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    • Options
Summary of The Wheel Options Trading Strategy/ Triple Income Strategy and how it can be implemented in the market.
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      FinanceCapital MarketsFinancial MarketsTrading
This book is for me who wants to become rich through investing in financial instruments and alternative assets. The first part of the book discusses investing and the need to invest, stating that the only way to become rich or maintain... more
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Mais quand plusieurs options sont sélectionnées, il y a deux possibilités : 1. Si l’attribut « multiple » est spécifié => toutes les options sélectionnées seront sélectionnées ; Notez dans le code source ci-dessus que l’ « option »... more
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The wide commercial spread of very high resolution data which can enable the precise description of important targets (such as critical military facilities) along with their accurate coordinates has created fears that these data could be... more
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      IntelligenceSpace PolicySpaceTargeting
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      FinanceAccountingRisk ManagementDerivatives
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      WarrantsOptionsConvertible BondsPasar Modal
An implicit finite difference method is implemented in Matlab to estimate the price of a european vanilla Call option. The article includes also a short discussion about the deriving process of Black-Scholes equation.
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      OptionsOption pricingVanilla Options Pricing
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We examine the possibility of shifting the concept of choice to the centre of the semiotic theory of learning. Thus, we define sign process (meaning-making) through the concept of choice: semiosis is the process of making choices between... more
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    • Options
In this paper, we will analyse the role of brokers, dealers and investment banks in the equity markets. Special attention will be given in analysing the role of financial intermediaries at initial public offerings and secondary offerings,... more
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      Social ChangeReal OptionsSocial DilemmasQuestions
Derivatives investors through increasing the level of information about products, markets an advanced option , they served at the request of investors. Classic option market demands products that are inadequate and contributed to the... more
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      OptionsOption pricingBlack and Scholes
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      OptionsMargrabe OptionsSwaptionsExchange Options
Options are historically being priced using Black Scholes option pricing model and one of the prominent features of it is normal distribution. In this research paper I will calculate European call options using log logistic distribution... more
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      Black Scholes ModelOptionsOption pricingLogistic Distribution
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      AccountingPerformanceRomaniaProjective Techniques
This technical note presents the basics of option trading and valuation.
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      OptionsOption pricing
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      FinanceAccountingBehavioral EconomicsUncertainty
In reinforcement learning an agent may explore ineffectively when dealing with sparse reward tasks where finding a reward point is difficult. To solve the problem, we propose an algorithm called hierarchical deep reinforcement learning... more
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      Hierarchical Reinforcement LearningOptionsHierarchical Controlsparse reward
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      Real OptionsOption ValuationBinary OptionsOptions
Opsiyon Fiyat Duyarlılıkları
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      OptionsOption pricing
Agriculture sector is the single largest contributor to the national income (GDP) contributing nearly 21 percent to the GDP and provides employment to nearly 43 percent of the workforce and supplies raw material to the industrial sector... more
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      Policy OptionsOptionsPros and Cons
The investors search the financial instruments which contain least cost and reduced risk. As a recap, the financial instrument is negotiable contracts and they are two sorts, at the: • First, the traditional assets financials with that... more
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      Islamic FinanceCALLPUTOptions
um glossário básico apenas dos termos elementares que são essenciais para a introdução ao tema
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      OptionsFinacial Markets
Theories on the motivation underlying firm boundaries have recently sparked renewed debate. What best explains whether a firm relies on market control or hierarchical control to secure required resources? How do the characteristics of the... more
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      TechnologyMergers & AcquisitionsTransaction CostsStrategic Alliances
Ֆինանսական շուկայում օգտագործվող ֆինանսական գործիքները և այդպիսի շուկաներում ներդրողների իրավիճակային անորոշությունները գնալով ավելի են բարդանում, ինչն էլ բերում է ավելի բարդ ֆինանսական գործիքների կիրառությանը, որոնք բավականին դժվար են... more
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      Strategic Options Development and AnalysisFutures and OptionsFinancial DerivativesDerivatives
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    • Options
This paper studies the problem of transfer learning in the context of reinforcement learning. We propose a novel transfer learning method that can speed up reinforcement learning with the aid of previously learnt tasks. Before performing... more
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      Reinforcement LearningTransfer LearningOptionsSubtask
In this paper, we use daily closing data on CBOE options of 30 stocks during February through July of 1999 to investigate whether options open interest contains information that can be used for trading purposes. Individual stock price at... more
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      BusinessEconomicsFinancial mathematicsFinancial Derivatives
This paper builds on previous work on the Louis Bachelier option model and extends the concept to contract value and pricing rules. This enables certain implications to be defined in contingency and contract applications which are being... more
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      Option ValuationMathematics, Computational and Quantitative finance, Option pricing and Stochastic analysis.Options
This paper addresses the key contention in the Black Scholes model relating to the perfect hedge and use of the risk free rate. The paper contends this is an imperfect hedge in time, and works through a series of pricing and related... more
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      Contingent valuationOptionsEquity Valuation
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      Environmental ScienceCarbon SequestrationLand UseSoil organic matter
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      PolymorphismDNA fingerprintingOptionsGenetic variation
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      OptionsMilk Quality
RESUME – Cette étude a pour objectifs de caractériser le mode de conduite et d'évaluer les performances de reproduction, de croissance et de production laitière des élevages caprins extensifs à production de viande dans le nord du... more
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      Milk productsManagement PracticeEconomic performanceOptions
This chapter presents in a very concentrated manner the fundamentals of major legal instruments used in contemporary finance, notably futures and options. It also deals extremely succinctly with some aspects of monetary law and of... more
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      SecuritizationFutures and OptionsCredit Default SwapsOptions
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      FinanceFinancial CrisisFinancial MarketOptions
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      Applied EconomicsMoneyGeneral EquilibriumOpen Economy
Temporally extended actions have been proved to enhance the performance of reinforcement learning agents. The broader framework of 'Options' gives us a flexible way of representing such extended course of action in Markov decision... more
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      Operating SystemsReinforcement LearningOnline Learning (Machine Learning)Options
Which factors influence a human being's ability to develop new perspectives and be creative? This ability is pivotal for any context in which new cognitions are required, such as innovative endeavors in science and art, or... more
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      Decision MakingCreativityOptions
The problem with binary options. I think that binary options have a problem of edge. I mean that their edge is negative on average. I try to explain this important concept in this document.
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      Stock MarketFutures and OptionsStock MarketsDerivatives Markets
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      RiskEfficient Market HypothesisNobel PrizeOptions
Agriculture sector is the single largest contributor to the national income (GDP) contributing nearly 21 percent to the GDP and provides employment to nearly 43 percent of the workforce and supplies raw material to the industrial sector... more
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      Policy OptionsOptionsPros and Cons
The goal of the paper is to present the intervention strategies used by central banks in order to influence the value of the domestic currency, transparency versus discretion when it comes to publishing data about FX intervention and the... more
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      SwapsOptionsForwardsFX Market