Economic Structure
Recent papers in Economic Structure
Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are considered as one of the main sources of climate change. The problem recently arises when we want to identify which are the most caused to CO2 emission or even which are the most environmentally harmful... more
Na gospodarstvo podravske regije, ki je bilo že v preteklosti zaznamovano z vzponi in padci, je leta 2009 vplivala tudi svetovna gospodarska kriza. Avtorica predstavlja vpliv gospodarske krize na to regijo in njene občine ter kako so se... more
Penelitian ini merupakan studi empiris pada negara – negara ASEAN, yaitu membuktikan ada tidaknya pengaruh struktur ekonomi, tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi, tingkat inflasi dan indeks persepsi korupsi terhadap rasio pajak baik secara bersama... more
With the renewed interest in macroeconomic quantifi cation since the 1950s the study of long-term economic growth and development became also an important theme within the discipline of economic history. It developed into a major tool to... more
Although Mozambique has considerable agricultural potential, rural poverty remains extremely high. This paper examines the extent to which global and domestic price distortions affect agricultural production and national poverty. We... more
In this study, some of the possible causes and consequences of inequalities emerging in cities after the transition from the agricultural economy to the industrial and post-industrial society will be examined with some theoretical and... more
This paper assesses the sustainability of public debt in Egypt in light of recent fiscal trends. It discusses different estimates of the public debt in Egypt, analyzes key fiscal trends underlying recent growth in the public debt,... more
This paper is a product of a research project on Distortions to Agricultural Incentives, under the leadership of Kym Anderson of the World Bank's Development Research Group. The authors are grateful for helpful comments from workshop... more
Depuis son indépendance en 1962, le Burundi a été pris dans un cycle de conflit et de pauvreté. Les vagues successives de violence ont creusé des divisions ethniques et régionales, tout en approfondissant une pauvreté déjà aiguë. Les... more
This report, on the regional analytical work, deals specifically with studies on regional economic integration and trade facilitation. There are two reasons for this concentration: 1) the predominance of the two issues in multicountry... more
This paper uses a three-step Bayesian cross-entropy estimation approach in an environment of noisy and scarce data to estimate behavioral parameters for a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model and to measure how labor augmenting... more