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This chapter covers Mathew Brady and the Civil War and shows how he became a photojournalist as he followed the military celebrities out onto the field of battle. The social and historical context against which his innovations emerged.
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      American HistoryAmerican StudiesPhotojournalismHistory of Art
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      Degenerate ArtAnti-SemitismWorld War II historyAdolf Hitler
One hundred years ago, the First World War broke out. For the countries involved in it, nothing would be the same again. Ahead of a series of debates the British Council is running with the BBC, the first of which will be held in Sarajevo... more
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      Art and WarArt under oppressionArt under siegeTheatre under siege
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      American Civil WarDocumentary PhotographyHistory of photographyPhotography (Visual Studies)
Visual and cultural analysis of Meiji shōnen kaiko 明治少年懐古 (Reminiscences of a Meiji youth, 1944), an illustrated book that nostalgically recalls Japan's late nineteenth and early twentieth century period of modernization. The book is in... more
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      Japanese StudiesVisual StudiesPrintsPrint Culture
История и культура традиционной Японии. Вып. 9 (Orientalia et classica. LXV). М., СПб., 2016. С. 323–333
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      NationalismJapanese HistoryNationalism And State BuildingMeiji period 明治時代
This sumptuously illustrated volume, edited by eminent war historian Joanna Bourke, offers a comprehensive visual, cultural and historical account of the ways in which armed conflict has been represented in art. Covering the last two... more
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      Art HistoryWar StudiesArt and Aesthetics of the Cold WarWar art
Art and war have gone hand in hand since the concept of war. From photographers to painters, writers, and scribes, documentation of war has been prevalent throughout time. Whether it be prefacing or recapping, literature has played an... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesLiteratureFilippo Tommaso Marinetti
The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise dating from the Spring and Autumn period in 5th century BC. The work, which is attributed to the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu, is composed of 13 chapters. Each one is... more
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      Military HistoryArt TheoryWar StudiesI Ching,Sun Tzu Art of War
Artistic responses to Australia’s war effort were diverse and engaging. Soldiers sketching what they experienced of the 1915 Gallipoli campaign produced some of the earliest images of the conflict. During the war, the first official art... more
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      First World WarWar artAustralian artCultural History of the First World War
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      African StudiesContemporary ArtWest AfricaSierra Leone
This thesis addresses the development of the pictorial genre known as the ‘victory picture’ (Ch. desheng tu 得勝圖, zhangong tu 戰功圖) in 19th century China. Largely associated with production under the patronage of the Qianlong emperor (r.... more
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      Art HistoryChinese StudiesChinese ArtSino-Japanese War
During the First World War, the first major system of prison camps of the 20th century was established. In autumn 1918, 2.4 million prisoners of war were in the custody of the German Reich alone. Between 1914 and 1921 there was also a... more
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      Prisoners of WarWorld War IPrisonsWWI
Den genetischen Code neu schreiben, mit Gedanken Geräte steuern, das Handeln fremder Menschen vorhersagen – einige Menschheitsträume sehen in unseren Tagen ihrer Verwirklichung entgegen, so scheint es. Diese Entwicklung wird einerseits... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtArt and technologyFutures and Options
Josep Renau (Valencia 1907-Berlín 1982) es, sin duda, uno de los grandes creadores del arte español contemporáneo, pero también uno de sus artistas más singulares, polifacéticos y comprometidos. En ámbitos artístico-culturales muy... more
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      20th century Avant-GardeArt and PoliticsExilio español y MéxicoSpanish Avant-Garde
Apart from nation-acclaiming images produced by regime-friendly artists, and war drawings produced by soldier-artists on the front, few Vietnamese artists have dared the American War’s critical assessment from inside the country. This... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesCold War and CultureVietnamese HistoryPerformance and performativity
A brief study of Otto Dix's triptych 'The War' and its reception in and after 1932.
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      Modernism (Art History)ModernismWeimar RepublicArt and Politics
The Swiss/German painter Paul Klee had a long history of affinity for the art of children. As the scholar O. K. Werchmeister notes, it is perhaps “one of the most salient features in the artist’s work.” Whether it was through his... more
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      Cultural StudiesArt HistoryMedia StudiesArt Theory
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      Japanese StudiesModern ArtJapanese HistoryModern and Contemporary Japan
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      Estudios VisualesArte ContemporaneaDoris SalcedoColombian cinema
The article focuses on the drawings and oleography of Ferdinand Quiquerez titled Crossing the Sava River at Brod (1878/79), a visual metaphor of the Austro-Hungarian occupation (and administration) of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The... more
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      Art HistoryBosniaCentral EuropeCentral European history
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      History of MuseumsHistory of CollectionsMuseum Collection historyHistory of Printmaking
En 1939 tuvo lugar el conocido desenlace de la guerra civil española y el inicio entre los derrotados de un éxodo masivo, que afectó en enorme grado a la intelectualidad y la creatividad que venían creciendo con brillantez en la España de... more
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      Contemporary Art20th Century MexicoContemporary Latin American Art20th century Avant-Garde
Susan Sontag in her 2003 book Regarding the Pain of Others suggests that images of war and destruction can be interpreted as aesthetic objects--that there is “a beauty in ruins”. A landscape of war is still a landscape. A painting... more
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      Second World WarPhotography and WarLee MillerWar Photography
Digital and data technologies are actively transforming the archives of contemporary warfare. Bringing together a range of scholarly perspectives and artistic practices, (W)archives investigates digital archiving as an integral technology... more
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      Contemporary ArtWar StudiesInformation WarfareSurveillance Studies
在阅读王雁女士撰写的《我的父亲沙飞(典藏版)》2 的过程中,我关 注到沙飞的三个“很特别”的地方:第一,鲁迅葬礼之后,他并不满足于摄 影记者的职业身份,而是有着更为个性化、理想化的自由追求——接连办了 两场个人展览。即便是到晋察冀边区后,他的艺术家身份意识也一直存续着。 第二,沙飞的媒介敏感性和职业素养。以往的研究多集中于他投身摄影后的 从业经历,但本文特别关注了此前长达10 年的报务员经历,这一职业履历 对沙飞的摄影生涯究竟意味着什么?我试图将电报、画报和摄影这三种媒介... more
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      History of photographyArt and WarArt History, Exhibition History, Museum and Curating StudiesWar Propaganda
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      TerrorismCultural HeritageTortureIsis Cult
Se presenta y estudia la figura del historiador de la escultura y gestor político del patrimonio artístico y cultural español Ricardo de Orueta y Duarte (Málaga, 1868-Madrid, 1939), viejo republicano, afín a los institucionistas, promotor... more
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      Historiography (in Art History)Spanish Civil WarArt and PoliticsPatrimonio Cultural
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      Art HistoryDigital PhotographyContemporary ArtDocumentary Photography
This essay explores Käthe Kollwitz’s anti-war graphic work in the context of the German, and later, international No More War movement from 1920 to 1925, where it performed an important role in anti-militarist campaigns, exhibitions and... more
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      PacifismCultural MemoryHistory of ArtFirst World War
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      Art HistoryPropagandaFascismSecond World War
Visual and cultural analysis of Nihon no shiro 日本の城 (Japanese Castles, 1944), a book containing text by architectural historian Kishida Hideto and woodblock print illustrations by artist Hashimoto Okiie. The book is in the Pulverer... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesAsian StudiesJapanese Studies
From 1964-5, Robert Morris made a series of lead relief sculptures, which have received little attention the literature on his practice, although they comprise one of the largest bodies of work in his oeuvre. This article argues that the... more
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      Art HistoryPerforming ArtsPerformance ArtHistory of Sculpture
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      Art HistoryThe SelfEighteenth-Century French StudiesCultural History of War
This thesis focusses on the representation of militarised airborne drones and night vision technologies in paintings by Australian contemporary artists, George Gittoes and Jon Cattapan. Drawing on substantial primary research, including... more
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtVisual CultureSurveillance
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      Civil-military relationsArt and WarHuman SufferingRepresentations of the Crimean War
Junto a la pregunta por el vínculo de la belleza y el compromiso, se analiza y propone la recuperación conjunta de la trayectoria vivencial y creativa de Josep Renau (Valencia 1907-Berlín 1982), sin duda uno de los grandes creadores del... more
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      Art and Aesthetics of the Cold WarContemporary Latin American Art20th century Avant-GardeExilio español y México
Most viewers have come to think of the installation of the Nymphéas, given by Monet to the French state and unveiled to the public in two specially designed rooms at the Musée de l'Orangerie on May , 1927 as the official crowning of... more
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      French ImpressionismClaude MonetMural paintingArt and War
First appearing in the Bible in Genesis 3:19 - “for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return” - The concept of death is incorporated in the story of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. Death was inflicted on Adam... more
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      PortraitsIsrael StudiesContemporary ArtHebrew Bible
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      Japanese StudiesVisual propagandaModern ArtJapanese Art
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      British Avant GardeWar artThe new British avant-garde sculpture: the 'geometry of fear'Machines and Art
Visual and cultural analysis of Maekawa Senpan's Shitōchō 偲糖帖 (Remembered Sweets, 1945), a woodblock-printed compendium of sweets that was conceived of and executed during a period of severe wartime food shortage. The book is in the... more
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      Asian StudiesJapanese StudiesVisual StudiesPrints
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      MusicologyPhilosophy of MusicMusic AestheticsArt and Politics
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      War StudiesPolitical ArtArt and WarRüstungsindustrie
Prefacio a la edición limitada de "La danza macabra europea"
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      First World WarDance of DeathArt and WarDanses Macabres
EN]The artist Miguel Prieto (1907-1956) worked in three main areas: painting-drawing, graphic design and set design. The latter was the one in which he demonstrated most interest in avant-garde and political commitment during the... more
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      Spanish Civil WarArt and War20th century Spanish artContemporary Spanish Art
Compte-rendu. Après une présentation générale de l'ouvrage "Chanter, rire et résister à Ravensbrück. Autour de Germaine Tillion et du Verfügbar aux Enfers" (dont la direction scientifique est assurée par Philippe Despoix, Marie-Hélène... more
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      Popular Music StudiesSecond World WarHumanismMusic analysis
Josep Renau (Valencia 1907-Berlín 1982) es uno de los grandes artistas de nuestro arte contemporáneo, especialmente por su influyente papel como cartelista, publicista y pionero introductor del fotomontaje político. Pero también... more
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      Spanish Civil War20th century Avant-GardeArt and PoliticsArt and War
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      ConflictTortureWar and societyPornography