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Experimento de Embriología sobre el sistema de replicación de cultivo de huevos embrionados de ave (sin cáscara) en una capa de plástico de la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Matemática de la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal
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A simple poster on the differences between Fetus in Fetu and Teratoma, and its consequences on diagnosis.
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In the paper, the authors present legal and bioethical issues related to the fertilization outside the human body, particularly, to the producing and applying an artificial womb for this purpose. Considering these issues appears to be... more
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      BioethicsHuman Rights LawHuman RightsReproduction
Informe de laboratorio de Embriología sobre el desarrollo embrionario del pez guppy (Poecilia reticulata) de la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Matemática de la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal
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      BiologyBiologiaBiologíaPoecilia Reticulata
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      Ciencias BiologicasCiencias BiológicasEmbriologiaCiencias Naturales
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      Veterinary MedicineMedicina VeterináriaMedicina VeterinariaEmbriologia
Praktikum emwan FKIP BIOLOGI UNS 2014
6 preparat awetan
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    • Embriology
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    • Embriology
berisi tentang proses reproduksi pada katak dari mulai fertilisasi sampai proses organogenesis saat menjadi berudu..
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      BiologyAmfibios, amphibiaEmbriologiaEmbriology
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    • Embriology
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    • Embriology
Informe de laboratorio de Embriología sobre el desarrollo embrionario en aves de la Escuela Profesional de Biología de la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal
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      BiologyBiological SciencesBiologiaBirds
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    • Embriology
Perkembangan Teknologi Berbasis Embriologi salah satunya adalah Chimera. Chimera merupakan organisme yang memiliki 2 set DNA dalam tubuhnya.
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      Sains dan TeknologiChimeraHuman ChimeraEmbriology
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      Fish ReproductionEmbriology
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    • Embriology
Informe de laboratorio de Embriología sobre la Comparación de Plancentas de Mamíferos de la Escuela Profesional de Biología de la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal
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      BiologyBiological SciencesPlacentaBiologia
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    • Embriology
• Richard-Alain JEAN, Anne-Marie LOYRETTE ✝ , Paula LUPO-GHALI, Jean-Pierre MARTIN, Xavier RIAUD et coll., Cahiers intégrés de médecine égyptienne (CIME ), V, 1, Paris - Le Caire, décembre 2018. Fawzia HADGE-DIN et Abdel HAZIZ étudient... more
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      EgyptologyObstetricsMedicineGynecology and Obstetrics
Prácticas como la investigación con células madre embrionarias están en el centro de los debates bioéticos en Europa y Estados Unidos. En estos se argumenta utilizando conceptos como el de dignidad humana, al que se le dan múltiples... more
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      BioethicsKantian ethicsBioéticaHuman Dignity
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      Embriologia humanaEmbriologyEmbriologia 1Esbozo De Miembro
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    • Embriology
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      Veterinary MedicineVeterinaryMedicina VeterináriaMedicina Veterinaria
Informe de Laboratorio de Embriología sobre la Formación de Gametos Masculinos y Femeninos y Desarrollo Folicular de la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Matemática de la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal
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The first 4 weeks period of gestation is the most critical for nutrition, development, uterine spacing and implantation of the embryos to the uterus and the majority of prenatal losses occurs in pigs during this period. The aim of the... more
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Tahapan babi mulai dari zigot hingga pembentukan peta takdir. Data ini didapat dari jurnal internasional
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      EmbriologiaPlant Morphology and EmbriologyEmbriologyEmbriogénesis somática en ñame (Dioscorea alata)
pembahasan tentang gametogenesis
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    • Embriology
Aborcja od dawna wywołuje ogromne emocje, prowokuje do dyskusji, które nie zawsze przebiegają w sposób racjonalnie uporządkowany. W debatę nad tym zagadnieniem od wielu lat angażują się środowiska polityczne, religijne i feministyczne. U... more
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      Discourse AnalysisReligionEthicsMedia Studies
Declarações referentes à reprodução e desenvolvimento humano estão espalhadas pelo Alcorão. É apenas recentemente que o significado científico de alguns desses versículos foi totalmente apreciado. O longo atraso na interpretação correta... more
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    • Embriology
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      History of MedicineMedieval StudiesHistory and Philosophy of BiologySlavery
O sexo foi definido como a soma das diferenças morfológicas, fisiológicas e psicológicas que distinguem o macho da fêmea permitindo a reprodução sexual e assegurando a continuidade das espécies. Os processos de diferenciação sexual são... more
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      Animal reproductionReproductive BiologyEmbriologiaEmbriology
OBJETIVO A gestação nos mamíferos domésticos é um processo fisiológico que implica mudanças físicas, metabólicas e hormonais na fêmea, que culminam com o nascimento de um novo indivíduo. Desta forma, a compreensão de tais mudanças e como... more
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      Veterinary MedicineAnimal reproductionPlacenta developmentPregnancy
Guía de embriología sobre la formación  el corazón y  el oído.
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The theory of retrograde menstruation as aetiopathogenesis of endometriosis formulated by John Sampson in 1927 shows clear shortcomings: this does not explain why retrograde menstruation is a physiological process that affects 90% of... more
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      Embryonic Stem CellsBody PatterningEndometriosisEmbriology
This article describes early development of the climbing perch Anabas testudineus in relation to its buoyancy dynamics. Main patterns of the ontogeny during the first 140 h of development are described. The climbing perch is characterized... more
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      IchthyologyAnimal BehaviourOntogenyEscape responses
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati morfologi semen, sel telur ikan, fertilisasi, dan perkembangan embrio ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio). Metode yang dilakukan dengan ikan mas yang telah dewasa (betina dan jantan) di stripping dengan... more
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    • Embriology
Conference organized with national funding by FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I. P. within the scope of the project: Gynecia: Rodrigo de Castro Lusitano e a tradição médica antiga sobre ginecologia e embriologia... more
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      Ancient MedicineGynacologyEmbriology
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      Embriology3rd week
Gametogénesis: a-¿De que capa germinal derivan los gametos sexuales? Derivan del epiblasto b-Luego de su diferenciación, las células germinales se dirigen a una de las grandes cavidades que conforman el embrión, puede usted decir a cuál?... more
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      BiologyDesarrollo HumanoEmbriologia humanaEmbriology
INTRODUCCIÓN Los cultivos agrícolas establecidos en áreas urbanas, huertas en casa, huertos ecológicos y de otros tipos, se caracterizan por presentar una baja tasa de crecimiento y germinación de semillas. El frijol común Phaseolus... more
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      BiologyFungicidesBiologiaFisiología Vegetal
Pada awalnya pembentukan seorang manusia diawali dengan gamet melalui proses spermatogenesis dan oogenesis. Proses spermatogenesis bertujuan untuk membentuk gamet jantan sedangkan oogenesis untuk membentuk gamet betina. Proses... more
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    • Embriology
Background: Pluchea indicais applicable for anti-fertility on male wistar rats. It is then necessary to conduct further study on the correlation between testosterone and spermatogenic cell after the treatment of active compounds of... more
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      Biology EducationEmbriology
The first 4 weeks period of gestation is the most critical for nutrition, development, uterine spacing and implantation of the embryos to the uterus and the majority of prenatal losses occurs in pigs during this period. The aim of the... more
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      AmphisbaeniansEmbriologyAmphisbaena heterozonataAnimal Anatomy
Subtitle: Chemical compounds, water pollutants, trigger wrong apoptotic responses causing imbalance in PCD rate and abnormal embryo development.
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      Water PollutionEvaluaciones De Impacto AmbientalEmbriology
Science News published an article on June 25 titled "Embryos appear to reverse their biological clock early in development." This advance is of interest to embryology and human aging studies as it provides new data on the biological... more
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      Life SciencesLife ScienceEmbriology
This article approaches the work of Adam Smith through embryology. It is argued that Smith's source of inspiration in thinking about organization was the epigenetic theory of development, according to which temporal transformations are... more
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      Political EconomyLinguisticsAdam SmithMetodology of social research
Rate of oxygen consumption of the Black Sea turbot (Scophthalmus maeoticus) during early ontogenesis depending on stage of development, morphological norm and temperature (11 and 16 °C) was studied. Oxygen consumption at blastula stage... more
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      IchthyologyFisheries ScienceFish BiologyFish Physiology