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Salah satu faktor terpenting agar pemerintah memiliki kinerja yang baik adalah ditentukan oleh kualitas dari Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) yang bekerja di instansi pemerintah. Tetapi sayangnya, untuk mendapatkan PNS yang berkualitas tinggi... more
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      Human Resource ManagementStrategic Human Resource ManagementRecruitment and SelectionBureucracy
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      Political ScienceEuropean UnionEuropean Union PoliticsDemocracy in the European Union
Document with french and english version Document avec version française et anglaise L'existence des heures supplémentaires dans l'enseignement supérieur n'est certainement pas à remettre en cause. Effectuées en dépassant les « bornes »... more
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      Administrative LawProfessorCivil ServantsDroit administratif
This article studies the development of territorial administration act and the responsibilities of the Siamese civil servants between 1897-1933. The objectives of this study were: 1) Thesaphiban countries administrative management, and 2)... more
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      LawJurisprudencePublic AdministrationCorporate Social Responsibility
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      Public AdministrationPublic ManagementGovernmentManagement of Innovation
Las formas de provisión de puestos para el personal funcionario de carrera en la función pública tienen dos fórmulas básicas y generales para todas y cada una de las Administraciones públicas: el concurso y la libre designación. Sin... more
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      Civil ServantsStatuteEstatutoFunción Pública
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      Public AdministrationEuropean UnionTechnical ReportCivil Servants
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      Talent managementPublic Sector Human Resources ManagementCivil ServantsNational Development
Pengembangan Kompetensi ASN telah mengalami beberapa perubahan dan perkembangan di beberapa waktu terakhir. Seiring perubahan zaman dan kemajuan pada bidang teknologi informasi, secara langsung berdampak pada pengembangan kompetensi ASN... more
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      Training and DevelopmentPerformance ManagementCivil Servants
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      GenealogyXVIII centuryRussian HistorySocial History
Studiile sociologice, precum și practica au dovedit că fenomenul corupției este specific tuturor statelor și este relativ stabil în timp. Incidența și amploarea acestui fenomen diferă însă de la o țară la alta. Un lucru este însă cert,... more
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      Public AdministrationCorruptionCivil ServiceCivil Servants
Purpose This paper examines the effects of Kenyan Civil Servants Reforms on job satisfaction. Specifically, the study explores participants' perceptions of the job characteristics and how this has affects their job satisfaction. This... more
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      Job SatisfactionJob DesignKenyan citiesCivil Servants
Kegiatan aktualisasi ini berangkat dari pemilihan isu utama dari ketiga isu di unit kerja penulis yaitu Jurusan Administrasi Bisnis Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya. Ketiga isu tersebut kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan alat analisis USG... more
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      Civil ServantsEtos Kerja PNSProfesionalisme PNSBudaya Kerja PNS
KAMU KESİMİNDE PERFORMANS DEĞERLENDİRME SİSTEMİ: İŞ VE MESLEK DANIŞMANLARINA YÖNELİK BİR UYGULAMA ÖNERİSİ Anahtar Kelimeler: Performans Değerlendirme Sistemi, Verimlilik, İş ve Meslek Danışmanlığı, İnsan Kaynaklar, Kamu Kesimi, Kamu... more
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      Human Resource ManagementProductivityPublic sectorPublic Services
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      Talent managementPublic Sector Human Resources ManagementHigh performanceCivil Servants
Difficulty in accessing health care due to inequitable distribution has been a continuous challenge in developing countries. Insurance is a veritable tool for curbing these challenges, as proved in developed countries with assuring... more
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      SatisfactionPublic HealthNigeriaAcceptance
The study assessed the levels of Job burnout and examined the extent to which pay satisfaction predicted job burnout among Osun State civil servants. It also investigated the extent to which role ambiguity predicted job burnout and... more
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      Pay SatisfactionCivil ServantsJob BurnoutRole Ambiguity
En este trabajo voy a analizar el régimen jurídico de los consorcios. Una figura que, en los últimos años, ha experimentado una atención normativa sin precedentes. Su régimen orgánico, funcional, presupuestario y de gestión de personal se... more
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      Empleados PúblicosCivil ServantsConsortiaConsorcios
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      Cultural HistoryHistory of DressEarly Modern HistoryMaterial Culture Studies
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      LiteratureUrban HistoryCivil Society and the Public SphereHistory of Reading and Writing
El objeto del presente artículo es resolver las dudas que genera en la función pública local el reparto constitucional de competencias regulatorias, la sucesiva superposición de reformas legislativas y la... more
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      Civil ServantsReturnFuncionarios PúblicosLeave
Civil servants in (restless) retirement. In German speaking countries the notion of retirement (Ruhestand) was first used within the context of civil service – one of the first professional groups for whom the state provided a guaranteed... more
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      Interwar Period HistoryAustrian HistoryRetirementInterwar period, 1919 - 1939
Research on emotions in the 20th century has shown that in the period after WWI there has been a general tendency to control and suppress the display (if not the experience) of emotions. Based on various sources such as conduct books,... more
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      History Of EmotionsAustrian LiteratureInterwar Period HistoryAustrian History
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      Talent managementPublic Sector Human Resources ManagementCivil Servants
Dalam upaya pembenahan manajemen kinerja pegawai yang lebih baik, pemerintah telah menerbitkan PP 30 Tahun 2019.
Pusat Kajian Manajemen ASN Lembaga Administrasi Negara melakukan kajian
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      Performance ManagementHigh performanceCivil ServantsManajemen Kinerja
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      HIGHWAY RISK MANAGEMENTIncentiveCivil Servants
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      Public Sector Human Resources ManagementCivil Servants3T areas (frontier, remote, and disadvantaged)
The impact of the dissolution of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire on the living and working conditions of the Viennese Municipal Civil Clerks was different to the consequences of the Federal civil servants in many ways. Nevertheless, the... more
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      Habsburg StudiesAustrian HistoryPolitical TransformationVienna
Civil Service reform has been a central feature of government policy in most countries over the last 30 years. Its purpose is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Civil Service in a way that ensures it is both affordable and... more
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    • Civil Servants
This short paper focuses on the Council of the European Union. This body is one of the two legislating bodies of the European Union, where permanent representatives (PermReps), which are not elected, prepare the work for ministerial... more
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      European UnionEuropean Union PoliticsDemocracy in the European UnionCivil Servants
Abstract:The phase of transition and the ambition for EU membership has caused the administration and the Government of Kosovo to act differently, allowing it to address a variety of issues that have brought Kosovo's... more
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      Public AdministrationKosovoEuropean UnionAdministrative Reform
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      Constitutional LawFreedom Of ExpressionCivil Servants
Local government in Pakistan is classified as the third tier of government where since 1947, politicians and bureaucracy of every hue, had has redirected all channel of power and physical resources from citizenry, gradually but... more
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      Local GovernmentDecentralizationBureaucracyCivil Servants
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      MutationCivil Servants
Podmioty uprawnione do odszkodowania za niezgodne z prawem działanie organu administracji publicznej – analiza konstytucyjnoprawna Streszczenie Współcześnie problem odszkodowania za niezgodne z prawem działania organów władzy publicznej... more
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      State ResponsibilityPublic LawCivil ServantsClaim for compensation
In recent years a new, threatening phenomenon has been developed in the workplace, which entails major personal, family, professional and social implications. The phenomenon is known as "Mobbing Syndrome" and describes repetitive... more
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      Public sectorMobbingCivil ServantsWorkplace Harassment/bullying
Although under-researched, experiences with legal perpetration have the potential to shape the well-being of civil servants who are obliged to use physical force that may result in injury or death as part of their duty. This study... more
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      Mental HealthCivil Servants
... Regulatory Dialogue on Industrial products; Space; Information Society; Agriculture;Macro-economic Policy ... exchange of information on both sides regarding current policies,regulatory aspects and ... particular focusing on an... more
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      European integrationPolitical ScienceEuropean UnionEuropean Union Politics
El estudio realizado tiene por objeto presentar los sistemas de clasificación profesional, carrera profesional y de retribuciones para el personal laboral de un organismo público, cuya ley de creación lo configura como un Ente de Derecho... more
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      Empleados PúblicosCivil ServantsClasificación ProfesionalAdministrative career
A sympathetic examination of the failure of anti-corruption efforts in contemporary Indonesia, available for free via the Open Access digital option:... more
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      AnthropologyDevelopment StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyGlobal Studies
Im Jahr 1918 verloren die Beamten mit dem Kaiser ihren Dienstherren. Wie gestaltete sich der Auf- und Umbau der Verwaltung in den neuen Staaten? Welche Rolle spielte nationale Zugehörigkeit und wie wurde sie festgelegt? Wer konnte, durfte... more
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      Austrian HistoryCivil ServiceCivil ServantsLate Habsburg Empire
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      Civil LawMarriage and DivorceHukum PerdataCivil Servants
In German speaking countries the notion of retirement (Ruhestand) was first used within the context of civil service – one of the first professional groups for whom the state provided a guaranteed old age pension. This paper addresses... more
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      RetirementCivil ServantsPolitical PersecutionAutobiographies
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      Civil ServantsMalaysian Public Administration
Penyederhanaan birokrasi dengan pengalihan jabatan struktural menjadi jabatan fungsional sesungguhnya bukan hal yang baru dalam dunia akademik dan birokrasi. Namun seorang Kepala Negara mengintervensi transformasi birokrasi hingga ke... more
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      Public Sector Human Resources ManagementBureaucracyRemote Rural AreasCivil Servants
The dynamics within governance networks increase with shifting structures and concepts, fragmentation leadership and control. Since governmental bodies are one of the main actors in these dynamic networks, subjectivity to these... more
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      Public AdministrationPerformanceCompetencesCivil Servants
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      Public AdministrationPerceptionPublic sectorCorruption