Recent papers in Homegardens
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This research study aimed to develop a comprehensive scale for evaluating technology dimensions in coastal home gardens of Kerala, India. A total of 120 items were generated to delineate technology dimensions using Likert's summated... more
Homegardens or homesteads represent a promising land use system and are common in Kerala, where the average size of farm households is small. The present investigation was carried out in the coastal homegardens of three selected... more
In the southern Andes, the homegardens of Mapuche and non-Mapuche campesinos coexist with those of an increasing number of migrants. In this chapter, we explore the agrobiodiversity, sources of learning, management practices, and... more
Owners and managers of homegardens have extensive knowledge of plants, their uses, and ecosystemic processes. This knowledge might be highly valuable for many purposes. To enhance ethnobotanical research on homegardens and encourage a... more
Presentation at the International Summer School “Adjusting the Multilingual Perspective — Effects in Research and Outreach”
del hogar en el cuidado del huerto para clasificar los huertos como de hombres, de mujeres, o compartidos. Luego comparamos las características de estos tres tipos de huertos. El estudio fue realizado en tres zonas rurales de montaña de... more
Traditional-homegardens are important for the food security, economy, and culture of rural communities, but also contributing to biodiversity conservation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the role of traditional-homegardens as... more
An ethnobotanical study of holy plants found in the Bible from the Agasthiamalai region of Western Ghats. A total of 39 plant species were selected belong to 27 families were recorded. The species are distributed with in different life... more
- by mary sheeja
Sistemas agrícolas tradicionais estão se perdendo, em função do avanço da modernidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar o registro de espécies e etnovariedades cultivadas com ênfase para as alimentícias na chácara Santo Antonio... more
Tarpunchi karan lumu kaspita manachingarichun nisha" [We plant cuttings of every variety of cassava so that they do not disappear] Verónica Andi, indigenous woman of the community of Curaray,
Amazonia is generally regarded as a wild region that contains abundant natural resources, such as oil and biodiversity. The hegemonic development and environmental discourses enforce economic, productive and, more recently,... more
In this paper an attempt has been made to assess the consumption pattern of biomass fuel and estimation of organic carbon of those biomass fuels from the rural households in the Khulna region of Bangladesh. The consumption pattern of... more
A survey of plant species in the traditional homegardens of Meitei community was conducted in Rajubari village of Cachar district in Barak Valley (southern Assam), in northeast India. A total of 92 species (38 trees, 10 shrubs, and 44... more
We studied population structure, composition and diversity in a traditional Indian agroforestry system, called paan jhum, in comparison to natural forests of the Barak valley, Assam, northeast India. The phytosociological data from these... more
Edible and medicinal weeds being commercialised for the first time in an urban horticulturalists' fair were studied with an ethnobotanical approach in Bariloche (Patagonia, Argentina). The effects of three community workshops carried out... more
El presente trabajo es la primara aproximación acerca del papel de las plantas con órganos de almacenamiento subterráneos comestibles (POAS) en la Patagonia, desde una perspectiva temporal y espacial, al integrar datos etnohistóricos y... more
El objetivo de este estudio fue desarrollar una estrategia de ambiente protegido para el establecimiento de un sistema de huertas orgánicas con el fin de mejorar la seguridad alimentaria de varias familias de la vereda de Toquilla,... more
Home gardens are a time tested food production system which can be projected as a promise to the future to mitigate the issues related to the global food security crisis. The home gardens in Kerala are an integral part of the rich... more
Riparian home-garden farming system are human landscapes that are sustainable, fulfilling the different pillars of socioeconomic and environmental stability. This explorative study conducted in the 60 selected home-gardens in the... more
These days, urban agriculture is more than a hobby. It has expanded into a local commercial business, even to an export scale. However, urban farmers who have commercialized their products must adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic situation,... more
The mountainous northwest of Vietnam, bordering Lao PDR and China, is home for the majority of the country's ethnic minorities. Both poverty and food insecurity are common in the region. Slash-and-burn maize, rice and cassava monocultures... more
The contribution of homegardens to the food and nutrition security of rural farmers has rarely been explored empirically. Our study assesses the influence of homegarden agrobiodiversity, production system parameters, and socioeconomic... more
We assess whether forests contribute indirectly to the dietary diversity of rural households by supporting diverse agricultural production systems. We applied our study in a landscape mosaic in Southern Ethiopia that was divided into... more
Common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) diversity has been nurtured by Uganda’s farming communities and inreturn it has sustained their livelihoods for over 40 decades. Despite the farmers’ invaluable effort in perpetuatingthis diversity,... more
Una investigació feta per científics de la UAB ha aprofundit en el paper dels horts en el medi ambient i en la societat agafant com a cas d'estudi la Vall Fosca, al Pirineu Català. Mitjançant una metodologia que incloïa entrevistes,... more
Nos municípios de São José do Barreiro e Areias, no Vale do Paraíba Paulista, é possível encontrar, dentro do centro urbano, características associadas à ruralidade, como o cultivo de hortaliças e frutas nos quintais, além da presença de... more
No texto e discutida a associacao do patrimonio sentido e o conhecimento botânico local. O que se busca e compreender os modos de aquisicao, transmissao e manutencao de saberes e fazeres locais relacionados aos tratos com plantas... more
The past few years have shown an increasing interest of the international scientific community towards strengthening and intensifying local food production in an attempt to mitigate the negative effect of population growth, generalized... more
In an effort to address undernutrition among women and children in rural areas of low‐income countries, nutrition‐sensitive agriculture (NSA) and behaviour change communication (BCC) projects heavily focus on women as an entry point to... more
The knowledge and use of plant resources are constantly evolving. In this work, the socio-cultural and economic factors that influence the ethnobotanical knowledge of a mestizo community in Mexico were analyzed, and the correspondence of... more
The past few years have shown an increasing interest of the international scientific community towards strengthening and intensifying local food production in an attempt to mitigate the negative effect of population growth, generalized... more
Growing population pressure and urbanization, coupled with land degradation and frequent climate change are causing food insufficiency in most parts of Sri Lanka. Due to the war and the Tsunami, livelihood of people in Batticaloa district... more
There is a strong link between food, agriculture, nutrition and development. Food is a product of agriculture while the knowledge, proper utilization of food nutrients and the processes nutrients undergo in sustaining life of an... more
SANDEE research reports are electronic preprints output from research projects supported by the South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics. The papers are circulated for discussion and comments. A summary of the... more
Restoration of traditional agroforestry systems is gaining importance, as they provide viable and long-lasting solutions to the global socioecological crisis, especially in poor rural areas. In this study, we evaluated the motivation and... more
It is uncertain whether Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG2), a healthy diet for all, can be achieved in East Africa given its strong population growth, low agricultural yields, and the high perishability of nutrient-dense foods. We... more
Background. Considering the current importance of recognizing the potential of traditional agroecosystems, including homegardens in the sustainable development of many rural and urban communities, strategists and scientists around the... more
Introduction: Utilisation of agricultural biodiversity is declining, straining the ease of diet diversification in households, thus leading to persistent hunger, micronutrient deficiencies, and seemingly to the coexistence of over... more
Introduction: Utilisation of agricultural biodiversity is declining, straining the ease of diet diversification in households, thus leading to persistent hunger, micronutrient deficiencies, and seemingly to the coexistence of over... more