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By examining the trans-disciplinary neologisms called "terminological junctions" in writings of Arakawa and Gins, one may find adequate conditions for making visible, and perhaps resolving a central paradox in the thinking of Gilles... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMusicPhilosophyPhilosophy of Mind
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      ReferenceLinguisticsTextual StudiesGenres of discourse
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionLearner AutonomyCorpus Linguistics
Cette unité développe la conception de la compétence à communiquer langagièrement qui sera retenue comme fondement des choix méthodologiques de l'approche par compétences. On considère que celle-ci est articulée en trois composantes :... more
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      French Language TeachingMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language TeachingGenres of discourseDidactique des langues
En este artículo se profundiza en el modelo de la dinámica social enunciativa (en adelante DSE) basado en el principio dialógico bajtiniano, con el fin de facilitar el abordaje del análisis del discurso (Martínez, 2001a, 2005, 2006,... more
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      Discourse AnalysisContextGenres of discourse
The narrative mode of world-representation and world-building is omnipresent and far exceeds the domain of literature. Since literature is not necessarily narrative and narrative not necessarily literary, the study of narrative in a... more
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      NarrativeCognitive NarratologyNarratologyNarrative Analysis
Comment poser la question du style du point de vue d'une sémantique interprétative et au sujet de textes relevant de la poésie moderne (Gérard Macé, Jacques Dupin) ? En prenant pour point de départ la dimension interprétative de... more
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      SemanticsLiterary StylisticsLinguistic stylisticsSémiotique
En los últimos años han surgido géneros (especialmente audiovisuales) que podríamos denominar híbridos, puesto que comparten características formales o funcionales de varios géneros tradicionales. En la línea de estas investigaciones, el... more
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      Discourse AnalysisConversation AnalysisHumorRadio
This paper uniquely focuses on the specificity of the semiotic project supported by Greimas' Structural semantics : in short, the project of this book, which has to be distinguished from the rest of the work of the semiotician, is a... more
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      SemioticsCorpus Linguistics and Discourse AnalysisSémantique InterprétativeSémiotique
The aim of this study was to examine how transitional objects (TOs) work from the perspective of adult clients in psychotherapy. Data were collected using a semistructured interview with 6 female clients in humanistic psychotherapy.... more
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      Discourse AnalysisReligionAbnormal PsychologyClinical Psychology
The narrative of Critias about the war between archaic Athens and Atlantis, which is found in Plato's dialogues Timaeus and Critias, is presented as a true logos in spite of having been invented by the philosopher. The characters' refusal... more
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      PlatoGenres of discourseTimaeusCritias
Cette unité explicite le rôle de l’analyse du discours en didactique des langues. Elle illustre ces démarches qui permettent de décrire les textes en tant qu’ils relèvent de genres de discours. Les interactions orales appellent des... more
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      Discourse AnalysisGenres of discourseDidactique du plurilinguismeDidactique des langues
Les logiciels de textométrie s’avèrent quasiment indispensables à l’étude de corpus importants qui soulignent les limites des capacités de la mémoire humaine. En ce sens, la machine permet d’étendre les capacités humaines, en fournissant... more
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      German StudiesQualitative MethodsGerman LanguageQuantitative Methods
En este trabajo nos proponemos: a) contribuir a la comprensión de los discursos religiosos institucionales a partir del análisis de la producción discursiva de la Conferencia Episcopal Argentina (CEA); b) examinar sus estrategias... more
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      Discourse AnalysisArgentinaInstitutional discourseGenres of discourse
Autoras: Sheila Vieira de Camargo Grillo e Simone Ribeiro de Ávila Veloso [PT] Investigação das relações entre as obras do Círculo de Bakhtin e de Dominique Maingueneau, no tocante aos seguintes aspectos: a presença da teoria de Saussure... more
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      Discourse AnalysisDialogismGenres of discourseAnálise do Discurso
Abstract Writing practices and the teaching of writing in the university level is a growing research area in which scholars of different disciplines work. This paper presents some partial results of an ongoing research project about... more
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      Academic WritingAcademic literacyLanguage TeachingGenres of discourse
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      IntertextualityHoraceRoman SatireGenres of discourse
This paper focuses on the use of three discourse markers – namely list buoys, PALM-UP and SAME – across genres in French Belgian Sign Language. Our sample contains argumentative, explanatory, metalinguistic and narrative dialogues... more
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      Discourse MarkersGenres of discourse
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      TennisGenres of discourseAutonomous learningArchitectural Languages
Dans les institutions et les organisations (appareils gouvernementaux, organisations internationales, entreprises, services sociaux…), la production de rapports est devenue une pratique professionnelle répandue, et elle est réputée... more
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      PerformativityGenresGenres of discourseEnonciation
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      MysticismTennisMetaphorSpeculative Realism
The Metaphoric Significance of the Created Environment: By Barie Fez-Barringten www.bariefez-barringten.com Consciously acknowledged or not by both creators and users the man- made built environment is a potential symbol which creators... more
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      ArchitectureDesign MethodsMnemonicsDesign Theory
This paper aims to reveal the social representations about the nature and the evolution of Space-Science & Astronomy, Genetics & Biotechnology, Natural Sciences and Engineering & Informatics, through analyzing active (i.e., original and... more
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      SociologyScience CommunicationCorporate CommunicationSocial Representations
L’objectif de cette contribution est de requestionner les frontières génériques du discours électoral. Pour y parvenir, elle analyse les stratégies discursives et argumentatives mobilisées par le Premier Ministre Amadou Gon Coulibaly,... more
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      Genres of discoursePolitical DiscourseDiscours PolitiqueAnalyse Du Discours Politique
This paper proposes a rhetorical-discourse framework for the analysis of public health crisis. The last epidemic crisis have highlighted the problematical character of definitions of health risk, illness/disease, health, and scientific... more
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      Health risk communication and behavior changeGenres of discourseRhetoric of Health and MedicineRhetorical Strategies
RESUMO: Neste artigo, exploramos as complexas relações entre tarefas e atividades pedagógicas, sendo estas inerentes ao âmbito da execução de um curso e aquelas, ao âmbito do planejamento. Os dados analisados se inserem em um curso... more
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      Computer-Mediated CommunicationNew LiteraciesGenres of discourseOnline group interaction processes
Resumo: Este trabalho analisa as generalidades e as singularidades no gênero da entrevista em divulgação científica. Há nesse gênero um trabalho de formulação de um discurso novo, que parte do científico e se dirige a um outro público,... more
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      Scientific JournalismGenres of discourseScience Popularization
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      Translation StudiesSociolinguisticsLanguage Variation and ChangeText Mining
"Na sociedade capitalista contemporânea, a linguagem publicitária tem se configurado como uma espécie de diretriz modeladora das relações políticas, econômicas e sociais, afetando a dinâmica do Jornalismo de modo particular. Neste... more
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      JournalismAdvertisingCritical Discourse AnalysisGenres of discourse
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      Discourse AnalysisEducationGenres of discourseAnálise do Discurso
This article aims to explore constitutive elements of discursive genres, seeking to identify in the text Crabs with brain, authored by Fred Rodrigues Montenegro from Pernambuco-also known by the artistic name Fred Zero... more
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      Mikhail BakhtinGenres of discourseMangue Beat
Este trabalho apresenta uma breve descrição teórica dos pressupostos básicos da Lingüística Sistêmico-Funcional (LSF) e da Análise Crítica do Discurso (ACD), pela perspectiva desenvolvida por essas teorias de inspiração hallidayana, em... more
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      Systemic Functional LinguisticsCritical Discourse AnalysisGenre TheoryGenres of discourse
Résumé: Dans cet article, nous cherchons à discuter de la notion de texte, à partir des contributions de la pragmatique et ses conséquences dans une perspective discursive. Au départ, nous mettons en évidence la diversité des trajectoires... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPragmaticsGenres of discourse
This article focuses on the analysis of gossip that is done in a playful key, including laughter as a salient feature, drawing on extracts taken from two naturally occurring conversations among Galician female undergraduate students. The... more
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      Discourse AnalysisConversation AnalysisConversation Analysis (Research Methodology)Corpus Linguistics and Discourse Analysis
Na sociedade capitalista contemporânea, que estimula constantemente o consumo desenfreado, a linguagem publicitária tem funcionado como uma espécie de diretriz modeladora das relações políticas, econômicas e sociais. O jornalismo também... more
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      JournalismAdvertisingCritical Discourse AnalysisGenres of discourse
Este artículo es un estudio del uso del Twitter como herramienta de participación pública en un conflicto político sin la necesidad de participar necesariamente en las formas de filiación política más tradicionales. Para este artículo se... more
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      Discourse AnalysisDigital MediaCritical Discourse AnalysisTwitter
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      Languages and LinguisticsGenres of discourseTraitement automatique des languesText Types
RESUMO No presente artigo, com o objetivo de nos aproximar de certos discursos sobre o trabalho docente que circulam em documentos oficiais e, concomitantemente, argumentar em favor da utilização de córpus documental em pesquisas no campo... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEducationGenres of discourseAnálise do Discurso
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      HistoriographyNarrative TheoryTragedy (Philosophy)Hayden White
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      Discourse AnalysisPhilosophyDialogismGenres of discourse
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      IntertextualityHoraceRoman SatireGenres of discourse
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      Cultural StudiesHealth risk communication and behavior changeGenres of discourseLanguage Studies
Bruna Franchetto's PhD thesis, 1st volume, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.
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      Languages and LinguisticsOral historyCariban languagesGenres of discourse
Este artículo es un estudio del uso del Twitter como herramienta de participación pública en un conflicto político sin la necesidad de participar necesariamente en las formas de filiación política más tradicionales. Para este artículo se... more
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      Discourse AnalysisDigital MediaCritical Discourse AnalysisTwitter
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      Discourse AnalysisAnálisis del DiscursoGenres of discourseAnalyse du discours
The short joke –that wandering and volatile object par excellence– embodies perhaps the genre of discourse through which a community (a concept becoming as it is known more and more enlarged) is at its readiest and most dynamic at... more
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      Popular CultureGenres of discourseOral literatureLiteratura oral
This paper considers how Twitter can empower citizens and serve as an alternative to traditional forms of engagement in political conflict. It analyses a corpus of 105 protest-related tweets posted between the December 2014 enactment of... more
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      Discourse AnalysisDigital MediaCritical Discourse AnalysisTwitter
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      Genres of discourseArgumentation et analyse du discoursSyntaxe Et SémantiqueSémantique nominale