Archaeological Ceramics
Recent papers in Archaeological Ceramics
Ceramics are a key indicator for the study of cultural heritage:-A valuable technological indicator because (a) ceramics mark the passage from the simple exploitation to the complex control of fire; (b) they represent the first... more
The nineteenth-century potters of southwestern Virginia came from diverse, geographic sources. These individuals brought with them extra-local traditions of pottery decoration and kiln technology. The origins and interactions of... more
The article presents an overview of the archaeological and documentary evidence for medieval pottery production in Ireland and places it within the context of similar studies in Britain. The study period is defined by the arrival of the... more
The aim of this thesis is to offer an initial construction of the long term past of the Upper Tapajós River, considering processes of long-term continuities as well as ruptures. I will attempt to “bridge the gap” between pre-Columbian and... more
Abstract Recent research into the form and functionality of pottery has considered ceramic transition as reflecting changes in cultural practice, in particular cooking and/or dining habits. This has raised questions of the choices and... more
More than 30 years after of the publication of Le Geste et la Parole, Leroi-Gourhan´s theoretical and methodological approach still continues enriching the debate on technological studies in archaeology, especially related to the chaîne... more
Ceramic data and radiocarbon dates from two Coles Creek mound centers in the lower Yazoo Basin, Mississippi, are used to modify the chronology of the local Coles Creek period sequence. The modifications have ramifications for efforts to... more
The principles governing thermal shock resistance are introduced briefly, followed by the presentation of an experimental study conducted to assess the influence of temper and firing temperature on the thermal shock resistance of... more
A B S T R A C T This article uses evidence of regional-scale ceramic exchange to evaluate three proposed causal factors (Aztec imperial expansion, bottom-up demand, and elite competition) for the development of the market-based economy of... more
The Grosseto plain has undergone extensive morphological changes. The shoreline progression has been taking place during the last millennium and has deeply affected settlement, infrastructural, and socioeconomic dynamics. Consequently,... more
This study investigates how the technology of Coptic Glazed Ware (CGW)-which is one of the earliest examples of Islamic glazed pottery-was developed, allowing for an insight into the mechanisms that contributed to the making of early... more
Paper presented in the symposium “Contact, Persistence and Change: Protohistoric and Early Historic Archaeology of the Gulf Coastal Plain” at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Nashville, TN, November... more
The analysis of archaeological ceramics has rapidly evolved over the last decades by the application of new analytical techniques. An emerging analytical proposal to fully characterise archaeological ceramics using automated SEM... more
Το άρθρο διερευνά τις σχέσεις ανάμεσα στην Κεντρική και τη Νότια Εύβοια, την Ανατολική Αττική και τη Βόρεια Κέα σε δύο χρονολογικές περιόδους: την Τελική Νεολιθική (περίπου 4100-3100 π.Χ.) και την ύστερη Πρωτοελλαδική II (περίπου... more
Late Antique coarse cooking wares and painted fine wares found at Herdonia (second half of the fourth century to mid-fifth century ad) and Canusium (late sixth century to early seventh century ad) have been chemically and mineralogically... more
У раду се разматрају разлози за етичку дилему конзерватора који спроводе третмане конзервације и рестаурације на археолошкој керамици, као и потенцијална решења овог проблема. Често се догађа да се конзерватори у свом послу, при захтеву... more
Close Document Image Close Document Printer Image Print This Document! Conservation Information Network (BCIN). Author: Aronson, Meredith; Skibo, James M.; Stark, Miriam Editor: Vandiver, Pamela B.; Druzik, James; Wheeler ...
A review of the development of pottery production in the Nile Valley in comparison with other Neolithic cultures with the use of Xeroradiography.