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In this article the authors present a method for obtaining a line-art representation of a mural painting using colour photography. First, the information concerning colour components was separated and then the contours of graphic... more
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      Cultural HeritageCultural Heritage Recording, Documentation and Information SystemsDigitalisation of Cultural Heritage
Piracy has been around for a while. The concept has existed since ancient times. Piracy has preserved its originally negative connotation until today, being infused with the idea of robbery and cruelty. Now, if we follow the metamorphoses... more
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      Business EthicsEconomicsInnovation statisticsInformation
In recent years, many Asian cities have invested in the digitalization of cultural heritage, and participatory digital archiving platforms have also been developed. These innovations are widely lauded for their potential to rejuvenate... more
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      Cultural HeritageDigital heritage in architectureDigital preservation (Cultural Heritage)Digital Heritage
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      Digital LibrariesDigitalizations of Non-Digital Art Works, Shows, Galleries, Events, Archives, PublishingsAcademic LibrariesPublic Libraries
Il diritto d'autore sulle edizioni musicali a stampa: restrizioni legislative e nuove prospettive per la digitalizzazione L'articolo intende offrire un sintetico vademecum sul diritto d’autore nelle edizioni musicali a stampa, per i... more
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      Digital LibraryAuthor RightsCopyright LawDigitalisation of Cultural Heritage
The digitization of cultural heritage is one of the crucial issues for libraries in the twenty-first century and a priority for the European Digital Agenda. It is applied as part of the Conservation of Cultural Heritage in general and of... more
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      Digital MediaBibliographyDigital ConservationCultural Heritage Conservation
This article sketches key concerns surrounding the digital reproduction of enslaved and colonized subjects held in cultural heritage collections. It centralizes one photograph of a crying Afro-Caribbean child from St. Croix, housed in the... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesArt HistoryMuseum StudiesMetadata
Although our practice has come to be defined by a focus on excavation as the trademark of archaeological research, research on archaeological collections lies at the scientific heart of the discipline. We demonstrate through two very... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyDigital HumanitiesMuseum Studies
Το μείζον θέμα της Ψηφιοποιημένης Πολιτιστικής Κληρονομιάς και της εφαρμογής των Νέων Τεχνολογιών σε κάθε είδους Αρχαιολογικούς χώρους, Παραδοσιακούς Οικισμούς, παράκτια σημεία κοντά σε Ενάλιες Αρχαιότητες, αλλά και σε Μουσεία,... more
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      EconomicsCultural HeritageCultureCultural Tourism
The development of Information Technology and Digital Humanities has brought numerous significant changes to the Cultural Heritage domain. The Digital Humanities has become a dynamic and fertile research field, and new projects and... more
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      Digital HumanitiesCultural HeritageDigital ArchaeologyDigital Archives
Volumen 2 Nº2 Noviembre 2013
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      Digital HumanitiesDigital MediaBlogs, Blogging, the BlogosphereDigitalisation of Cultural Heritage
“Digitalização de Monumentos .Apesar de cara, tecnologia de escaneamento a laser pode ser opção valiosa para a preservação do patrimônio histórico e cultural “--- Frances Jones Edição 293 jul. 2020 Pags- 81-85 Matéria jornalística sobre... more
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      3D Laser scanning (Architecture)3D Modelling (Architecture)Digitalisation of Cultural HeritageDocumentação arquitetura
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      ICT PolicyCultural HeritageICT for DevelopmentCultural Heritage Management
Efforts to build, rebuild and maintain the Forum Romanum, Rome' s historic urban epicenter, are likely as old as the place it self - some 2800 years. As a result the historic significance and archaeological richness of the Forum cannot be... more
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      ArchaeologyCultural HeritageCultural Heritage ConservationCultural Heritage Management
Documento produzido para a Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa e o Ministério da Cultura com os resultados dos debates promovidos pelo 1º Fórum da Cultura Digital Brasileira, realizado durante o ano de 2009, com uma etapa presencial em... more
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      New MediaCultural PolicyInternet StudiesDigital Media
CV and references
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      Cultural StudiesCultural HeritageArchivesLibrary and Information Science
Questo lavoro, che costituisce l’aggiornamento della ricerca della Tesi di Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze Umanistiche e dei Beni Culturali (intitolato La valorizzazione digitale del ptrimonio culturale in Europa e in Italia. Forme di... more
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      CommunicationWeb 2.0Museum StudiesDigital Museum
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    • Digitalisation of Cultural Heritage
In the year 1969, the oldest part of the school library of Herlufsholm in Næstved was sold to the newly founded University Library of Odense, including the special Groothoff book collection, Bibliotheca Groothoffiana. Today, the joint... more
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      Library ScienceCultural HeritageRare Books and ManuscriptsAcademic Libraries
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      Museum learningDigital MuseumAugmented RealityMuseum Education
This article examines the heritage destruction undertaken by the Islamic State (IS) in Iraq and Syria. To date, their iconoclasm has been mostly characterised either as acts of wanton barbarism devoid of religious or political... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistoryAncient History
Between 2013-2016, within the context of the multidisciplinary EU-funded cultural project "TAG CLOUD: Lifelong Engagement with Culture Through the Cloud" our team at the University of Birmingham created-in collaboration with ICT... more
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      Digital HumanitiesCultural HeritageDigital Cultural HeritageVikings
Digital transformation of Collaborative Enterprise (CE), both in terms of planning and implementation, relies on new business models and innovative technologies. One of such technologies is Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) which... more
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      Enterprise Systems - Non-IT InclusiveEnterprise SystemsSystematic ReviewsEnterprise Information Systems
Colloque d’Évaluation des Programmes
Interdisciplinaires USPC.
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      InterdisciplinarityDigitalisation of Cultural Heritage
The digital capture of artifacts and the subsequent free dissemination of those digital assets is becoming increasingly important in contemporary museum and archaeological practices. The proper capture of an object does more than just... more
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      AssyriologyCultural HeritageDigitizationManuscript digitization
Дигитализација у архивима у Србији – изазови и замке АПСТРАКТУМ: Рад разматра један од проблема савремене архивистике – дигитализацију у архивима у Србији. Један број архива упустио се у подухват дигитализације самостално, без утврђених... more
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      ArchivísticaDigitalisation of Cultural Heritage
Comunicação apresentada no "III Encuentro Nacional de Instituciones con Fondos Antiguos y Raros: Una aproximación a la arqueología del libro". Biblioteca Nacional da Argentina.
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      Cultural HeritageSpecial CollectionsDigitalizaciónDigitalisation of Cultural Heritage
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      ArchaeologyCultural HeritageVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Digital Storytelling
The TEI Guidelines represent today an essential standard in the world of textual encoding for digital editions. However, some problems concerning TEI encoding, both theoretical and practical, are far from being definitively resolved. In... more
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      Digital HumanitiesRomance philologyManuscript digitizationManuscripts & Material Culture
Historically, the province of Cordoba was one of the wealthiest territories in the region of Andalusia, Spain, and left behind a rich heritage that is still largely unknown. Our research team has studied this cultural heritage and... more
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      HistoryLandscape ArchaeologyVirtualizationLandscapes in prehistory
TAG CLOUD project - Technologies Lead to Adaptabilities and Lifelong Engagement with Culture throughout the CLOUD. Workpackage title: Project Management. Activity title: Ethical and Legal Issues. The TAG CLOUD project focuses on cultural... more
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      EthicsDigital HumanitiesDigital Cultural HeritageDigitalisation of Cultural Heritage
The Centre for Virtual Environments (VE) Projects overview: ARSyS Augmented Reality for intra-operative Navigation, Virtual Reality-Interactions-Baukasten (Deutsches Museum Bonn), Virtual Showcase (Ebda., Technisches Museum Wien),... more
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      Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Augmented RealityDigital CultureVirtual Worlds
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      Tourism ManagementMuseumsDigitalisation of Cultural Heritage
On-site heritage interpretation plays a vital role in cultural heritage sites in conveying the significance and multiple heritage values to the visitors. In an era where the world is transforming with innovative digital applications, the... more
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      Cultural HeritageCultural Heritage ConservationDigital PreservationCultural World Heritage Sites
The texst presents a research and a design for the ‘regeneration of the cultural heritage’ of a specific geographical area, corresponding to the stretch of coastline that faces the Ionian Sea and is rooted at the bottom of Etna, in... more
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      ArchitectureCultural Heritage3D Modelling (Architecture)History of Archeology
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      Digital HumanitiesDigital MediaDigital ArchaeologyDigital Heritage
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      Digital HumanitiesMuseum StudiesCultural HeritageDigital Archaeology
Das archäologische Fundstelleninventar des Kantons Graubünden deckt einen Zeitraum von über 12 000 Jahren ab und umfasst aktuell mehr als 5400 Fundstellen. Von 2017 – 2020 wurde es im Rahmen eines Entwicklungsschwerpunkts überarbeitet und... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyCultural HeritageLandscape Archaeology
La animación didáctica de la reconstrucción virtual del templo ibérico de La Alcudia de Elche posee una narrativa audiovisual intencionada con un fin didáctico, desde el punto de vista museográfico y desde el punto de vista educativo en... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyEducational TechnologyVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics)
Digitalising the Museum is an online repository created as a substitute for physical visits to London’s museums and galleries and art centres that were meant to be undertaken by undergraduates from the London College of Communication... more
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      Museum StudiesParticipatory DesignPedagogyMemory Studies
Singapore tops multiple global rankings for the consumption of luxury products. In this land-scarce and densely-populated city-state, to purchase a high-end car, landed property, or to have a fine dining experience, ranks amongst the most... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesCultural HeritageGlobal citiesUrban Studies
The process of digitising archives, widespread in the previous decade, has not omitted musical resources, and offers their users new functionalities. These measures can improve researchers’ work, as digital material is easy to localise... more
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      MusicologyFolkloreArchivesDigital Archives
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      Archivos HistoricosDigitalizaciónDigitalisation of Cultural HeritageChurch Records
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      Medieval StudiesData and document repositories, digital archives, early medieval historyDigitalisation of Cultural HeritageSources (Medieval Studies)
Il paper descrive le potenzialità del Museo delle Regole, un museo che ancora non esiste se non nella fase progettuale, pur essendo stato presentato già nel 2015 e poi inserito dalla Fondazione Castelcapuano fra gli obiettivi per la... more
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      Virtual MuseumsRulesDigitalisation of Cultural Heritage
At present, where 3D modeling and visualisation in cultural heritage are concerned, an object's documentation lacks its interconnected memory provided by multidisciplinary examination and linked data. As the layers of paint, wood, and... more
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      Cultural HeritageDigital preservation (Cultural Heritage)Digital HeritageDigital Cultural Heritage
By resorting to the new technologies, through the virtualization of our cultural heritage, project Montemor-o-Novo 1534 – which began in 2015 with the virtual reconstruction of the church of Santa Maria do Bispo – aims to virtually... more
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      ArchaeologyDigital HumanitiesPhotogrammetryDigital heritage in architecture
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      Digital Cultural HeritageReflectance Transformation ImagingRTIDigitalisation of Cultural Heritage
La tendencia a la desmaterialización del arte durante el siglo XX verá su culminación definitiva en el desarrollo de los nuevos medios digitales actuales. Con ellos las creaciones artísticas acentuarán la carga de la información contenida... more
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      New MediaDigital HumanitiesDigital MediaCultural Heritage Conservation
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      PoeticsPoesia Catalana ContemporàneaDigitalisation of Cultural HeritageLiteratura Catalana Contemporània