Cognitive Ethology
Recent papers in Cognitive Ethology
This chapter addresses a theoretical problem that arises when we treat non-linguistic animals as thinkers in order to explain their behavior in psychological terms. Psychological explanations work because they identify beliefs and desires... more
Dai tempi di Aristotele fino alla prima metà del Novecento, occuparsi di fenomeni culturali, studiare culture passate o esistenti, ricostruirne la storia e analizzarne linguaggi, produzioni e tradizioni ha significato occuparsi... more
Even a cursory look at the extensive literature on mindreading in nonhuman animals reveals considerable variation both in what mindreading abilities are taken to be, and in what is taken as evidence for them. Claims that seem to... more
Le società animali presentano un’incredibile molteplicità di articolazioni sistemiche e strutturali, tese a regolare le dinamiche interattive, comunicative, affiliative che si vengono a creare e che inevitabilmente richiedono predicati... more
This paper discusses the role that Konrad Lorenz, already known as the founding father of comparative ethology, played from the 1940s in the birth and development of a new research area, important for its philosophical and scientific... more
Título del libro: Naturaleza humana, naturaleza animal Compiladores: Antonio Diéguez y José María Atencia Editorial: Biblioteca Nueva, Madrid, 2014 Índice Julián Almaraz La profecía incumplida de Darwin José María Atencia... more
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book summary in downloadable .doc] Our instincts—for food, sex, or territorial protection— evolved for life on the savannah 10,000 years ago, not in today’s world of densely populated... more
Affective Ecologies is an exploration of our emotional engagement with environmental narrative. Focusing on the American cultural context, the book develops an ecocritical approach that draws on the insights of affective science and... more
Social scientists and folk views have long had it that there is an association between religiosity and prosocial behaviour, but hard evidence for such a relationship is limited. Studies show that religiosity is correlated with... more
This article characterizes briefly the central aims of the semiotic study of animal life. Semiotic sciences in general can be defined as approaches to the study of various forms of knowing (as different from physical sciences, which study... more
El egoísmo psicológico es una teoría que afirma que nuestras acciones morales son motivadas, siempre y sin excepciones, por deseos últimos (ultimate desires) que buscan satisfacer el interés propio. Dicho de otra forma, los deseos últimos... more
Eberhard Trumler fu un etologo allievo di Konrad Lorenz. Una certa corrente cinofila continua a riferirsi a lui, nonostante il concetto di relazione sia cambiato di molto dai suoi tempi. In questo articolo rifletto su alcuni punti tratti... more
Some 2200 years ago, people belonging to the Pazyryk archaeological culture gathered together to bury their dead in mounds on high plateaus in the remote Altai Mountains in the center of Asia. Entire horses—and often groups of horses—were... more
Donald Redfield Griffin (1915–2003), Windows on nonhuman minds, in Michel Weber and Anderson Weekes (eds.), Process Approaches to Consciousness in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Philosophy of Mind (Whitehead Psychology Nexus Studies II),... more
Prior interpretations of the tattoos of nonhuman animals etched upon the preserved human bodies from the Pazyryk archaeological culture of Inner Asia have focused on solely human-generated meanings. This article utilizes an... more
A partire dalla formulazione dello sguardo di Lacan, siamo condotti alla scoperta di quello felino e dei complessi, privatissimi risvolti che provoca il rispecchiarsi in esso. In altre parole, chiedersi chi sia il gatto passa... more
Review of Konrad Lorenz's book, Behind the Mirror
Starting from the diachronic impact of salt on humanity's numerous activities and spiritual reflexes, the author calls for establishing a new humanist discipline: the anthropology of salt. This first exertion lists the themes developed... more
The human being is part (and not above) of the animal kingdom. This also concerns emotion, as the title recalls, a tribute to Charles Darwin’s work, in particular of On the Origin of Species (1859) and The Expression (1872).... more
This study utilises relational and human–animal studies approaches—a goal of both of which is to decentre the human as but one element functioning within a web of connections to create human social realities—to explored aspects of the... more
In Cosmopolitanism, Kwame Anthony Appiah writes “people tell and discuss stories in every culture as far back as the record goes.” Donald Brown agrees in his comprehensive cross-cultural anthropological survey, Human Universals, by... more
These lines are dedicated to a short presentation of Callebaut's contribution to a critical understanding of evolutionary processes and their cognitive aspects, and to the development of contemporary theoretical biology.
Nobel laureate Niko Tinbergen coined the term ‘supernormal stimulus’ after discovering that birds who lay small, pale blue eggs speckled with grey prefer to sit on larger, bright blue eggs with black polka-dots. He found that he could... more
The field of religious studies has recently begun to explore a number of aspects of the relationship between animals and religion. The bulk of these explorations have been focused on reconsidering human ethical relationships with animals... more
In this lecture, Roberto Marchesini will discuss topics such as human identity, our relationship with other animals and the environment, by channeling the vibrant Italian traditions of humanism, materialism, and speculative philosophy.... more
Attempts at combining Uexküll’s ideas with those of Peirce within a single quasi-discipline called ‘biosemiotics’ are ill-founded. Peirce’s ‘interpretant’ sensu lato refers to two qualitatively different mental states, one relating to... more
Prompted by the thesis that an organism’s umwelt possesses not just a descriptive dimension, but a normative one as well, some have sought to annex semiotics with ethics. Yet the pronouncements made in this vein have consisted mainly in... more
A contemporary discussion of play or ritual in animals and early humans will do well to begin with an appreciation of these classic concepts as formulated by the founders and pioneers of ethology (see also Renfrew, Chapter 2 , this... more
This chapter asks critical animal studies scholars, intersectional nonhuman animal advocates, and anyone who recognizes that profit drives the overwhelming majority of violence against other animals to take seriously their exploitation... more
The article explores, in general, about the elementsthat elicite the behaviour of the behaviour disfunctionalities in urban dogs, considering those who live in residences and in streets. The author suggests that the main elements are the... more
Anthropologists are paying increasing attention to human/animal entanglements, rather than treating animals merely as vehicles through which to explore human social life. We suggest that this emerging multispecies focus is best served by... more
Questo saggio introduttivo costiuisce una sintetica riflessione sulla genesi della prospettiva antropocentrica in filosofia - a partire dal pensiero antico fino alla definizione del concetto di autocoscienza riflessiva nel XVII° secolo -... more
Pour répondre aux défis des recherches éthologiques contemporaines, D. Lestel propose d'élaborer une ethnographie des mondes animaux. Selon l'A., si la thèse des cultures et de la subjectivité de l'animal est nécessaire pour démontrer la... more