Recent papers in Swaps
Cross-currency swaps and local credit money creation in the Turkish banking system (Presentation)
This book is for me who wants to become rich through investing in financial instruments and alternative assets. The first part of the book discusses investing and the need to invest, stating that the only way to become rich or maintain... more
Çalışma kapsamında Türkiye'de türev ürünler piyasasının gelişimi açıklanmış ve türev finansal varlık istatistiklerine değinilmiştir. Diğer taraftan Forward ve Future sözleşmeler ile Swap ve Opsiyon anlaşmaları yapısal özellikleri... more
In this paper, we will analyse the role of brokers, dealers and investment banks in the equity markets. Special attention will be given in analysing the role of financial intermediaries at initial public offerings and secondary offerings,... more
Il contributo esamina la recente e importante sentenza della Corte di Appello di Milano (n° 3459/2013) in tema di derivati over the counter. Il collegio dichiara la nullità del contratto interest rate swap oggetto del giudizio per vizio... more
In this article I revisit the issue of business discretion when executing swap contracts, advocating that the so called reception of the business judgment rule in Portugal, with the reform of the Portuguese Companies Code of 2006 (art.... more
Course description This course will explore the legal developments of the global monetary architecture and look into the political and economic rationales that underpin the practices of the international monetary law. The course will... more
In the aftermath of the 2008 crisis, emerging powers engaged in political and legal strategies to challenge the actual framework for global moneta- ry governance. This article examines two categories of monetary strategies designed as... more
This study addresses the following puzzle: why did states in the largest emerging economies (EMEs) in Latin America and Asia not use formal institutions to cope with the 2008 crisis? During the 1990s, these economies used and established... more
Özet Küresel rekabete dayalı serbest piyasa ekonomisinin ve uluslararası yatırımların önem kazandığı günümüzde mali risk yönetimi önemli bir kavram olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Firmaların mali riskten korunmak için kullandıkları... more
Monetary cooperation at the multilateral level has been challenged by a shift of global economic power. Increasing multipolarity combined with the inertia of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and harder problems, related to global... more
Cross currency swaps are agreements to exchange interest payments and principals denominated in two different currencies and usually have one leg fixed and the other floating. The interest rate on the fixed leg is closely related to the... more
Hedge and risk management are hot topics for , both conventional and Islamic banks, especially in light of the large expansion in the money markets and banks collapses that occurred. It adds a new dimension to this interest in the... more
En la red global de líneas swaps existen acuerdos firmados, desde 2009, por China con Argentina y Brasil. El artículo tiene por objetivo analizar el impacto de tales acuerdos. Para ello se presentan el concepto y las características de... more
Finance rests on a process of abstraction, based on various material devices that have been studied by economic sociologists in recent years. The fact that many of those devices are legal in nature has not attracted much attention, even... more
A significant impact of unconventional monetary policy implemented by central banks of developed countries has been on diversity and depth of foreign exchange swap markets. In this study, the methods of implementation of the CBRT’s new... more
Purpose: Swap is used to hedge the risk of fluctuation in interest rates over the life of the Facilities Agreement by exchanging the variable stream of cash outflows with a fixed stream of cash outflows in order to eliminate the exposure... more
ABSTRACT. Lo scritto analizza la recente decisione delle Sezioni Unite in tema di derivati degli enti locali alla luce del paradigma di qualificazione del contratto di swap: quello della scommessa razionale. Lo scopo del paper è di... more
moneda N° 170 8 e el Banco Central de reserva creó el swap Cambiario en setiembre de 2014, con el cual puede intervenir de forma más efectiva en el mercado cambiario si las presiones sobre el tipo de cambio se generan en el mercado de... more
Six fois et demie la valeur de la production mondiale : voilà ce que représentent aujourd'hui les marchés des swaps. Formidables outils de gestion du risque pour certains, instruments de spéculation éminemment suspects pour d’autres,... more
Por que os maiores países emergentes da América Latina e da Ásia não recorreram a organizações internacionais para responder à crise de 2008? Durante a década de 1990, esses mesmos países constituíram e se valeram de acordos monetários... more
Por que os maiores paises emergentes da America Latina e da Asia nao recorreram a organizacoes internacionais para responder a crise de 2008? Durante a decada de 1990, esses mesmos paises constituiram e se valeram de acordos monetarios... more
Lo studio della causa rappresenta, al contempo, un tema classico del diritto civile e un argomento di stringente attualità, a fronte di una giurisprudenza che sempre più spesso invoca questa figura, e più precisamente la causa «concreta»,... more
O G-20 está falhando em seu original e principal propósito, de reforçar a estabilidade financeira e monetária global.
sommario: 1. La vicenda.-2. Contratto di swap ed eccezione di gioco.-3. Rischio di credito, etica degli affari e autonomia privata.-4. La categoria degli 5. Interest rate swap: struttura delle prestazioni. e 6. Misurabilità dell'alea e... more
The goal of the paper is to present the intervention strategies used by central banks in order to influence the value of the domestic currency, transparency versus discretion when it comes to publishing data about FX intervention and the... more
This paper introduces Rastin Swap Deposit account as a new banking deposit account which is interest-free and is based on Swap Contract in Rastin Banking. In this depositing by opening the deposit, the depositor is entitled to use an... more
This study reports survivorship bias for the momentum effect. Effectively, this study shows that the Portuguese stock market does not exhibit the “momentum effect” when all listed stocks are considered spanning the period from January... more
I. Caracterização geral da situação 1. A situação que está na origem dos problemas que iremos analisar neste estudo é, nos seus contornos gerais, de fácil apreensão: no período entre 2006 e 2008, um banco com sede principal e efectiva em... more