Recent papers in Hamartiology
Eds. Robert L. Fastiggi and Rev. Joseph Koterski, S.J. 4 vols.
Detroit, MI: Gale-Cengage Learning and the Catholic University of America Press, 2013: 738–39.
Eds. Robert L. Fastiggi and Rev. Joseph Koterski, S.J. 4 vols.
Detroit, MI: Gale-Cengage Learning and the Catholic University of America Press, 2013: 738–39.
A number of Christian theologians and philosophers have been critical of overly moralizing approaches to the doctrine of sin, but nearly all Christian thinkers maintain that moral fault is necessary or sufficient for sin to obtain. Call... more
Resumo da obra O nascimento do trágico: de Schiller a Nietzsche (2006, p. 23-49), de Roberto Machado. A poética da tragédia. A questão da poética da tragédia, menciona Peter Szondi, inicia com um embate conceitual entre dois autores de... more
Christians, more than ever, need a basic introduction to Bible doctrine that is systematic and true to Scripture. This book is a popular introduction to the study of Bible doctrine firmly in the evangelical tradition. Each chapter covers... more
Doczesne skutki grzechu nie są wszystkim, co sprawia, że ludzie żyjący bez Boga znajdują się w bardzo niekorzystnej sytuacji. Gdyby bowiem związane to było z naszym doczesnym losem, to możnaby to jeszcze jakoś przeżyć. Jest coś o wiele... more
The paper is analyzed the presence of Aristotelian Rhetoric in homilies by Basil of Caesarea and Gregory of Nazianzus. Only homilies regarding wealth and poverty were evaluated. Primary investigation focused on the species of Rhetoric.... more
Augustine is known as the great theologian of sin. For this he has been celebrated as a realist and criticized as a pessimist. What modern readers often miss is the deeply humane source and character of Augustine's views about sin. We... more
In Romans 5:12-21 comparison is made between the first Adam and the last Adam, between Adam the man and Jesus the Christ. This comparison reveals marked contrast between the two. The purpose behind this comparison and contrast is to... more
T.F. Torrance (1913-2007) has been known as “one of the most significant English- speaking theologians of the twentieth century.”1 Elmer Coyler says that there is a “growing consensus that Thomas F. Torrance is on of the premier... more
A recent proposal for a post-metaphysical re-imagination of God has come from Irish philosopher Richard Kearney in his widely acclaimed monograph, The God who may be: A hermeneutics of religion (2001). Writing as a philosopher, and... more
Overview This course is the first in a two-course sequence that introduces students to the core topics and methods of Christian systematic theology. Although special emphasis is placed on the Anglican tradition, students encounter the... more
"An examination of the relation between redemption and sin in Julian of Norwich through the lens of the parable of the lord and the servant--Revelation 14, Chapter 51 of her "Showings." Instead of resolving soteriological debates... more
Religious and secular groups alike have long marginalized those who practice “kinky sex.” These discourses of bodily control have been deconstructed and proven faulty. However, this proposal goes further than mere deconstruction and... more
In this book, Will Timmins provides a close rereading of Romans 7 within its literary-argumentative context and offers a fresh and compelling solution to the identity of the ‘I’ in this text. Challenging existing paradigms, which fail to... more
This essay considers what might first appear to be a minor theological problem in the major work of Dante’s mentor, and shows that it indeed poses a conundrum and a riddle to be solved. Taking up Augustine’s commentary on Christ’s three... more
The publication presents a Russian translation of the surviving part of the «Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans» St. Cyril of Alexandria from the Greek Catenae. In the Preface the initial form of the Commentary is determinated and... more
The essay explores the intersection of transhuman and Christian thought in the area of imperfection/sin.
This book identifies the impasse between classical Protestant and contemporary charismatic and Pentecostal pneumatologies as a fundamental theological problem. Its goal is to contribute a constructive pneumatological proposal for moving... more
Прилог амартиологији псовања
Gluttony is recognized by most moral and ethical codes, except for the most ardently hedonistic, as a moral failing. While the term "gluttony" has etymological roots in Latin and Old French, the moral assessment of gluttony, in the... more
Narasi kejatuhan manusia ke dalam dosa dalam kitab Kejadian (Kej. 3) melibatkan empat tokoh, yaitu TUHAN Allah, ular, dan manusia (Adam) beserta isterinya (perempuan, Hawa). Umumnya tokoh ular dianggap sebagai pihak yang menginisiasi... more
This article raises the question of how Christian theology might reconcile the orthodox commitment to Christ’s sinless human nature with the more recent understanding of sin and evil as collective systemic forces instead of merely... more
it is a known and well acknowledged fact that Satan is on the constant prowl, seeking whom to destroy and when this is brought into the light of the church which is the gathering of at least one or two believers.........we see it is being... more
Sin, and forgiveness of it, is an essential component of the Gospel of Grace. This essay seeks to discern how well the doctrine of sin is being communicated in Aotearoa New Zealand. To this end, the first section offers a brief summary of... more
Eduardo J. Echeverria (ed.), The Catholic Reformation. Ecclesiology, Justification, Freedom, Sin, Grace, and the Council of Trent. Oradea and Warsaw: Emanuel University Press and Sciendo, 2020.
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In the collection entitled Deciphering the Worlds of Hebrews Gabriella Gelardini gathers fifteen essays written in the last fifteen years, twelve of which are in English and three in German. Arranged in three parts (the world of,... more
Sartre on Sin: Between Being and Nothingness argues that Jean-Paul Sartre's early, anti-humanist philosophy is indebted to the Christian doctrine of original sin. On the standard reading, Sartre's most fundamental and attractive idea is... more
In this article, I argue that Gary Anderson’s work exploring the different metaphors used for sin in Jewish theology helps to clarify Hans Urs von Balthasar’s soteriology, especially in reference to his controversial teaching on Christ’s... more
General revelation is used by Paul to show why all people stand under the judgement and anger of God. In this article I plead for an expansion of Neil Ormerod's metaphysical transcendent epistemological frame to include a theological... more
Публикуемая статья посвящена анализу коранических представлений об устроении человека (дескриптивной религиозной антропологии). Кораническая антропология включает в себя прежде всего такие элементы, как «[плотская] душа» (nafs), «сердце»... more
The doctrine of the incarnation suggests that Christ is necessarily like us in some respects, and also unlike us in others. One long-standing debate in modern Christology concerns whether Jesus’ human nature ought to be regarded as... more
Augustiniana 71/3-4 (2021), p. 400-403
Much recent Christian theology has sought to reconsider the significance of the body in theological reflection. At the same time, a number of areas of suffering traditionally associated with the experience of sin have come to be... more
{TEXT PROOFS} This article focuses on the question of sin in the context of natural theology‚ in light of the Barth/Brunner debate. A contemporary notion of sin would benefit from Barth’s approach, but without his strict doctrine of sin... more