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In schizophrenia, disturbances of cognitive control have been associated with impaired functional specialization within the lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC), but little is known about the functional interactions between specialized LPFC... more
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      PsychophysiologySchizophreniaMagnetic Resonance ImagingPrefrontal Cortex
The search for the neural substrate of vertebrate action selection has focused on structures in the forebrain and midbrain, and particularly on the group of sub-cortical nuclei known as the basal ganglia. Yet, the behavioural repertoire... more
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      Decision MakingBiological SciencesComputer SimulationBasal ganglia
The National Institute of Standards ,and ,Technology’s (NIST) Intelligent Systems Division (ISD) is working,with the material handling industry, specifically on automated guided vehicles, to develop next generation vehicles. ISD isalso,a... more
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      Intelligent SystemReference modelAutonomous VehicleNext Generation
Proponents of Int,elligent Vehicle/Highway System or IVHS see it as a new technology which will make a major change in highway transportation. Control, communication and computing technologies will be combined into an IVHS system that can... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsComputer ArchitectureAutomatic Control
This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceClimate ChangeDecision MakingOptimal Control
This paper considers the problem of pursuit evasion games (PEGs), where the objective of a group of pursuers is to chase and capture a group of evaders in minimum time with the aid of a sensor network. The main challenge in developing a... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringSystem DesignControl systemData Fusion
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      Mechanical EngineeringOperations ManagementOrganization DesignBusiness and Management
A wave of recent behavioral studies has generated a new wealth of parametric observations about serial order behavior. What was a trickle of neurophysiological studies has grown to a steady stream of probes of neural sites and mechanisms... more
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      EngineeringAttentionWorking MemoryNeural Networks
DC and AC Microgrids are key elements to integrate renewable and distributed energy resources as well as distributed energy storage systems. In the last years, efforts toward the standardization of these Microgrids have been made. In this... more
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      EngineeringHierarchical Control
Examines the contemporary discourse on organizational change and transformational leadership in the larger context of a shift from a dominator to a partnership model of social and ideological organization. Traces the historic tension... more
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      ManagementOrganizational ChangeLeadershipTransformational Leadership
In this paper, a microgrid hierarchical control scheme is proposed which includes primary and secondary control levels. The primary level comprises distributed generators (DGs) local controllers. The local controller mainly consists of... more
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      Harmonic AnalysisPower ElectronicsReactive PowerFrequency Control
The concept of microgrid hierarchical control is presented, recently. In this paper, a hierarchical scheme which includes primary and secondary control levels is proposed for islanded microgrids. The primary control level consists of DG... more
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      Reactive PowerControl StructureDistributed GeneratorsHierarchical Control
— This paper proposes a new hybrid control system for an AC microgrid. The system uses both centralised and decentralised strategies to optimize the microgrid energy control while addressing the challenges introduced by current... more
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      MicrogridMulti-Agent SystemsMicrogrid controlHierarchical Control
Hierarchical approaches and methodologies are commonly used for control system design and synthesis. Well-known model-based techniques are often applied to solve problems of complex and large-scale control systems. The general philosophy... more
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      Cognitive ScienceFuzzy LogicIntelligent SystemsControl system
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      Non Linear ProgrammingInterior Point MethodsResearch and DevelopmentInverse Problem
Soccer robot is a challenging platform for multi-agent research, involving topics such as real-time image processing and control, robot path planning, obstacle avoidance and machine learning. The conventional robot control consists of... more
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      EngineeringFuzzy LogicSystem EngineeringComputers
The concept of microgrid hierarchical control is presented recently. In this paper, a hierarchical scheme is proposed which includes primary and secondary control levels. The primary level comprises distributed generators (DGs) local... more
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      Control SystemsControl systemSmart gridsReactive Power
W orldwide, electrical grids are expected to become smarter in the near future. In this sense, there is an increasing interest in intelligent and flexible microgrids, i.e., able to operate in island or in grid-connected modes. Black start... more
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      Flow ControlEnergy ManagementManufacturing EngineeringReactive Power
This paper proposes a new approach to robustly control a 2D under-actuated overhead crane system, where a payload is effectively transported to a destination in real time with small sway angles, given its inherent uncertainties such as... more
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      Adaptive ControlFuzzy ControlNonlinear ControlStephen Crane
W orldwide, electrical grids are expected to become smarter in the near future. In this sense, there is an increasing interest in intelligent and flexible microgrids, i.e., able to operate in island or in grid-connected modes. Black start... more
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      Flow ControlEnergy ManagementManufacturing EngineeringReactive Power
In this paper, hierarchical control techniques is used for controlling a robotic manipulator. The proposed method is based on the establishment of a non-linear mapping between Cartesian and joint coordinates using fuzzy logic in order to... more
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      Cognitive ScienceFuzzy LogicMotion controlNeural Network
Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation and Engineering Workbench (LabVIEW) is a graphical programming tool based on the dataflow language G. Recently, runtime support for a hard real-time environment has become available for LabVIEW, which... more
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      Rapid PrototypingReal TimeHierarchical Control
This paper proposes a secondary voltage waveform control approach to suppress harmonics in islanded microgrids. Compared with the secondary control for traditional large power systems, the proposed control scheme can regulate the voltage... more
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      Harmonic AnalysisPower SystemControl systemCommunication System
In reinforcement learning an agent may explore ineffectively when dealing with sparse reward tasks where finding a reward point is difficult. To solve the problem, we propose an algorithm called hierarchical deep reinforcement learning... more
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      Hierarchical Reinforcement LearningOptionsHierarchical Control
This paper presents a net-centric communication, command, and control architecture for a heterogeneous unmanned aircraft system comprised of small and miniature unmanned aircraft. An integrated system was developed using a bottomup design... more
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      Cognitive ScienceDesign processIntelligentCommand and Control
W orldwide, electrical grids are expected to become smarter in the near future. In this sense, there is an increasing interest in intelligent and flexible microgrids, i.e., able to operate in island or in grid-connected modes. Black start... more
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      Flow ControlEnergy ManagementIndustrialManufacturing Engineering
A multilevel hierarchical control system has been designed and is being applied to chemicalmechanical planarization ͑CMP͒ process control. The current implementation of the control system incorporates closed-loop run-to-run ͑R2R͒ control... more
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      EngineeringFuzzy LogicData AnalysisProcess Control
This paper introduces the development of multiple number of Unmanned Arial Vehicle (UAV) system as a part of BErkeley AeRobot (BEAR) project, highlighting the recent achievements in the design and implementation of rotorcraft-based UAV... more
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      Numerical MethodControl systemLinear ModelModel validation
http://redalyc.uaemex.mx Los autores quieren agradecer los comentarios realizados por revisores anónimos a una versión preliminar del trabajo.
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      Property RightsJoint VentureTransaction CostTotal Cost of Ownership
Abstract   Different control aspects related to the use of TCSC for stability improvement of power systems are addressed in this paper. A novel hierarchical control designed for both dynamic and steady state stability enhancement is... more
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      Power SystemController DesignHigh VoltagePower system stability
This paper presents a novel application of the twotime scale controller for the full envelop flight control of a Rotary wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (RUAV). In this paper flapping and servo dynamics, important from a practical point of... more
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      Position ControlPid ControllerFlight ControlRigid Body
In this study we present a supervisory control system and implement it on a pneumatic system controlled by a PLC. We introduce a step-by-step implementation procedure including a realization methodology of finite state machines by PLCs. A... more
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      Supervisory ControlHierarchical ControlFinite State Machine
Page 1. f INT. J. SYSTEMS SCI., 1978, VOL. 9, NO. 10, 1091-1111 Stabilization of a large-scale power system via a multilevel technique HISHAM M. SOLIMANt:j:, M. DARWISHt:j: and J. FANTINt This paper presents the development ...
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      EngineeringMathematicsSystems SciencePower System
Features Discusses economic optimization of greenhouse control through mathematical modeling Examines 30 years of scientific research to present a unified framework for efficient decision-making Presents modern methods of control and... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceClimate ChangeDecision MakingOptimal Control
This paper discusses the integration of vision and touch sensors in a coordinate measuring machine (CMM) controller used for dimensional inspection tasks. A real-time hierarchical control system is presented in which a vision system... more
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      Visual ServoingReal TimeProductivity and Efficiency MeasurementCoordinate Measuring Machine
Traditional processor scheduling mechanisms in operating systems are fairly rigid, often supporting only one fixed scheduling policy, or, at most, a few "scheduling classes" whose implementations are closely tied together in the OS... more
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      Operating SystemsSide EffectHierarchical Control
This paper presents a novel application of backstepping controller for autonomous landing of a rotary wing UAV (RUAV). This application, which holds good for the full flight envelope control, is an extension of a backstepping algorithm... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsAutomation & COntrolPosition Control
The concept of microgrid hierarchical control is presented recently. In this paper, a hierarchical scheme is proposed which includes primary and secondary control levels. The primary level comprises distributed generators (DGs) local... more
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      Control SystemsControl systemSmart gridsReactive Power
An anthropomorphic underactuated prosthetic hand, endowed with position and force sensors and controlled by means of myoelectric commands, is used to perform experiments of hierarchical shared control. Three different hierarchical control... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringForce SensorControl StrategyElectrical And Electronic Engineering
Reinforcement learning is bedeviled by the curse of dimensionality: the number of parameters to be learned grows exponentially with the size of any compact encoding of a state. Recent attempts to combat the curse of dimensionality have... more
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      Applied MathematicsReinforcement LearningMachine LearningMarkov Decision Processes
A nonlinear model-predictive hierarchical control approach is presented for coordinated ramp metering of freeway networks. The utilized hierarchical structure consists of three layers: the estimation/prediction layer, the optimization... more
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      EngineeringOptimal ControlModel Predictive ControlFeedback Control
Intuitive myoelectric prosthesis control is dif cult to achieve due to the absence of proprioceptive feedback, which forces the user to monitor grip pressure by visual information. Existing myoelectric hand prostheses form a single degree... more
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      AlgorithmsBiomedical EngineeringSkeletal muscle biologyFeedback
The development process i.e. assumptions, construction, simulations and analysis of a control strategy for the hybrid drive of the vehicle mounted aerial work platform is presented in the paper. Particular attention is paid to the... more
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      EngineeringFuzzy LogicControlControl system
Reinforcement learning is bedeviled by the curse of dimensionality: the number of parameters to be learned grows exponentially with the size of any compact encoding of a state. Recent attempts to combat the curse of dimensionality have... more
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      Applied MathematicsReinforcement LearningMachine LearningMarkov Decision Processes
Hierarchical approaches and methodologies are commonly used for control system design and synthesis. Well-known model-based techniques are often applied to solve problems of complex and large-scale control systems. The general philosophy... more
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      Cognitive ScienceIntelligent SystemsControl systemAutonomous navigation
Based on differences in dynamic response times in the crop production process, a hierarchical decomposition of greenhouse climate management is proposed. To a large extent the proposed decomposition builds on the timescale decomposition... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsCrop ProductionSingular perturbation problems
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      Operating SystemsOPERATING SYSTEMProcess managementVirtual Machine
This paper presents a novel application of backstepping controller for autonomous landing of a rotary wing UAV (RUAV). This application, which holds good for the full flight envelope control, is an extension of a backstepping algorithm... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsAutomation & COntrolPosition Control
This article describes a theory of the computations underlying the selection of coordinated motion patterns, especially in reaching tasks. The central idea is that when a spatial target is selected as an object to be reached, stored... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePsychologicalOrientation
e human hand is a complex system, with a large number of degrees of freedom (DoFs), sensors embedded in its structure, actuators and tendons, and a complex hierarchical control. Despite this complexity, the eff orts required to the user... more
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      AlgorithmsBiomedical EngineeringQuality ControlComplex System