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Species diversity in home gardens in Eastern Tyrol (Austria) has increased during recent decades. Now, 587 species are cultivated, including 75 endangered species. Species were introduced from natural ecosystems, agroecosystems and the... more
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      EthnobotanyAgrobiodiversityHomegardensEthnobotany in Europe
Governments around the world seek to create programs that will support sustainable agriculture and achieve food security, yet they are faced with uncertainty, system complexity and data scarcity when making such choices. We propose... more
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      HomegardensUgandaDecision Making Under UncertaintyFood Security
Loss of biodiversity is one of the most pressing environmental concerns of our time. This study assessed tree diversity and population structure in the homegarden land use of Mawsmai village, located on degraded karst landscape in East... more
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      Conservation BiologyHomegardensAgroforestryEcology
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      AgroecologyHomegardensTraditional Ecological KnowledgeTraditional Knowledge
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      AgroecologyHomegardensYucatec MayaEthnobotany, Ethnobiology, Ethnoecology
Biodiversity conservation is one of the important ecosystem services that has been negatively impacted by anthropogenic activities. Natural forests (NF) harbor some of the highest species diversity around the world. However, deforestation... more
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      HomegardensAgroforestryBiodiversity Conservation
‘This is a very important book. Taken together, the collected papers present a rich picture of the vital role played by peasant women around the world. They are struggling to preserve, in the face of modern agribusiness, the agricultural... more
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      Gender StudiesMedical AnthropologyEthnobotanyFoodways (Anthropology)
Resumen - Los huertos familiares de la Península de Yucatán han sido los más estudiados en el continente americano; el acervo científico generado representa una oportunidad para integrar un cuerpo de conocimiento que pueda servir de... more
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      Biocultural DiversityHomegardensSocial-Ecological SystemsEthnobiology
Owners and managers of homegardens have extensive knowledge of plants, their uses, and ecosystemic processes. This knowledge might be highly valuable for many purposes. To enhance ethnobotanical research on homegardens and encourage a... more
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      EthnobotanyResearch MethodologyHomegardensTraditional Ecological Knowledge
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Abstract This study that focused on the Study of Plant Biodiversity Management in the Homegardens of Arba Minch Zuria (Ochollo and Channo) and Chencha (Dorze and Dookko) Woredas of Gamo Gofa Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia. The study aimed at... more
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      HomegardensHomegardensbiodiversity and Food Security
In Uganda many farmer households manage diverse homegardens, which have been adapted over generations to supply a year-round harvest of nutritious foods. Various factors influence the agrobiodiversity of these homegardens and consequently... more
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      Human EcologyProbability TheoryHorticultureEthnobotany
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The past 50 years have seen a growing realisation that conventional prioritisation of economic development in agricultural exploitation has severely undermined the natural and social capital for future generations to draw the same... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesOrganic agricultureHomegardensSustainable Development
This study was conducted to assess the role of homegardens for in situ conservation of plant biodiversity in Holeta Town. In the garden data collection 75 homegardens were randomly selected. Ethnobotanical data were collected using... more
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      BotanyAgronomyConservation BiologyHomegardens
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      AgrobiodiversityHomegardensMayan StudiesLocal Wisdom
QUINTAIS. Memória, resistência e patrimônio biocultural.
Emmanuel Duarte Almada
Mariana Oliveira e Souza (Orgs.)
Belo Horizonte, MG, Br.
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    • Homegardens
Las huertas familiares son sistemas socio-ecológicos que cumplen un importante papel en la conservación de la agrobiodiversidad y de procesos socio-culturales locales. Con base en distintas fuentes bibliográficas, se compiló y analizó la... more
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      HomegardensAgroforestryEtnobotánicaFamily Farming
Bronx, NY 10458-5126 U.S.A. comuns em ADE. Essas diferenças na agrobiodiversidade emergem a partir da interação entre ação humana, respostas das plantas e propriedades dos solos em relação às trajetórias sócioeconômicas e históricas ao... more
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      HomegardensTerra PretaAmazonian Dark Earths
Homegardens have long been recognized for contributing to household food security, nutritional status, and ecological sustainability in especially poor, rural areas in low-income countries. However, as markets and policies drive the... more
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      HomegardensRural DevelopmentFood SecurityAgricultural commercialization
A district-wide school garden project has been initiated in the Toledo District of Southern Belize in response to reported high rates of poverty and undernutrition. This paper will discuss research conducted in the summer of 2007 with... more
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      Indigenous HealthHomegardensIndigenous KnowledgeDiet
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      AgroecologyHomegardensFood SovereigntyAgroecologia
This study was conducted to assess the role of homegardens for in situ conservation of plant biodiversity in Holeta Town. In the garden data collection 75 homegardens were randomly selected. Ethnobotanical data were collected using... more
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      BotanyAgronomyConservation BiologyHomegardens
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      HomegardensHuertos Familiares
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      AgrobiodiversityHomegardensLocal knowledge systemsMayan Studies
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      HomegardensGardensSpain (Mediterranean Studies)Catalonia
Promoting quality environment through home gardens management is crucial in order to enhance ecotourism planning and development in remote areas adjacent to national park. The aim of the research was to analyze the... more
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The present inventory was carried out in Home gardens of Terai region, West Bengal, India to explore the plant diversity in them. The study was the part of the documentation and inventorization about the existing home gardens in the... more
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      HomegardensWest BengalFloral diversityHumid Tropics
In Eastern Tyrol (Austria), homegardens are an integral part of the farming system. The aim of this paper is to present evidence for the development of gardening in the study area and to identify differences/similarities between gardens... more
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      EthnobotanyAgrobiodiversityHomegardensCuban Studies
We conducted an exploratory survey in south-central Bangladesh to realize the contribution of homegardens to household domestic biomass fuel consumption. Households were placed into categories based on their land holdings. A total of... more
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      HomegardensBangladeshForest Conservation
Agroforestry systems have cultural, economic, social, and biodiversity conservation significance and are essential for the subsistence of communities. Is there a difference in the richness, management and use of useful plants present in... more
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      EthnobotanyAgroecologyHomegardensTraditional Knowledge
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      EthnobotanyEcosystem ServicesAgrobiodiversityHomegardens
Gendered Homegardens: A Study in Three Mountain Areas of the Iberian Peninsula. As an example of the importance of gender relations in the use of natural resources, several authors have analyzed the role of women in homegardens. Gendered... more
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      Gender StudiesEthnobotanyHomegardensPlant Biology
2010 Gender relations as a basis for varietal selection: women, men, and in situ conservation of agrobiodiversity in the Yucatec-Maya agricultural system: Lambert Publishers, Germany. 120 p.
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      HomegardensIn-situ conservationMilpa System
Montane homegardens are key socio-ecological systems for agricultural production and family consumption. Care and management lies mainly on the hands of women who developed diverse agricultural practices that they have learned and... more
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      Indigenous StudiesEthnobotanyAgroecologyHomegardens
La pérdida de bosques y la disminución de la agricultura familiar campesina han tenido consecuencias negativas en la diversidad biológica y cultural en el sur de Chile. Las huertas familiares podrían ser refugios bioculturales que... more
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      AgroecologyBiocultural DiversityHomegardensAndes
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      EthnobotanyHomegardensEthnopharmacologyMayan Studies
Se seleccionaron 20 huertos en Cuilapam de Guerrero, Oaxaca; el estudio se llevó a cabo en dos barrios representativos; secciones de febrero a agosto del 2012, se estudiaron los huertos familiares de las secciones primera y cuarta tomando... more
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      EthnobotanyHomegardensEthnoecologyHuertos Familiares
Amazonian dark earths (ADE) are anthropogenic soils mostly created between 500 and 2500 years ago by pre-Columbian populations. ADE are currently used by local people for different agricultural and agroforestry systems. Because of their... more
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      AgrobiodiversityHomegardensHistorical Ecology
food security, yet they are faced with uncertainty, system complexity and data scarcity when making such choices. We propose decision modeling as an innovative approach to help meet these challenges and offer a case study to show the... more
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      Probability TheoryHomegardensUgandaFood and Nutrition
Medicinal plants provide indigenous and peasant communities worldwide with means to meet their healthcare needs. Homegardens often act as medicine cabinets, providing easily accessible medicinal plants for household needs. Social... more
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Peoples living in most developing countries meet majority of their biomass fuel requirements from the forest. However, this usual practice becomes difficult to maintain as the forest of this region decreases in an alarming rate. In such... more
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      HomegardensBiomassBangladeshForest Conservation
For many indigenous peoples, the contributions of wild edible plants go well beyond nourishment; they are often also used as dye and medicines, as well as markers of identity. However, historical and contemporary processes of land... more
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      EthnobotanyBiocultural DiversityHomegardensEthnobiology
— This study was conducted in Gunugo watershed at Wolayitta zone to assess the amount of some soil chemical properties affected by traditional agroforestry practices and along different elevation gradients. The dominant agroforestry... more
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      Soil ScienceHomegardensAgricultureAgriculture Research
The resilience of a social–ecological system largely depends on its capacity to learn by absorbing new information to cope with change. But, how resilient are traditional knowledge systems? We explore the resilience of the traditional... more
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      AgronomyEthnobotanyHomegardensTraditional Ecological Knowledge
Homegardens on Amazonian Dark Earths, Non-anthropogenic Upland, and Floodplain Soils along the Brazilian Middle Madeira River Exhibit Diverging Agrobiodiversity. We test the hypothesis that the agrobiodiversity associated with homegardens... more
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      HomegardensPlant BiologyEconomic botanyStandard Deviation
Historical ecologists have demonstrated legacy effects in apparently wild landscapes in Europe, North America, Mesoamerica, Amazonia, Africa and Oceania. People live and farm in archaeological sites today in many parts of the world, but... more
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      HomegardensBeta-diversityTropical forest
Home gardens are productive systems associated with the home that contribute to the upkeep of important ecological functions and to the social and economic welfare of thousands of families. This chapter describes Latin American home... more
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      EthnobotanyHomegardensCultural change
Gendered Homegardens: A Study in Three Mountain Areas of the Iberian Peninsula. As an example of the importance of gender relations in the use of natural resources, several authors have analyzed the role of women in homegardens. Gendered... more
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      Gender StudiesEthnobotanyHomegardensAgroecosystems