Recent papers in Accumulation
What is money? What is an economy? Why is money so addictive? What is accumulation? What is capitalism? What are the problems caused by capitalist accumulation. These are all question examined in this introductory overview of money, the... more
Hogyan képzeljük el a magyar társadalom osztályszerkezetét? Terhes babapiskótaként? Piramisként vagy körteként? Az összetett és elvont jelenségek megértését megkönnyíti, ha már ismert dolgokhoz hasonlítjuk. A metaforák egy határig... more
The popularity of shoe polishes started in mid-19 th century and continued throughout the 20 th century leading to the rise of leather and synthetic shoe manufacture. Substances like wax and tallow have been used as starting materials for... more
A review of the more important aspects of geology with respect to petrophysics. A concise description of the origins of the principle types of sedimentary rocks associated with petroleum that supply the reserves for petroleum is provided.... more
In the literature, it is argued that the Fordist regime of accumulation has gradually been replaced by a finance-driven regime. We argue that the contemporary regime in the UK could be best characterized as a finance- and real... more
Las ganancias son el objetivo central de la producción y el motor de la acumulación. Es el criterio último que utiliza el capitalista en la selección de nuevas técnicas de producción, y por ende una de las variables clave que condicionan... more
The essay argues that a Marxist materialist analysis is fundamental in understanding and articulating the current international social/economic conjuncture. We sketch the theoretical framework underlying such an analysis, apply this... more
Excel and VBA example of the 'Perfect Withdrawal Rate (PWR) method as per Suarez, E.D., Suarez, A. and Walz D.T., (2015). 'Based on the Paper Developing a Measure of Sequence Risk by Andrew Clare et al - 'The Perfect Withdrawal Amount: A... more
A partir de finales de los años noventa se puede detectar un verdadero giro, impulso o constante entre artistas, teóricos y comisarios de exposiciones, una constante o un giro hacia la consideración de la obra de arte “ en tanto que... more
Democracy is in crisis around the globe. Hungary was long heralded as a champion of political and economic liberalization in postsocialist Eastern Europe. However, the country recently emerged as a striking example of the current wave of... more
Ursprüngliche Akkumulation, Marx’s term for the logically paradoxical phenomenon of an accumulation that is both the effect and the origin of capitalist accumulation, has been the topic of nearly endless debate since the publication of... more
This book presents Ibn Khaldūn's anticipatory sociology of civilizations and power. Half a millennium before the birth of modern sociology in the West, Ibn Khaldūn-scholar, political counsellor, and Malikite judge-wrote a revolutionary... more
Abstract: The aim of the present study was to determine Co accumulation pattern in bodies of mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis Baird & Girard, 1853) at differing flow rates and concentrations following a 180 hours of exposure period. Co... more
For Aristotle, a just political community has to find similarity in difference and foster habits of reciprocity. Conventionally, speech and law have been seen to fulfill this role. This article reconstructs Aristotle’s conception of... more
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Analysis of the Deepwater Horizon disaster and the accumulatory decline of BP demonstrates both the analytical efficacy of the capital-as-power (CasP) approach to value theory, and the irreducible role of objects in the process of... more
In this paper, an attempt has been made to quantify three major non-biodegradable solid wastes (NBDSW) viz. plastics, synthetic rubber and glass in the Mithi river of Mumbai. The results of present investigation indicates that in initial... more
Following its global emergence, the blue economy agenda is now touted as a mechanism through which the Republic of Namibia can achieve long-term sustainable and equitable growth. In (re)defining the ocean, seabed mining has been central... more
In this introduction, we aim to demystify the concept of wealth, too entangled in financial discourses, which have generally reduced it to ‘accumulated assets’. This is at odds with the intricate cultural history of wealth as a concept,... more
Soil and plant samples (root and shoot) of Prosopis juliflora were collected in the vicinity of metal based foundry units in Coimbatore and assessed for their heavy metal content (Cu and Cd) to ascertain the use of P. juliflora as a green... more
Ancient Greece, coinage, growth, limits, Solon, Xenophon In this essay I look for glimpses of growth ideology in Classical Athens, a society in the throes of monetisation. I ask whether the Ancient Greeks knew, in any meaningful sense,... more
Boat harbours are an increasingly common form of artificial habitat. This paper presents a comparative study of contaminants and foulers of a habitat-forming native kelp (Saccharina latissima) in four marinas and four reference locations... more
Per la critica della società che trae ispirazione dal pensiero di Marx, la questione oggi decisiva appare essere come la valorizzazione del forza-lavoro e del capitale, quindi la riproduzione allargata della società, avvenga attraverso il... more
In 1939, the De Beers diamond company faced a dire situation. The company’s accumulation had been dwindling for decades. The Great Depression not only pushed diamond sales to historic lows, it shifted American attitudes around consumption... more
Contemporary anthropological accounts of economic uncertainty often use the concept of hope as a means of recovering human agency in relation to broader socioeconomic structures. At times, however , the emphasis anthropologists place on... more
Marx'ın "ursprüngliche akkumulation"kavramı kapitalizmin tarih öncesini değil; şimdisini imleyen, kapitalizmin kurucu öğesidir. Bu makalede kapitalist birikimin nasıl bir süreklilik arz ettiğini, işçi sınıfı ile üretim araçlarının... more
This is the expanded and slightly corrected German version of an article that has been published in English in the same year, 2006, in Historical Materialism
Collecting energy from the time-dependent electrodynamic fields into a vacuum volume can be substantially assisted by spherical metasurfaces wrapped around the respective domains. The combinations of sizes and surface admittances that... more
El objetivo del artículo es analizar el ciclo de desarrollo económico iniciado en Argentina tras el colapso de la Convertibilidad en 2001, resultado de la crisis más profunda de la historia del país. En este ciclo, la economía argentina... more
In this article the accumulative aspect of rock art is discussed. In light of the simple fact that we are seeing rock art panels in their final form, questions concerning the interrelation between figures deriving from different time... more
Neoclassical economics has been built on the assumption of limitless human needs and limited natural resources. The essay aims at challenging this thesis by presenting how scarcity is the result of the surplus production. It introduces... more