Virtual Currencies
Recent papers in Virtual Currencies
Permissionless blockchains have been described as a novel institutional building block for voluntary economic exchange, with unique protocol features such as automated contract execution, high levels of network and process transparency,... more
Resumen: Este artículo tiene por objeto analizar la regulación de las criptomonedas y de los diferentes proveedores de servicios existentes en este sector, con especial énfasis en el contexto regulatorio e institucional de la Unión... more
The proliferation of Internet and virtual communities led to the creation and continuous increase of circulation of virtual currency schemes. The virtual currency that has seen enormous growth both in value and public perception to date... more
Bitcoin, also known as a decentralized virtual currency (DVC), is regulated differently in the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Canada, and the United States, and represents a vastly underdeveloped area of the law. No country has... more
SUMARIO I. Introducción. II. Aspectos pertinentes de la naturaleza de los crip-toactivos y en particular las criptomonedas. III. Ámbito territorial del Impuesto Sobre Sucesiones. IV. Supuesto de exclusión de las criptomo-nedas por... more
Money is one of mankind's earliest and greatest inventions. Money, as we know it today has a long evolutionary history. The process started from barter in ancient times and evolved into cryptography-based money in modern times. The... more
This Continuous Assessment (CA) is part of module Global Transaction, Banking and Payment Systems (Duane, 2015). The topic chosen for this CA is ‘Ripple protocol’ and its role in developing a banking payment system in regards to other... more
يعد «البلوك تشين» (Blockchain) أو «سلسلة الكتلة» أكبر سجل رقمي موزع ومفتوح يسمح بنقل أصل الملكية من طرف إلى آخر في الوقت نفسه (Real Time)، دون الحاجة إلى وسيط، مع تحقيق درجة عالية من الأمان لعملية التحويل في مواجهة محاولات الغش أو... more
A study on the nature of virtual currencies and the challenges for its regulation.
The Challenge of regulating Crypto-currency in Kenya
le b itcoin est un OVNI juridique et fiscal. Contrairement au vocable attaché à ce produit, il ne s'agit pas d'une monnaie, puisqu'il n'est pas créé par un Etat. Qu'est-ce donc ? Et, en cette période de disette budgétaire, comment les... more
O presente artigo tem por objetivo realizar um estudo descritivo das criptomoedas – e particularmente de sua espécie mais conhecida, o Bitcoin – classificando-as como forma monetária inserida no grupo das moedas paralelas. Atentar-se-á,... more
New technologies always pose a challenge for rigid legal regulations. The law is often not adapted to the pace of technological advancements of society and the socio-economic changes which result due to new technology. Smart contracts,... more
A la suite de l'adoption de la loi sur l'économie sociale et solidaire (loi ESS), nous présentons le nouveau cadre juridique des monnaies locales en droit français (p.63 et p.138 pour les Système d'échange locaux). Following the French... more
Bitcoin is a decentralized system of digital authentication that facilitates the circulation of value on the Internet without the presence of any intermediaries, a characteristic that has often gained it the definition of “digital cash” or... more
A perceived risk in terrorist use and adoption of virtual currencies over the past few years has driven the widespread notion that this financial innovation represents a threat to security. This dissertation addresses this issue,... more
Within the last decade, there have been a proliferation of crypto (virtual)currencies and increasing consumer confidence accompanied by more acceptability by a growing number of merchants. This means cryptocurrencies are shifting from... more
Course description This course will explore the legal developments of the global monetary architecture and look into the political and economic rationales that underpin the practices of the international monetary law. The course will... more
This paper will evaluate the effectiveness of different virtual currency regulatory approaches in combating money laundering activities. The objective behind this evaluation is to determine the most suitable AML regime for virtual... more
The paper stems from a greater project on economic history concerning the monetary system and policies of medieval and renaissance Venice, with a special focus on Venice’s colony of Crete. The Venetian monetary system included various... more
“Blockchain” is the word on the street these days, with every significant financial institution, from Goldman Sachs to Nasdaq, experimenting with this new technology. Many say that this remarkable innovation could radically transform our... more
Government officials and stakeholders in the financial industry trying to counter transnational terrorist financing face a wicked problem. This problem is ill-defined, with multiple causes and uncertainty on whether the solutions... more
Convenience and security are the two sides of same coin in case of every online transaction and many a time, convenience wins over the security. Bitcoin, a crypto-currency, created virtually, introduced as open source software by Mr.... more
The scope of this article is to examine the positive (bright) and negative (dark) aspects of virtual currencies by critically assessing the relevant literature. In addition, the findings from the bright and dark side are the groundwork... more
In recent years, all cryptocurrencies have experienced a rapid increase in value and a new high demand for cryptocurrencies. Supported by the fact that regulators, international corporations and investors are enthusiastic about the future... more
In this Commons Transition Special Report, George Dafermos documents the organizational model of one of the most interesting cooperative projects to have emerged in Europe in the age of crisis – the Catalan Integral Cooperative (CIC).... more
This is a small guide on how to choose the best forex and binary options broker.
Permissionless blockchains have been described as a novel institutional building block for voluntary economic exchange, with unique protocol features such as automated contract execution, high levels of network and process transparency,... more
Published in the Journal of Risk and Financial Management, vol. 14. This paper examines the persistent food shortages in the island of Crete under Venetian rule (1204–1669) through the prism of the monetary system of Venetian territories... more
The authors focus on identifying possible forms of expressing the legal nature of virtual (digital) currencies, respectively crypto-assets and want to determine the effects of different ways of expressing the legal nature of virtual... more
Money Laundering is a kind of financial crime that converts proceeds of crime and further disguises the illicit origin of money brought in the economic system of a State. The scope of money laundering is extensive especially conceived as... more
In our highly connected world, the number of digital transactions is growing, and so too are the myriad of digital platforms that enable these transactions. While the dominant perspective on developing digital payment platforms involves... more
The goal of this paper is to explain the needs and advantages of creating a government backed crypto-currency with a fixed exchange rate to the US dollar or the value of the International Monetary Fund’s Special Drawing Rights (SDR). The... more
Institutional economists have analyzed permissionless blockchains as a novel institutional building block for voluntary economic exchange and distributed governance, with their unique protocol features such as automated contract... more
Modern exchange theories model a large market, but do not explain single exchange. The paper considers the phenomenon of single exchange and formulates the general exchange problem in the form of a system of two equations, subjective and... more
New technologies always pose a challenge for rigid legal regulations. The law is often not adapted to the pace of technological advancements of society and the socio-economic changes which result due to new... more