Gustave Le Bon
Recent papers in Gustave Le Bon
The abstract of my first book.
In this paper, I explore the concept of multitude according to the writings of Toni Negri, Michael Hardt and Paolo Virno and in opposition to the concept of mass, developed by the French thinker Gustave Le Bon. Multitude appears as a kind... more
Dieser Aufsatz liest das während des Ersten Weltkriegs begonnene Lustspiel-Fragment Timon der Redner als einen Versuch HofmannsthaIs, ausgehend von der Geld-thematik und Figurentypik bei Shakespeare zu einer kritischen Inszenierung des... more
Cosa significa protestare per le strade, perché occupare uno spazio nella città? Veniamo da un recente risveglio, da anni che hanno riportato la politica nelle piazze e nelle strade. In tutto il mondo uomini e donne sono scesi in piazza... more
It is widely believed that the philosophical concept of ‘tabula rasa’ originates with Locke’s Essay Concerning Human Understanding and refers to a state in which a child is as formless as a blank slate. Given that both these beliefs are... more
This is an overview of the emergence of psychology in France, beginning with the philosophical origins, and moving into the psychoanalytic, psychiatric, and psychological fields. It may be useful for some research papers on the topic,... more
Gustav Le Bon's key 1895 text on mass psychology has long been cited as an important work in terms of shaping sociology in the early twentieth century. His thesis has contributed to studies of the effects of media on public opinion, and... more
Many trade in illusions and false miracles, thus deceiving the stupid multitudes
The main thesis of this study stems from the work of Romanian philosopher and historian of religion Ioan Petru Culianu (1950-1991), who suggested that modern disciplines such as psychology, public relations, and modern media emerge from... more
Nancy, éditions Arbre Bleu, 2022 ------- Célèbre pour avoir écrit les Réflexions sur la violence qui furent diversement interprétées, Georges Sorel (1847-1922) a pourtant produit une œuvre qui ne prête pas à ambiguïté sur le fond. Se... more
In Science in Context, 17 (Winter 2004), 423-66 This is the full introduction for this guest-edited issue on modern art and science. Part I contains a history of this topic and a discussion of methodology; Part II on Cubism and Futurism... more
How Propaganda Became Public Relations pulls back the curtain on propaganda: how it was born, how it works, and how it has masked the bulk of its operations by rebranding itself as public relations. Cory Wimberly uses archival materials... more
El artículo explora las bases científicas de fines del S. XIX y principios del S. XX sobre la fotografía del aura, espectros y recuerdos, retomados por Horacio Quiroga en este cuento.
The paper critically reconstructs the crowd psychological heritage in phenomenological and social science emotion research. It shows how the founding figures of phenomenology and sociology uncritically adopted Le Bon's crowd psychological... more
Ernst Jünger’s detective novel 'Eine gefährliche Begegnung' (1985) dramatizes a clash between the concept of adventure and the principles of order and modern scientific inquiry. Set in Paris, in 1888, the text tells the story of a murder... more
This paper draws from contemporary psychoanalytic theory as well as nineteenth-century crowd theory to critique Louis Althusser’s account of the ideological interpellation of the subject. I argue that rather than ideology interpellating... more
The thesis of this paper is that with the advent of experimental psychology, this “social” or “cultural” dimension, long a central component of psychological research, was transformed into a declaration and analysis of the scope of the... more
La prefazione/recensione dell'economista Nino Galloni al libro "Neoliberismo e manipolazione di massa. Storia di una bocconiana redenta" di Ilaria Bifarini
''La "Psicologia delle folle", edita nel 1895, costituì e costituisce tuttora una vera e propria miniera d'oro per chi vuole comprendere il comportamento della folla. Lenin, Stalin, Hitler lessero meticolosamente l'opera di Le Bon e l'uso... more
Voz recogida en Le Dictionnaire du Progressisme.
The bellybutton as both a reminder of the womb and our 'diploma of independence' from it, the author suggests we take the bellybutton as a new metaphor of the self. Reminding us that the "omphalus stone" at Delphi was the mythic... more
""On December 28, 1895, German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen disclosed his discovery of X rays to the public. Just a few months later, Guglielmo Marconi successfully demonstrated his wireless system at Salisbury Plain, England. This... more
This article frames Trump's politics through a genealogy of propaganda, going back to P.T. Barnum in the 19th century and moving through the crowd psychologist Gustave Le Bon and the public relations counsel Edward Bernays in the 20th.... more
RESUMO Este texto tem por meta analisar um conjunto documental pouco explorado referente às pesquisas do médico Raimundo Nina Rodrigues sobre fenômenos coletivos registrados entre o final do século XIX e inicio do XX. Pretendemos dar... more
En el presente ensayo estudiaremos algunas percepciones sobre la idea de multitud que aparecen a fines del siglo XIX y principios del XX. Lo haremos a través de la pluma de una selección de intelectuales que se interesaron por el análisis... more
in Annali di Italianistica, 33 (2015), pp. 187-204.
In Energies in the Arts, ed. Douglas Kahn, 127-70. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2019.
In volume collettaneo: De Luise, F. (a cura di), "Cittadinanza. Inclusi ed esclusi tra gli antichi e i moderni", Trento, 2018, pp. 71-92.
برز نجم لوبون في أواخر القرن التاسع عشر في منعطف تاريخي مهم احتدم فيه الصدام في أوربة بين أطروحتين اجتماعيتين واقتصاديتين في غاية الأهمية، هما أطروحات القائلين بالمساواة الإنسانية، والحقوق العامة للبشر، والتحرر الديني وغيره، وأطروحات... more
RESUMO: O artigo tem por objetivo comentar, em linhas gerais, o modo como Gustave Le Bon, em sua Psicologia das multidões, e Sigmund Freud, em sua Psicologia das massas e análise do eu, justificam a aplicação de categorias da psicologia... more
My first book. The history of a neoliberal redemption
Ce nouveau volume de « Suppléments » à la correspondance du «philosophe dansant» lève, avec 140 lettres inédites, une partie du voile sur ses relations avec Alfred Jarry, Octave Uzanne, Rubén Darío ou encore Guillaume Apollinaire. Les... more
"Im Jahre 1936 erschien das Buch Castellio gegen Calvin oder Ein Gewissen gegen die Gewalt von dem österreichischen Autor Stefan Zweig, der in einer Zeit des Massenwahns und der Massenmanipulation mit seiner historischen Biografie für... more
In a group of drawings accompanying the first English edition of Oscar Wilde’s one-act play Salome, Aubrey Beardsley invented a grotesque imagery of complex symbolism that interjected the text of the play, exacerbating the latter’s... more
"Dès l’abord de son ouvrage synthétique qu’accueillirent de très nombreux lecteurs, Gustave Le Bon annonce que «l’âge où nous entrons sera véritablement l’ÈRE DES FOULES.» Concurremment à ses contemporains du tournant du XXe siècle,... more
O presente texto procura promover uma análise do Psicologia de grupo e análise do Eu, de Sigmund Freud (1921), visando explicitar e sublinhar as ideias políticas e antropológicas que estão por trás das escolhas teóricas feitas pelo autor... more