Most downloaded papers in Atmosphere
There can be no justice that is not spatial. Against a recent tendency to despatialise law, matter, bodies and even space itself, this book insists on spatialising them, arguing that there can be neither law nor justice that are not... more
Atmosfer merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari planet bumi. Setiap lapisan di atmosfer mengandung peranan yang sangat vital untuk keberlangsungan kehidupan makhluk hidup yang ada di bumi. Manusia sebagai salah satu makhluk hidup yang... more
Doctoral dissertation on experiential qualities in architecture. The topic is researched from a theoretical -, a design -, and a user perspective.
Atmosphere, Climate, Culture and Relationship as mutual nexus Organizations are life-worlds, in which the prevailing atmosphere and climate sways and affects the members and their relationship to each other living in it. This... more
Energy systems can be vulnerable to climate change. This paper summarizes the contribution of their authors to a few strategic studies, research workshops, development forum and international conferences related to Climate and Energy. It... more
For Gaston Bachelard, movement is key to air’s visibility. In Air and Dreams: An Essay on the Imagination of Movement ([1943] 2001), he suggests that air not only moves: it inspires. Though Bachelard’s work on the imagination of the... more
Many factors, both obvious and subtle, influence customers' store patronage intentions. Using videotape technology that enabled us to experimentally manipulate the number of visible store employees, number of customers, and music, we test... more
Managers renovate malls to keep up with newer shopping centres and retail formats that erode traffic. This paper investigates shoppers' psychological processes that trigger changes in spending behaviour in the renovated mall. Renovation... more
a b s t r a c t CO 2 sequestration by cyanobacteria and green algae are receiving increased attention in alleviating the impact of increasing CO 2 in the atmosphere. They, in addition to CO 2 capture, can produce renewable energy carriers... more
This chapter, which is based on my book "Atmosphären erleben", Berlin: Akademie-Verlag 1994, was published in "Designing Atmospheres", ed. Jürgen Weidinger, Berlin: Universitätsverlag 2018, 41-54. A German version was published four... more
"Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos opens the book with his latest contribution to his comprehensive project of re-theorising spatial justice with a piece titled ‘Spatial Justice in a World of Violence’. Through a close reading of the... more
This short discussion piece engages with an influential phenomenological approach to atmospheres, focusing on the work of Hermann Schmitz. Against a background of agreement on the contours of an understanding of atmospheres and their... more
A very heavy intensity rain in Jakarta and surrounding areas on 21 February 2017 caused flooding in 54 areas. Rain recorded at Kemayoran meteorological station was 179.7 mm/day. Based on the BMKG threshold, it includes extreme weather... more
Laboratory of Archeo-geophysics The laboratory was created in 2006 for the implementation of space technology (Ground penetrating radars) for the survey and geophysical... more
What would it mean to understand nationalism as an atmosphere? This article makes a theoretical contribution to cultural geographical works on ‘affective atmospheres’ as well as to critical approaches to the study of nationalism by... more
This article takes its point of departure in the current attention to the materiality of objects in museum display. Recent literature Pye, 2007) has stressed the need for museums to focus more explicitly on objects and their capacity to... more
Il Prometeo rappresenta per Nono il raggiungimento di un'idea: l'opera in funzione dell'ascolto.
Résumé Cet article étudie la théorie atmosphérique comme opération de décentrement de la métaphysique. Il présente le projet Sphères en tant que critique du milieu de vie humaniste en montrant que les écumes reposent sur l’entrée d’air,... more
In this interview with OASE Juhani Pallasmaa discusses how atmospheres are constructed in, for instance, painting, literature and music, adjoining professional fields that, according to him, also reveal the essences of the field of... more
The substrate-bound nanowires were sonicated in ethanol and deposited on oxidized degenerately doped silicon wafers or copper grids for electrical transport and TEM measurements, respectively. Electron-beam lithography was employed to... more
The unique and evolving nature of the Precambrian geological environment in many ways was responsible for significant differences between Precambrian clastic sedimentary deposits and their Phanerozoic-modern equivalents. Some form of... more
In this chapter, I consider the lived relationship between atmosphere and place, drawing on three works by British-African novelist Doris Lessing (1919–2013), who regularly in her writing offers lucid accounts of place atmospheres in... more
La noción de la atmósfera ha devenido en los últimos años materia de interés, tanto en el campo de la arquitectura y el diseño, como desde la teoría socio-política. El acercamiento teórico propuesto por el filósofo Gernot Böhme sobre la... more
The topic of shared emotion is an active area of investigation in contemporary phenomenological research. Despite this upsurge of interest in the phenomenology of shared emotion, a critical analysis of the role atmosphere plays in cases... more
In 1983 the British police adopted their first public order policing manual, laying the foundations of a secretive archive. The manuals and training materials produced in the intervening years provide an untapped repository of affective... more
Since the 1950s, views of Earth from above have been critiqued for provoking detachment from and decontextualization of human, terrestrial concerns. These critiques thus establish Earth’s enveloping atmosphere as the ultimate context for... more
In Australia as elsewhere, shared annual commemorative ceremonies such as those on Anzac Day, 25 April, help to connect residents to particular versions of the nation, to the past and to each other. This article investigates what can be... more
Today an enriching museum visit is likely to leave a great many visual and increasingly also auditory and tactile impressions. Different genres of museums go about the challenge of engaging visitors sensuously in different ways, and... more
Hélène Frichot's conversation with Olafur Eliasson reveals the depths to which his work mobilises atmosphere as an agent of human experience and social action, prompting a subjective transformation. Light and colour play significant parts... more
Three monthly 24-hour samples of airborne aerosols (PM 10 and PM 2.5 ) were collected at an urban and a rural site of the North central, semi-arid part of India during May 2006 to March 2008. Seven trace metals (Pb, Zn, Ni, Fe, Mn, Cr and... more
This article reflects on Trieste's representation as 'the ghost of its Habsburg past' (Hametz, M. 2014. 'Presnitz in the Piazza: Habsburg Nostalgia in Trieste.' Journal of Austrian Studies 47 (2): 131-154. )a city that laments the... more
The main objective of this text is to warn against atmospherics. However comfortable it might appear, an atmosphere is politically suspicious because it numbs a body into an affective embrace of stability and permanence. It becomes... more
Non è affatto facile definire il paesaggio. Pur occupandosene in Occidente da oltre due secoli, né l'estetica né la geografia sono infatti mai pervenute a un'idea condivisa. E allora converrà, preso atto dell'arguzia semantica che ne fa... more