Recent papers in Dordogne
The fish-weir of "Les Milandes" is located in Castelnaud-la-Chapelle and Saint-Vincent-de-Cosse, Dordogne, France, in front of the Milandes Castle, discovered by P. Nowacki in 1986 during an archaeological survey of the river, and studied... more
Many ancient cultures around the world have legends of the Birdman, which describe in various forms some sort of half-human, half-avian creature. These tales are possibly connected to our universal psychological yearnings for flight. In... more
Chevillot, Chr. et E. Hiriart (2013) : "Enquête sur la découverte ancienne d’un trésor monétaire Gaulois
dans le Sud du département de la Dordogne", Documents d’Archéologie et d’Histoire
Périgourdines, Bulletin de l’ADRAHP
dans le Sud du département de la Dordogne", Documents d’Archéologie et d’Histoire
Périgourdines, Bulletin de l’ADRAHP
Lascaux Cave is located near the village of Montignac in the Dordogne region of southern France. This cave appears not to have been inhabited but more likely used for rituals or other possible forms of communal or ceremonial activities.... more
Monograph of a grandmontine priory situated in Dordogne/ Périgord (France) from its foundation in the 12th century to the 18th century dealing mainly with the ecclesiastical seigniory and archeology. Monographie de la celle de Notre-Dame... more
The center of the Magdalenian (or Madelenian) culture was in the Dordogne in Southwest France and neighboring Spain. Other areas include Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Moravia, and Italy. (CA: 58.) The period is named after finds from La... more
The paper provides thoughts and impressions to very different exhibitions in Bonn and Jülich (both Rhineland), which were visited in 2006: "Roots//Wurzeln der Menschheit", "MinervaGalerie" and the permanent exhibition of the Akademisches... more
Cette petite fenêtre fortuitement ouverte sur un gisement magdalénien, certainement bien plus étendu que la surface fouillée, laisse une certaine amertume. La découverte de ce niveau profond à l'extrême fin du temps de libération des... more
A brief overview of the palaeolithic sites in the Gorge d'Enfer near Les Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuil (Dordogne, France). Unpublished manuscript (in german) composed for an excursion in the Dordogne in September 2012 under the direction of... more
Un diagnostic archéologique a été mené dans le cadre du projet de suppression du passage à niveau au lieu-dit « Les Libraires », du 19 mars au 4 avril 2012 par le service archéologique départemental de la Dordogne. Trente-quatre sondages... more
This master thesis consists in analyzing artefacts of Magdalenian portable art and their respective replicas. The research had two main goals: to establish a profile for the approached collection and to comprehend the scientific value of... more
Articulo que trata acerca del flamante facsímil LASCAUX IV
A more detailed version of this talk can be found in my PhD thesis "Gothus. Konstruktion und Rezeption von Gotenbildern in narrativen Schriften des merowingerzeitlichen Gallien", pp. 502-507.
The Gravettian period is named after the French site of La Gravette in Dordogne, France. In addition to small pointed blades called the Gravette points, this period is also noted for numerous so-called the “venus” [sic] finds including... more
La fouille préventive prescrite au lieu-dit Pont de la Mouline entre dans le cadre des travaux d’aménagement du contournement ouest de Bergerac.Un décapage mécanique sur 800 m2 a révélé la présence d'un niveau d'occupation gravettienne
For six years, an interdisciplinary team carried out the study of a Bronze Age underground network. This program has been labelled by the Institute of Ecology and Environment of the French Research Council (CNRS), who wants to promote new... more
Monograph of a grandmontine priory situated in Dordogne/ Périgord (France) from its foundation in the 12th century to the 18th century dealing mainly with the ecclesiastical seigniory and archeology. Monographie de la celle de Notre-Dame... more
Discovered at the beginning of the twentieth century, the Abri Casserole (Dordogne, France) was the subject of salvage excavations in the early nineties. The fieldwork revealed a sequence of 13 archaeological levels that document human... more
Par quelques pièces maîtresses, comme le "bison se léchant le flanc" par exemple, l'art mobilier de La Madeleine est bien connu du grand public et des spécialistes. D'autres objets tout aussi remarquables sont longtemps passés inaperçus,... more