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Pages from the book ”The Vanishing Aromanian” by Eugene Matzota Available on AMAZON... more
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      HistoryIdentity (Culture)AromaniansAromanians Genealogy
SPIS TREŚCI WSTĘP 5 I. W STRONĘ HISTORII 7 Wojciech Dudziak WĘDRÓWKI BLISKIE CZY DALEKIE? Początki badań nad pasterstwem karpackim 9 Iveta Zuskinová BACOWIE I JUHASI Z LIPTOWA ORAZ ICH KONTAKTY Z OWCZARZAMI Z PODHALA 14 Danuta Blin-Olbert... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural HeritageSocial and Cultural AnthropologyPastoralism (Social Anthropology)
The paper presents the authorʼs individual views on the state of affairs and presents theoretical, methodological and practical results, obtained by him in the last decade in the field of the comparative-historical and... more
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      Greek LanguageDialectologyBalkan StudiesSyntax
I aim in this chapter to provide a generalizing genetic and geolinguistic (arealtypological) analysis of Slavic dialects in the Balkan context and to offer synthetic conclusions at the present state of research. I will make statements on... more
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      Greek LanguageDialectologyBalkan StudiesSerbian
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      AromanianAromaniansΒλαχική γλώσσαAromanian language
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      Modern HistoryPropagandaBalkan HistoryVlachs
Studiu introductiv. Dumitru Limona (1912-1977), paleograful documentelor grecești din Arhive: 1. Activitatea traductologică și științifică. 2. Biografia și experiențele sociopolitice. 3. Cariera arhivistică. Notă asupra ediției.... more
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      Medieval HistoryBalkan StudiesBalkan HistoryArchives
Corrected in January 2021.
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      LexicologyLoanwords, Language contact & changeRomanian LanguageSlavic Historical Linguistics
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      PropagandaBalkan HistoryVlachsMacedonia
The Vlachs (i.e. Wallachians, Morlaks or "Lyachi") – Europe’s forcibly Latinized population, e.g. Franks, Germans, Iberians, Lombardians, Romanians, Aromanians, etc. - arguably the most numerous "small change" group of people on Balkans... more
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      SociologySocial SciencesBalkan StudiesBalkan History
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      VlachsBalkan Vlachsthe role of ethnic minorities in the international environment and in GreeceAromanians
This contribution discusses a project to strengthen Aromanian. Aromanian or Vlach is an Eastern Romance language spoken in South-eastern Europe. Its speakers are called Aromanians or Vlachs. Aromanian has three main dialects; Pindean,... more
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      Endangered LanguagesVlachsBalkan VlachsAromanians
This study presents an analysis about the rain-making ritual from Romania, called Paparuda, performed in the spring and in times of severe drought. The ritual is common also in the Slavic folklore, with the same structure. In this study,... more
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      MythologyLanguages and LinguisticsMaterial Culture StudiesSlavic Languages
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      Discourse AnalysisHistorical LinguisticsGreek LanguageBalkan Studies
The paper deals with the formation and the activities of the so-called Romanian armed bands in Ottoman Macedonia, during the later stages of the Macedonian Struggle. These bands were consisted of pro-Romanian Vlachs from Macedonia and... more
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      Romanian HistoryBalkan StudiesModern Greek HistoryOttoman Balkans
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      Romanian LanguageRoman BalkanAromaniansAromanian language
Në këtë artikull jepet një pasqyrë e elementeve të përbashkëta fonetike dhe gramatikore të arumanishtes, rumanishtes dhe shqipes duke u bazuar në një skicë gramatikë të të folmeve arumune të rretheve Gjirokastër, Sarandë, Delvinë e... more
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      Albanian StudiesRomanian StudiesRomanian LanguageAlbanian language
PREFAŢĂ .......................................................................................................................................................III INDICE DE NUME PROPRII... more
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      Greek PalaeographyGreek TradeGreek merchantsAromanians
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      Biography and Life-WritingRomanian Communist secret policeArchivologyAromanians
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      Balkan HistoryVlachsIMROBalkan Vlachs
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      History of EducationWest Macedonia GreeceAromanians
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      MigrationHistory of AstronomyHistory of MigrationAromanian
In order to portray the “Greek” merchant by elucidating the confidential aspects of his affairs (basically related to money and merchandise), starting the investigation from the virtues and emotions previously resulted, while exploiting,... more
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      Medieval HistoryArchivesModern Greek HistoryMerchants (Medieval Studies)
Le 4 avril 2016, l’Académie Roumaine a fêté 150 années depuis sa fondation. Parmi les membres extérieurs de la «Société Littéraire Roumaine» (ainsi qu’elle s’appelait initialement), un décret du 22 avril 1866, pris par la Lieutenance... more
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      KastoriaZoonymesKleisoura, ΚλεισούραAromanians
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      MigrationMigration StudiesGreek DiasporaBalkan Vlachs
Es ist nichts Verwunderliches, dass sich die Kodifizierung als grundlegender Bestandteil der Standardisierung gerade im Fall der sogenannten " klein " romanischen Sprachen ausgesprochen dynamisch und komplex ge-staltet und jeweils eigene... more
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      Greek DialectsVlachsAromanianBalkan Vlachs
Wer sich mit der ethnischen Struktur der südlichen Balkanhalbinsel zur Zeit der Balkankriege beschäftigen möchte, hat bei der Quellenwahl zwischen höchst widersprüchlichen Karten und Statistiken zu wählen. Die meisten Darstellungen jener... more
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      Balkan HistoryBulgarian historyGreek and Macedonian ethnicityAromanians
This paper profiles the basic occupations of the residents of a Vlach semi- nomadic, mountainous village (Perivoli), in Greece, at the beginning of the 20th century. Research is based on the data of the electoral roll from 1914 aiming to... more
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      HistoryLocal HistoryVlachsΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ
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      Mythology And FolkloreEthnolinguisticsMythologyEthnography of Balkans
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      Ethnic StudiesMulticulturalismCultural HeritageAlbanian Studies
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      AromaniansΒλάχοιAromanian language
„Aromanian […]is spoken by half a million people, mainly in parts of northern Greece, Albania, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and Bulgaria.” , said Martin Maiden . The Aromanian Question, as Max Dreysuss said in his book ,... more
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    • Aromanians
The paper presents an icon from Slavonia (Croatia) dating from the first half of the 18 th century and featuring the most popular miracle of Saint George-the slaying of the dragon and saving the princess. 1 The icon is interesting in... more
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      IconographyPopular CulturePopular Culture and Religious Studies18th Century Art
List of publications by Andrey N. Sobolev in the fields of Slavic and Balkan linguistics and culture
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      FolkloreMythologyLexicologyGreek Language
W XVIII wieku Moskopole w Albanii było jednym z najważniejszych miast Bałkanów. Zniszczenie miasta na przełomie XVIII i XIX wieku stało się momentem upadku jego wspaniałych zabytków, tradycyjnych profesji oraz wygnania lokalnej... more
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      ManagementCultural StudiesEthnic StudiesArt History
thirst for the road. Today’s globetrotters and the travellers of the past have something in common: ingeniousness and not caring a whit about borders. Almost one hundred years ago, in a Balkan Peninsula without borders, the Aromanians... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural HeritageBalkan StudiesBalkan History
Foundations of Balkan Studies
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      GeographyHuman GeographyEastern European StudiesEuropean Studies
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      First World WarVlachsAromaniansKruševo
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      Albanian StudiesPolyphonyVocal PolyphonyEpirus
Ethnic mobilization and identity politics. Aromanians in Bulgaria. Baj Steriu, who considers himself a proud Aromanian, told me in an interview: “We come from Alexander the Great. There is even a song that Alexander the Great was our... more
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      Language Policy and Politics of IdentityEthnic minoritiesEthnic Minority MobilisationBalcan studies
Inventar-indice de descriere generală a fondului arhivistic „Casa Comercială «Frații Nanni»” (ani extremi: 1800-1848; paleografie greacă) Prefață I. Istoricul Casei Comerciale „Frații Nanni” 1. Statutul juridic și comercial a.... more
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      BusinessEconomic HistoryBalkan HistoryGreek Palaeography
The last shepherds of the Carpathians? Carpathian Sheep Transhumance 2013 - a phenomenon of the international project on contemporary Vlach pastoral culture, ,,Culturologica Slovaca", 2, 2017 In recent years, more and more researchers... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesAnthropologyCultural Heritage
The author searches for new interbalkan language parallels and for source languages of particular phenomena in the Balkan Slavonic languages which cannot be explained by internal Slavonic development. The absence or shortages of written... more
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      DialectologyMacedonian languageAromanians
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En s’appuyant sur les recits des Francais ayant voyage dans les Balkans durant la premiere moitie du xixe siecle, il est possible de fixer plusieurs marqueurs fondamentaux de l’identite ethnique des Aroumains balkaniques, a l’epoque... more
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      Balkan HistoryNational IdentityHistory And Geopolitics In The BalkansEthnicity
Inventarul-indice nr. 3483 (SANIC).
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      Economic history/Trade history/Oriental tradeGreek PalaeographyMerchant networksGreek epistolography
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      Anthropology of DressHistory of DressDocumentary PhotographyHistory of photography
The text presents the outcome of a sociolinguistic questionnaire survey conducted among the pupils attending lessons in the Aromanian (Vlach) language at a primary school in Kruševo (Macedonia). The survey focused on: the rate of use of... more
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      EthnolinguisticsSociolinguisticsLanguage and IdentityDomain Specific Languages