, landscape, through through theirtheir appropriate appropriate and and unified unified protection, protection, presentation presentation and and promotion aligned promotion aligned with social, economic and and environmental environmentalprocesses. processes. In the In thecontext contextof ofcultural culturalheritage’s heritage’s sustainable sustainable conservation, conservation, the the concept concept of of cultural cultural routes, within which the principles of cultural tourism routes, within which the principles of cultural tourism and cultural landscape and cultural landscape are united, united, stoodout. stood out.By Byverifying verifyingThe TheICOMOS ICOMOSCharter Charteronon Cultural Cultural Routes Routes in 2008 in 2008 [24], [24], the the phenome- phenomenon non of theof the cultural cultural route isroute seen as is aseen as a spatial–program spatial–program link between linkdifferent between different cultur- cultural–historical, al–historical, natural natural and social and social aspects aspects that make upthat themake tangibleup the andtangible intangibleandvalues intangible of a values place andof a within place andwhich cultural within which heritage cultural constitutes its essential heritage constitutes itsintegral essential part. Particularly integral notewor- part. Particularly thy are “context, noteworthy content,content, are “context, cross-cultural significance cross-cultural as a whole, significance dynamic as a whole, character, dynamic and character, setting” [24] (pp. 3–4) as key elements of the cultural route of and setting” [24] (p. 3–4) as key elements of the cultural route of which adequate protec- which adequate protection, presentation tion, presentation and promotion and promotion enable the establishment enable the establishment of sustainable development of sustainable development of all of constitutive all constitutive elements elements of the of thecultural cultural route, route, including includingcultural culturalheritage. heritage.The Thepreviously previously analysed analysed topics topics in in the the field field ofof cultural cultural heritage heritage preservation, preservation, with a focus focus on on its its values, values, authenticity authenticity and sustainability, are summarised summarised in in Figure Figure1.1. Figure 1. The Figure Themain mainthemes themesofofdocuments documents related to cultural related heritage to cultural sustainable heritage conservation sustainable (pro- conservation vided by authors: (provided Nikolić by authors: M., Šćekić Nikolić J., Drobnjak M., Šćekić B. and J., Drobnjak B.Takač E.). E.). and Takač 1.2. 1.2. Industrial Industrial Heritage Heritage and and the the Analysis Analysis ofof Relevant RelevantDocuments Documents The The previously presented documents in the field previously presented documents in the field of ofcultural culturalheritage heritagepreservation preservation point point to the development of ideas about cultural heritage in the 20th century, to the development of ideas about cultural heritage in the 20th century, initiated initiated by by the Athens Charter in 1931. Although cultural heritage research at the global the Athens Charter in 1931. Although cultural heritage research at the global level covers level coversa aperiod periodofof almost almost a century, a century, certain certain typologies typologies of cultural of cultural heritage, heritage, such such as industrial as industrial herit- heritage, have been unjustifiably neglected for a long time. The actualisation age, have been unjustifiably neglected for a long time. The actualisation of the issue of the of the issue of the position position of industrial of industrial heritageheritage as a typology as a typology of cultural of cultural heritageheritage thatenjoy that should should enjoy a certain adegree certainofdegree of protection, presentation and promotion begins with protection, presentation and promotion begins with the Council of Europe’s the Council of Europe’s Recommendation No. R (87) 24 from 1987 and Recommendation No. Recommendation No. R (87) 24 from 1987 and Recommendation No. R (90) 20 from 1990 [25,26]. R (90) 20 from 1990 [25,26]. While the first Recommendation emphasises the need to regenerate indus- trial cities as former carriers of economic development, the Recommendation from 1990 officially recognises the importance of industrial heritage as an integral part of Europe’s cultural heritage. Further development of reflection on industrial heritage was encour- aged by the establishment of The International Committee for the Conservation of the Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 6 of 36 Industrial Heritage (TICCIH) in 1999. Formed with the aim “of promoting and advanc- ing the education and international cooperation of people in safeguarding, conserving, investigating, documenting and researching all aspects of the industrial heritage in the world” [27] (p. 1), TICCIH is the leading organisation in industrial heritage research and the main initiator for improving its condition in a contemporary context. To date, the most significant document in the field of industrial heritage preservation, verified by TICCIH in 2003, is The Nizhny Tagil Charter for the Industrial Heritage [28]. The Charter recognises the influence of the Industrial Revolution, which changed the way of life globally in the 18th and 19th centuries. Former industrial complexes, methods of production, machines, but also the natural environment and cities within which production facilities were located are beginning to be seen as cultural–historical and technical–technological testimonies of a significant period of time for all of humanity. The Charter provided the first def- inition of industrial heritage, which consists “of buildings and machinery, workshops, mills and factories, mines and sites for processing and refining, warehouses and stores, places where energy is generated, transmitted and used, transport and all its infrastructure, as well as places used for social activities related to industry such as housing, religious worship or education” [28] (p. 2). The particular importance of The Nizhny Tagil Charter refers to defining a set of guidelines for approaching industrial heritage in practice, its analysis, protection, presentation, promotion, adequate regeneration and integration into the contemporary context. These guidelines were improved through the document Joint ICOMOS—TICCIH Principles for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage Sites, Structures, Areas and Landscapes, verified in 2011. The so-called Dublin Principles include four key categories of principles through which industrial heritage research is approached in practice, and they refer to the following: documenting and understanding industrial heritage (Paragraphs 3–5); protecting and conserving industrial heritage in an effective way (Paragraphs 6–9); conserving and maintaining industrial heritage (Paragraphs 10–12); and presenting and communicating industrial heritage dimensions and values to raise public and corporate awareness and support training and research (Paragraphs 13–14) [29]. The Dublin Principles, together with The Nizhny Tagil Charter, represent today’s current and indispensable docu- ments in the research of industrial heritage and the possibility of its integration into the contemporary context. However, these documents tend to overlook the protection of movable industrial heritage, including industrial machines and transport vehicles. On the other hand, impor- tant documents dealing with the preservation of movable industrial heritage are The Turin Charter, The Barcelona Charter and The Riga Charter [30–32], focused on preserving historic vehicles [30], ships [31] and railroad vehicles [32]. They emphasise the need to develop recommendations and principles for preserving specific movable industrial heritage typolo- gies. Their inclusion in the process of industrial heritage preservation in practice, alongside the previously mentioned Nizhny Tagil Charter and Dublin Principles, is the prerequisite for the sustainable conservation of industrial heritage. 1.2.1. Industrial Heritage and the Question of Its Values As with other types of cultural heritage, an important aspect of studying industrial heritage is related to the analysis of its values. Once again, the importance of The Nizhny Tagil Charter is confirmed, within which typologies of industrial heritage values were de- fined for the first time, including historical, technological, social, architectural and scientific value [28] (p. 2). These values are seen through the tangible remains of the industrial heritage (objects, their architectural and constructive elements, machines), that indicate the former way of production, technical–technological achievements, spatial–program organisation and purpose, as well as through the intangible remains of the industrial heritage that are related to its cultural–historical and social significance. Given that they include a set of tangible and intangible values that reflect not only the characteristics of the material remains that we call industrial heritage but also their relationship with the space Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 7 of 36 and people over time, the understanding of industrial heritage values is directly taken from the preservation of cultural heritage and its values [8–14]. 1.2.2. Industrial Heritage and the Question of Its Authenticity In addition to the previously highlighted values of industrial heritage, an important aspect of its preservation relates to its authenticity and integrity. The understanding of the concepts of authenticity and integrity of industrial heritage is directly taken from previ- ously verified documents in cultural heritage preservation [4,15–17,21]. Within The Nizhny Tagil Charter, the question of preserving the authenticity and integrity of the industrial heritage is considered in the context of the introduction of new interventions and the reuse of the industrial heritage in relation to contemporary needs and the context in which it is located [28] (p. 4). In particular, the importance of adequate conservation and presentation of authentic machines and other components of industrial complexes that indicate the former way of their use and their purpose [28] (p. 5) is highlighted. On the other hand, within The Dublin Principles, it is emphasised that “legal recognition, adequate conservation and management” ensure the preservation of the authenticity and integrity of the industrial heritage [29] (Paragraph 7). However, to determine what is adequate in preserving indus- trial heritage, its authenticity and integrity, it is first necessary to understand its values. It is precisely the analysis of recognised typologies of the value of industrial heritage that constitutes a prerequisite for preserving the authenticity and integrity of industrial heritage in the process of its restoration and integration into the contemporary context. 1.2.3. Industrial Heritage and the Question of Its Sustainable Conservation In addition to the recognised need for the preservation of industrial heritage as an important typology of cultural heritage, with a particular emphasis on the protection of value, authenticity and integrity, the question of its sustainable conservation is brought up to date. The issue of sustainability in preserving industrial heritage is encouraged by numerous documents verified by the United Nations, which, at the global level, consider the issue of climate change and the establishment of sustainable models to improve the quality of life. Among them, the most comprehensive and globally influential is The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted in 2015 [33]. The 2030 Agenda contains the principles of previously verified documents, among which Agenda 21 from 1992, The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development from 1992 and The Resolution from the World Summit on Sustainable Development from 2002 are of particular importance [34–36]. The importance of The 2030 Agenda is reflected in the recognition of “people, planet, prosperity, peace, partnership” [33] (p. 2) as crucial to improving the quality of life at a global level. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals were defined, through which the most important aspects for improving the quality of life and establishing sustainable development were highlighted and included within the three dimensions of sustainability: economic, ecological and social. In the context of preserving cultural heritage as part of the built environment, goals 11 and 12, which promote sustainable cities and communities, as well as responsible consumption and production, are particularly noteworthy. However, as we approach the year 2030, it can be seen that the goals set within the Agenda have not been fully achieved. As a consequence of that, but also of the changed way of life after the COVID-19 pandemic, another initiative is being launched in 2020: The World in 2050, focusing on innovative solutions for establishing sustainability [37]. In addition to the Agenda, another document, the Davos Declaration, indicates the importance of establishing sustainable development. However, the specificity of the Davos Declaration, verified in 2018, is reflected in the emphasis on “the central role of culture in the built environment” [38] (p. 10) and the improvement of the quality of the built environment, precisely, through the use of culture. Consequently, the verification of the Davos Declaration officially recognised the possibilities of using heritage as a phenomenon that contains elements of culture and the built environment, with the aim of improving the quality of the built environment. Like the previously defined 17 Sustainable Development Goals, eight criteria for a high-quality Baukultur were defined Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 8 of 36 based on the Davos Declaration: governance, functionality, environment, economy, diversity, context, sense of place and beauty [39]. Bearing in mind the inclusion of the cultural and industrial heritage values, the definition of authenticity and integrity, as well as the goals of the concepts of cultural tourism, landscapes and routes that were presented in the previous part of this paper, the eight criteria of Baukultur can easily be connected with the already-defined principles in the field of cultural and industrial heritage preservation. On the other hand, the official recognition of the potential of using industrial heritage as an economic, ecological and social resource for establishing sustainable development and improving the quality of the environment began in 2001, with the adoption of The Declaration of Duisburg [40]. In addition to indicating the importance of industrial heritage as a part of collective identity, the Declaration indicates that “the sustainable development of our industrial heritage helps to secure the economic and social regeneration of munic- ipalities” [40] (p. 1). A special contribution of the Declaration refers to the promotion of the project The European Route of Industrial Heritage (ERIH) [41], which aims to apply the principles of the concept of cultural routes in the domain of European industrial heritage. The ERIH aims to network, at the regional and international levels, the most significant examples of industrial heritage, the so-called Anchor Points, all through the formation of the main cultural route as a starting point for the subsequent development of other industrial routes. Moreover, the ERIH recognises and applies the principles of cultural tourism as “an effective mechanism for economic regeneration, embracing social, cultural and intellectual benefits” [41] (p. 3). The applicability of the concepts of cultural routes in the sustainable conservation of industrial heritage was also recognised in the Asian context by verifying the Taipei Declaration for Asian Industrial Heritage in 2012 [42]. Within this document, the importance of “both national and trans-national industrial heritage” was recognised, with a particular focus on the importance of “the future cooperation between Asian countries to promote the conservation of them” by establishing “an Asian network for industrial heritage” [42] (Article XI). The later-verified Resolution 1924 [43] from 2013, in addition to confirming the importance of establishing industrial routes, promotes the importance of implementing the cultural landscape principle and the value of industrial heritage for society. Thanks to Resolution 1924, the question of the relationship between cultural, i.e., in- dustrial heritage, people and the ambiguous (spatial, natural, cultural–historical and social context in which it is located) was actualised. In this regard, there is a need for an integral and sustainable conservation of industrial heritage through the process of its reuse in the contemporary context and way of life, while at the same time respecting all its values, authenticity and integrity. The so-called reuse concept is also recognised in the previously presented documents from the field of industrial heritage preservation [28,29,42,43]. How- ever, it gets a marked expansion within its application, in the processes of industrial heritage preservation in practice. The term “reuse” itself means “to use again, especially after sal- vaging or special treatment or processing” [44], which indicates a kind of transformation process that something undergoes for its own survival. In the context of industrial heritage reuse, the transformation must be controlled and clearly predetermined while respecting all the previously presented cultural and industrial heritage preservation principles. In order to achieve this, another one is highlighted: the concept of adaptive reuse, which encourages finding a suitable new purpose that will simultaneously respond to the needs of contemporary society and the context, but also be harmonised with the values of the industrial heritage. This understanding of the concept of adaptive reuse in the context of heritage preservation is also promoted in the work of Bottero et al. [45], in which the authors point out that “the expected outcome is not only the protection of the building, but the preservation of its historical and heritage significance” [45] (p. 2). The concept of adaptive reuse has become the focus of numerous studies aimed at sustainable solutions for heritage preservation, which include both review papers, as well as case studies of the application of this concept in practice [45–51]. Through research, various methods for applying this concept in practice, aspects that should be included, and the level of success cance” [45] (p. 2). The concept of adaptive reuse has become the focus of numerous Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 studies aimed at sustainable solutions for heritage preservation, which include both re- 9 of 36 view papers, as well as case studies of the application of this concept in practice [45–51]. Through research, various methods for applying this concept in practice, aspects that should be included, and the level of success of the concept to simultaneously comply of the concept to simultaneously comply with all the principles of heritage preservation, with all the principles of heritage preservation, realise its sustainable potential and con- realise its sustainable potential and contribute to its integration into the contemporary tribute to its integration into the contemporary context are emphasised. The concept of context are emphasised. The concept of adaptive use is indirectly supported by the Dublin adaptive use is indirectly supported by the Dublin Principles, which indicate that “ap- Principles, which indicate that “appropriate original or alternative and adaptive use is the propriate original or alternative and adaptive use is the most frequent way and often the most frequent way and often the most sustainable way of ensuring the conservation of most sustainable way of ensuring the conservation of industrial heritage sites or struc- industrial heritage sites or structures” [29] (p. 5). Also, it emphasises the need for the tures” [29] (p. 5). Also, it emphasises the need for the engagement of experts in the in- engagement of experts in the industrial heritage’s protection to preserve its significance dustrial heritage’s protection to preserve its significance through new uses. Moreover, through new uses. Moreover, successfully applying the adaptive reuse concept in practice successfully applying the adaptive reuse concept in practice requires the participation of requires the participation of the local community and all interested parties throughout the the local community and all interested parties throughout the entire process. Because of entire process. Because of that, research into applying the adaptive reuse concept in prac- that, research into applying the adaptive reuse concept in practice focuses on promoting tice focuses on promoting the importance of stakeholder participation. Relevant experts the importance of stakeholder participation. Relevant experts conduct surveys and in- conduct surveys and interviews terviews with stakeholders, withlocal i.e., the stakeholders, community, i.e.,government the local community, and other government interested and other interested parties, to understand contemporary society’s parties, to understand contemporary society’s needs, perception and understanding of needs, perception and understanding industrial heritage of industrial heritage [51–53]. [51–53]. Through Through contemporary contemporary society’s society’sinto direct inclusion direct thein- clusion into the adaptive reuse process, it is possible to recognise their adaptive reuse process, it is possible to recognise their needs and respond to them. It isneeds and respond to them. It possible byisintroducing possible by new, introducing compatiblenew,uses compatible in spaces uses in spaces with heritagewith heritage values whilevalues re- while respecting all the principles of preserving industrial heritage and specting all the principles of preserving industrial heritage and the concept of sustaina- the concept of sustainability. In this bility. In this way, way, industrial former former industrial complexes complexes and monuments and monuments of technical of technical cultureculture can can be actively used and integrated into a contemporary context, be actively used and integrated into a contemporary context, following the needs following the needs of of a a contemporary society. The previously analysed topics in the field of preservation contemporary society. The previously analysed topics in the field of preservation of in- of indus- trial heritage, dustrial withwith heritage, a focus on its a focus onvalues, authenticity its values, and and authenticity sustainability, are summarised sustainability, are summa- in Figure rised in2.Figure 2. Figure 2. Figure 2. The Themain mainthemes themesin documents in documents related to industrial related heritage to industrial sustainable heritage conservation sustainable (pro- conservation vided by authors: Nikolić M., Šćekić J., Drobnjak B. and Takač E.). (provided by authors: Nikolić M., Šćekić J., Drobnjak B. and Takač E.). 1.3. 1.3. The Main Themes Themes in inIndustrial IndustrialHeritage HeritageSustainable SustainableConservation Conservation Based on the the analysis analysisof ofrelevant relevantdocuments documentsininthe thefield fieldofofpreservation preservation of of cultural cultural andand industrial heritage, which industrial heritage, whichwaswascarried carriedout outininthe theprevious previouspart partofof this this paper, paper, it is it is observed observed that that the issues of of preservation preservationof ofvalue valueand andauthenticity authenticityrepresent representanan unavoidable unavoidable aspect aspect in in the the research research of ofany anytypology typologyofofheritage, heritage,including includingindustrial. industrial.On Onthe theother otherhand, hand, stimulated stimu- by latedtheby concept of sustainability, the concept the scope of sustainability, of heritage the scope preservation of heritage preservationgoesgoes fromfromthe domain the do- of main of protection protection of materialof remains, material remains, through through the the protection, protection, presentationpresentation and promo- and promotion of all its tion of and values all itsauthenticity, values and authenticity, until findinguntil finding a model for aitsmodel integralfor and its integral and sustainable sustainable preservation. preservation. In this context,Inthethispotential context, of theindustrial potential heritage of industrial as a heritage suitable as a suitable starting pointstarting point for examining for sustainable its examining its sustainable in conservation conservation practice wasin practice was particularly particularly highlighted.highlighted. It is, first ofIt all, is, a consequence of the characteristics of former industrial complexes, which often included large spatial capacities that enabled the introduction of different contents and purposes through the process of industrial heritage’s adaptive reuse. Based on the above-mentioned, it can be observed that in the process of sustainable conservation of industrial heritage, the following themes are distinguished: • Industrial heritage values; first of all, a consequence of the characteristics of former industrial complexes, which of included large spatial capacities that enabled the introduction of different contents a Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 purposes through the process of industrial heritage’s adaptive reuse. Based on 10 of 36 above-mentioned, it can be observed that in the process of sustainable conservation of dustrial heritage, the following themes are distinguished: • Industrial heritage values; • Industrial heritage authenticity; • Industrial heritage authenticity; • Industrial heritage sustainability. • Industrial heritage sustainability. They are processed They are optimally, processedrespecting optimally, allrespecting relevant documents all relevant and principles documents andpre- principles p cisely throughcisely the concept of industrial heritage’s adaptive reuse (Figure 3). This concept, through the concept of industrial heritage’s adaptive reuse (Figure 3). This conce in addition to in respecting addition to industrial heritage respecting values industrial and authenticity, heritage is characterised values and authenticity, by is characterised the success of the transforming industrial heritage from the status of an isolated monument success of transforming industrial heritage from the status of an isolated monum of technical culture to theculture of technical statustoofthe living statusheritage of livingthat formsthat heritage an forms integral an part of con- integral part of conte temporary lifeporary and responds to the needs of contemporary man, making the industrial life and responds to the needs of contemporary man, making the industrial h heritage sustainable. itage sustainable. Figure 3. Translating Figure the main themes 3. Translating from themes the main culturalfrom to industrial cultural toheritage industrial(provided by authors: heritage (provided by authors: kolić Nikolić M., Šćekić J., M., Šćekić J., Drobnjak B. Drobnjak and TakačB.E.). and Takač E.). This research This research paper considerspaper theconsiders the issue ofconservation issue of sustainable sustainable conservation of industrialofher-industrial h itage through itage through of the potential theapplying potential the of applying concept oftheitsconcept adaptive of reuse. its adaptive Through reuse. Through c case studies of the studies of the industrial industrial heritage heritage of the ofBelgrade, city of the city of which Belgrade, which currently currently does notdoes enjoynot enjoy status of protection, the status of adequate adequate protection, presentationpresentation and promotion and promotion and isdevastated, and is largely largely devastated, possibilities the possibilities of their and of their integral integral and sustainable sustainable conservation conservation through through the introduction of n the introduction uses while of new uses while respecting respecting the principle the principle of preserving of preserving thethe value value and and authenticityof authenticity of the ind the industrial heritage, are considered. This research paper focuses on the possibility of translat trial heritage, are considered. This research paper focuses on the possibility of theoreticallypromoted translating theoretically promotedprinciples principles and and concepts concepts of sustainable sustainable conservation conservationof indust heritageinto of industrial heritage into their their practical practical application, application,using usingthe thecase casestudies studiesof of Belgrade’s Belgrade’s industrial h itage as a research industrial heritage research site. site. An An important importantaspect aspectofofthe theresearch researchrelates relatestotothe thedefinition definition of methodology and criteria for the valorisation of the results presented in Sec- tion 2., which directly resulted from the analysed principles and concepts of sustainable conservation of industrial heritage. The research was conducted through the development of students’ conceptual solutions for the revitalisation of selected case studies of the in- dustrial heritage of the city of Belgrade, which became a representation of its alternative future, analysed in detail in Section 3., later valorised through Section 4. of this paper. Also, the presentation of the history and development of the industrial heritage of the city of Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 11 of 36 Belgrade as an important and unjustifiably neglected typology of cultural heritage in the Republic of Serbia, which follows in the continuation of this paper, point to the potential of its integration within the framework of industrial heritage routes, at the local and regional, and European levels. 2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Industrial Heritage in Belgrade 2.1.1. Historical Overview of Industrial Heritage in Belgrade The industry development in the territory of the city of Belgrade can be traced back to the 19th century when the city began to take on the characteristics of a modern Eu- ropean capital. The first steps towards the modernisation and development of Belgrade as the European capital and the most important commercial, import and export centre of the Principality of Serbia took place in the middle of the 19th century, with the ap- pearance of manufacturing workshops, warehouses and river traffic [54]. The specific geographical position at the confluence of two European rivers, the Sava and the Danube, enabled the development of river traffic to ensure connections with neighbours, which also conditioned the development of coastal zones. The banks of the Sava under the city area Kosančićev Venac developed the fastest due to the direct connection with Europe via Zemun (the territory of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy at the time). The beginning of the development of the Sava coast represented the core of the traffic and economic zone of the capital. Therefore, the Customs House (Ðumrukana) was built within it. However, the most significant progress in modernising Belgrade as the capital city was achieved after the Berlin Congress in 1878 and after the proclamation of the Kingdom of Serbia in 1882. Participation in the Berlin Congress achieved complete political independence, which enabled intensive economic development after gaining economic and foreign trade independence, which conditioned the possibility of concluding contracts and conventions with other countries [55]. By achieving political independence, the Kingdom of Serbia established a stronger connection with Europe, especially with the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, which ensured the development of the first industry and economic growth. In other words, by establishing a connection with Europe, the influx of foreign capital into the Kingdom was ensured, especially contributing to the construction of the railway station and the first railway bridge over the river Sava. The railway’s construction enabled the city’s development and its indirect connection with Eastern and Western Europe. With the construction of the railway, the city experienced the most significant changes in the area of the right bank of the river Sava, where the Railway Station was built in 1884, and which today stands as proof of the technical and architectural development of Belgrade as a bustling European capital [56]. In addition to the above-mentioned, the construction of the railway necessitated the construction of warehouses and industrial plants along the riverbank, of which the operation was conditioned by the proximity of the river and the possibility of importing and exporting raw materials. In addition to railway traffic, river traffic was also of crucial importance for the devel- opment of industry in the territory of the city of Belgrade. Although the connection with Zemun on the Sava coast initiated the economic development of Belgrade, the Kingdom of Serbia played a key role in economic development in 1890 through special privileges for navigation on the river Danube. By obtaining the privilege of navigation on the Danube, the Kingdom of Serbia strengthened its ties with its neighbours, which enabled Belgrade, as its capital, to additionally secure its role as the centre of import–export trade, banking and industry. The development of river traffic was influenced by the construction of factories from 1895 to 1911, the carriers of the development of the food, textile and wood industries on the right bank of the river Danube, which became one of the largest and most compact industrial zones in the territory of the city of Belgrade. In other words, the industry in Belgrade, from its beginnings in the 19th century until the First World War, was a major carrier of modernisation and had the most significant impact on urban development [57]. trade, banking and industry. The development of river traffic was influenced by the con- struction of factories from 1895 to 1911, the carriers of the development of the food, textile and wood industries on the right bank of the river Danube, which became one of the largest and most compact industrial zones in the territory of the city of Belgrade. In other Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 words, the industry in Belgrade, from its beginnings in the 19th century until the First 12 of 36 World War, was a major carrier of modernisation and had the most significant impact on urban development [57]. The period period between betweenthe thetwo twoworld worldwars, wars,due duetotothe therapid rapidindustrialisation industrialisation of of thethe country, caused industry as an economic branch to become one of the key country, caused industry as an economic branch to become one of the key pillars of thepillars of the economic progress economic progress of of the the young youngYugoslav Yugoslavstate, state,especially especiallyafter thethe after Second Second World WorldWar War when numerous when numerous andand diverse diverse industrial industrial productions productions were werelaunched launchedthroughout throughoutthe theSocial- Socialist ist Federal Federal Republic Republic of Yugoslavia, of Yugoslavia, according according to to thethe socialist socialist principles principles of of self-management self-management [58] [58] (Figure (Figure 4). 4). Figure 4. Development of industrial zones in Belgrade (Left—development from XIX to the First Figure 4. Development of industrial zones in Belgrade (Left—development from XIX to the First World World War; War; Middle—development Middle—development betweenbetweenthethetwo twoWorld WorldWars; Wars;Right—development Right—development from from Second Second World World War until until the the1970s) 1970s)(provided (providedbybyauthors: authors: Nikolić Nikolić M.,M., Šćekić Šćekić J., Drobnjak J., Drobnjak B. and B. and TakačTakač E.). E.). According According to to the the above-mentioned, above-mentioned,we wecan candiscern discernseven sevenindustrial industrial zones zones in in thethe territory territory ofof the the city city of ofBelgrade, Belgrade,three threeofofwhich whichareareininthe thedirection direction ofof the the western western currents currents (the (the highway route in highway route in the theterritory territoryofofthe thecity city(Highway (HighwayE75 E75is ispart partofof the the pan-European pan-European corridor X that connects Norway with Greece)), the city municipality corridor X that connects Norway with Greece)), the city municipality of Novi Beograd, of Novi Beograd, the city municipality of Zemun, two zones in the vicinity of the city municipality of Zemun, two zones in the vicinity of populated areas (the populated areas (the citycity Sustainability 2024,municipality municipality of Rakovica and the settlement of Makiš) and two zones that extend alongthe 16, x FOR PEER of Rakovica REVIEW and the settlement of Makiš) and two zones that extend along 13 Sava the Savaandand Danube Danubebanks [59][59] banks (Figure 5). 5). (Figure The decline in the Serbian industry has been recorded since the end of the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s of the 20th century, when the civil war in the territory of the former Yugoslavia led to the current situation in Serbia’s and Belgrade’s economy. Alt- hough this is not the only reason for the termination of work of various companies, it certainly greatly impacted the present-day existence of abandoned industrial complexes in the broader and narrower territory of Belgrade. Another significant reason for the ex- istence of non-functional buildings, and even entire industrial complexes in the central city zones, lies in the fact that the edges of today’s central Belgrade municipalities repre- sent the periphery of the former Belgrade [60]. With the expansion of the city territory, these complexes became surrounded by resi- dential districts, and their non-complementarity with the environment came to an even greater expression with the termination of work and gradual deterioration. Based on these facts, we can conclude that the development of Belgrade’s industry during the 19th and 20th centuries went through turbulent political and social processes recorded in the archi- tectural expression of industrial buildings. In other words, the industrial heritage of the city of Belgrade, in addition to its architectural and technical value, also has a great social value because it represents an important element in the realisation of its cultural identity. Figure 5. Industrial heritage in Belgrade—industrial development zones (provided by authors Figure 5. Industrial heritage in Belgrade—industrial development zones (provided by authors: kolić M., Šćekić J., Drobnjak B. and Takač E.). Nikolić M., Šćekić J., Drobnjak B. and Takač E.). 2.1.2. Contemporary Development of Industrial Heritage in Belgrade The urban development of Belgrade and modern construction in recent deca greatly impacted the preservation of the city’s rich industrial heritage. The city’s exp sion caused the relocation of industry and economic activities to suburban settlement a result of which their original areas and positions were transformed into comme Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 13 of 36 The decline in the Serbian industry has been recorded since the end of the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s of the 20th century, when the civil war in the territory of the former Yugoslavia led to the current situation in Serbia’s and Belgrade’s economy. Although this is not the only reason for the termination of work of various companies, it certainly greatly impacted the present-day existence of abandoned industrial complexes in the broader and narrower territory of Belgrade. Another significant reason for the existence of non-functional buildings, and even entire industrial complexes in the central city zones, lies in the fact that the edges of today’s central Belgrade municipalities represent the periphery of the former Belgrade [60]. With the expansion of the city territory, these complexes became surrounded by residential districts, and their non-complementarity with the environment came to an even greater expression with the termination of work and gradual deterioration. Based on these facts, we can conclude that the development of Belgrade’s industry during the 19th and 20th centuries went through turbulent political and social processes recorded in the architectural expression of industrial buildings. In other words, the industrial heritage of the city of Belgrade, in addition to its architectural and technical value, also has a great social value because it represents an important element in the realisation of its cultural identity. 2.1.2. Contemporary Development of Industrial Heritage in Belgrade The urban development of Belgrade and modern construction in recent decades greatly impacted the preservation of the city’s rich industrial heritage. The city’s expansion caused the relocation of industry and economic activities to suburban settlements, as a result of which their original areas and positions were transformed into commercial activities and residential structures. The transformation of the Sava coast illustrates a characteristic example of modern construction and an inadequate attitude towards industrial zones. In recent years, Belgrade’s important industrial zone has been transformed into a new modern centre with skyscrapers, towers, and mixed-use spaces for residential, business and commercial purposes. However, this transformation has come at the cost of demolishing and repurposing former industrial facilities, resulting in the loss of the city’s recognisable urban landscape with its specific morphology and typology. Nevertheless, there is a real possibility of revitalising the area of the former industrial zone through the appropriate integration of existing industrial structures and other cultural heritage. This should be done while respecting environmental sustainability, protecting cultural and industrial heritage, and ensuring compatibility of new contents with inherited values [58]. In order to mitigate the process of rapid urban development of the city and prevent the emergence of another globalist phenomenon, such as the inappropriate trans- formation of the Sava coast, it is necessary to redefine the relationship towards conservation issues of the specific character of these historical settings and complexes through urban and spatial planning, as well as through the protection of old industrial zones (Figure 6). Sustainability 2024, Sustainability 16,16, 2024, 2820 x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 14 of of 3636 Figure6.6. Contemporary Figure Contemporary development development andand its its relationship relationshipwith withindustrial industrialheritage heritageononthe theSava Sava riverbank (provided by authors: Nikolić M., Šćekić J., Drobnjak B. and Takač E.). riverbank (provided by authors: Nikolić M., Šćekić J., Drobnjak B. and Takač E.). 2.1.3. 2.1.3.The TheCurrent Current State State of of Industrial Heritage Heritage in in Belgrade Belgrade Generally Generally speaking, speaking, the state of of monuments monuments of of technical technicalculture, culture,which whichisisalso alsoanan integral integralpart part ofof the the cultural cultural identity of of every every society, society,isisnot notatataasatisfactory satisfactorylevellevelininthe the Republic Republic of of Serbia Serbia andand the city of Belgrade Belgrade because becausethe thebuildings buildingsare areoutoutofoffunction, function, separated separatedfromfromthethecontemporary contemporary life of the city, resulting resulting them themto togradual gradualdecay. decay. Thereason The reason for for such such aa state state of this type of of cultural cultural heritage heritageisisreflected reflectedininthe thestate’s state’s lackof lack ofrecognition recognition of of the the importance importance of of industrial industrial heritage, heritage,which whichcaused causedthe thelack lackofofa a clearlydefined clearly defined cultural cultural policy. policy.In Inaddition additiontotothe the lack of of lack a defined a defined cultural policy, cultural there policy, is there isa alow lowlevel levelof ofintersectoral intersectoralpartnership partnershipand andcooperation cooperationbetweenbetweenrelevant relevantinstitutions, institutions, organisations, and organisations, and state state bodies, whichwhich could could contribute contributetotosolving solvingthe theproblem problemofofthe the survival of survival of industrial industrial heritage. heritage. The The result result of of this thisrelationship relationshipisisalso alsoreflected reflectedininurban urban development and development and modern modern construction, construction, which whichlargely largelyhadhadan aninadequate inadequaterelation relationtotothethe survivalof survival ofthe the heritage heritage of of historical, historical, technical, technical, social, social,architectural architecturaland andscientific scientificvalues, values, allfor all forthe thepurpose purpose of of achieving achieving economic economic profit. profit. Accordingly, Accordingly,the theneed needforforplanning planningand and systematic protection is conditioned not only by the general importance ofthis systematic protection is conditioned not only by the general importance of thisspecific specific culturalheritage cultural heritagetypology, typology,but butalso alsobybythethefact factthat thatwewearearewitnessing witnessingthe thedisappearance disappearanceof of objects objects of technical of technical culture culture duedue to modern to modern technological technological development. development. Regardingthe Regarding theprotection protectionand andpreservation preservationofofindustrial industrialheritage, heritage,5656 objects objects of of tech- technical nical culture culture have recognised have been been recognised onterritory on the the territory of Belgrade of Belgrade [61]. [61]. ByBy observing observing thethe cur- current rent policy policy and practice and practice in the infield the field of cultural of cultural heritage heritage protection protection of of thethe city’sterritory, city’s territory,legal le- gal protection has been obtained by a relatively small number protection has been obtained by a relatively small number of objects, or monuments of objects, or monuments of technical culture, i.e., four objects enjoy the status of cultural of technical culture, i.e., four objects enjoy the status of cultural monuments of greatmonuments of great im- portance. In In importance. comparison, comparison, 16 objects are recognised 16 objects are recognised as cultural monuments as cultural (Figure monuments 7). 7). (Figure Sustainability 2024, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 36 Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 15 of 36 Industrial Figure7.7.Industrial Figure heritage heritage in Belgrade—spatial in Belgrade—spatial disposition disposition (provided (provided by authors: by authors: NikolićNikolić M., M., Šćekić Šćekić J., Drobnjak B. and J., Drobnjak B. and Takač E.).Takač E.). Monuments of Monuments of industrial industrial heritage heritage that that have have acquired acquired legal legal protection protection as as monuments monuments of culture of great importance are the building of The First Serbian Observatory, The Old of culture of great importance are the building of The First Serbian Observatory, The Old Telephone Exchange building, The “Pantelić” Foundry and The Railway Station; while the Telephone Exchange building, The “Pantelić” Foundry and The Railway Station; while following were declared cultural monuments: Sugar Factory, Paper Factory of Milan Vapa, the following were declared cultural monuments: Sugar Factory, Paper Factory of Milan Astronomical Observatory, Steam Mill, Building of the State Printing Office, Steam Bath of Vapa, Astronomical Observatory, Steam Mill, Building of the State Printing Office, Steam the Krsmanović Brothers, House of Crafts Radio Belgrade, Photo Studio of Milan Jovanović, Bath of the Krsmanović Brothers, House of Crafts Radio Belgrade, Photo Studio of Milan Mint, Building of the Technical Faculty, Building of Seismology Institute, Modern Garage, Jovanović, Mint, Building of the Technical Faculty, Building of Seismology Institute, Hall 1 of the Belgrade Fair, Hangar of the Old Airport, Thermal Power Plant “Snaga i Modern Garage, Hall 1 of the Belgrade Fair, Hangar of the Old Airport, Thermal Power Svetlost” and the Art Foundry “Plastika” [61]. Plant “Snaga i Svetlost” and the Art Foundry “Plastika” [61]. According to the above-mentioned, analysing the Catalog of Immovable Cultural According to the above-mentioned, analysing the Catalog of Immovable Cultural Properties of the City of Belgrade as a relevant source of information, it can be concluded Properties of the City of Belgrade as a relevant source of information, it can be concluded that within the 434 monuments that have been declared as cultural properties and which that withinthe are under the jurisdiction 434 monuments that of the have been Institute declared for the as cultural Protection properties of Cultural and which Monuments of are under the jurisdiction of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural the City of Belgrade, only 20 monuments represent objects of industrial and technicalMonuments of the City of Belgrade, culture, only 20 monuments which represents represent a share of 4.60% [62].objects of said It can be industrial andpreservation that the technical culture, of the which represents a share of 4.60% [62]. It can be said that the preservation industrial heritage created at the end of the 19th and during the 20th century in of Belgrade the indus- is trial oftenheritage createdeven marginalised, at the end of though the 19th and it represents duringcategory a specific the 20thof century culturalinheritage Belgrade is that often marginalised, possesses the valuesevenand though it represents characteristics a specific(Figure of monuments category 8).of cultural heritage that possesses the values and characteristics of monuments (Figure 8). Sustainability 2024, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW 16 of 36 Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 16 of 36 Figure 8. Industrial heritage in Belgrade—diagram of the representation of industrial heritage in the Figure Legal8.System Industrial heritage in of Heritage Belgrade—diagram Protection (providedof bythe representation authors: Nikolićof industrial M., heritage Šćekić J., in the Drobnjak B. and Legal System Takač E.). of Heritage Protection (provided by authors: Nikolić M., Šćekić J., Drobnjak B. and Takač E.). A significant shift in the approach to the protection, revitalisation and presentation A significant of industrial shift in heritage inthe theapproach Republicto ofthe protection, Serbia revitalisation took place in 2007 afterandthe presentation signing of the ofProtocol industrial heritage in the Republic of Serbia took place in 2007 after on partnership cooperation in the field of integral protection [63]. The document the signing of the was Protocol on partnership cooperation in the field of integral protection [63]. formed concerning the fact that, although a high number of movable scientific and technical The document was formed concerning the fact that, although a high number of movable assets are located within immovable monuments of technical culture, they are not viewed scientific and tech- nical as aassets unique areentity located of within technical immovable culture inmonuments of technical the entire territory culture, Also, of Serbia. they are the not lack of viewed as a unique entity of technical culture in the entire territory human resources within the Institute responsible for the preservation of immovable cultural of Serbia. Also, the lack of human assets affects resources within the the impossibility Institute aresponsible of forming standardised for method the preservation of immov- of for the preservation able cultural assets affects the impossibility of forming cultural monuments based on the model of relevant international conventions, a standardised method forcharters the preservation of cultural monuments based on and recommendations, as indicated by the author Kadijević [64].the model of relevant international con- ventions, charters and recommendations, as indicated by the author Kadijević [64]. By signing this document between the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia, By signing this document between the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia, the Museum of Science and Technology, the Republic Institute for the Protection of Cultural the Museum of Science and Technology, the Republic Institute for the Protection of Cul- Monuments, the Provincial Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments and twelve tural Monuments, the Provincial Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments and other institutes for the protection of cultural monuments, the first step was taken, which twelve other institutes for the protection of cultural monuments, the first step was taken, represents the legal framework for all further activities and which projects protective which represents the legal framework for all further activities and which projects protec- measures that should be taken in the future. Also, in relation to the laws in force in our tive measures that should be taken in the future. Also, in relation to the laws in force in country, movable and immovable cultural property is placed under integral protection by a our country, movable and immovable cultural property is placed under integral protec- unique legal act that guarantees protection to immovable property and movable property tion by a unique legal act that guarantees protection to immovable property and movable contained in it. Thus, the initial conditions were created which, through further work on property contained in it. Thus, the initial conditions were created which, through further designing and planning works for the integral protection, promotion and popularisation work on designing and planning works for the integral protection, promotion and pop- of scientific and technical heritage, would enable Serbia, with its technical and industrial ularisation of scientific and technical heritage, would enable Serbia, with its technical and heritage, to join the world and European organisations such as the ERIH and TICCIH industrial heritage, to join the world and European organisations such as the ERIH and through the regional industrial heritage route [65]. TICCIH through the regional industrial heritage route [65]. The first steps towards registering Serbia’s industrial heritage in the framework of The first steps towards registering Serbia’s industrial heritage in the framework of the European industrial map were achieved through the connection of the Coal Mining the European industrial map were achieved through the connection of the Coal Mining Museum in Senjski Rudnik to the ERIH network in 2013 [66,67]. However, the Coal Mining Museum in Senjski Rudnik to the ERIH network in 2013 [66,67]. However, the Coal Museum is still the only example of integrating Serbia’s industrial heritage outside the Mining Museum is still the only example of integrating Serbia’s industrial heritage out- local and national context. At the same time, numerous important monuments of technical side the local and national context. At the same time, numerous important monuments of culture in Serbia and Belgrade still do not enjoy appropriate preservation treatment and, technical culture in Serbia and Belgrade still do not enjoy appropriate preservation above all, contemporary presentation. treatment and, above all, contemporary presentation. On the other hand, by implementing the Protocol on partnership cooperation in matters On the other hand, by implementing the Protocol on partnership cooperation in matters of integral protection, an effort was made to find an adequate approach to the preservation of integral protection, an effort was made to find an adequate approach to the preserva- of industrial heritage and its contemporary presentation on the territory of the city of tion of industrial heritage and its contemporary presentation on the territory of the city of Belgrade, Belgrade, which which is primarily is primarily reflected reflected in thein modernisation the modernisation of legalof systems legal systems and theand as- the aspiration towards the integral protection of all the values of industrial piration towards the integral protection of all the values of industrial heritage. Since the heritage. Since industrial heritage is an important factor in the historical and urban identity of a city, city, the industrial heritage is an important factor in the historical and urban identity of a valuing valuing it in it in thethe right right way wayandand revitalising revitalising it with it with contents contents that serve that serve to meetto the meet the of needs needs of the local population, the objects would not only receive adequate the local population, the objects would not only receive adequate care and protection, but care and protection, but would also significantly contribute to quality progress of the community. Therefore, in the context of the current policy and practice in the field of cultural heritage protection in Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 17 of 36 Belgrade, it is necessary to work intensively on informing citizens about the importance of industrial heritage and the responsibility we have towards its protection, as well as about the needs and possibilities for its inclusion in contemporary life [68]. In order to enable the contemporary life of industrial heritage monuments, it is neces- sary to design sustainable solutions that would, on the one hand, preserve the development stages, authenticity and integrity of the industrial complex and, on the other hand, ensure its reactivation and adequate integration into the modern urban environment. In order to avoid inadequate approaches to presentation and revitalisation, as well as in order to preserve the authentical technological elements and recognisable historical ambience (halls, chimneys, constructions, machinery, etc.), it is necessary to incorporate international recommendations to a greater extent into the contemporary practice of protection and revitalisation of this specific type of heritage, because they establish the basic definitions and principles of protection and revitalisation of industrial heritage in the world. Adopting the guidelines provided in international charters could lead to more adequate protection and presentation of industrial heritage at the local level—in the context of the Republic of Serbia and the city of Belgrade. This research will further deal with rare, but still worth men- tioning, examples of students’ conceptual solutions for transforming industrial complexes in Belgrade into places of artistic and cultural life, which were carried out as part of classes at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture. Although these sites are few, they still represent the potential for applying good practice in preserving industrial heritage at the local level, serving as focal points from which this practice could be further developed. 2.2. Examined in Theory: Education in the Field of Industrial Heritage at The University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture Bearing in mind the current state of the industrial heritage in Belgrade and being aware of its potential to become an economic, ecological and social resource for establishing sustainable development and improving the quality of life in the city, researchers of the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, who deal with the issue of preserving cultural heritage in the contemporary context, came up with the idea of promoting the importance of neglected industrial heritage in Belgrade through student education. The results of this research paper represent the product of the joint work of professors, associates and students of master’s and integrated academic studies of architecture, which was realised within the elective course History and Theory 3—Visual Culture in Architectural Theory and Practice. The students’ conceptual solutions for the sustainable conservation of industrial heritage resulted from an improved methodology of teaching scientific work that started in 2019 [58]. They represent the second set of results achieved within this elective course in the period 2020–2023, including three generations of students’ ideas about the possibilities of reusing industrial heritage and its integration into the contemporary context. Through the analysis of selected case studies of industrial heritage in Belgrade: The Locksmiths’ Workshop and Foundry “Pantelić“, Hangar of the Old Belgrade Airport and The First Modern Garage; the research aimed to introduce students to the industrial heritage in Belgrade, acquire basic knowledge about the importance and principles of preserving cultural and industrial heritage with a particular emphasis on preserving their values and authenticity. One of the key aspects was to encourage students’ creative thinking about the possibilities of sustainable conservation of industrial heritage and its reuse aligned with the contemporary needs. A special contribution of the conducted research refers to the definition of the methodology for the analysis of case studies and the development of students’ conceptual solutions, as well as the definition of a set of criteria for their subsequent valorisation. 2.2.1. Defining the Methodology The research methodology consists of 3 phases (Figure 9), including a combination of theoretical and in situ research, creative process and valorisation. 2.2.1. Defining the Methodology Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 The research methodology consists of 3 phases (Figure 9), including a combi 18 of 36 of theoretical and in situ research, creative process and valorisation. Figure 9. The methodology phases (provided by authors: Nikolić M., Šćekić J., Drobnjak B. and Figure 9. The methodology phases (provided by authors: Nikolić M., Šćekić J., Drobnjak B. and Takač E.). E.). Phase 1 Phase 1 As part of phase 1 of the research, students were able to familiarise themselves with the As part of cultural basic principles of preserving phase 1 and of the research,heritage industrial students were able through to familiarise theoretical themselve lectures. the basic principles of preserving cultural and industrial A particular focus is directed to studying their values and authenticity, along with the heritage through theo lectures. display of relevant A particular international focus in documents is cultural directedandto studying industrialtheir values heritage and authenticity, preservation. with the display of relevant international documents in Also, based on the available literature, archival material and other sources, the students cultural and industrial he preservation. Also, based on the available literature, archival were able to analyse case studies of industrial heritage in Belgrade, within which they material and other so the students were able to analyse case studies of industrial studied the socio-political context in which the object was built, its historical development heritage in Belgrade, and purpose over time, and then its values as industrial heritage, its cultural and historical its his which they studied the socio-political context in which the object was built, significance and,development and purpose finally, the current state ofover time, and the analysed thenofitstechnical object values as industrial culture and theheritage, i tural andsohistorical measures implemented far for itssignificance protection. and, finally, the current state of the analysed ob technical culture and the measures implemented so far for its protection. Phase 2 Phase The following 2 research phase included defining and elaborating the students’ urban- architectural concepts Theand conceptual following solutions research phasefor the sustainable included defining preservation and elaborating of the the studen analysed industrial heritage case concepts ban-architectural study. Students’ conceptual and conceptual solutionsfor solutions were thecreated basedpreservat sustainable on the previously performed the analysed valorisation industrial of the heritage current case study.state of theconceptual Students’ object of technical solutions were c culture, recognition based on the previously performed valorisation of the current state of of its values and aspects of authenticity, and consideration of the the object o broader spatial, nical culture, recognition of its values and aspects of authenticity, andall natural, cultural–historical and social context in which it is located, considerat in order to define the appropriate the broader approach spatial, natural, to its sustainableand cultural–historical conservation. social context Also, the it is lo in which conducted analysis all in of the object’s order to define context made it possible the appropriate approach to see thesustainable to its missing uses in the conservation. Al space, which could, through the process of reuse of the industrial heritage while conducted analysis of the object’s context made it possible to see the missing usesrespecting all principles ofspace, preservation, becomethrough which could, its new value, thus contributing the process of reuse oftothe theindustrial integration of heritage wh the industrial heritage into the contemporary context. Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 19 of 36 Phase 3 The last research phase refers to the valorisation of students’ conceptual solutions, with a particular focus on the fulfilment of the principle of preserving values and authenticity, on the one hand; that is, on the successful integration of industrial heritage into the contemporary context and on ensuring its survival for future generations through the introduction of new, complementary purposes. The valorisation of students’ conceptual solutions made it possible to see the positive aspects of the applied research methodology, as well as the potential for its improvements in further research. 2.2.2. Defining the Set of Criteria Within the presented work methodology, Phase 3 includes valorising students’ concep- tual solutions, which was carried out based on a previously defined set of criteria. This set of criteria was created based on the analysed principles of cultural and industrial heritage preservation, bearing in mind the need to utilise the sustainable potential of industrial heritage and the importance of its integration into the contemporary context. The leading idea of preserving the cultural–historical, social, architectural, technological and aesthetic values of the industrial heritage through respect for the principles of authenticity and sustainable development while applying the concept of adaptive reuse was transformed into a set of criteria on the basis of which the level of success of its realisation is assessed. Ten criteria have been defined that are directly derived from the key themes previously recognised in this paper in the process of sustainable preservation of industrial heritage: values, authenticity and sustainability (1.3 The Main Themes in Industrial Heritage’s Sustainable Conservation). The defined criteria refer to the following: 1. Preserving the spatial organisation; 2. Preserving the structural assembly; 3. Preserving the stylistic features; 4. Preserving/presenting the previous purpose; 5. Preserving/integrating into the context; 6. Preserving the spirit of the place; 7. Defining the character of new uses; 8. Compliance of new uses with the values of the object; 9. Applied materialisation; 10. Applied principles of sustainability. Although all criteria contain aspects of preservation of values and authenticity, as well as principles of sustainability, it is observed that all criteria examine respect for the values of industrial heritage, but also that certain criteria include the themes of authenticity and sustainability to a greater or lesser extent. In this regard, criteria 1–3 fully support the principles of authenticity through the preservation of authentic architectural and constructive elements, stylistic characteristics of the facade and the arrangement of spatial entities within the building. On the other hand, criterion 4, although it includes the aspect of authenticity through enhancing the achievement of the continuity of purpose (if the purpose has not been overcome), it cannot be viewed outside of its relationship with criteria 7–8, which also include the principles of sustainability expressed through the concept of adaptive reuse. Criteria 9–10 refer to the technical–technological application of sustainable solutions in the process of restoration of the industrial heritage. However, they also contain the aspect of authenticity, which is reflected in their integration with the existing elements of the object. For criteria 5–6, it can be said that they contain all three essential themes in the industrial heritage sustainable conservation, which are considered through both material and non-material aspects, including issues of cultural–historical and social significance of industrial heritage (Figure 10). The result of this research paper consists of students’ conceptual solutions for the sustainable conservation of selected case studies of industrial heritage in Belgrade, pre- Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 20 of 36 sented in the continuation of this paper within Section 3. Given that they represent projects with a pronounced contemporary architectural expression, critical valorisation of their incorporation into spaces with heritage values is particularly emphasised. Searching for the values and authenticity of the industrial heritage, as well as for sustainable solutions for its restoration through a defined set of criteria for the valorisation of students’ concep- Sustainability 2024, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW 20 of 36 tual solutions, ensures the making of thoughtful, responsible and argument-supported decisions about future architectural interventions on monuments of technical culture in practice. Moreover, it is guaranteed that the tangible and intangible values of the industrial For criteria 5–6, it can be said that they contain all three essential themes in the in- heritage in the process of its sustainable conservation are recognised through the concept of dustrial heritage sustainable conservation, which are considered through both material adaptive reuse, and by using contemporary architecture as a tool for realising that process, and non-material aspects, including issues of cultural–historical and social significance of they will not be endangered. industrial heritage (Figure 10). Figure 10. The setFigure of criteria forset 10. The valorisation (provided of criteria for by (provided valorisation authors: Nikolić M., Nikolić by authors: Šćekić J., M.,Drobnjak B. Šćekić J., Drobnjak B. and Takač E.). and Takač E.). 3. Results The result of this research paper consists of students’ conceptual solutions for the sustainable conservation 3.1. The Locksmiths’ Workshop and Foundryof selected case studies of industrial heritage in Belgrade, pre- “Pantelić“ sented in the continuation of this paper within Section 3. Given that they represent pro- The “Pantelić” foundry is located in the inner-city core of the Belgrade municipality of jects with a pronounced contemporary architectural expression, critical valorisation of Zemun. Numerous objects in this part of the city have the status of cultural property and their incorporation into spaces with heritage values is particularly emphasised. Searching cultural property of great importance. for the values and authenticity of the industrial heritage, as well as for sustainable solu- The foundry was tions forfounded in 1854, its restoration and according through a defined to setthe of plans criteriaoffor Zemun builder Josif the valorisation of students’ Marks, the old foundry conceptual solutions, ensures the making of thoughtful, responsible[69]. building was reconstructed in 1926 in the spirit of historicism and argu- Over time, the small workshop decisions ment-supported grew intoabout a foundry futureofarchitectural tower clocksinterventions for churches, onschools monuments of and important city palaces. technical Along culture with theMoreover, in practice. manufacture of watches,that it is guaranteed the the workshop tangiblebegan and intangible to cast bells forvalues schools, courtrooms of the industrial and authorities, heritage and soon in the process of its began the production sustainable conservationofare recog- large church bells [69]. nised The foundry through covered the concept a wide reuse, of adaptive rangeand of products, from the production by using contemporary architecture as a of water well pumps, tool fordog tags, that realising signsprocess, with the names they of streets, will not companies and professions be endangered. to benches for church gates. This led to the situation in which the former small locksmith’s workshop grew3.into Results a craft centre for the municipality of Zemun and its surroundings [69]. The foundry had 3.1.anThe Locksmiths’ irregular Workshop plan, and Foundrydisposition with appropriate “Pantelić“ that followed craft proce- dures and technological The “Pantelić” foundry is located in theofinner-city processes [69]. Its space consists a forge, acore locksmith’s workshop, of the Belgrade municipality of Zemun. Numerous objects in this part of the city have the status of cultural property and cultural property of great importance. The foundry was founded in 1854, and according to the plans of Zemun builder Josif Marks, the old foundry building was reconstructed in 1926 in the spirit of historicism [69]. Over time, the small workshop grew into a foundry of tower clocks for churches, schools and important city palaces. Along with the manufacture of watches, the work- shop began to cast bells for schools, courtrooms and authorities, and soon began the production of large church bells [69]. The foundry covered a wide range of products, Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 from the production of water well pumps, dog tags, signs with the names of streets, 21 of 36 companies and professions to benches for church gates. This led to the situation in which the former small locksmith’s workshop grew into a craft centre for the municipality of Zemun and its surroundings [69]. The foundry had an irregular plan, with appropriate an old and a new foundry with casting furnaces, a warehouse and an office. The workshop disposition that followed craft procedures and technological processes [69]. Its space complex has been preserved to this day. It includes a large ground-floor building with an consists of a forge, a locksmith’s workshop, an old and a new foundry with casting fur- asymmetric plan, which naces, houses all a warehouse andthe an equipment and inventory office. The workshop complexofhas thebeen forge, locksmith preserved to this day. workshops, premises of the old and new foundry, warehouse and offices. It includes a large ground-floor building with an asymmetric plan, which The facades houses all the are simple stylistic finishes, equipment andcomposed inventory of inthe theforge, spiritlocksmith of historicism with premises workshops, a rhythmic row of the oldofand new windows highlighted by reduced geometrical decoration of the window frames foundry, warehouse and offices. The facades are simple stylistic finishes, composed and a cut in the corner emphasized spirit by richer plastic of historicism withwith neo-baroque a rhythmic touches [69]. row of windows The craft highlighted production by reduced geometrical process has survived decorationforofdecades and was the window frames preserved and a cutincorner its original form. byInricher emphasized this way, plastic with a number of generations neo-baroqueof craftsmen touches were [69]. The trained. craft The process production “Pantelić” foundryfor has survived represents decades and was preserved a rarely preserved craft in its original workshop form. with In this way, a unique a number production of generations program and has of specific craftsmen were trained. architectural, urban and The “Pantelić” artistic valuesfoundry [69]. represents a rarely preserved craft workshop with a However,unique althoughproduction programthe it has enjoyed and has specific status architectural, of a cultural monumenturbanof and artistic great values [69]. impor- tance since 1979 [70],However, although the building hasitbeen has enjoyed devastated the (Figure status of11), a cultural which monument influenced of our great im- portance since 1979 [70], the building has been devastated (Figure decision to make it one of the testing grounds for the possibility of sustainable conservation 11), which influenced our decision to make it one of the testing grounds for the possibility of sustainable con- of industrial heritage. servation of industrial heritage. Figure 11. The Figure 11. TheWorkshop Locksmiths’ Locksmiths’and Workshop FoundryandPantelić Foundry (Left—previous Pantelić (Left—previous state, source: state, source: The The Cul- tural Heritage Protection Institute of the City of Belgrade, link: https://beogradskonasledje.rs/wp-cont Cultural Heritage Protection Institute of the City of Belgrade, link: https://beogradskonasledje.rs/ ent/uploads/2022/08/00-glavna-61-1024x604.jpg, (accessed on 15 January 2024)) (Right—current state, wp-content/uploads/2022/08/00-glavna-61-1024x604.jpg, (accessed provided by authors: Nikolić M., Šćekić J., Drobnjak on 15 E.). B. and Takač January 2024)) (Right— current state, provided by authors: Nikolić M., Šćekić J., Drobnjak B. and Takač E.). Review of Students’ Proposal for the Revitalisation and Presentation of the Review of Students’ Proposal Locksmiths’ for theand Workshop Revitalisation and Presentation of the Locksmiths’ Foundry “Pantelić“ Workshop and Foundry “Pantelić“ The primary idea of the students’ project is to preserve the historically valuable The primary idea of features ofthe the students’ building. project is to preserve In this sense, the objectthe is historically preserved invaluable features its original form. The re- of the building.vitalisation In this sense, the object is preserved in its original form. The revitalisation project preserved and conserved the existing constructive schemes, spatial project preserved and conserved organisation, partitiontheand existing constructive load-bearing schemes, walls. The projectspatial proposesorganisation, restoring the origi- partition and load-bearing nal appearance walls. of theThe project facade, whileproposes restoring the expansion was the not original implementedappearance due to the high of the facade, construction while the expansion waspart density in this notofimplemented Zemun. However, due the to the high project construction is planned to expand the density in this building part of Zemun. However, in the form the floor of a raised project is the with planned to expand application the building of contrasting in and contempo- the form of a raised floor with the application of contrasting and contemporary forms of materialisation, aiming to create a clear visual distinction between the new and the old. The ground floor of the building contains a central exhibition space where the pre- served bells and busts produced in the foundry over the years are exhibited and presented. Moreover, the planned project implies the existence of commercial contents, a reading room, a media library, a sanitary block, a bookstore and a souvenir shop that contains replicas of exhibits that were once produced. What is significant is that the planned spatial arrangement creates a connection with the green outdoor spaces. Contrary to the organisation of the ground floor, the first floor is designed as an open plan (Figure 12), while the new facade contains rhythmically arranged openings. The space on the first floor is organised in such a way as to give visitors a sense of flexibility through larger spatial environments and more intense lighting. The main rooms on the Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 22 of 36 first floor serve as a multifunctional hall (for exhibitions, events and cultural events) and a commercial area. If necessary, these rooms are designed to be combined into one spatial unit through mobile screens that temporarily separate them. In other words, these spatial areas are planned as multifunctional, the purpose of which is aimed at guest exhibitions, presentations of various commercial contents and the holding of various cultural events Sustainability 2024,held 16, x FOR PEER in the REVIEW of the municipality of Zemun. The central motif of the first-floor part 23 territory of 36 of the building is a spacious terrace, a lookout point, with a view of the Danube River. Figure 12. The Figure students’ proposal—technical 12. The drawings drawings students’ proposal—technical (drawn by authors: (drawn students by authors: Petrović students D., D., Pe- Petrović Petrović R. and trović R. and Radovanović Radovanović N., 2020). N., 2020). It is planned for the existing facade of the “Pantelić” foundry to be thoroughly pre- served and restored based on drawings and photographs of its original appearance. The windows are planned to be replaced with aluminium–wooden ones so as not to deviate from the colour and materialisation of the existing elements of carpentry. A particular room on the first floor is a conference room intended for rent to various commercial partners to organise workshops and project presentations. It also has the possibility to function as an active workspace. The conceptual solution for revitalising the “Pantelić” foundry facility also includes its upgrade. In this regard, the project envisages a corten facade designed to extend above the ground floor of the building. It is 2 m indented in relation to the existing facade to emphasise the relationship between the new and old structure of the building. The upgraded facade of the foundry is designed to be interlaced with bells that will be placed between Corten steel shear plates (Figure 13). Perforated sheet metal is planned to be located behind the bell, which will provide an active and attractive daylighting to the interior of the building. The project envisages the courtyard facade of the “Pantelić” foundry to be completely renovated with white colour in order to enable the projection of old photos of the foundry and various copper engravings depicting how the building looked in the past. In this regard, the facade plane can also project presentations and films. In this manner, the courtyard area of the foundry would become active in the spring and summer months with the possibility of activating outdoor cinema projections. Figure 13. The students’ proposal—Ambiental views (drawn by authors: students Petrović D., Pe- trović R. and Radovanović N., 2020). Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 23 of 36 Figure 12. The students’ proposal—technical drawings (drawn by authors: students Petrović D., Pe- trović R. and Radovanović N., 2020). Figure 13. The students’ proposal—Ambiental views (drawn by authors: students Petrović D., Pe- Figure 13. The students’ proposal—Ambiental views (drawn by authors: students Petrović D., trović R. and Radovanović N., 2020). Petrović R. and Radovanović N., 2020). 3.2. Hangar of the Old Belgrade Airport The hangar building of the Old Airport in New Belgrade was created during the period of pronounced social and political reorganisation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes at the time, between the two world wars. As a result of the gradual expansion of international lines within the European continent, there was an open space for the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes to join the newly created air transport system, and the Old Airport was precisely an attempt at that integration. In this regard, as one of the critical events in constructing a new social, political and national identity of the post-war Yugoslav state, a need for developing the domestic air force, both domestically and internationally, arose. Such aspirations towards forming a unique modern airport complex have existed before. However, this possibility only opened with the liberation of the areas north of the Sava and Danube and their annexation to the Yugoslav state immediately after the First World War [71]. On the other hand, due to the lack of raw materials and complementary industries—automotive and railway at the time—which would support the development of air traffic in the country, the more intensive development of aviation began only with the involvement of a company from Western Europe and the capital support of individuals from the country and abroad [71]. In such a context, the Old Airport hangar facility was created. It was designed be- tween 1926 and 1931 by Milutin Milanković [72], a world-renowned scientist who made an outstanding contribution to the national and international cultural heritage with his scientific and engineering work. The hangar has a rectangular base with dimensions of 31.10 m × 31.88 m [71]. The central part is intended for accommodation, assembly and repair of aircraft. It is vaulted with an arched roof structure, which contributes to liberat- ing the space from supporting elements, thus creating the possibility of accommodating aeroplanes and other aircraft [71]. Above the central space of the hangar, a gallery was formed, which can be reached by an internal staircase. In contrast, in the annexes, the space is divided into several rooms of different dimensions intended for workshops [71]. The main (eastern) facade contains an entrance area that can be accessed by aircraft of Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 24 of 36 various sizes. The natural lighting of the hangar is provided by window openings above the main entrance, which, segmented into smaller fields, extend along its entire length following the arched curvature of the roof plane. The rear part of the central part of the hangar is intended for an office block, while the side annexes contain utility rooms and workshop rooms [71]. In terms of typology, construction techniques, and the innovation of the solution applied in the arching of ample space, the hangar workshop represents one of the most significant buildings in the field of construction engineering of the interwar period in the European and world context [71]. As a result of the construction of more modern and larger airports (near Batajnica in 1951, as well as the “Belgrade” international airport near Surčin in 1962), the Old Airport lost its initial importance and thus its function. Over the years, due to various geo-political events in the country, only a few buildings have been preserved: a hangar workshop, a warehouse and two metal hangars. In 1996, an initiative was launched by the administra- tion of the city of Belgrade to revitalise this facility by introducing new content (permanent exhibitions, preservation of museum collections), which indicates the recognised impor- tance of the Old Airport complex (Figure 14). However, the construction of the AirPort City business centre in the immediate vicinity of the Old Airport hangar, which began in 2005 [73], and as a result of which the hangar was located on privately owned property, further undermined the position of the Old Airport complex as a once extremely important centre of air traffic in the state and region, worth preserving. This attitude towards the monument of technical culture, an essential testimony of traffic development possessing important industrial machines and equipment, indicates that the principles of protecting immovable and movable industrial heritage from international documents [28–30] have not Sustainability 2024, 16, been implemented x FOR PEER REVIEW in practice. On the other hand, since 2013, the hangar has been 25 of officially recognized as a cultural monument, re-actualising the topic of its importance [71]. Although defined as an essential part of the industrial heritage of the city of Belgrade, it requires additional protection and revitalisation measures that would enable its better quires additional protection and revitalisation measures that would enable its better in integration into the contemporary context. gration into the contemporary context. Figure 14. HangarFigure of the14. OldHangar Belgradeof the Old Belgrade Airport Airport (Left—previous (Left—previous state, source: state, source: Cultural Cultural Heritage Heritage P Protec- tection Institute of the City of Belgrade, link: https://beogradskonasledje.rs/wp-content/uploads/202 tion Institute of the City of Belgrade, link: https://beogradskonasledje.rs/wp-content/uploads/2022 01/03-Izgled-kompleksa-starog-aerodroma-cetvrta-decenije-20.-veka.jpg, accessed on 15 January 20 /01/03-Izgled-kompleksa-starog-aerodroma-cetvrta-decenije-20.-veka.jpg, 4) (Right—current state, provided by authors: students Đekić S.accessed on 15 and Mitrović January Đ.). 2024) (Right—current state, provided by authors: students Ðekić S. and Mitrović Ð.). Review of Students’ Proposal for the Revitalisation and Presentation of the Hangar of t Review of Students’ Proposal for the Revitalisation and Presentation of the Hangar of the Old Belgrade Airport Old Belgrade Airport The students’ The students’ proposal proposal integrated all integrated all theprinciples the established established ofprinciples industrialofheritage industrial herita protection related to the preservation of its authenticity and adequate presentation of protection related to the preservation of its authenticity and adequate presentation of all values to the greatest extent, at the same time, preserving and improving the spirit of t values to the greatest extent, at the same time, preserving and improving the spirit of the place through the introduction of new complementary purposes from the domain place through the introduction of new complementary purposes from the domain of culture culture and education. The basic idea of this project includes the revitalisation of the O and education. The basic idea of this project includes the revitalisation of the Old Airport Airport Hangar building into a cultural–educational–entertainment space. The entran to the facility is located in the side annexe (on the north side), where the exhibition spa and its accompanying (service) rooms, catering facilities, as well as a shop for sale an equipping of drones are provided. The central spatial problem is the existence of un venness around the hangar workshop, which was overcome by providing a staircase the north side like the one already existing on the south side of the hangar. The propos Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 25 of 36 Hangar building into a cultural–educational–entertainment space. The entrance to the facility is located in the side annexe (on the north side), where the exhibition space and its accompanying (service) rooms, catering facilities, as well as a shop for sale and equipping of drones are provided. The central spatial problem is the existence of unevenness around the hangar workshop, which was overcome by providing a staircase on the north side like the one already existing on the south side of the hangar. The proposed solution seeks to activate the rigid zone between the western facade of the hangar and the buried garage space through a spatial organisation that foresees a series of diverse contents along the said facade. The designed exhibition space envisages a permanent exhibition thematically related to the history of Yugoslavia’s aviation, consolidating knowledge about Yugoslavia’s national material culture. The central area of the facility (hangar) is predetermined to be an extension of the exhibition part. It is adapted to the future function of the space for education through theoretical teaching and practical training of visitors and users in drone management. It is important to point out that the significant height of the central building (over 10 m) allows for this kind of access. In support of this program, there is a gallery space that provides users with the opportunity to view the space from different positions (Figure 15). The spatial capacity of the central part of the building was expanded by adding an outdoor amphitheatre. The southeast side annexe was designed as a space for employees with administrative and other supporting rooms. In order to preserve the value of the original building, the project seeks to preserve the original facade and the machines that participated Sustainability 2024, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW 26 of 38 in the aircraft production within this complex. The part of the building behind the rear facade is intended for projections and presentations, and is separated from the exhibition space, enabling communication and interaction between functions. The outdoor space is the exhibition space, enabling communication and interaction between functions. The covered with greenery and paved paths (Figure 16). outdoor space is covered with greenery and paved paths (Figure 16). Figure15. Figure 15.The Thestudents’ students’ proposal—technical proposal—technical drawings drawings(drawn (drawnby byauthors: authors:students studentsĐekić S. S.and Ðekić and Mitrović Đ., 2021). Mitrović Ð., 2021). Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 26 of 36 Figure 15. The students’ proposal—technical drawings (drawn by authors: students Đekić S. and Mi- trović Đ., 2021). Figure 16. Figure 16. The The students’ students’proposal—Ambiental proposal—Ambientalviews (drawn views by authors: (drawn students by authors: ĐekićÐekić students S. andS.Mi- and trović Đ., 2021). Mitrović Ð., 2021). 3.3. The First Modern Garage in Belgrade The modern garage was built in 1929 and represents the first building of this type in Belgrade, as one of the many realised works of the Russian engineer and architect Valeriy Vladimirovich Stashevsky [74,75]. In terms of form and ideology, the building was designed as a modern building with elements of Art Nouveau and academicism. Over time, the building changed its interior and exterior appearance, but in a significant sense, it preserved its original facade construction, shape and authentical appearance. The Modern Garage building was conceived in the form of a central hall of a unique spatial volume. The base is trapezoidal. In this regard, the dimensions of the width of the building vary from 21 m to 24 m, while the length of the building is 45.08 m. The main facade of the building is designed symmetrically, and within the central elevation is a monumental entrance bordered by pilasters above which, according to the original project, the sculptures were positioned. On the side elevations, verticality is emphasised by positioning the windows in height in order to get the impression of a continuous one-story building [76]. The original function of the building was changed in 1939 by housing the cars of the participants of the first Belgrade international car and motorcycle race, and later, the function of the building was returned to its original purpose by turning the Modern Garage into a car museum [77]. Based on the recognised cultural–historical, social, architectural, technological and aesthetic values, and considering the fact that it represents the first building with the function of a city garage in the Balkans at that time and the centre of motorsports in Belgrade, it has been enjoying cultural monument status since 1997, according to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Serbia [78]. The original function of the building was changed in 1939 by housing the cars o participants of the first Belgrade international car and motorcycle race, and later, function of the building was returned to its original purpose by turning the Mod Garage into a car museum [77]. Based on the recognised cultural–historical, social Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 chitectural, technological and aesthetic values, and considering the fact that 27 of 36 it repres the first building with the function of a city garage in the Balkans at that time and centre of motorsports in Belgrade, it has been enjoying cultural monument status s In addition1997, to theaccording fact that to thethe decision current of theof purpose Government the museumofisthe Republic ofwith harmonised Serbia the[78]. In addition to the fact that the current purpose of the museum previous one, which achieved the continuity of the duration of all the inherited values of is harmonised w the previous one, which achieved the continuity of the duration of all the inherited va the technical culture monument, the Modern Garage facility represents a still untapped of the technical culture monument, the Modern Garage facility represents a still potential for the regeneration of the industrial heritage of the city of Belgrade following tapped potential for the regeneration of the industrial heritage of the city of Belg contemporary needs (Figure 17). Moreover, the topic of automotive heritage, its significance following contemporary needs (Figure 17). Moreover, the topic of automotive herit and the principles of preservation of historic vehicles need to be included in the broad teach- its significance and the principles of preservation of historic vehicles need to be inclu ing process, along with an understanding of the specificity of every moveable industrial in the broad teaching process, along with an understanding of the specificity of e heritage typology [79,80]. In this regard, the Modern Garage was selected as an adequate moveable industrial heritage typology [79,80]. In this regard, the Modern Garage case study for examining the possibilities of its protection, revitalisation and presentation, selected as an adequate case study for examining the possibilities of its protection, r as well as regeneration and adaptation, in accordance with the principles of industrial talisation and presentation, as well as regeneration and adaptation, in accordance w heritage protection and the infrastructural, technical and technological requirements of the principles of industrial heritage protection and the infrastructural, technical contemporary society. technological requirements of contemporary society. Figure Figure 17. The First 17. TheGarage Modern First Modern Garage in Belgrade in Belgrade (Left—previous (Left—previous state, source:state, Thesource: TheHer- Cultural Cultural Her Protection Institute of the City of Belgrade, link: https://beogradskonasledje.rs/wp-content/uploa itage Protection Institute of the City of Belgrade, link: https://beogradskonasledje.rs/wp-content/ 2022/09/00-glavna-146-1024x639.jpg, accessed on 15 January 2024) (Right—current state, provide uploads/2022/09/00-glavna-146-1024x639.jpg, accessed on 15 January 2024) (Right—current state, authors: Nikolić M., Šćekić J., Drobnjak B. and Takač E.). provided by authors: Nikolić M., Šćekić J., Drobnjak B. and Takač E.). Review of Students’ Proposal for the Revitalisation and Presentation of the First Modern Garage in Belgrade The students’ project envisages the retention of the original reinforced concrete struc- ture of the building, which consists of six reinforced concrete isolated footings and strip footings that continue into eight reinforced concrete columns with a longitudinal spacing of 10 and 15 m, as well as a transverse spacing of 13.5 m. The window openings are intended to be restored in accordance with the original authentical appearance. In this sense, the intervention itself aims to preserve the integrity and authenticity of both the construction and the architectural style, with minimal changes to the original architectural identity of the building (Figure 18). The project proposes a variety of new uses within the ground floor of the building, such as an open space intended for variable settings and various exhibitions. Spaces for education, workshops and a presentation hall are also planned in this part, with all the accompanying administrative, service and commercial content. The crucial spatial aspect of the project is the centrally formed ramp inside the build- ing, which, in addition to the function of connecting different program zones within the building vertically, symbolises the former purpose of the building, i.e., the garage, that is, its necessary segment: the ramp with the carriageway. The proposal for the revitalisation and protection of the Modern Garage building preserves the original dimensions, with the addition of a circular roof intervention that, through an internal ramp, represents the connection between the ground floor and the roof, thus acquiring its intended use. A glass cylinder covers a circular ramp on the roof surface. The new roof structure is conceptually conceived as a flat concrete roof with a circular glass Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 28 of 36 cylindrical volume structured from thin steel profiles. The ramp itself creates a vertical communication between the ground floor and the roof with a green garden area. Hence, a clear visual difference is made between the original authentical part of the building and the new segments (the most significant are the already mentioned three elements: the centrally positioned ramp, the glass cylinder on the roof level and the roof garden) that complete the building and make it contemporary, both through materialisation and through current architectural style approach. In this sense, the students’ project envisages the activation of the roof area, which then becomes a space for public purposes, in which cultural–educational (amphitheatre, film screenings) and commercial contents (coffee bar) are combined in the open air. The roof plane’s greening is planned by adapting its existing concrete surface into a green roof garden (Figure 19). The revitalisation and presentation project of the Modern Garage aims to reactivate this building in accordance with contemporary methods of revitalisation of industrial buildings and presentation of cultural heritage. With this concept project, the focus is directed towards preserving the integrity and authenticity of the object, its construction and architectural style, as well as through the presence of the original purpose. In this sense, the destruction of the original architectural identity of the building was disenabled. The reactivation of the building was achieved through the preservation and modernisation Sustainability 2024, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW 29 of 36 of various contents (workshops, exhibition segments, projection spaces) that document, preserve and show the original character and function of the Modern Garage. Figure18. Figure 18.The Thestudents’ students’ proposal—technical proposal—technical drawings drawings (drawn (drawnby by authors: authors:students studentsLukić LukićA. A.and and NinkovićI., Ninković I.,2022). 2022). Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 29 of 36 Figure 18. The students’ proposal—technical drawings (drawn by authors: students Lukić A. and Ninković I., 2022). Figure 19. The students’ proposal—Ambiental views (drawn by authors: students Lukić A. and Nink Figure 19. The students’ proposal—Ambiental views (drawn by authors: students Lukić A. and ović I., 2022). Ninković I., 2022). 4. Discussion Applicable in Practice: Valorisation of the Research Results Students’ conceptual solutions for sustainable conservation of industrial heritage, shown through revitalisation projects and presentations of three case studies of Belgrade’s industrial heritage, including The Locksmiths’ Workshop and Foundry “Pantelić”, Hangar of the Old Belgrade Airport and The First Modern Garage, point to the possibilities of simultaneous protection of all the values and authenticity of the industrial heritage, but also to the possibilities of using the industrial heritage as an economic, ecological and social resource in the contemporary context. Through the defined research methodology, and especially within Phase 1, the focus becomes studying and understanding theoretical principles and concepts in the field of pro- tection, revitalisation and presentation of cultural and industrial heritage, with an emphasis on the preservation of their values and authenticity, but also their sustainable conservation in the contemporary context. In this way, by analysing important documents in cultural and industrial heritage preservation and sustainable development, the students acquired the necessary theoretical knowledge, which was then implemented in their projects for the industrial heritage’s sustainable conservation on concrete case studies in Belgrade. On the other hand, the need to integrate the industrial heritage into the contemporary context and harmonise it with the contemporary needs and way of living represented the main challenges in the research process and in the formation of the students’ ideas and concepts. Consequently, the imperative to preserve all the inherited values and authenticity of the industrial heritage, alongside the introduction of new spatial and program content in spaces with expressed heritage values and the fitting of contemporary architectural expression into the existing environment while respecting the relationship between the old and the new, are distinguished by all three students’ conceptual solutions presented in this paper. Although they deal with different case studies of Belgrade’s industrial heritage, which are characterised by different original purposes, all three projects managed to preserve and appropriately present all the values and the authenticity of the analysed monuments of technical culture. They did it alongside the use of contemporary architectural expres- sion and the application of the concept of adaptive reuse, which resulted in successfully Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 30 of 36 integrating the industrial heritage into the contemporary context. First of all, the existing spatial organisation within the building was mainly preserved, as well as the structural assembly (positions of structural elements, supporting walls and beams) and stylistic fea- tures (positions and dimensions of façade openings, decorative plastic (if it existed) and the original authentical dimensions and volume of the building). Furthermore, all three projects envisage the presentation of the previous function of the object through appropriate cultural, educational and exhibition contents, thus ensuring the symbolic continuity of the purpose of the industrial heritage, even in the case when it has been overcome in relation to the contemporary moment. On the other hand, through the concept of adaptive reuse, all three conceptual solutions strive to fit new spatial and program contents concerning the existing environment and values of the monuments of technical culture, but also to symbolically connect the new uses with the previous ones. This is, above all, expressed in the project for revitalising and presenting the Hangar of the Old Airport, by creating a space for training for the management of drones as modern aircrafts. In contrast, the projects for The Locksmiths’ Workshop and Foundry “Pantelić” and the First Modern Garage are symbolically connected to the previous purpose of the building through the treatment of the facade with the former cast bells, that is, through the introduction of the ramp as a central motif in the former garage. In the context of establishing sustainable development, all three students’ conceptual solutions are characterised by applying con- temporary and ecologically acceptable materials in combination with authentic-found ones that are returned to their previous function. Also, all three students’ conceptual solutions introduce contemporary sustainable solutions that create additional space quality and pro- mote environmental protection awareness. Both through the attitude towards the inherited values and the recognised need to preserve the authenticity of the industrial heritage, as well as through the character of the newly introduced contents, the use of contemporary materials and the application of sustainable solutions, all three projects respect the existing environment of the building, including its spatial, natural, cultural–historical and social context, but also the spirit of the place, which is preserved through the application of the adaptive reuse concept and improved by introducing new contents that will eventually become a new value of industrial heritage. All aspects of preserving the values and the authenticity of the industrial heritage, as well as the elements of sustainable development applied within each students’ conceptual solution for the revitalisation and presentation of Belgrade’s industrial heritage, are shown in detail in Figure 20. The tables are designed concerning ten criteria for the valorisation of students’ conceptual solutions, defined in Section 2.2.2 of this paper; they indicate the degree of success of students’ conceptual solutions to apply theoretical principles and concepts in the field of cultural and industrial heritage preservation and establishment of sustainable development in the practice of industrial heritage’s sustainable conservation and its integration into the contemporary context, using contemporary architectural expression. The students’ conceptual solutions represent an alternative future for the analysed monuments of the technical culture, which are currently in the process of devastation and do not enjoy an adequate approach to protecting industrial heritage in the contemporary context. However, although unrealised, projects of revitalisation and presentation of industrial heritage indicate real possibilities for transforming principles and concepts from their theoretical to practical dimension, which was also confirmed through the valorisation of students’ conceptual solutions in relation to the defined set of criteria. The presented projects also indicate the success of the research methodology at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture. Through theoretical teaching and simulation of the practical application of acquired knowledge and skills, young colleagues and future architects become aware of the importance of Belgrade’s industrial heritage, its current state and still unused potential for integration into the contemporary context, which they try to use through their conceptual solutions. The education of young colleagues, who will be decision-makers on the quality of the built environment in the future and the status of industrial heritage, is a prerequisite for improving the state of industrial heritage in Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 31 of 36 Belgrade. However, in order for the industrial heritage of the city of Belgrade to be seen as an economic, ecological and social resource for improving the quality of the living and built environment, it is necessary to expand the awareness of the importance of industrial heritage beyond the academic framework, including experts from other scientific disciplines such as historians, archaeologists, artists, sociologists, anthropologists and32psychologists, Sustainability 2024, 16, x FOR PEER REVIEW of 36 but also the local population, local government and other stakeholders. Figure 20. Valorisation of the students’ proposals through the set of criteria (provided by authors: Figure 20. Valorisation of the students’ proposals through the set of criteria (provided by authors: Nikolić M., Šćekić J., Drobnjak B. and Takač E.). Nikolić M., Šćekić J., Drobnjak B. and Takač E.). Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 32 of 36 The formation of an interdisciplinary approach to the industrial heritage’s sustainable conservation would enable the values and the issue of the authenticity of the industrial heritage to be seen from different scientific disciplines. Moreover, an interdisciplinary approach would enable current problems in the integration of industrial heritage into the contemporary context to be overcome by harmonising new uses with theoretical principles and concepts, but also with the needs of the local community and their preferences, thus ensuring the active use of monuments of technical culture in practice and their survival for future generations. Precisely because of this, the further direction for the improvement of the defined research methodology in the field of sustainable conservation of industrial heritage at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture refers to the inclusion of experts from other scientific disciplines, the local community and other interested parties in the process of preserving industrial heritage in Belgrade, from theoretical research of a particular case study towards its sustainable conservation in practice. 5. Conclusions The research methodology presented in this paper, as well as the students’ conceptual solutions that represent the results of the applied methodology and the conducted research, indicates real possibilities for the implementation of theoretical principles and concepts in the practice of the sustainable conservation of industrial heritage, while preserving all its values and authenticity, but also fitting the contemporary architectural expression into spaces with pronounced heritage values. In addition to educating young colleagues and future architects about the importance of industrial heritage on a global level and adequate principles and concepts for its sus- tainable conservation, the importance of teaching at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture is also reflected in the fact that students get to know industrial heritage in a local context, analysing the state of monuments of technical culture in Belgrade. Through a combination of theoretical lectures and simulation of the practical application of acquired knowledge on the conceptual projects’ development, the students were able to see alterna- tive solutions for the future of the analysed monument of technical culture, which would enable a better integration of the industrial heritage into the contemporary context and its active use. Furthermore, the study’s importance is reflected in the digitalisation of the existing archival material (urban–architectural projects, technical documentation for project’s re- alisation) used to analyse and compare the original authentic and current state of the monument of technical culture. The digitalisation of authentic drawings made it possible to preserve important examples of industrial heritage in Belgrade from oblivion, even if they do not enjoy the appropriate treatment of protection, revitalisation and presentation in preserving the industrial heritage in practice. In this regard, the further direction of research includes a better integration of different institutions dealing with the topic of industrial heritage preservation in order to carry out existing archival materials and theoretical analysis through an integral and interdis- ciplinary approach, including experts from different scientific disciplines. In addition to the above-mentioned, the need to involve the local community in the process of industrial heritage’s sustainable conservation was recognised, first through analysing their needs and preferences. In order for this to be implemented, further research direction should include additional methodological tools, including questionnaires, surveys and interviews, which would be conducted in cooperation with the local community, as well as relevant experts, based on which insight about real needs and opportunities for their realisation through the practice of industrial heritage’s sustainable conservation would be gained. In this sense, the further direction of research includes the expansion of the currently established set of criteria for the valorisation of students’ conceptual solutions, which would refer to the degree of fulfilment of the recognised needs of the local community, on the one hand, that is, the degree of fulfilment of theoretical principles and concepts of sustainable conservation of industrial heritage, on the other. Moreover, the question arises of the Sustainability 2024, 16, 2820 33 of 36 applicability of the defined research methodology to other typologies of cultural heritage, such as archaeological, medieval, sacral and modern, which also form an important aspect of the cultural identity of the Republic of Serbia. Moreover, another topic—the establishment of industrial heritage routes—represents a possible direction for further research. This topic stood out as a consequence of the mapping of industrial heritage in Belgrade, their position and the degree of importance assigned to them, as well as an overview of the relationship between legally protected monuments of technical culture and those that do not officially enjoy that status. The conducted analysis indicates that there still needs to be more commitment to preserving this typology of cultural heritage, both at the local and state levels. Considering the crucial concepts of the sustainable conservation of industrial heritage and, above all, the potential of establishing industrial heritage routes, there are real opportunities for positioning the industrial heritage of Belgrade and the Republic of Serbia on maps of industrial routes, at the local, national, regional and European levels. Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.N., J.Š., B.D. and E.T.; methodology, M.N., J.Š., B.D. and E.T.; software, M.N., J.Š., B.D. and E.T.; validation, M.N., J.Š., B.D. and E.T.; formal analysis, M.N., J.Š., B.D. and E.T.; investigation, M.N., J.Š., B.D. and E.T.; resources, M.N., J.Š., B.D. and E.T.; data curation, M.N., J.Š., B.D. and E.T.; writing—original draft preparation, M.N., J.Š., B.D. and E.T.; writing—review and editing, M.N., J.Š., B.D. and E.T.; visualization, M.N., J.Š., B.D. and E.T.; supervision, M.N., J.Š., B.D. and E.T.; Project Administration, M.N., J.Š., B.D. and E.T.; Funding acquisition, M.N., J.Š., B.D. and E.T. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Funding: This research received no external funding. Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable. Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable. Data Availability Statement: Data are contained within the article. Acknowledgments: We thank the anonymous reviewers who contributed suggestions to improve the quality of the paper, the Academic Editors, all the MDPI staff for their valuable work, the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, students and colleagues for their contribution. We extend our sincere gratitude to the students who participated in the elective course: Petrović, D.; Petrović, R.; Radovanović, N.; Ðekić, S.; Mitrović, Ð.; Lukić, A.; and Ninković, I. Without their dedication, creativity and effort in developing conceptual solutions for the sustainable conservation of industrial heritage, this paper would not have been possible to realise this way. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest. References 1. Morris, W. The Manifesto of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings; SPAB: Bloomsbury, UK, 1877; pp. 1–2. 2. Ruskin, J. The Seven Lamps of Architecture. 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