Forest Entomology
Recent papers in Forest Entomology
Sampling design in Quercus pubescens Willd. Forest stands In order to design a method for monitoring the abundance of Tortrix viridana L. eggs in Iarge forest areas, the spatial distribution of the egg-clusters was investigated in eight... more
Its show and share a presetation of forest insects querantine pest for Mexico. Regulations and legislations are presented and new detections in ports, airports and borders to Mexico
A study was conducted to identify and assess damage of an insect pest girdling young Eucalypts in Korogwe Forest Plantation, Tanga. Purposive sampling was employed to establish 10 plots of 10m by 10m. A total of 90 trees were sampled.... more
Наведено результати досліджень щодо сезонного розвитку, динаміки популяцій і шкідливості соснового підкорового клопа у чистих соснових і мішаних сосново-березових насадженнях Новгород-Сіверського Полісся, зокрема у комплексних осередках з... more
Проаналізовано динаміку площ осередків соснових пильщиків у насадженнях Луганської області. Показано збільшення інтенсивності, частоти і тривалості масових розмножень порівняно з попередніми десятиріччями. Оцінено принадність насаджень... more
The Philippines is considered as a biodiversity hotspot, however, different threats could cause the demise of its biological treasures. One of these threats could be the lack of awareness and the negative perception of the people towards... more
The Heteropsylla cubana has caused damaging effects to Leucaena leucocephala in Tanzania since its outbreak in 1992. Tamarixia leucaena and Psyllaephagus yaseeni were introduced from Trinidad to Tanzania for the biological control of the... more
Periodical phenomena in biotic and abiotic environment together with seasonal development of foliage browsing insects and their outbreaks are examined. Methodical approaches to prediction of foliage browsing insects seasonal development,... more
Oak declines are multifactorial processes in which bark and wood boring (BWB) beetles can act as major inciting factors, killing the weakened trees. Nonetheless, the current knowledge on the biology, ecology of these species is scattered... more
In the lake zone of Xochimilco is commonly observed defoliation by the “forest tent caterpillar” Malacosoma incurvum on the “ahuejote”. In the present study it was determined the abundance and distribution of O. kuvanae in the area,... more
Prospección de entomología forestal en 1961 en Chanchamayo y Satipo y continuada en 1962 en Tingo María y Puerto Maldonado. Los insectos agrupados por familias, son citados con mención de su importancia en la Selva del Perú,de las... more
This study was carried out to examine the variation in the abundance of tree and insect species in some selected forest reserves in Ondo State Nigeria. The study also examined the relationship between soil mesofauna, tree and the insect... more
Citrus is one of the world's most cultivated fruit crop based on its availability and contribution to human diets. However, various diseases such as Phytophthora foot rot, melanose, citrus scab, citrus brown spot, citrus greening and... more
A check list of 66 insect fauna species belonging to orders Orthoptera, Odonata, Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera with 56 new record form Teak – Sal ecotone of PBR, M.P. is given
В развитие gap-парадигмы, описывающей устойчивость лесных сообществ как динамический процесс (баланс между образованием «окон» или «прорывов» лесного полога и восстановлением его элементов в ходе популяционной жизни деревьев и... more
ABSTRACT The ethnobotanical data of along river Panjkora in Sheringal valley was documented during 2015. 31 species of 29 genera belonging to 17 families were found useful in every day life of local inhabitants as medicinal, fuel,... more
An optimized, patented lure for the larger pine shoot beetle, Tomicus piniperda has been developed and tested in the United States, Poland, and Croatia. Seven different beetle attractants were tested: α- pinene, α-pinene oxide, ethanol,... more
The effects of various concentration levels of neem oil (Nimbecidine 0.03% Aza) and water extracts of neem seed and leaf on growth and development of African bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera were studied under laboratory condition. Square... more
How to Take Micro-Video & Micro-Photo of
Micro-Insects Under Microscope?
Video Story about methods of recording micro-Video and micro-Photos under stereo and optical microscope. In English language.
Micro-Insects Under Microscope?
Video Story about methods of recording micro-Video and micro-Photos under stereo and optical microscope. In English language.
Bark beetles (Scolytinae) are hosts to a broad diversity of mites (Acari), including several genera of Ori-batida (Sarcoptiformes). Of these, Paraleius (Scheloribatidae) species are the most frequently collected oribatid mites associated... more
The ecological preferences and bioacoustics of bush-crickets, crickets and grasshoppers species were studied in middle and lower Prut River basin, a research conducted in 55 localities from Romania and 33 localities in the Republic of... more
• Our aim is to present why the hypothesis, that Ophiostomatoid fungi play an important role in the establishment of most bark beetle species on living conifers, is valuable. • After summarizing knowledge about the relationships of bark... more
Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a ocorrência de Hypsipyla grandella em árvores de cedro situadas em Brasília, Distrito Federal, bem como descrever os principais danos decorridos em frutos e sementes. Foram coletados 283 frutos... more
The present study determined new faunastic records of Family dermestidae from Kargil. Kargil is one of the two districts of ladakh region known as Cold desert of the country (India) and falls in the transhimalayan mountain system. A total... more
The study assessed the effects of anthropogenic activities on the regenerative capacity of “Alibangbang” (Bauhinia malabarica Roxb.), a pioneer species with known fire-resistant and excellent coppicing qualities, in the remnant forest and... more
A retrospective study covering a period of seven years (1997-2003) was conducted to assess the extent of damage of Cinara cupressivora on Cupressus lusitanica Orchard and determine any correlation with climatic factors in Dedza, Malawi.... more
In a northern Sardinia cork oak stand the development of Malacosoma neustrium larvae, starting from egg hatch, was studied in order to verify the number of larval instars, characterise the nests built during the different instars and show... more
LastCall™ (LC), an attract and kill bait matrix, was deployed for the management of shoot boring moths in pine plantations and seed orchards. The targeted moths were the Western pine shoot borer, Eucosma sonomana (WPSB), European pine... more