Recent papers in Arc
Abstract A review of the chondrichthyan and osteichthyan fish fossils found in Japan is provided in the form of a series of tabular compilations covering the Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic Era. On the basis of this compilation, considerable... more
The plasma spray process is widely used to produce thick coatings by the successive pilling of particles deposited in a molten or semi-molten state on a prepared substrate. However, this process includes time-dependent phenomena that... more
Abstract: Drought is a hazardous and costly natural phenomenon with slow on-set that has dreadful impacts on economy, social life and environment of a country or region. The fact that it is slow on-set and is not quite distinguishable in... more
Current practice in healthcare risk management is supported by many tools for risk assessment (understanding problems), but none for risk control (solving problems). The results: a failure to improve safety, and a waste of the investment... more
La spécialisation de plus en plus grande et le cloisonnement de nos domaines de recherche (histoire, histoire de l’art, archéologie...) conduisent le plus souvent à étudier et à publier séparément, malgré leur complémentarité, les sources... more
Il ciclo delle opere progettate da Guido Canella per la città di Bari occupa un arco temporale di oltre un decennio – dal 1991 al 2006 – e riguarda: il prototipo di Casa bifamiliare nel complesso residenzia- le di Barialto a Casamassima,... more
The Teloschistaceae is a widespread family with considerable morphological and ecological heterogeneity across genera and species groups. In order to provide a comprehensive molecular phylogeny for this family, phylogenetic analyses were... more
Long lasting forms of synaptic plasticity and long-term memory formation require new mRNA and protein synthesis. While activity-dependent expression of immediate-early genes has long been thought to account for such critical de novo... more
Entre le debut des annees 1960 et celui des annees 1990, l'architecture domestique de Sanaa a connu de profondes transformations. Cet article traite de l'evolution recente des elements architecturaux tels que la pierre, l'arc... more
Suez, Abou Simbel, Le Caire, Alger, Casablanca, Istanbul... Pour la première fois, des historiens de l'architecture et des conservateurs d'archives nous permettent d'accéder à un patrimoine culturel européen exceptionnel et... more
A mathematical model describing heat and fluid flow in an electric arc has been developed and used to predict heat transfer from the arc to the steel bath in a DC Electric Arc Furnace. The arc model takes the separate contributions to the... more
A mathematical model describing heat and fluid flow in an electric arc has been developed and used to predict heat transfer from the arc to the steel bath in a DC Electric Arc Furnace. The arc model takes the separate contributions to the... more
Concordant U–Pb zircon dates have been interpreted traditionally to date the crystallization ages of plutons because until recently analytical uncertainties have generally been large enough to encompass the anticipated duration of pluton... more
In contrast to their parent molecule cholesterol, two of its side-chain oxidized metabolites are able to cross the blood–brain barrier. There is a concentration-driven flux of 24S-hydroxycholesterol (24S-OHC) from the brain into the... more