Design knowledge
Recent papers in Design knowledge
In Life Cycle Engineering, it is vital that the engineering knowledge for the product is captured throughout its life cycle in a formal and structured manner. This will allow the information to be referred to in the future by engineers... more
In Life Cycle Engineering, it is vital that the engineering knowledge for the product is captured throughout its life cycle in a formal and structured manner. This will allow the information to be referred to in the future by engineers... more
Knowledge-Based Engineering (KBE) is a research field that studies methodologies and technologies for capture and re-use of product and process engineering knowledge. The objective of KBE is to reduce time and cost of product development,... more
This paper is concerned with identifying the research directions for future computer systems for creative design. In order to define the requirements for support to the designer, or design team, we need to understand more about the way... more
This article discusses some conceptual frameworks and notions used in, or with the potential to further develop, theories and understandings regarding the specific processes and forms of knowledge in creative practices of architecture,... more
summary Details are presented of the reaction of multiple prosthetic experts in 17 dental schools in the U.K. to 125 design rules for removable partial dentures. Those rules receiving support from 50% of the schools are candidates for... more
Abstract One of the major challenges in the emerging interdisciplinary field of human-computer interaction (HCI) is the specification of a research line that can enable the development of validated design knowledge with a predictive... more
Liquid retaining structures, which are mainly used to retain domestic water, sewage, or industrial waste, are usually constructed with reinforced concrete in Hong Kong. During the design, novice engineers often encounter problems... more
Developing the ability to manage complexity has become an essential element for the training of designers. In such a context, complexity mainly arises from the need to integrate knowledge and expertise. The project is grounded in a... more
Mimari tasarımda daha önceden gerçekleştirilmiş emsallerin bilgisinden yararlanarak yeni bir tasarım oluşturmak, dolayısıyla yeni bir bilgi kaynağı oluşturmak, basit bir kopyalama olarak adlandırılamaz. Bu süreç mimesis kavramı bağlamında... more
Article about the production of design knowledge in the architectural profession in HORIZONTE Journal For Architectural Discourse #11 "Wissen/Knowledge". What does architecture know? Its knowledge is often taken for granted, as a common... more
Computing architectures are being assembled that extend concurrent engineering practices by providing more efficient execution and collaboration on distributed, heterogeneous computing networks Built on the successes of Initial... more
To convey abstract meanings with visual elements is a frequent challenge in design. A popular vehicle of abstract meanings is the connotation of physical entities. Making designs demands a good deal of this knowledge, for the sake of... more
ABSTRACT: The present study focuses on the relationship between the acquisition of design knowledge by novice design students and the quality of their designs. Design learning is typically based on action and reflec-tion. Knowledge of... more