Feminist Musicology
Recent papers in Feminist Musicology
Resumo: Neste artigo abordo a peça Homage to Bruno Mantovani da compositora Fernanda Aoki Navarro – música composta como resposta a uma entrevista dada pelo compositor Bruno Mantovani. A partir do exemplo musical de Fernanda Aoki e... more
La presencia actual de las mujeres intérpretes en las orquestas y centros de enseñanza superior de Europa. El caso de las contrabajistas Clara Pertierra Sánchez Investigadora independiente RESUM Aquest article pretén mostrar la... more
In this chapter, I turn to Mina Caputo, the vocalist of the long-running alternative metal band Life of Agony, as a case study to discuss how transgenderness is negotiated in contemporary heavy metal music. Taking my point of departure... more
A arte progressista pode ajudar as pessoas a aprender não apenas sobre as forças objetivas em ação na sociedade em que vivem, mas também sobre o caráter intensamente social de suas vidas interiores. Em última análise, ela pode incitar as... more
Despite ongoing efforts since the 1970s to recover the music of women composers, and the widespread yet short-lived attention to feminist perspectives in musicology in the early 1990s, it is still rare to find women's work featuring... more
"Resumen: Las investigaciones históricas han utilizado diferentes categorías de análisis para el estudio de la figura y obra de creadoras e intelectuales. Se han construido así narraciones diversas acerca de dichas figuras, conformando... more
In today's culture, popular music is a vital site where ideas about gender and sexuality are imagined and disseminated. Popular Music and the Politics of Hope: Queer and Feminist Interventions explores what that means with a wide-ranging... more
RESUMEN: Ante el Plan de Educación para Todos (EPT) 2000-2015 de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura-UNESCO, la educación musical y artística debe reivindicarse como medio de reflexión,... more
My goal with this essay is to synthesize everything that feminist musicology contributes, a current within musical research from the base of feminist theory, and that always revolves around women and music, starting from the fact of... more
10 «Belle Doëtte as fenêtres se sied, Lit en un livre, amis au coeur ne l´en tient». PERNOUD, Regine. La mujer en el tiempo de las catedrales…, p. 68.
On September 23 rd , 1964, at the official unveiling of the new painted ceiling of the Opera Garnier in Paris, Chagall (1887-1985 offered his mural to France in gratitude for the long creative years in his adopted country: I wanted to... more
Las mujeres han sido, y son, privilegiadas garantes del patrimonio heredado por la tradi-ción oral, incluido el musical. La música de la sociedad que levantó los edificios románi-cos, fundamentalmente canto (voz), se transmitió a través... more
The current memoir was based on the study of three female cases who introduced in Ecuadorian popular music. The search requiered women whose artistic profiles were selected under the parameters of: having made compositions, musical... more
This book develops psychoanalytic music criticism in the field of postmodern music analysis. It offers psychoanalytic listenings of various musics; from a Romantic symphony to alternative country music, from piano miniatures to TV-opera.... more
The prestigious and exceptional characterization of Hildegard von Bingen, promoted for at least the past century, and popularized within the past few decades, has become the standard expectation in most textbooks and curriculums on... more
Singer, bass player and songwriter Meshell Ndegeocello has inspired a growing body of scholarship addressing her funky, political, 'othered' musical personae. Existing work celebrates Ndegeocello in the context of identity politics (most... more
“TransAmericana” describes a contemporary sociomusical phenomenon of transgender and queerly gendered musicians who have chosen American roots genres including country and folk as their expressive material. This combination of gender and... more
Singer-songwriter Björk, the most famous Icelander since explorer Leif Eriksson, has been met with both praise and criticism, almost always directed at her difference – from Westerners, pop musicians, adults, even from humans. Known for... more
Kadın bestecilerin eserlerindeki kompozisyon tekniklerinin incelenerek literatüre katkıda bulunulması; Avrupa Akademik müziği merkezinde, bestecilik ve müzik eğitiminin ve kadınların bestecilik eğitimine erişimlerinin incelenmesi ve kadın... more
In the present article I propose a transgender reading of the film Boys Don’t Cry that differs from previous interpretations in two ways. First, my reading is a listening, based on analyzing the film’s soundtrack. Second, my purpose is to... more
El presente artículo de investigación expone los resultados de un proyecto de innovación docente titulado “Discriminaciones de género en el consumo y difusión de la música: la Web como espacio de enseñanza-aprendizaje”, iniciado durante... more
« La compositrice anglaise Rebecca Clarke est un excellent exemple de ces femmes créatrices dont les œuvres ont été, de leur vivant, comparées de manière élogieuse à celles de «grands créateurs», parfois de la bouche même de ceux-ci, pour... more
El presente ensayo pretende abordar la crítica musical periodística desde los estudios de performance y biopolítica, utilizando como eje articulador “el corpus” de Matilde Muñoz Barberi (Madrid 1895-La Habana 1954).
Using three case studies of work by Hildegard Westerkamp, Janet Cardiff and Jasmeen Patheja this paper investigates how women sound artists use the speaking voice in their work to create a 'sonic persona' that directly challenges... more
A lo largo de la historia de la música, las mujeres han sido apartadas de la esfera pública y profesional, en una marginación que se ha mantenido en el discurso académico y ha imperado en las distintas instituciones educativas musicales.... more
The article discusses the Finnish composer and conductor Ida Moberg (1859–1947). Special emphasis is given to her orchestral and vocal works, including the opera The Light of Asia.
English translation of my PhD defence lectio speech.
در این مقاله، به بررسی کلیشههای جنسیتی در بافتار موسیقایی یکی از قطعات موسیقی کلاسیک ایرانی، به عنوان نمایندهای از ذهنیتهای موجود در موسیقیدانان امروز پرداختهام. این بررسی بیش از هرچیز شامل دوگانههای جنسیتی و روند سکسوئل (ناظر به... more
La "musicóloga popular" Sheila Whiteley tuvo una carrera excepcional. Luego de una vida bohemia y contracultural durante la década de los sesenta -incluida su presencia en el infame Altamont Free Concert de 1969-, y la crianza de tres... more
Resumen: En el presente testimonio se comparte una reflexión sobre la intervención ciberfeminista Uncanny Valley Project en la X Sonora de la Bienal Centroamericana (2016). Se analiza la intervención desde una “proximidad crítica,... more
Critical theory and post-structuralism influenced the understanding of music and musicology as a participating tool in the social order which therefore assured that it cannot still be studied as an apolitical object and within the system... more
Feminismo y cuplé: de lo serio y lo frívolo Carlota Aguilar González ¿Existió un cuplé feminista? La respuesta es, sin duda, sí: El cuplé y la cupletista fueron vehículo de difusión de las ideas que impregnaban la sociedad española entre... more
Um registro, tanto documentação histórica quanto recuperação biográfica, das contendas e sensibilidades dos indivíduos homossexuais do ocidente que se assumiram na música, e da contribuição indubitada, mas deslembrada, de homens e... more
"Da compositora, pedagoga e musicógrafa Francine Benoît (1896-1990), preocuparam-me os silêncios, os não ditos. Esta dissertação propõe-se tecer algumas considerações sobre as suas redes de sociabilidades e analisar as negociações do... more
En esta edición de FeminoiseLatinoamérica para Inquire Magazine, exploro el Gearporn como categoría y manifestación de prácticas de socialización tecnológica. También analizo cómo las ingenieras de sonido están cuestionando los espacios y... more