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This manual covers all the essential areas in labour law.
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      Labour LawWork and LabourLabour EconomicsLabor law
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    • European Labour Law
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    • European Labour Law
REPRODUCEREA ESTE INTERZISĂ FĂRĂ CITAREA SURSEI / REPRODUCTION IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT CITING THE SOURCE The concept of ”European posting of workers” mainly covers the situation where a company located in one EU country posted an employee... more
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      Competition LawLabour LawEuropean Labour LawConcurenta
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      Labour LawLabor lawEuropean Labour LawΕργατικό Δίκαιο
To tackle undeclared work, a voluntary disclosure initiative was implemented for a 6-month period in 2019 to enable those voluntarily disclosing to the Lithuanian State Tax Inspectorate (STI) their past undeclared work to have the... more
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      BusinessManagementLabor EconomicsPublic Administration
The focus of this paper will be on industrial democracy model existed in former SFRY, as one of the pioneer countries in realising the concept of workers’ participation to achieve the democratic working conditions. In order to understand... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsCollective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)Comparative LawLabour Law
L'articolo analizza la recente lettura delle corti di merito della normativa in materia di licenziamenti collettivi alla luce della Carta Sociale Europea, ed evidenzia la discriminazione rimediale tra lavoratori assunti prima e dopo il 7... more
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      European Labour LawEuropean Social CharterThe European Social Charter RevisedItalian Labour Law
Full-text version of my PhD Dissertation in Hungarian.
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      Labour LawInternational Labour LawCivil Service ReformsNew Public Management and Governance
This paper analyses the protection for fixed-term workers, agency workers and part-time workers under EU case law and legislation.
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      Employment LawDISCRIMINATION AT WORKDiscrimination (Law)European Labour Law
Перед вами первый учебник «Европейское право» для бакалавриата, подготовленный представителями двух сильнейших отечественных школ международного права — уральской и казанской — и получивший одобрение от европейских правовых... more
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      European LawEuropean Union LawEuropean Labour Law
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      Labour LawCivil Service ReformsEuropean Labour LawEmployee Empowerment
Il saggio esamina i limiti all'utilizzo dei social network del lavoratore nel contesto della re-lazione di lavoro e nella vita privata. Nella prima parte ci si sofferma sulla questione del monitoraggio tecnologico dei dipendenti, alla... more
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      European Labour LawItalian Labour LawSocial Media and Law
Seit Jahren fordern die Arbeitnehmer:innenvertretungen, darunter auch die AK, einen Rechtsrahmen für Arbeitskräfte, die über Online-Plattformen berufstätig sind, um Mindeststandards hinsichtlich der rechtlichen und sozialen Absicherung... more
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      European Labour LawEuropean Labor MovementsWork PlatformEuropean Labour Markets
Die Europäische Kommission steht angesichts disruptiver technologischer und wirtschaftlicher Entwicklungen und der zunehmenden Stellung von Plattformen als versorgungskritische Infrastrukturen vor großen Regulierungsherausforderungen. Die... more
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      European Labour LawDigital EconomyStructural ChangePolicy Paper
Εκδόσεις Σάκκουλα: Αθήνα-Θεσσαλονίκη, 2019, σελίδες ΧII + 139 Περισσότερες πληροφορίες στην ιστοσελίδα https://www.sakkoulas.gr/el/editions/d-goulas-oi-diakriseis-logo-thriskevtikon-symvolon-ston-choro-ergasias-2019/ [Discrimination on... more
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      Labour LawAntidiscrimination LawEuropean Labour LawReligious Symbols
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      Labour LawEuropean Labour LawEmployment/Labour LawDigital Platforms
Il lavoro analizza il mutato scenario delle relazioni industriali moderne dopo l'avvento del modello Fiat che ha stravolto e rivisto i principi e le regole sino a quel momento "vigenti" nel sistema sindacale italiano. A partire dalle... more
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      Labour LawEuropean Labour LawDiritto Del LavoroAziendalizzazione Della Contrattazione Collettiva
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      Employment LawLabour LawEuropean Union LawEU Law
This research report has been produced in the context of a project entitled ‘The definition of worker in the platform economy’ (CES/FSA/09/2020), which was commissioned by the workers’ group of the European Economic and Social Committee.... more
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      European Labour LawLabour MovementsEmployment/Labour LawGig Economy
"The most recent European employment law saga arising from Viking, Laval, and subsequent decisions has commonly been understood as perpetuating the infiltration of economic provisions into labor legislation. It has also been asserted,... more
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      LawEmployment LawEuropean LawIndustrial Relations
Wszystko, co składa się na prawo do zabezpieczenia społecznego – wynikające z niego uprawnienia główne i szczegółowe – stanowią postulaty polityki prawa. Trudno oczekiwać ich zrealizowania. Różne są uwarunkowania społeczne i kulturowe, a... more
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      Social InsuranceLabour LawJohn Paul II/Karol WojtylaEuropean Labour Law
Εκδόσεις Σάκκουλα: Αθήνα-Θεσσαλονίκη, 2019, σελίδες ΧII + 156 Περισσότερες πληροφορίες στην ιστοσελίδα... more
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      Labour LawEuropean Labour LawNon-Discrimination LawEquality and Non Discrimination
It is highly surprised that casual workers in some of countries’ labour legislations are treated as of no values despite experiencing the same constitutional rights as permanent employees. They work hard as a normal employee and sometimes... more
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      Employment LawWork and LabourInternational Labour LawEuropean Labour Law
all about labour law, covering contracts, resolution, principles of law, etc.
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      Labour LawLabour StudiesWork and LabourLabour Economics
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      Labour LawEuropean Labour LawEU Labour LawΕργατικό Δίκαιο
Nëpërmjet këtij punimi kam vlerësuar të rëndësishme të trajtoj nga pikëpamja teorike disa çështje dhe problematika në lidhje me juridiksionin dhe kompetencën në mosmarrëveshjet e punës sipas Kodit të Punës, të cilat i kam konstatuar në... more
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      European Labour LawCivil Procedural LawEmployment/Labour Law
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      Labor EconomicsLabour LawLabor MigrationWork and Labour
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      Collective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)LawCivil LawLabor Law (Law)
Book, Stein Evju (ed): FORMULA is an international, interdisciplinary project devoted to studying EU/EEA labour market regulation in the context of cross-border provision of services involving in particular posting of workers in the... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsLabour LawTransnational Labour MigrationInternational Labour Law
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      Labour LawEuropean Labour LawVisegrad Group
Book, Stein Evju (ed): FORMULA is an international, interdisciplinary project devoted to studying EU/EEA labor market regulation in the context of cross-border provision of services involving in particular posting of workers, as indicated... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsLabour LawInternational Labour LawEuropean Labour Law
Tesi di laurea magistrale in Diritto e Politiche Comunitarie del Lavoro, discussa nella sessione di Aprile 2014. L'elaborato tratta il tema dell'aziendalizzazione della contrattazione collettiva in Italia ed in Europa. All’interno del... more
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      Collective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)European Labour LawCollective BargainingDiritto Del Lavoro
EU Social and Labour Rights have developed incrementally, originally through a set of legislative initiatives creating selective employment rights, followed by a non-binding Charter of Social Rights. Only in 2009, social and labour rights... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationIndustrial RelationsEuropean Union
The aim of this report is to compare social identity (ID) card schemes in the construction sector in different European countries to make recommendations for the design of a social ID card scheme in the construction sector in Romania.... more
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      BusinessManagementEconomicsLabor Economics
Περιεχόμενα Συγγραφείς τόμου (με αλφαβητική σειρά) ............................. 5 Συντομογραφίες περιοδικών ................................................... 7 Πρόλογος... more
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      Human RightsNon-discriminationEuropean Labour LawAnti-discrimination law
This article aims to introduce in the scientific debate on the future of EU labour law and its relationship with human and fundamental rights, a redefinition of the collective labour rights in terms of 'collective labour freedoms'. This... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsCollective Bargaining (Industrial And Labor Relations)Industrial RelationsCollective Action
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      European Labour LawFundamental RightsSocial Security Law, Labour Law, Comparative Labour LawEurozone crisis
"The Report presents insights which illuminates the intertwinements of European regulatory policies and global governance arrangements. By pinning down the exact nature of the interaction between these two levels, the EU’s dilemma becomes... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsBusiness EthicsSociologyEuropean Studies
Jedan od važnih zadataka zemalja kandidata za članstvo u EU jeste implementacija administrativnih principa, procedura, vrednosti i standarda EU. Ključni elemenat koji treba da bude implementiran jesu standardi statusa državnih službenika,... more
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      Labour LawEuropean Labour LawRadno Pravo
La crise économique et financière qui sévit depuis 2008 a frappé l’ensemble des pays européens, entraînant d’importantes répercussions sociales : fermetures et délocalisations d’entreprise, chômage, augmentation de la pauvreté etc. La... more
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      Labour LawSocial Security LawEuropean Social LawBelgian politics
“Comment on CJEU Judgment of 11.04.2013, C-335/11 & 337/11, HK Danmark (Disability discrimination)” (in Greek), Hellenic Review of European Law, 3/2013, pp. 364-374
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      Employment LawLabour LawDisability DiscriminationDiscrimination (Law)
Prawa podstawowe, stanowiące ogólne zasady prawa Wspólnoty, pojawiają się w orzecznictwie Europejskiego Trybunał Sprawiedliwości od końca lat sześćdziesiątych XX wieku . Bez wątpienia Europejski Trybunał Sprawiedliwosci (ETS) odgrywa... more
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      Labour LawEuropean Labour LawFundamental Rights
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      Labour LawInternational Labour LawEuropean Labour Law
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsEmployment LawIndustrial RelationsLabour Law
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      Labour LawInternational Labour LawEuropean Labour Law
This thesis answers the question if the CJEU legal practice concerning labour clauses in the Public Procurement strike a fair balance between social and economic considerations. In particular, it deals with the EU Public Procurement... more
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      Labour LawEuropean Union LawEuropean Labour LawEuropean Public Procurement Law
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      Labour LawWorking TimeEuropean Labour Law
The purpose of this article is to assess the status of collective labour rights in the EU legal order, in the shadow of the current economic crisis. In sharp contrast to the key position granted to collective social rightsin the New Deal... more
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      Labour LawEU LawEuropean Labour Law
To tackle participation in unregistered employment, the conventional policy approach has been to deter such work by increasing the penalties and risk of detection. Recently, an alternative preventative approach has emerged that tackles... more
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      ManagementEconomic SociologyEconomicsLabor Economics