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      AestheticsPerforming ArtsArtArt Theory
A separação entre arte e ciência é um fenômeno relativamente recente em termos históricos. Desde o nascimento da filosofia na Grécia, por volta do século VI a.C., quando o mundo ocidental passou a distinguir a razão do misticismo, até o... more
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      Art HistoryInterdisciplinarityTransdisciplinarityArtscience
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      Contemporary ArtHybridityIntermediaBioart
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      Gender StudiesVisual StudiesArt TheoryContemporary Art
Interview with Sougwen Chung
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      Artificial IntelligenceMedia ArtCollaboration TechnologyNew Media Art
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      Installation ArtContemporary ArtNew Media Performance and InstallationNeuroarthistory
CP Snow’s mid-century idea that a “third culture” might come into being to connect arts and science is perhaps most publically realised today through art-science - a heterogeneous field of creative research and production, characterised... more
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      EngineeringNew MediaDigital MediaContemporary Art
The book is a work in exploration and discovery by reconfiguring the history and philosophy of knowledge through the lens of artscience. Science fiction, games, philosophy of physics, natural history, decolonial history of knowledge,... more
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      PhilosophyHistory of TechnologyHistory of ScienceScience Fiction
IN RECENT YEARS, the subject of integrating arts, design and the humanities into the STEM disciplines (science, tech- nology, engineering and math), often referred to as “STEM to STEAM” in the U.S.A., has gained traction. Using the inser-... more
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At least since C.P. Snow’s seminal Rede lecture The Two Cultures, the idea of a significant difference in kind between the natural sciences and the arts and humanities has been prevalent in Western culture. A gap has been perceived to... more
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      InterdisciplinarityArts-sciences interdisciplinarityThird CultureArtscience
“On Soil” is combining images and text in a transdisciplinary way to fuse together science and art in order to form new meanings. The aim of my work is to raise the social, cultural, economical and environmental importance of the soil.... more
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      Soil ScienceCultureArtscience
Artists explore new territories in their work by exploring new media, imagining new futures, contextualizing ideas, creating aesthetic investigations into new environments, or posing questions and leading theoretical discussions.... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceCollaborationMedia ArtArtist-in-residence
In 1838 The Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge issued its first engraving of the islands forming New Zealand. The preceding year my ancestors had come ashore on these same islands, creating the starting point for this journey.... more
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      EducationContemporary ArtMagicClouds
The arts, science and technology are experiencing a period of profound change. Normally we use the terms digital everywhere, because it is embodied in our culture. We could talk about third culture as John Brockmann writes. The third... more
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      Artificial IntelligencePerforming ArtsContemporary ArtAnthropology of the Body
总第307期 2018 11 024 我们已经重新设计了艺术, 让我们重新设计科学吧! 内容摘要 :在 20 世纪 50 年代,艺术界与科学 界泾渭分明,几乎没有艺术家将借助望远镜、 显微镜、脑成像技术这些新仪器观察到的新图 景作为他们艺术创作的灵感源泉。但 50 年后, 我们对这些新图景都十分熟悉 :从月球表面的 图像到我们身体各个器官的 X 光片。如今,我 们已进入一个驱使我们重新设计科学的新时 代,包括科学条理自身与科学的社会介入性。 [ 美 ] 罗杰·马利纳... more
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      DesignContemporary ArtGraphic DesignContemporary Music
Não existe bibliografia suficiente que aponte com clareza o que vem sendo feito no Brasil na aproximação entre os campos científico e artístico. Foi realizado um estudo de artigos que utilizam as palavras “ciência” e “arte” em seus... more
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      Contemporary ArtArtesCienciaEducação
The number of cooperative research projects in art has grown significantly in the last decade – something that is due to institutional developments as well as technological change and the digital age. One reason is that art educational... more
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      Art HistoryDigital MediaExperimental Media ArtsNew Media Art & Emerging Practices
O livro "Ciência em Cena: teatro no Museu da Vida", evidencia a reaproximação e simbiose entre arte e ciência em quatro atos, como em uma peça de teatro, e conduz o leitor a explorar as conexões entre teatro, ciência e divulgação... more
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      Science CommunicationScience PopularizationTeatroDivulgação Científica
[Abstract] <1>centiSperm <2>Adam Zaretsky <3>Goals: To electroporate whole genomic DNA from a centipede into the center of human sperm.
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      BiotechnologySperm CompetitionBioartCeramics (Art History)
This paper explores the relationship between nature and culture during a series of scaffolded live action role-playing (larp) activities designed as part of a science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM) summer program for... more
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      Cultural StudiesIndigenous StudiesCultureIndigenous Knowledge
Exhibition Review of Archeologie des Media Exhibition in Aix en Provence and accompanying special issue of MCD magazine
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    • Artscience
"The emergence of deep history is shaping a contemporary concern with the origins of the human and its artifacts, beyond a reliance upon the written word of the (more shallow) past, which has formed a somewhat materialist history... more
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      HistoriographyMaterialismCognitive archaeologyImagination
Sociologists such as Bruno Latour, John Hassard, John Law, and Judith Butler and performance theorists such as Susan Bennett, argue that we perform our identities. Social networks take up meaning through the role of the “actor”. There is... more
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      New Media ArtsWearable TechnologiesNew Media ArtPerformance Theory
CP Snow’s mid-century idea that a “third culture” might come into being to connect arts and science is perhaps most publically realised today through art-science - a heterogeneous field of creative research and production, characterised... more
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      New MediaDigital MediaEvaluationNew Media Art
CP Snow’s mid-century idea that a “third culture” might come into being to connect arts and science is perhaps most publically realised today through art-science - a heterogeneous field of creative research and production, characterised... more
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      EngineeringNew MediaDigital MediaContemporary Art
The emergence of deep history is shaping a contemporary concern with the origins of the human and its artifacts, beyond a reliance upon the written word of the (more shallow) past, which has formed a somewhat materialist history... more
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Among the ideas and meanings it explores, sci-art doubts these: art with intent, and natural with supernatural. Pry apart those assumptions until their halves exist individually, independently of one another — like water and gravity,... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceScepticismArtArt Theory
UNCERTAINTY is the latest in a series of Williamson Gallery exhibitions pondering the intersection of science and art. The art, artifacts, and visualizations herein are meant to symbolize the edges of knowledge and perception, and to... more
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      Philosophy of SciencePhilosophy Of ReligionArt HistoryScience Education
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      EngineeringPhilosophy of ScienceEducationArt Theory
O-Tū-Kapua [what clouds see] is a Mixed Reality art-science project designed to stimulate young learners engagement with scientific concepts. Through complex, multidimensional narratives, this collaborative project has created a blend... more
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      EducationContemporary ArtDigital Media & LearningMixed Reality
Professional Scientists who also have professional careers in the arts, design or humanities tell their lessons learned in working their hybrid interests.
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      Arts-sciences interdisciplinaritySTEM EducationArtscienceSTEAM Education (Science
Artists are often seen as innovators and producers of creative and extraordinary new ideas. Additionally, experiencing art and artistic processes is an important opportunity for learning and exploration. Thus, corporations and scientific... more
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      CollaborationArtist-in-residenceArtscienceArtists in Residence
RESUMO: O objetivo desta investigação foi explicitar tendências de pesquisas em ensino de ciências brasileiras que abordam o teatro de temática científica e estabelecer um diálogo com a pesquisa educacional baseada em artes. Foi utilizada... more
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      Science EducationDrama/Theatre in EducationArtscienceResearch in Education
The cyborg, whatever formulation it might have post-Haraway, has challenged the specificity of the ego, the separation of the social from the epistemological, and the sanctity of the natural. The manifesto of the cyborg had informed my... more
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      Critical TheoryEpistemologyNew MediaDesign
Reflecting on the history and development of art science (ArtSci) in Australia since the late 1980's, this article surveys examples of creative practice that have emerged through Australian ArtSci collaboration over the last 35 years and... more
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      Experimental Media ArtsMedia ArtsBioartCreative Industries
Listening requires attention, engagement toward an environment, and relies on subjectivity and (self) consciousness. The paper explores mechanisms of listening in the sonic arts through an ongoing research based on art process informed by... more
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      PerceptionSpace and PlaceSoundscape StudiesSound studies
Atelier d’action expressive –
Theatre DyoNises Montreal @ PRISE II
Libretto de chansons pour atelier et présentation public
Méthode SHABESS – Shakespeare-Haddad-Artaud-Brecht-Euripide-Silveira-Spinoza
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      Theatre StudiesHealth PromotionContemporary ArtPublic Art
MOONS: an exhibition of contemporary art and scientific artifacts pondering the poetic and transcendent dimensions of real space and evidence-based inquiry, at the Williamson Gallery,
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      Philosophy of ScienceArt HistoryAtheismTheology
As definições de arte e ciência têm passado por permanentes transformações ao longo da história e já foram praticamente indistinguíveis no início da história da filosofia ocidental. Depois de longo período de afastamento, há uma série de... more
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      Art HistoryEducationScience CommunicationArtscience
[ITA] Le relazioni dell’ecosistema tra ricerca artistica, scientifica e tecnologia sono importanti per una maggiore consapevolezza e conoscenza e per affrontare i problemi complessi del mondo post-contemporaneo. [ENG] The ecosystem... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyHumanoid RoboticsBodies and CultureNature of Science
Creative connections are so essential to the innovation model that organizations considered innovative promote events to bring together creative groups so as to accelerate the movement of ideas, from their concept to their fulfillment. An... more
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      Event ManagementEventsFestivalsConferences
ACTION CLUSTERS TRANSLATING: Problem-driven connections among academic, commercial, and civil societies 1. Project formation and translational value CONVENING: Overcoming transdisciplinary thresholds 2. Conferences, workshops, camps... more
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      TransdisciplinarityArt and ScienceArtscience
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CP Snow’s mid-century idea that a “third culture” might come into being to connect arts and science is perhaps most publically realised today through art-science - a heterogeneous field of creative research and production, characterised... more
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      EngineeringNew MediaDigital MediaContemporary Art
Art explores technological and scientific frontiers: it is an act of revelation. So research asks questions about the possibilities and implications of technological innovation, exploring paths of inquiry, conceptual frameworks and... more
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      Contemporary ArtComplexity TheoryAnthropology of the BodyBioart
Este artigo faz um relato de caso a organização do festival de divulgação científica Pint of Science na cidade do Rio de janeiro, Brasil, no ano de 2016. Constatamos, através do levantamento estatístico com amostra específica, que o... more
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      Science CommunicationScience EducationArtsciencepint of science
The purpose of this article is to discuss the association between science and art, based on the hypothesis that the access to art, and to the perception of the many ways it can be made, interpreted and acknowledged, enables the... more
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      Science EducationScience PopularizationArtscience
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      Art HistoryInterdisciplinarityTransdisciplinarityArtscience