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Un tempo, sulle nostre montagne certi eventi e segni naturali, in particolare quelli più grandiosi, benefici o distruttivi, erano attribuiti all’intervento di divinità ed entità ultraterrene. Fino a tempi recenti, erano soprattutto le... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreMythologyAlpine Research
In many agricultural and hunter-gatherer communities, edible wild plants are still a relevant food source, although their use has been, in many cases, undervalued. In this sense, acorns have been known as a foodstuff in written sources... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyEthnobotanyIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Archaeology of the Iberian Peninsula
Rechte, Rechtsordnungen und Rechtsbekenntnisse dienten im Frühmittelalter als ein gleichsam universales, interdiskursiv verwendetes Ordnungsmuster. Sie folgten damit bei allen Differenzen im Detail einer gemeinsamen „Grammatik“. Die... more
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      Early Medieval HistoryFolk customs and traditions of Western Europe (particularly Alpine and Pyrenean regions)History of Law
Appel à communications pour le colloque international de la Société Suisse d’Histoire Rurale (SSHR) "SANTÉ DES CORPS, SALUT DES ÂMES : SOINS ET RELIGION EN MILIEU RURAL (EUROPE OCCIDENTALE, XVE - XIXE SIÈCLES)" Université de Lausanne, 1er... more
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      History of ReligionPopular CultureRural HistorySpirituality
Nel paese in cui è nato mio papà esiste una piccola grotta naturale chiamata Pertus d’le Fantine (cioè “buco delle fate”) dove si credeva un tempo si nascondessero gli esseri fatati che abitavano le rocce poco distanti… Non c’è una... more
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      Alpine historyFolk customs and traditions of Western Europe (particularly Alpine and Pyrenean regions)Folk and Fairy TalesAlpine jadeitite axeheads
El desarrollo de la ganadería y el trabajo de la madera en el Pirineo llevó consigo el surgimiento de dos de las tradiciones más relevantes de la montaña navarra: la trashumancia hacia los pastos de invierno y los de verano y el... more
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      EthnographyEthnologyFolk customs and traditions of Western Europe (particularly Alpine and Pyrenean regions)Pyrénées
Il progetto Valdesina nasce nel 2013 con lo scopo di presentare ai bambini del territorio alcuni aspetti del patrimonio culturale (favole e racconti fantastici da un lato, storia locale dall'altra) in una forma inedita e divertente, che... more
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      Alpine historyFolk customs and traditions of Western Europe (particularly Alpine and Pyrenean regions)Folk and Fairy TalesPiedmontese history
Le texte traite de la structure sociale et familiale dans la région de Navarre, en Espagne, au début du XVIIIe siècle, en se concentrant sur un exemple spécifique de la maison Esparza ou Esparzena. L'auteure souligne le rôle prédominant... more
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      Folk customs and traditions of Western Europe (particularly Alpine and Pyrenean regions)History of NavarrePyrénéesNavarre
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      EthnographyEthnologyFolk customs and traditions of Western Europe (particularly Alpine and Pyrenean regions)Etnologia
""La présente étude est la première description systématique du parler occitan alpin de Seyne-les-Alpes (Alpes de Haute-Provence) et des communes avoisinantes (Auzet, Barle, Coulloubroux, Montclar, Le Selonnet, Verdache et Le Vernet).... more
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      PsychoanalysisSociolinguisticsLanguage Variation and ChangeMedieval Studies