Decolonial Studies
Recent papers in Decolonial Studies
Estéticas fronterizas: diferencia colonial y opción estética decolonial Este libro indaga la dimensión estética de la modernidad para hacer visible una perspectiva inédita: su colonialidad; primero como teo-estética en los siglos XVI-XVII... more
Au cours de la dernière décennie, de nombreux pays occidentaux ont vu leurs espaces publics investis par la présence d'ateliers de fabrication collaboratifs ouverts et partagés, connus sous le nom générique de makerspaces. Souvent... more
This paper uses autoethnography and discourse analysis to understand urban exodus from the Amazon to the Brazilian South, through decolonial theory and an analysis of message, mediation, and media.
In "Ethics: Subjectivity and Truth" (1998), Michel Foucault states that before a person can reach a spiritual transformation, they should seek the very truth that will leave one transformed, a phenomenon he describes as "techniques of the... more
𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙣 is a magazine curated by Vera Heimisch. This issue wonders about alternative forms of accesing knowledge in order to resereach about Transcultura Studies, Decolonial and Embodied Art Practices. Includes researches of:... more
Ausgehend von Jacques Rancières Überlegungen zu „Der unwissende Lehrmeister: fünf Lektionen über die intellektuelle Emanzipation“ (2007) und „Der emanzipierte Zuschauer“ (2008) interessiert sich diese internationale und interdisziplinäre... more
Plano de curso da Disciplina "História, Cinema e Audiovisual" (2020.2), ministrada no Departamento de História da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN).
O artigo consiste em uma reflexão filosófica cujo objetivo é extrair dos próprios conceitos de decolonialidade e ciência algumas diretrizes gerais para o método científico e seu estudo/ensino. A discussão está baseada em pesquisa... more
This book is an approach to postcolonial and decolonial studies, coloniality / modernity and postcolonial and decolonial feminist theories in Latin America. This book is the result of a rigorous bibliographic research that aims to... more
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the notion of decolonizing interpretive research in ways that respect and integrate the qualitative sensibilities of subaltern voices in the knowledge production of anti-colonial... more
This article examines the politics of knowledge production in the field of Islamic Studies, including Islamic Legal Studies, in the context of the Qur’an and Islamic law. It thinks broadly and freshly about Islamic Studies, categorizing... more
La historia espacial se ha escrito desde el poder heterocentrado; la historia colonial construyó la imagen de la ciudad suramericana y los procesos de modernidad la consolidaron. Existe una relación directa entre cuerpo y espacio, la... more
Getafe, Junio de 2016. Palabras clave: feminismo, poscolonial, decolonial, colonialidad, genealogía, América Latina, política, Tercer Feminismo. Resumen: El feminismo hegemónico occidental y eurocentrista, no logró reconocer que su... more
Parto de um artigo de Nelson Maldonado-Torres, no qual ele apresenta dez teses com vistas a uma analítica da colonialidade e da decolonialidade, mas ressalvo sua pouca atenção concedida à análise espacial, como faz boa parte da literatura... more
Does Internet governance need to be decolonized? If so, why? How can Internet governance be ‘colonial’ (thereby necessitating decolonization) if the colonial project is a thing of the past? And even if Internet governance is a colonial... more
Does computing need to be decolonised, and if so, how should such decolonisation be effected? This short essay introduces a recent proposal at the fringes of computing which attempts to engage these and other related questions.
Please SUPPORT THE JOURNAL, see published version: Copyright © 2018 Johns Hopkins University Press. Human Rights Quarterly 40 (Nov 2018) 735-75. Recent histories identify the 1970s as the "... more
A decolonial reading presupposes provincializing the Eurocentric modernity/coloniality, which evaluates non-European cultural traditions exclusively in light of the European model, and from within the European tradition, instead of... more
Adopting a hemispheric perspective, this essay problematizes the construct of latinidad by foregrounding how it reproduces Black erasure. I argue that “Latin America,” rather than being a geographical designator, is an imagined community... more
In this article we will review the anthropological work of the Prussian philosopher Immanuel Kant, in its relationship with the scientific instrumentalization by imperial policies of the time, and from the point of view of the Latin... more
Decolonizar las Ciencias Sociales. Investigación Decolonial
This short paper is a tentative attempt to address postolonial critique's theoretical and normative elision of non-western forms of colonialism through the concept of 'inter-subaltern colonialism'.
Hacia una pedagogía decolonial en/desde el sur global; Revista nuestrAmérica; ISSN 0719-3092; Vol. 6; n° 12; julio-diciembre 2018── 195 Hacia una pedagogía decolonial en/desde el sur global Towards a... more
Esta es una conferencia transcrita y editada junto a la autora, Susan Campos Fonseca, para este volumen. Un buen ejemplo de cómo el pensamiento sobre la escucha se desenvuelve oralmente, en charlas —como esta—, así como en contextos... more
Se problematiza y cuestiona la epistemología por enarbolar un conocimiento verdadero universal (episteme) centrado en el “investigador”, privilegiando la relación sujeto-objeto, desconociendo el saber del “investigado”. Se propone... more
This book demonstrates the insights that literature brings to transdisciplinary urban studies, and particularly to the study of cities of the South. Starting from the claim staked by mining capital in the late nineteenth century and its... more
This article examines the shape of time for those living in Indian-occupied Kashmir, focusing particularly on two calendars that became embroiled in a “calendar war” in the year 2017. The first was the annual calendar of the Jammu and... more
Esta investigación analiza la obra de la artista contemporánea colombiana Liliana Angulo, quien ha reflexionado sobre la exclusión visual de las personas afrodescendientes en el arte canónico latinoamericano. Después de una revisión... more
As wondrous lands are represented as “wastelands” to make way for urban and industrial development in Hawaiʻi, kūpuna or elders and cultural practitioners are currently building a movement across the islands to mobilize moʻolelo (stories... more
The article drives from the Israeli colonial archives and seeks to crack their structure, foundations and imagination. It wishes to establish a counter postcolonial/decolonial archive, based on colonial sources, while taking into... more
Este ensayo sistematiza los aportes de autores que reflexionan desde una perspectiva decolonial sobre la modernidad-capitalista y sus implicaciones. El punto de partida para el entretejido de estas reflexiones surge al entender a la... more
El presente trabajo surge como una reflexión en movimiento sobre estado actual de los estudios culturales y poscoloniales latinoamericanos desde una perspectiva (modulación-sensibilidad) decolonial reconociendo las tonalidades de las... more
Plano de curso da disciplina História, Memória, Literatura (2020.2), ministrada no Departamento de História da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)
Este escrito parte de la conferencia realizada por el autor en el Foro Educativo Departamental 2019, organizado por la Secretaría de Educación de Antioquia. Durante estas reflexiones, el autor pone en alto relieve las políticas educativas... more
Cet article porte sur un corpus de vidéos postées sur les réseaux socio-numériques dont certaines ont la particularité de former une boucle visuelle qui est aussi unité de mesure de la célébrité. Certaines de ces micro-vidéos de... more
The Peace Agreement of 2016 between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People's Army raised hopes after decades of internal armed conflict, but the levels of violence continue to be high in rural... more
Decolonising Freshwater Management in the Anthropocene crosses disciplinary boundaries to connect theories of environmental justice with Indigenous people’s experiences of freshwater management and governance. The book traces the history... more