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Résumé Les diplomates et les consuls de France sont à l’origine d’une riche correspondance par laquelle ils transmettent de nombreuses informations au ministère des Affaires étrangères. Quelle était l’influence de ces informations dans... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryDiplomacy and international relationsHistoire des relations internationalesmonarchie de Juillet
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      Consular networksCONSULAR HISTORYDiplomacy and Consular AffairsDiplomatic and Consular Law
Seyahatname literatürü açısından bakıldığında 19. yüzyılın, Osmanlı coğrafyasına yapılan seyahatlerin zirve yaptığı bir dönem olduğu görülür. İmparatorluğun içinde bulunduğu siyasi, iktisadi ve sosyal şartların belirleyici olduğu bu... more
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      TravelogueTrabzonFrench Consuls
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      Diplomatic and Consular LawConsular AffairsConsulsFrench Consuls
Ivan Roussev. About the Chronology and some Discussion Questions about the Emergence and Use of the Telegraph during the Crimean War (1853–1856). Abstract: The paper presents the history of the telegraph lines constructed during the... more
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      Ottoman StudiesOttoman EmpireBlack Sea regionCrimean War
The twentieth-century historiography devoted to the trade of the Levant has raised a number of questions that require elucidation; among others, that of the establishment, for the first time, of a French consul in Thessalonica. More... more
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      Ottoman BalkansOttoman-French RelationsEconomic and Social History of the Ottoman EmpireConsular networks
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      Ottoman BalkansOttoman-French RelationsEconomic and Social History of the Ottoman EmpireSerres (Macedonia)
Á partir de l’étude des correspondances consulaires des postes d’Arta, Athènes, Candie, Corfou, Janina, Larnaca, La Canée, Rhodes, Salonique, Scio, Smyrne et Syra, cette intervention se propose d’analyser les rapports complexes entre les... more
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      Crimean WarPhilhellenismSmyrnaGreek war of independence
À partir d’une perspective générale sur l’évolution de la fonction consulaire au tournant des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, cet article aborde différents aspects du fonctionnement de la chancellerie consulaire française à Ancône et dans les... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMaritime HistoryEighteenth Century History
La domanda principale attorno a cui è nato ed è stato costruito questo dossier può essere in sintesi così formulata: come è strutturata e come funziona una rete consolare? Le relazioni costruite dai consoli, e all'interno delle quali essi... more
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      Diplomatic HistorySocial NetworksEarly Modern HistoryIntelligence
Le chancelier est le principal collaborateur du consul. Il est son secrétaire, mais également le greffier, notaire, huissier et archiviste du consulat. Pour définir son action, les autorités françaises publient, entre la fin du XVIIe et... more
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      French HistoryConsular networksCONSULAR HISTORYDiplomacy and Consular Affairs
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      Diplomatic HistoryDiplomacyConsular networksCONSULAR HISTORY
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      Diplomatic HistoryDiplomacyConsular networksCONSULAR HISTORY
La maison consulaire : espaces, fonctions et usagers (Moyen Âge – époque contemporaine) Journée d'étude Institut National Universitaire Jean-François Champollion, Albi 10 mai 2019 L'intérêt marqué depuis une décennie pour la fonction... more
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      Consular networksCONSULAR HISTORYConsular AffairsConsuls
1803 yılında Sinop’a Fransız konsolosu olarak atanan Pascal Fourcade’ın Sinop’taki temel görevi Fransız malları için yeni pazarlar elde etmek; buna karşılık Anadolu ve İran’dan gelecek hammaddeleri almak ve bu mallar için Sinop’ta... more
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    • French Consuls
The definition criteria of humanitarian interventions as it is called and the context of their appearance are in the heart of a historiographic debate. During the Greek war of independence (1821-1827), a speech is developing which... more
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      19th century FranceOttoman EmpireModern GreecePhilhellenism
Fransız Dışişleri Bakanlığı ve Fransız Savunma Bakanlığı Arşivlerinden elde edilen belgelere dayanarak hazırlanan bu makale 1852-54 yılları arasında Fransa’nın Erzurum konsolosu görevini yürüten Charles Alexandre Challaye’nin... more
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      Ottoman-French RelationsCrimean WarErzurumFrench Consuls
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      Urban HistorySamsunFrench Consuls
Colloque international (Hambourg, 2 et 3 novembre 2023)
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      CONSULAR HISTORYDiplomatic and Consular LawConsular JurisdictionConsular Affairs
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      Consular networksCONSULAR HISTORYDiplomacy and Consular AffairsDiplomatic and Consular Law
Panel: Reti consolari nel Mediterraneo. Percorsi e metodologie a confronto (secc. XVII-XIX), coordinato da Annalisa Biagianti Relazioni: Umberto Signori, Informare e proteggere: la rete consolare veneta nel Mediterraneo orientale... more
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      Diplomatic HistorySocial NetworksEarly Modern HistoryIntelligence
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      MarseilleHistoire MaritimeConsular AffairsConsulats
1828-1829 Osmanlı-Rus Savaşı sonrasında Rusların yeni toprak kazanımları, bölgede ardı kesilmeyecek olan Rus politikaları açısından bir başlangıç teşkil etmiştir. Rus politikaları açısından en önemli araç Osmanlı Ermenileriydi. İşgal... more
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      Russian Foreign PolicyEastern AnatoliaOttoman Empire and the ArmeniansOttoman-Russia War (1828-1829)
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      Histoire moderneConsular networksCONSULAR HISTORYHistoire Maritime
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      Jewish StudiesOttoman HistoryMiddle East StudiesMiddle East History
The Consulate is the last of the many regimes of the First French Republic. During these four crucial years the de facto head of state, Napoleon Bonaparte, gradually accumulated so much power that in the end he seemed to occupy an almost... more
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      French RevolutionCourt historyNAPOLEON BONAPARTEFirst French Republic
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      Naval WarfareMediterraneanNapoleonic WarsHistory of the Mediterranean
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      French HistoryModern Greek HistoryOttoman BalkansGreece
Sous Louis XIV, les consuls français entretiennent de multiples correspondances officielles et officieuses. Bien sûr ils écrivent à leurs administrations tutélaires, mais ils correspondent également avec leurs collègues consuls et avec... more
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      Consular networksCONSULAR HISTORYDiplomatic and Consular LawConsular Affairs
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      Diplomatic HistoryConsular networksCONSULAR HISTORYDiplomatic and Consular Law
Already from the 17th century, consular networks, with the most widespread being that of France, had developed throughout the area of the Aegean and Ionian Seas. In the case of France, the 16th and 17th centuries were also crucial in the... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryEconomic and Social History of the Ottoman EmpireVenetian possessions in the Eastern MediterraneanConsular networks
"Το ενδιαφέρον της γαλλικής παρουσίας για την Κρήτη του 19ου-20ου αιώνα προσφέρει περαιτέρω πληροφορίες για τα γεγονότα τα οποία οδήγησαν το νησί σε σημαντικό μετασχηματισμό σε κοινωνικό, πολιτικό και δημογραφικό επίπεδο. Μέσα από τα... more
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      Ottoman HistoryPolitical HistorySocial History19th Century (History)
This essay aims to reconstruct the network of the French consuls in the Adriatic Sea in two different periods: the second half of the eighteenth century and the Napoleonic era. Starting from the perspective outlined by recent studies of... more
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      Diplomatic HistorySocial NetworksMaritime HistoryEighteenth Century History
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      French HistoryOttoman HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesMediterranean
«Social approaches to eighteenth-century international history: regional phenomena» International conference at Sciences Po (Paris, 7-8 April 2016), organized by David Do Paço. Sponsored by: Centre d'Histoire de Sciences Po, CIERA, CMMC,... more
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      Diplomatic HistorySocial NetworksMaritime HistoryEighteenth Century History