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Η διδακτική αυτή προσέγγιση αφορά στο σχεδιασμό και την υλοποίηση της διδασκαλίας στο πλαίσιο ενός μαθήματος φιλοσοφίας σχετικά με τις θεωρίες της γνώσης στη Β΄ Γενικού Λυκείου, με βάση το διδακτικό βιβλίο Αρχές Φιλοσοφίας στο... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
Historical studies on the appearance of Greek secular buildings, common houses, streets and neighborhoods, are rather limited compared to those for religious or monumental structures, due to the relative lack of archaeological evidence.... more
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      ArchitectureGreek ArchitectureAthensAncient Athens
A biography of Philip II.
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      Alexander the GreatPhilip II of MacedoniaAncient AthensAncient Macedonia
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      Ancient HistoryClassicsGreek sanctuariesAsklepios
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      ThucydidesXenophonAncient Greek HistoryPeloponnesian War
For 25 centuries the Parthenon has been shot at, set on fire, rocked by earthquakes, looted for its sculptures, and disfigured by catastrophic renovations. To save it from collapse, the modern restoration team must uncover the secrets of... more
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      Ancient GreeceGreek ArchitectureParthenonGreek and Roman Art and Architecture
In their pleadings Against Timarchos and On the false embassy, Aeschines and Demosthenes both evoke a statue of Solon erected on the agora of Salamis which would show the legislator with his hand inside his cloak, a gesture indicating his... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassical Reception StudiesReception of AntiquityAncient Greek Law
This paper focuses on the portrait of Miltiades in the sources between 4th cent. B.C. and 1st A.D., thus after Herodotus and before Plutarch and the Second sophistic. After the first paragraph, devoted to an introduction to the issue, the... more
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      Roman HistoriographyCiceroAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek Historiography
A description (in Dutch) of the new website Rondompericles.nl ('Around Pericles') opening up the text of Pericles' famous funeral oration in Thucydides book 2, and related text, with annotations, commentary and background, for a general... more
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      DemocracyAncient Greek HistoryPericlesAncient Greek Literature
The Italian Archaeological School at Athens is pleased to invite you to the 2nd Conference of the 'G&A-Greeks & Aliens Conference series'. The new lecture series, organized by SAIA, focuses on connections through time between the... more
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      ArchaeologyOttoman HistoryIslamic ArchaeologyOttoman Archaeology
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      Agrarian HistoryAnimal HusbandryAthensAncient Athens
Syllabus and Reading Schedule for The Rise and Fall of Popular Rule—Athens (Integrated Humanities Program, History Module, Fall 2018, UVM). Course Description: America's founders, when establishing our political institutions, took... more
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      Ancient HistoryAristophanesPlutarchThucydides
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      Ancient HistoryGreek LiteratureGreek HistoryVirtue Ethics
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      PlatoAristotleLocal HistoryAthenian Democracy
The appearance of hybris in the list of hunting dog names given in Xenophon’s Cynegeticus seems, at first glance, surprising. Why would Xenophon recommend such a term for man’s best friend? Often translated to mean violent arrogance,... more
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      AristophanesXenophonAncient Greek PoliticsDogs
Die Geschichte des Ionischen Aufstandes und der Perserkriege (5. Jh. v. Chr.) ist von dem antiken Geschichtsschreiber Herodot überliefert worden. Eine unreflektierte Übernahme seiner Erzählung ist jedoch nicht möglich. Allerdings läßt... more
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      Ancient HistoriographyAncient PersiaArchaic Greek historyAncient Greek History
This paper aims to investigate the question of the (un)lawfulness of voluntary exile by defendants in relation to eisangelia trials. I argue that the defendant's habit of evading trial by going into exile was never seen as lawful, despite... more
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      Ancient HistoryExileAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek Epigraphy
La proposition consiste à rechercher les catégories indiquées dans le cadre de conditions déterminées d’énonciation. Il s’agit de réfléchir autour de la notion d’agent en considérant deux figures singulières : le héros tragique et le... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek LiteratureGreek HistoryGreek Tragedy
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      Ancient HistoryGreek ArchaeologyAncient AthensAreopagos
The classical liberal doctrine of free expression asserts the priority of speech as an extension of the freedom of thought. Yet its critics argue that freedom of expression, itself, demands the suppression of the so-called "silencing... more
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      Freedom Of ExpressionFreedom of SpeechAncient Athens
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      Social ChangeAristotleAthenian DemocracyThucydides
A longish review of Jim Miller’s book on the history and present of democracy.
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      GenealogyLiberalismFrench RevolutionHistory of Democracy
This reconstruction of Plato’s biography was researched and written when I was at the London School of Economics Department of Government in 2004-05. As an attempt to reconstruct Plato’s life with more detail than had been done before, I... more
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      Greek HistoryPlatoAristotleBiography
The paper argues that Cleisthenes’ military reforms were not improvised. The general view of war in Archaic Athens as a series of skirmishes between small contingents recruited on an almost private basis must be qualified, as there are... more
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      Archaic Greek historyAthens and Attica (Neolithic to Archaic)Ancient Greek WarfareAncient Athens
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      History of ProstitutionAncient GreeceAncient Athens
Esposizione di approfondimento per studenti liceali e di laurea triennale. Atene è l"altro polo nella gamma di possibili forme della polis greca. Il cammino di Atene è per certi versi opposto a quello di Sparta: se a Sparta l"ordine... more
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      Ancient HistoryAthenian DemocracyDemocracyArchaic Greek history
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      Greek ArchaeologyAthensAncient Athens
Le mythe de l’Atlantide et l’Égypte antique sont étroitement imbriqués si l’on en croit les dires du philosophe Platon. Il est le premier à évoquer le récit d’une île-continent, dont les orgueilleux et puissants habitants furent défaits... more
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      EgyptologyPlatoEgyptGreek Myth
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryDemocratic TheoryRepublicanism
The article presents the fragment of a new 'family grave stele' in the Athenian Kerameikos. It was found in 2014 during excavations in the Sacred Street, re-used as the cover of an ancient water channel that runs along the southwestern... more
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      Ancient Water TechnologyKerameikosGreek InscriptionsAncient Athens
Literature review on the Parthenon Frieze. Term paper for Dr. Hector Williams' CLST 501: Topography and Monuments of Ancient Athens, a graduate seminar held in the Department of Classical, Near Eastern, and Religious Studies (CNERS) at... more
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      ParthenonParthenon MarblesAncient Athens
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      Athenian DemocracyPericlesAncient Athens
This paper [in Dutch] questions whether it is justified to earmark classical Athens as "The Age of Pericles". It offers a short overview of what the sources have to offer on the life and deeds of the statesman and shows how the ancients... more
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      Athenian DemocracyAthenian ImperialismPericlesAncient Athens
En el presente artículo (publicado el 17 de octubre de 2017 en la Revista Éufrates) se analizan las principales ideas reflejadas en el Discurso de Pericles, recogido por Tucídides en el Libro II de la Historia de la Guerra del Peloponeso.... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryPolitical PhilosophyHistory of Ideas
Im Peloponnesischen Krieg (431 bis 404 v. Chr.) standen sich die Machtblöcke des Ersten Attischen Seebundes unter Führung Athens und des Peloponnesischen Bundes unter seinem Hegemon Sparta gegenüber. Dank Thukydides sind wir über den... more
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      SpartaSpartan/Messenian historyAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greece (History)
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      Ancient HistoryAncient Greek ReligionAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek Historiography
""En Filipo II y el Arte de la Guerra tendremos la oportunidad de conocer en profundidad a uno de los más grandes reyes de la antigua Macedonia. Gracias a su habilidad como estratega, diplomático, político y soldado, heredó un reino... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
Jornadas de Traducción y Mito: El Himno Homérico a Atenea (XXVIII)
Buenos Aires - 7 de diciembre de 2018
Instituto de Filología Clásica - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
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      Ancient HistoryMythologyGreek LiteratureAthenian Democracy
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      Hellenistic and Roman FortificationsSurvey MethodologySurvey ResearchGreek Archaeology
It is well known that several Greek leaders, for various reasons, after falling in disgrace in their homeland, found refuge in Persia: typical examples are the Spartan Demaratus and the Athenians Themistocles and Alcibiades. The opposite... more
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      Ancient PersiaAncient Greek HistoryRefugeesAncient Sparta
La desigual distribución de la riqueza bajo las condiciones actuales del capitalismo es, como bien se sabe, el eje sobre el que Piketty ha centrado su atención; asimismo, forma parte de sus reflexiones el posible rol del estado, a través... more
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      Athenian DemocracyGreek EconomyGreek Economic HistoryGreek Political Economy
Marktgewichte gehören zu den kleinformatigen Objekten des alltäglichen Lebens, die beim Handel auf der Agora, in den Läden usw. zum Abwiegen von (trockenen) Waren benötigt wurden. Tausende von ihnen wurden in den griechischen Poleis rund... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyClassicsNumismatics
This course presents a broad survey of historical forces at work over the past 6,000 years, examining the manners in which human societies have organized themselves along categories of race, ethnicity, class, and gender to meet the... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryEuropean History
This paper seeks to shed light on the question of why democratic Athens with a distinct egalitarian ideal at the same time treated certain human beings as slaves. Economic, political, legal, and ideological aspects are considered.
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      Human RightsSlaveryAthenian DemocracyTorture
In this paper classical Athenian discourses about the end of tyranny and the beginning of democracy are analyzed. In particular, taking as a starting point the perspective of some modern specialist about Athenian democracy as a political... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryClassical Archaeology
In my undergraduate thesis I explored the possibility that Ancient Greek fertility cults ritualized certain ethnobotanical practices that might today have been called "abortion," but at the time, would have been thought of in a very... more
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      ClassicsEthnobotanySexual and Reproductive HealthHellenistic History
Sparta’s naval victory in the Peloponnesian War depended on ship contributions from Peloponnesian and central Greek allies and funding from the Persian empire. At the end of the war, Lysander’s acquisition of captured enemy triremes... more
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      Naval HistoryAchaemenid PersiaSpartaXenophon