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Chapter from edited volume by Grace Bullaro and Stephanie Love
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      EducationModernityItalyMikhail Bakhtin
Does morality depend on the time of the day? The study The Morning Morality Effect: The Influence of Time of Day on Unethical Behavior (1) published in October of 2013 by Maryam Kouchaki and Isaac Smith suggested that people are more... more
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      PsychologyEthicsMoral PsychologyBehavioral Economics
This paper summarizes a doctoral research currently in its early stage. The study explores the extent to which Web 2.0 technologies are affecting the ways PhD students learn to become researchers. The planned study will firstly survey... more
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      Higher EducationAffordancesLearning EcologiesChronotope
In this essay, I employ Elana Gomel’s concept of “impossible topologies” to analyze and compare three literary visions of how digital realities might in the future augment, as well as impede, the physical world we live in: From Liu... more
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      Digital HumanitiesLiteratureScience FictionCybercultures
?Italo Calvino wanted to realize a kinesthetic book with five narrations. Under the Jaguar Sun is the outcome of this experiment. Calvino didn't finished it because of his death, but it was published with three stories instead of five.... more
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      BakhtinItalo CalvinoChronotope
This academic work evidences the proposal of Míjail Bakhtin regarding the concept of carnival as space for encounters and rupture through the interactions of dynamic characters, parody and choral stories. This essay connects Bakhtin's... more
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      LiteratureDystopian FictionParodyBakhtin carnival and the grotesque body
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      Littérature québécoiseCinéma québécoisChronotopeCanadian/Quebecois Cinema
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      19th century FranceTemporalityRobert Louis StevensonChronotope
Příspěvek navazuje na systematické studium časovosti postindustriálního města pracující s již dříve představeným konceptem chronotopu. Vzhledem k tomu, že tento koncept není schopen obsáhnout zintenzivňující se síťové/relační vazby v... more
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      Urban GeographyRhythmPost-Socialist SocietiesTime Perception
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      Anthropology of TimeBakhtin's theory of the chronotopeChronotopeChronotopes, Counter Memory
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      Discourse AnalysisSemioticsAnthropologyAnthropological Linguistics
The ancient Tale of the Bygone Years or Primary Chronicle (Povest’ vremennykh let – PVL) is one of the main sources on the ancient history of the Slavic tribes and the origin of Kievan Rus’. A variety of structural and thematic motifs,... more
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      Chronotope, BachtinChronotopeПовесть временных летOld Slavic alphabets
Proponemos un modelo de análisis del español americano enfocado en su contacto con los idiomas y culturas indígenas con los que ha coexistido en el llamado “Nuevo Mundo”. Para ello utilizamos conceptos sociolingüísticos y semióticos, en... more
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      Spanish LiteratureSpanish Literature (Peninsular)Memory StudiesSpanish Civil War
Mythic and religious narratives that envision the end of the world position the apocalypse in a futuristic time where certain events would sequentially occur finally building up to the inevitable end. Speculative fiction that depicts... more
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      Film AdaptationScience FictionScience Fiction FilmAdaptation (Literature)
In this paper I lay out some of the main theoretical methodological principles that underlie a narratives-as-practices approach and discuss three foci that emerge from current research and pave the way for future investigations. In... more
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      EthnographyReflexivityStorytellingNarrative Analysis
Louisiana Creoles are often described via euphemistic reference to things like "gumbo" and the "melting pot." While such metaphors may capture the inherently heterogeneous nature of Creoleness in the Gulf South, they can also seem to... more
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      EthnolinguisticsLanguage and IdentityChronotopeLouisiana Creole Culture
This paper proposes that hearing and listening are embodied, ideological, and historical processes, which complement the soundscape and profoundly affect the historical and cultural embodiments of performers or sound producers as well as... more
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      Irish StudiesAnthropologyEthnomusicologyLinguistic Anthropology
The paper examines Tracy Letts' play August: Osage County from the perspective of the Indian heritage and how it cohabits with the Weston family, arguing that they both belong to the same chronotope of the Plains. We explain what " the... more
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      Native American StudiesFamilyGreat Plains StudiesOther
Essay is part of the Dossier: "New Perspectives on Seriality." The Velvet Light Trap, vol. 79, 2017, p. 81-125.
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      Television StudiesHermeneutics and NarrativeNarrative TheoryTelevision series
James Graham Ballard (1930-2009), who is well-known for his post-/apocalyptic fiction, represented chaotic conditions of human beings in the face of environmental disasters and their endeavour to survive in the nonhuman environment... more
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      Mikhail BakhtinChronotopeJ. G. BallardPost-Apocalypse
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      GenderTheories of Gender and TransgenderJudith ButlerWomen and Gender Studies
The focus of this article is on what I conceive as a form of comic-chronotope particular to Gilbert Hernandez. His works present a specific interconnection between time and space that radicalises the common chronotopic device of the comic... more
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      Comics StudiesIdentity (Culture)IdeologyComics
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En ligne : http://blogs.univ-tlse2.fr/littera-incognita-2/2017/09/24/le-personnage-liminaire-une-notion-ethnocritique/ Résumé : Cet article expose l’apport ethnocritique à l’étude des chronotopes rituels où se noue et se dénoue... more
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      Rites of PassageNarrationChronotopeEthnocritique
Après les travaux pionniers de la fin des années 90, un nouveau champ de recherches, celui des “Night studies” émerge et se structure peu à peu associant notamment des historiens, des géographes, des urbanistes, des sociologues, des... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesGeographyRhythm
In his novel Neverwhere Gaiman depicts the modern city of London - London Above, and his inverted fantastic counterpart - London Below. London Below is the reflection of London Above in a heterotopic mirror: a fantastic version of the... more
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      IntertextualityFantasy LiteratureScience Fiction and FantasyNeil Gaiman
Cette étude ethnocritique examine une poétique culturelle des temporalités et s’intéresse aux conflits des hétérochronies à l’œuvre dans le roman "Germinal" en faisant l’hypothèse que les jeux de tensions temporelles disent les... more
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      BakhtinTemporalityEmile ZolaIndustrialisation
Together with ‘dialogism’ and ‘carnival’, the chronotope is one of Bakhtin’s most recognisable contributions to literary theory. In this paper, the chronotope is described as a spatio-temporal map which Bakhtin designates in Forms of... more
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      Bakhtin's theory of the chronotopeChronotope
The essay develops an analysis of the City of glass (1987) by Paul Auster in comparison with its comic transposition created by Paul Karasik and David Mazzucchelli (1994). The study aims at recognizing, through the thick weave of... more
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      American LiteratureCultural GeographyComic Book StudiesGeocriticism
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      Creative WritingShakespearePoststructuralismAcademic Writing
""The theories of the Russian literary critic and philosopher Mikhail Bakhtin (1895-1975) are highly suggestive for helping to understand cinema, yet their usefulness has yet to be fully and accessibly articulated in relation to the key... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryBakhtinAction Film
Лавринович Л. Містерія часу і простору у прозі Бруно Шульца / Л. Лавринович // Бруно Шульц як філософ і теоретик літератури : Матеріали V Міжнародного Фестивалю Бруно Шульца в Дрогобичі / редакція Віри Меньок. – Полоністичний... more
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      Polish LiteratureBruno SchulzTime in LiteratureConceptions of Time and Space in Literature
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      Eastern European StudiesSoviet History20th Century German LiteraturePost-Soviet Studies
Щавелев А. С. Хронотоп державы Рюриковичей (911–987 годы). Москва: Аквилон, 2020. 560 c. Aleksei S. Shchavelev. Chronotope of the Rurikid Polity (911–987). Moscow: Aquilon, 2020. 560 pp. My book will reconstruct the chronology of the... more
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      Early Medieval HistoryEurasiaByzantine StudiesRussian History
Healing, in conjunction with dream and vision requests at sacred sites, is a well-documented phenomenon in Turkey and the Middle East, and plays a major role in local Muslim traditions. This article presents an ethnographic account of... more
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      Anthropology of PilgrimagePilgrimageRitualMuslim Minorities
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      Teaching and LearningTransformative LearningCritical PedagogyLearning and Teaching
Le géographe n'est plus le savant du Petit Prince de Saint-Exupéry, qui écrivait « des choses éternelles » mais un scientifique obligé d'observer et d'analyser des mondes en mutation, des agencements plus labiles, fragiles et temporaires... more
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      Human GeographyRhythmUrbanismTime geography
The Poetics of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Postmodern Literature revisits the great American post-WWII, postmodern literary texts, namely Thomas Pynchon’s Gravity’s Rainbow (1973), Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-5 (1969), and Joseph... more
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      Cold War and CulturePosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Politics of RecognitionMasculinity
Mikhail Bakhtin, with his notions of Dialogism, Polyphony, Chronotope, Carnival and so forth, was one of the most important theorists of discourse in the twentieth century. The theory of chronotope, which was introduced as part of... more
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      Literary CriticismLiterary TheoryPolyphonyDialogism
The basic premise of this work is to consider architecture as the result of the interrelationship between its constituent parts: aesthetic, tectonics, social, environmental , cultural, and organizational. When the project is focused only... more
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      Geometry And TopologyAestheticsArchitectureLandscape Architecture
Gothic narratives tend to privilege one particular subject above all others: women’s entrapment in domestic architectural spaces. This thesis aims to investigate the relationship between women and the home by means of chronotope theory,... more
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      Feminist TheoryGothic LiteratureGothic StudiesGaston Bachelard
Since soon after the publication of Daniel Defoe’s 1719 novel Robinson Crusoe, there have been many different cinematic and literary adaptations of this famous adventure story, which are collectively known as “Robinsonades.” Due to the... more
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      Creative NonfictionGender StudiesFilm StudiesChildren's Literature
Although Western academic circles have become familiar with intellectual work of Mikhail Bakhtin only a decade after his passing, its influence is impossible to underestimate. However, not only have his theories and concepts reached the... more
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      SemioticsPolyphonyChronotopeThe Concept of Culture and Its Dialogic Aspect
La novela Formas de volver a casa (2011) de Alejandro Zambra marca un hito en la narra-tiva chilena reciente, al tematizar la literatura de los hijos, es decir, de aquellos que fueron niños durante la Dictadura militar chilena (1973-1989)... more
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We provide an overview of different approaches to the semiotic study of landscapes both in the field of semiotics proper and in landscape studies in general. We describe different approaches to the semiotic processes in landscapes from... more
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      SemioticsHuman GeographyBiocultural DiversityEnvironmental History
Depuis l’origine, l’homme n’a eu de cesse de domestiquer la nature et d’étendre son emprise sur l’ensemble de la planète. Dans cette conquête du système monde presque achevée, la nuit urbaine, terra incognita longtemps oubliée par les... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyUrban GeographyUrban Studies