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Riferirsi, orientarsi, identificarsi per poter cambiare e scegliere più liberamente e consapevolmente, raccordando passato, presente e futuro, sono esigenze che hanno sentito tutte le generazioni umane, ma che oggi sono amplificate da... more
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      Research MethodologyPublic HistoryTeaching HistoryHistrory
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      Furniture design (Art History)HistroryIndustrial Furniture
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      Architectural ConservationArchitectural HeritageHistrory
Historia de la Educación | Anuario SAHE | Vol. 17 – N° 1 – 2016 | pp. 50 - 71
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      EducaciónHistrorySiglo XIX
This has been a mosaic analysis on an important chunk of American and native American History. This story has been told a hundred and thousand times from a hundred and thousand perspectives, but never from this view. It is not ironic,... more
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      American HistoryBlack Studies Or African American StudiesNative American StudiesAmerican Studies
A fresh and original translation from Sanskrit of the dashrajnya hymn (hymn 7.18 of Rig Veda) describing this defining battle between Aryan king Sudas and his Aryan as well as non-Aryan foes. The decisive battle led to the uprooting of... more
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Este ensayo realiza una lectura heterotópica de Aguirre, La ira de Dios, una disección del filme bajo el concepto de heterotopía, desarrollado por Michel Foucault en su ensayo ”Of Other Spaces”. Foucault señala que la heterotopía es “Una... more
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      Latin American StudiesFilm StudiesLiterature and cinemaCinema
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      Quality ManagementLiteratureHuman RightsHuman Resource Management
Sebuah tulisan mengenai strategi adaptasi pertanian dan perdagangan di masa Majapahit. Mengambil samel Trowulan sebagai contoh situs kota masa Majapahit, kajian mengena lingkungan dilakukan untuk mengamati strategi tersebut.
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      Cultural StudiesArchaeologyCultural HeritageEnvironmental Studies
The urge to cross boundaries and explore new geographic areas has driven explorers and scientists to enter and describe new regions, discover unknown places, and encounter new societies and cultures. Academic work, driven by a similar... more
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      Art HistoryLanguages and LinguisticsEthnographySocial and Cultural Anthropology
Науковий вісник Національного музею історії України. Зб. наук. пр. Випуск 2 / Відп. ред. Б.К. Патриляк. – К.: Левада, 2017. – 480 с. – ISBN 978-617-7527-12-0. Збірка наукових праць матеріалів щорічної науково-практичної конференції... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural History
Artykuł przybliża przebieg współpracy agenturalnej ks. Tadeusza Dajczera z aparatem bezpieczeństwa PRL. Stanowi on uzupełnienie biografii warszawskiego duchownego i omawia nieznane wcześniej fakty z jego życiorysu. W tekście... more
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      Catholic Social TeachingRoman CatholicismHistoriahistory of Poland
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      Cultural HistoryMythologyNew TestamentEarly Christianity
On February 19, 2017, Dr. Paul Wolff would have turned 130 years old. Wolff was known worldwide especially for his pictures and books from the 1930s and 1940s. His posi- tion as one of the most successful photographers of the so called... more
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      EconomicsPhotographyCultural PoliticsArchives
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      PhilologyReligionHinduismComparative Religion
Au cours de nombreux siècles où le fait religieux a posé sa marque sur l’évolution de nombreuses sociétés, l’Islam, en tant que credo et pratique culturelle et sociale, a été mobilisé dans de différentes configurations politiques (A.... more
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      Political SociologyInternational RelationsSocial SciencesPolitical Science
The article puts forward a new hypothesis concerning the origin of the goddess of Ekron, mentioned in Ekron's royal dedicatory inscription from the early 7th century . Contrary to a widely held view, it is suggested that the origin of the... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryArchaeology
Lucrarea propune o abordare nouă în istoriografia românească, și anume relația dintre muzică și puterea politică în Moldova și Țara Românească în secolele XV-XVIII. Mai exact, prin acest demers se încearcă relevarea modului în care domnul... more
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      MusicMusic TheoryMusicologyMedieval History
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      Chinese PhilosophyChinese StudiesChinese literatureHistrory
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      HistroryMeskhetian Turks
Περίληψη: Η παρούσα προπτυχιακή διπλωµατική εργασία µε τίτλο «ΣΥΓΚΡΙΤΙΚΗ ΜΕΛΕΤΗ ΕΠΙΛΕΓΜΕΝΩΝ ΓΕΩΛΟΓΙΚΩΝ ∆Ι∆ΑΚΤΙΚΩΝ ΕΓΧΕΙΡΙ∆ΙΩΝ: ΗΦΑΙΣΤΕΙΟΤΗΤΑ ΚΑΙ ΘΕΡΜΟΤΗΤΑ ΣΤΟ ΕΣΩΤΕΡΙΚΟ ΤΗΣ ΓΗΣ», έχει ως σκοπό την ανάλυση και µελέτη γεωλογικών διδακτικών... more
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La storia di una città passa anche attraverso la storia delle Sue Istituzioni, pubbliche e private, e di quanti si sono succeduti alla sua guida. È questa la valenza del mio studio che Vi invito a leggere. Il volume descrive le tre... more
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      Storia Della SiciliaStoriaHistrorySicilia
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      Feminist TheorySocial HistoryHistroryFemenism
Boardgame con mappe e pedine. Fantascienza. Dopo la caduta del muro di Berlino nel 1989, in Italia, in maniera strisciante, si venne a formare una classe politica protesa verso la difesa di una “casta” dai valori morali decadenti.... more
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      HistoryScience FictionHistrory
Documentary film practice inflects and is in turn also inflected by the theories and practices around the study of the archive. Documenting the Archive will be a forum for theoretical and methodological interventions in cinema and media... more
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      Film StudiesDocumentary (Film Studies)HistoriographyArchives
Wenn man nach Weltreisenden fragt, fällt einem unter anderem Marco Polo ein. Das hat seinen Grund: Marco Polo ist bekannt für seine Reisen und seine Abenteuerlust, er ist der erste Europäer, der so viele Meilen zurückgelegt und fremde... more
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      History of ReligionWorld HistoryIslamic StudiesIslam
T. Jack Thompson, a father of missionary photography research, takes a focused look at missionary photography in Africa during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. His book Light on Darkness? is part of the Studies in the History... more
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In Rig veda, Indra is treated much like a celebrity sportsperson of today. This original translation from Sanskrit, of Hymn 3.45 of Rigveda, just as my other translations, demonstrates how lucid and lively the hymns of Rigveda are, in... more
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An original translation of hymn 9.8
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Kolaković Aleksandra, Trailović Dragan, "Srpska golgota: istorija i kultura sećanja" ["Serbian Golgotha: history and culture of memory"], Tematski zbornik međunarodnog značaja Vek srpske golgote (1915–2015), III – Društvene nauke,... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesBalkan StudiesBalkan History
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryCultural History
In this article the older research of the marsh settlement of Eddelak in the south part of Dithmarschen, Schleswig-Holstein, is published.
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyCoastal GeomorphologyCoastal and Island Archaeology
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      PhilologyReligionHinduismComparative Religion
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      CapitalismHistroryPolitica del diritto
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      PhilologyReligionHinduismComparative Religion
A fresh translation of Rig veda's hymn 1.133 shows that one of the enemies of the Vedic people dwelt in pit-homes. This is for the first time such a claim is made. An original translation from vedic Sanskrit text.
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Xəzər türklərinin istifadə etdikləri ibri dilinin yəni ivritcənin onların tarixindəki rolu araşdırlmışdır.
(The role of the Hebrew language used by the Caspian Turks, ie Hebrew, in their history has been studied.)
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      History of Science and TechnologyLatin LiteratureHistory of ScienceMetallurgy
Neben den auf sich genommenen Kämpfen gegen die Kumanen wandte sich die Aufmerksamkeit des Deutschen Ordens in den ersten Jahrzehnten des 13. Jahrhunderts in erster Linie der Levanteregion zu. In diese Konzeption fügte sich auch die Frage... more
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      Medieval HistoryGerman HistoryMedieval Studieshistory of Poland
Guerrillero, bandolero, pastor, caudillo de la libertad hispana, soberano céltico cuasi divino, prototipo de nobleza bárbara... la figura de Viriato ha tenido muchas y muy diversas interpretaciones, ya desde la antigüedad clásica. Aunque... more
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      NumismaticsCeltic ArchaeologyAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Roman numismatics and archaeology
It is a very valued work, which brokered a contemporary readers post-White Mountain period.

The book won the league Svatobor.

The book was published in Prague in 1882.
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      Cultural HistoryCzech HistoryCatholic StudiesCzech
Vaisali, located about 60 km north from Patna was one of the oldest and largest cities of India in early historical period. Archaeological excavations unearthed ancient remains from Northern Black Polished ware to post-Gupta period. A... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyIndian ancient historyAncient Seals and Sealings
An original translation of hymn 1.1 of the Rig Veda, and ode to Agni - the god of fire.
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This book analyses how authoritarian rulers of Southeast Asian countries maintain their durability in office, and, in this context, explains why some movements of civil society organizations succeed while others fail to achieve their... more
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      Social MovementsPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsComparative PoliticsSoutheast Asian Studies
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      ChristianityHistoryAncient HistoryCultural History
Manuscripts from the Tulczyn Library in the archives of the Kraków Learned Society: provenance studies on a scattered collection In 1862, the Kraków Learned Society received a valuable gift from Michał Konarski from Odessa, which included... more
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      Provenance researchManuscriptsHistroryPolish Academy of Art and Sciences
1. Approaching you, we call upon you o Dawn, of red appearance, be produced in the east, in between darkness and the brightness of the Sun. This composition by the human beings of this habitation that have come together to sing to the... more
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      PhilologyLanguagesReligionMythology And Folklore