Food Design
Recent papers in Food Design
Relationship between human beings and food, food experience and eating behaviors, and food supply chain and post-consumption activities, respond to a complex system of situational factors and choices that individuals make, often based on... more
The growing role of digital technology in everyday food practices offers promising yet questionable food futures. Human-food interaction technologies such as quantified diet trackers and smart kitchenware present opportunities for... more
In this article, the position that there is a good case for sustainable food tourism despite the negative impact on the climate caused by tourism and travelling practices is argued. This requires, however, that we develop well-designed... more
Call for Papers (in English and German) for the Conference "Food Media Senses", July 1-2, 2021, an international conference exploring the mediality and sensuality of food.
The Call is open till December 21, 2020
The Call is open till December 21, 2020
Is there a need for a set of methods within Design Thinking tailored specifically for the Food Design process? Is there a need for a branch of Design Thinking dedicated to Food Design alone? Chefs are not generally trained in Design or... more
With great pleasure, I had an opportunity to interview Eating Designer Marije Vogelzang, who has kindly shared with us many insights, personal thoughts, and experiences on Food Design and Eating Design.
London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 347 pp., h/bk, $136 Reviewed by Jamie L. Horwitz, Iowa State University
The Circular Economy is a way of thinking, it is a goal that every designer and food designer should aim at. In this paper, I propose a model for the Circular Food Economy, a model that is specific to the food industry.
What is Food Design? And how can it help businesses? This paper first proposes a brief overview of possible definitions of Food Design, and then proposes a categorization of its sub-disciplines that highlight the different background... more
This research focuses on design theory and Eating Design. Specifically, the aim of this research is to explore the scope for and devise a design method for the initial phase of the Eating Design process. This research devises, assesses... more
Students workshop given at National University of Singapore. Description: The workshop will be focused on convergences of food and ICT and various ways how to use food within everyday computer mediated communication. We are going to... more
Ad oggi, ciò che caratterizza maggiormente l’economia ed il contesto sociale in cui viviamo è la globalizzazione, che porta inevitabilmente con sé una concorrenza stringente. In questo panorama, i consumatori si trovano a poter scegliere... more
This article examines one example of radical innovation and everyday design through a case study of Farm School NYC, an adult education programme in New York City that uses critical pedagogy and popular education to train adult students... more
With cooking as interface, the exploration, testing, analysis and enjoyment of food in a group environment functioned not only as a social cooking exercise, but also as a meta-process for collaborative strategies in art and design.
Conosciamo da tempo la relazione dell'uomo con il cibo dal punto di vista del fuoco, sia come esperienza culturale che psicologica, più problematica è quella tra l'uomo e i c.a.n.i. gestiti dall'industria alimentare.
When we think of " food designing " , of designing food or anything around eating, what are the aspects of knowledge we should consider? What are the areas we should investigate, and the information we should include in our project? We... more
There are two quite controversial words in this title; two big words, full of meaning and history. Minimalism and Veganism are the two concepts that when applied to Food Design can lead towards sustainable solutions. We can also argue... more
Proyecto de producción y venta de panes artesanales, de estilo sourdough, estrategia de diferenciación que marcó pauta en Venezuela, al implementar fermentos naturales en toda su producción. Apostó por la investigación y desarrollo de... more
In contemporary design research and practice, food is most often seen as a problem to be fixed. Aiming to curb food system issues such as malnutrition or unsustainability, designers have proposed various techno-solutions. Digital... more
Socialization, eating and play are core activities that make us human. While they are often brought together, play theory suggests that their combination has unexplored potential in the context of gastronomy. Our research also indicates... more
Vegetable-based food and drink products are becoming more popular in the United States with increased awareness of health benefits as well as their positive environmental impact. Yet, there is a lack of attention in marketing these... more
In the past 20 years, two new disciplines have been created and have evolved, first as two separate subjects, and now more and more interconnected: food studies and food design studies. The motive behind the recent success and popularity... more
Digital food technologies such as diet trackers, food sharing apps, and 'smart' kitchenware offer promising yet debatable food futures. While proponents suggest its potential to prompt efficient food lifestyles, critics highlight... more
In recent years, Human Food Interaction (HFI) as a field of research has gained currency within HCI with a focus on how we grow, shop, cook and eat food using digital technologies. Advances in food printing technologies add an extra... more
Nella generale tendenza all’estetizzazione del quotidiano, anche il cibo si è trasformato in un oggetto bello prima che buono, che colpisce più per la sua forma, i suoi colori, la sua ergonomia che non per il suo gusto. Sia il food... more
Student number: 2095483 ] [ Wielewaalstraat 8 ] [ 3652 LT Woerdense Verlaat ] [ ] [ First supervisor: Dr. Artemis Yagou ] [ Second reader: Hilde Bouchez ] [ June 2012 ] [ VU University Amsterdam -Faculty of Arts ] [ Master's programme in... more
We consider this proceedings a good representation of the variety of disciplines involved in Food Design, and an accurate portrait of the current panorama of research and design applied to this discipline.
, ce restaurant de gastronomie française situé en haut d'une tour de luxe sur la place centrale Sühbaatar d'Ulaanbaatar, Bold, chef cuisinier, me fait visiter les cuisines, impeccables, et me présente l'équipe du midi, qui finit de... more
Progettare senza un obiettivo concreto, al di là dei costi di produzione, dei processi, dei materiali, e cioè al di là di una strategia aziendale o quanto meno di un’intenzione auto-produttiva (programmazione economica), non è davvero... more
La démarche du design management comporte des enjeux considérables pour les industries qui innovent. Dans le domaine agroalimentaire, secteur qui compte 20 % des plus grandes marques, la place accordée au design reste pourtant marginale... more
Human-Food Interaction (HFI) scholarship has discussed the possible roles of technology in contemporary food systems and proposed design solutions to various food problems. While acknowledging that there are food issues to be fixed, we... more
This study describes the trends of the emerging discipline Food Design in an attempt to analyse food projects that emphasize today’s design approach to design with or for food. The study analyses food projects designed in the last few... more
Food is an attractive communication tool, which can draw public attention to various social issues. In our project we try to explore such an issue over taste interactions and empathy inscribed in food. We have designed 'StreetSauce', an... more
In this short paper, I would like to present the main concepts explained in the MOOC module ‘’A job for the future: the ‘food designer’ and the ‘innovation bróker in agriculture’’’. The following is an updated transcription of the speech... more
Quantified self-experimentation with personal diets is a popular activity among health enthusiasts, diagnosed patients, as well as "life hackers" pursuing self-optimization goals. In this paper, we reflect on self-experimentation... more
For creative expression using the language of nourishment, it is necessary to start from our strong cultural roots and the customs associated with food. If these customs are presented artistically, they can become performances and... more
The HotKarot & OpenSauce project explores the possibilities of speculative food design in encouraging social inclusion and interaction among citizens of different socioeconomic backgrounds. The project employs the associative power of... more
「フードスケープ 私たちは食べものでできている」(アーツ前橋、群馬県前橋市、2016年10月21日ー2017年1月17日)に関連するシンポジウム」食の未来を考える週末」(アーツ前橋他、2016年10月22・23日)の記録