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Aim: Reliable estimates of population density are fundamental to wildlife conservation and management. Although the leopard cat is the most common and widespread wild felid in China, little is known about the ecology and population... more
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      Conservation BiologyWildlife Ecology And ManagementBiodiversityCarnivora
The Sunda clouded leopard Neofelis diardi is a medium sized (15–25 kg) cat, found only on the Sundaic islands of Borneo and Sumatra. In recent years intensive camera-trapping surveys in Borneo have begun to shed light on the habitat... more
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      GeographyConservation BiologyBiologyEcology
Many studies have demonstrated the importance of terrestrial mammal fauna to ecosystem functioning and services. To date, however, few studies of mammal abundance in Trinidad and Tobago have been conducted. Our main objective here was to... more
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      Conservation BiologyWildlife Ecology And ManagementSeed DispersalWildlife Conservation
Southeast Asia’s tropical forests suffer the highest rates of deforestation and disturbance of any on Earth, with poorly understood impacts on native fauna. Asian tapirs (Tapirus indicus) are among the least studied of the large mammals... more
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      Camera NetworksCamera ObscuraCamera LucidaSurveillance, personal data, social sorting, privacy, camera surveillance, identification systems, internet surveillance, biometrics
Borneo harbours more endemic carnivores than does any other island in the world except Madagascar, and almost half of the Bornean carnivore species have been classified by The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as globally threatened.... more
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      Species Distribution ModelsSoutheast AsiaCarnivoraFelidae
M.Sc. Thesis: Table Mountain and Silvermine‐Tokai are the two mountain ranges and distinct sections of Table Mountain National Park in closest proximity to the metropolitan megacity of Cape Town, SA. This study used unbaited... more
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      Conservation BiologyAnimal BehaviorWildlife Ecology And ManagementHuman-wildlife conflicts
Inspired by the astonishing and unprecedented speed and scale of uptakes of the camera, this study seeks to unravel the behavioral aspects surrounding young people’s adoption and consumption of the device. Because the camera is associated... more
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      Cultural StudiesMaterial Culture StudiesPopular CultureOrganizational Culture
El estado de Michoacán presenta una amplia gama de ecosistemas y biodiversidad, de la cual destaca su mastofauna, alrededor de 161 especies de mamíferos silvestres terrestre. Por otro lado, regiones del estado presentan graves problemas... more
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The flat-headed cat Prionailurus planiceps is classified as one of the most threatened cat species in the world. Its range is restricted to southern Thailand, peninsular Malaysia and the two largest Sunda Islands, Borneo and Sumatra. Its... more
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      Species Distribution ModelsSoutheast AsiaCarnivoraFelidae
Guanajuato es considerado como una entidad con diversidad intermedia, alcanzando un 16.6% de la mastofauna registrada en todo el país a pesar de presentar una alta fragmentación en sus ambientes naturales debido a su sobresaliente... more
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      ZoologyThailandCamera TrapsActivity patterns
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      Conservation BiologyEcologyPopulationSettlements
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      ZoologyProtected areasMammalsHeart Of Borneo project
As part of an effort to develop a comprehensive management plan for the Imbak Canyon Conservation Area in central Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, we conducted a rapid but extensive mammal survey using camera-trapping techniques. We gathered... more
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      Protected areasMammalsHeart Of Borneo projectOrangutans
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The Upper Paraná Atlantic Forest is a biodiverse ecoregion that has seen major agricultural growth in the last 40 years, particularly in eastern Paraguay. Large tracts of forest have been transformed into crop land and the only remaining... more
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      ParaguayBiodiversityCarnivoraCarnivore Ecology
La Reserva Nacional Nonguén (RNN) es un área silvestre protegida, incorporada al SNASPE el año 2010, y que limita en parte con la ciudad de Concepción, Región del Biobío. Evaluamos la presencia de mesomamíferos mediante estaciones... more
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      Conservation BiologyConservationEcologyChile
The behaviour of wild cats is poorly understood. Using camera-trapping, we quantified temporal overlap among seven species of Asian wild cats, including tiger Panthera tigris and leopard Panthera pardus. Based on time stamp data from 780... more
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      ThailandCamera TrapsActivity patternsSmall Wild Cats
Effective conservation and management of primates depend on our ability to accurately assess and monitor populations through research. Camera traps are proving to be useful tools for studying a variety of primate species, in diverse and... more
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      PrimatologyPrimatesCamera TrapsCamera Trapping
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      West AfricaCameroonCarnivoraCentral Africa
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El coyote y la zorra del desierto son 2 cánidos que habitan en simpatría en las zonas áridas de Norteamérica, en donde se ha reportado que una de las principales causas de mortalidad de las zorras es la depredación por parte de los... more
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      Carnivore EcologyMammalsCamera Traps
The use of baits at camera trap stations has been shown to increase capture rates in population surveys of large carnivores. This study set out to establish the most cost-effective density and duration of sampling for baited-camera... more
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      Survey SamplingCarnivore EcologyCost-Benefit AnalysisSex ratio
As of 2010, approximately 55,000km 2 , or 12% of Sumatra island, was subject to oil palm cultivation. This has resulted in the mass clearing of tropical forests, which has led to many isolated forest fragments, as well as the disruption... more
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      IndonesiaForest FragmentationMustelidaeViverridae
Camera traps were used to examine male ocelot territories and microhabitat selection in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Little information is available on ocelots in Ecuador and no studies on ocelots had been conducted in the country using camera... more
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      EcuadorAmazonian EcuadorWildlife Ecology (habitat Selection and Animal Movement)Camera Traps
As part of an effort to develop a comprehensive management plan for the Imbak Canyon Conservation Area in central Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, we conducted a rapid but extensive mammal survey using camera-trapping techniques. We gathered... more
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      ZoologyGeographyProtected areasMammals
Despite being heavily exploited, pangolins (Pholidota: Manidae) have been subject to limited research, resulting in a lack of reliable population estimates and standardised survey methods for the eight extant species. Camera trapping... more
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Short-tailed mongoose Herpestes brachyurus is known to inhabit Borneo, Sumatra and peninsular Malaysia. Locality records show that it is widespread and probably common in at least the northern half of Borneo. Records are much sparser... more
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      Species Distribution ModelsConservation planningHeart Of Borneo projectAnimal Ecology, Terrestrial Mammals, Conservation
Hose's civet Diplogale hosei is one of the world's least known carnivores and is endemic to Borneo. We collected 43 records of which only 20 (Balanced Model) or 24 (Spatial Filtering Model) were used to model potential habitat... more
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      Species Distribution ModelsSoutheast AsiaConservation planningHeart Of Borneo project
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      ManagementConservationBiodiversityWildlife Conservation
Wildlife monitoring technology is advancing rapidly and the use of remote sensors such as camera traps and acoustic detectors is becoming common in both the terrestrial and marine environments. Current methods to estimate abundance or... more
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      EcologyAcoustic EcologyCamera TrapsCamera Trapping
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      MammalsCamera Traps
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      Camera TrapsCamera Trapping1080Vertebrate Pest Control
Selective logging is one of the most widespread disturbances to tropical forests worldwide, yet its impacts on large mammals remain poorly understood. We used camera trapping and hierarchical models to compare local abundance of a variety... more
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      Southeast AsiaForest FragmentationMammalsManagement and evaluation of habitat for wildlife
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      BrazilCamera TrapsIracambi Research Center Mammal Diversity
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      Birds (Ecology)Camera TrapsMesopredator ReleaseAgroforestry Systems
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      Wildlife Ecology And ManagementInvasive species ecologyCarnivoresCamera Traps
Effective conservation and management of primates depend on our ability to accurately assess and monitor populations through research. Camera traps are proving to be useful tools for studying a variety of primate species, in diverse and... more
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      ZoologyComputer SciencePrimatologyPrimates
In the current context of biodiversity loss through habitat fragmentation, the effectiveness of wildlife crossings, installed at great expense as compensatory measures, is of vital importance for ecological and socioeconomic actors. The... more
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      Environmental MonitoringSmall MammalsSampling methodsRoad Ecology
The Sunda clouded leopard Neofelis diardi is a medium sized (15-25 kg) cat, found only on the Sundaic islands of Borneo and Sumatra. In recent years intensive camera-trapping surveys in Borneo have begun to shed light on the habitat... more
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      Species Distribution ModelsSoutheast AsiaCarnivoraFelidae
The Wolfson College Wildlife Project was a longitudinal camera trapping project running from November to July in the grounds of Wolfson College, Oxford. Overall 360 photographs were taken, and these are detailed, organised and linked in a... more
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      EcologyEnvironmental SustainabilityTerritorialityAnimals
The Sunda clouded leopard Neofelis diardi is a medium sized (15–25 kg) cat, found only on the Sundaic islands of Borneo and Sumatra. In recent years intensive camera-trapping surveys in Borneo have begun to shed light on the habitat... more
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      GeographyConservation BiologyBiologyEcology
Many studies have demonstrated the importance of terrestrial mammal fauna to ecosystem functioning and services. To date, however, few studies of mammal abundance in Trinidad and Tobago have been conducted. Our main objective here was to... more
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      Conservation BiologyWildlife Ecology And ManagementSeed DispersalWildlife Conservation
From October-December 2013, we conducted a camera trap study of the newly discovered primate species lesula, Cercopithecus lomamiensis, in the Lomami River Basin, DR Congo. The primary aim of the study was to examine how lesula fares in... more
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      Democratic Republic of CongoBushmeat HuntingCamera TrapsCamera Trapping
Ocelots (Leopardus pardalis) and other wild cats are often surveyed using camera traps to identify individuals for density estimation via capture-recapture analyses or estimate occupancy via detection/non-detection analyses. Though... more
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      Conservation BiologyTropical EcologyWildlife Ecology And ManagementEcology
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      ConservationMammalsCarnivoresCamera Traps
The first camera-trapping study in the Maliau Basin Conservation Area of Malaysian Borneo, an area containing some of the last intact rainforest in Southeast Asia, detected 13 small mammalian carnivore species over 2,915... more
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      MustelidaeViverridaeBorneoCamera Traps
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      EcologyGeophagyCamera TrapsSodium
Daily and seasonal activity of the mountain tapir Tapirus pinchaque was measured along trails and at two salt licks in mature and secondary montane forests of the Central Andes of Colombia using active and passive infrared monitors. Daily... more
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      ColombiaWildlife Ecology And ManagementTapirLarge Mammal