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The Metrics for Human-Robot Interaction 2008 workshop at the 3rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction was initiated and organized to further discussion and community progress towards metrics for human-robot... more
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      Human Robot InteractionHuman Interaction
Abstract—The paper tackles the problem of designing intuitive graphical interfaces for selecting navigational targets for an autonomous robot. Our work focuses on the design and validation of such a flexible interface for an intelligent... more
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      Interface DesignPath planningNavigationGUI
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      Computer SciencePediatricsJoint attentionEntropy
Non-intuitive styles of interaction between humans and mobile robots still constitute a major barrier to the wider application and acceptance of mobile robot technology. More natural interaction can only be achieved if ways are found of... more
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      Spatial cognitionKnowledge RepresentationLanguage UseComputer Model
Conventional force sensors are overdesigned for use in measuring human force inputs, such as is needed in research and application of human/robot interaction. A new type of force sensor is introduced that is suited to human-robot... more
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      Human Robot InteractionForce SensorStrain Gauge
In daily human interactions spatial reasoning occupies an important place. With this ability we can build relations between objects and people, and we can predict the capabilities and the knowledge of the people around us. An interactive... more
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      Perspective TakingSituation AssessmentComputer ModelNatural interaction
The paper presents a novel control approach for the robot-assisted motion augmentation of disabled subjects during the standing-up manoeuvre. The main goal of the proposal is to integrate the voluntary activity of a person in the control... more
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      EngineeringRoboticsAlgorithmsComputer Aided Design
We describe a multimodal framework for interacting with an autonomous robotic forklift. A key element enabling effective interaction is a wireless, handheld tablet with which a human supervisor can command the forklift using speech and... more
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      Multimodal InteractionSystem DesignHuman Robot Interaction
For intelligent service robots, it is essential to recognize users in order to provide appropriate services to a correctly authenticated user. However, in robot environments in which users freely move around the robot, it is difficult to... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceFace RecognitionBiometrics
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      RoboticsCognitive ScienceArtificial IntelligencePhilosophy
This paper aims to show the possible and actual synergies between social robotics and sociology. The author argues that social robots are one of the best fields of inquiry to provide a bridge between the two cultures – the one represented... more
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      RoboticsRobotics (Computer Science)Humanoid RoboticsAssistive/Adaptive Technology
Sound is essential to enhance visual experience and human robot interaction, but usually most research and development efforts are made mainly towards sound generation, speech synthesis and speech recognition. The reason why only a little... more
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      Speech SynthesisSpeech RecognitionAuditory Scene AnalysisHuman behavior
In this paper we draw a distinction between tele-operation and tele-presence. We argue that the disappearance of mediation, as well as the cognitive and physical integration between human subject and robotic alias are fundamental for the... more
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      CognitionNeurophysiologyVirtual RealityMotion Detection
Mobile robots are already applied in factories and hospitals, merely to do a distinct task. It is envisioned that robots assist in households, soon. Those service robots will have to cope with several situations and tasks and of course... more
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      Human Robot InteractionMobile RobotSpatial InteractionNon Verbal Communication
This article describes the user-centred development of play scenarios for robot assisted play, as part of the multidisciplinary IROMEC11The work described in this article is conducted within the EU project IROMEC (Interactive Robotic... more
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      Assistive TechnologyEuropean CommissionDesign processDesign method
For intelligent service robots, it is essential to recognize users in order to provide appropriate services to a correctly authenticated user. However, in robot environments in which users freely move around the robot, it is difficult to... more
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      Interest GroupsHuman Robot InteractionUser authenticationBody Height
Książka ukazuje, jak zmieniały się przedstawienia związków miłosnych człowieka i maszyny w filmach science fiction, pochodzących z amerykańskiego i zachodnioeuropejskiego kręgu kulturowego, i jakie przekazy kulturowe na temat... more
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      Science FictionScience Fiction FilmAffect (Cultural Theory)Theories of Love
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    • Human Robot Interaction
The smart house under consideration is a service-integrated complex system to assist older persons and/or people with disabilities. The primary goal of the system is to achieve independent living by various robotic devices and systems.... more
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      Computational IntelligenceGesture RecognitionComplex SystemPeople with Disabilities
Robotic operations carried out via the Internet face several challenges and difficulties. These range from human-computer interfacing and human-robot interaction to overcoming random time delay and task synchronization. These limitations... more
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      RoboticsControl TheoryAutomatic ControlSynchronization
Multimodal natural behavior of humans presents a complex yet highly coordinated set of interacting processes. Providing robots with such interactive skills is a challenging and worthy goal and numerous such efforts are currently underway;... more
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      Spatio Temporal AnalysisComplex SystemCase StudyArtificial Intelligent
This experiment explored the influence of users' experience (prior interaction) with robots on their attitudes and trust toward robotic agents. Specifically, we hypothesized that prior experience would lead to 1) higher trust scores after... more
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      Human-Robot InteractionHuman Robot Interaction
In Human-Robot Interaction domain many solutions have been proposed in order to achieve a smooth and natural communication and interaction: speech and other kinds of language, as well as others human typical ways of communication, such as... more
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      CommunicationSocial CognitionHuman Robot Interaction
Soziale Roboter unterscheiden sich von Servicerobotern, da sie auch komplexere Interaktionen und Kommunikation beherrschen. Einige können Emotionen simulieren oder sogar erkennen. Einsatzbereiche gibt es viele: vom Haushalt über die... more
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      Human Computer InteractionAssistive TechnologySocial RoboticsHealth Care Management
Robots must be cognizant of how their actions will be interpreted in context. Actions performed in the context of a joint activity comprise two aspects: functional and communicative. The functional component achieves the goal of the... more
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      RoboticsHuman Robot InteractionHuman-Robot CollaborationAutonomous and Collaborative Robot
The notion of trust has evolved to become one of the many nebulous buzzwords centering around AI. This paper aims at showing that, with regards to human influenceability through AI, trust in AI is to be seen as problematic. Based on the... more
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      EpistemologyInfluenceTrustHuman Robot Interaction
In this paper we present Robox, a mobile robot designed for operation in a mass exhibition and the experience we made with its installation at the Swiss National Exhibition Expo.02. Robox is a fully autonomous mobile platform with unique... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRoboticsHuman Robot InteractionMobile Robot
In proposing an ontology of motion capture, this paper identifies three modalities — capture, hold, release — to conceptualise the peculiar affordances of motion capture technology in its relationship to a performer’s movement. Motion... more
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      Computer ScienceParadox (handling ambiguity)Visual perceptionMotion Capture (Animation)
A matter of course for the researchers and developers of state-of-the-art technology for human-computer-or human-robot-interaction is to create not only systems that can precisely fulfill a certain task. They must provide a strong... more
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      Human Robot InteractionUser StudyBoolean Satisfiability
Humans can infer, just from the observation of others' actions, several information on the actor's intents and on the properties of the manipulated objects. This intuitive understanding is very efficient and allows two collaborating... more
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      Humanoid robotsHuman Robot Interaction
Being aware of the presence, activities and is fundamental for Human–Robot Interaction and assistive applications. In this paper, we describe (1) designing triadic situations for cognitive stimulation for elderly users; (2) characterizing... more
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      RoboticsHuman-Robot InteractionSocial Signal ProcessingROBOT
We present an effective and fast method for static hand gesture recognition. This method is based on classifying the different gestures according to geometric-based invariants which are obtained from image data after segmentation; thus,... more
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      Computer ScienceImage ProcessingGesture RecognitionHuman Robot Interaction
This paper presents a framework for multimodal human-robot interaction. The proposed framework is being implemented in a personal robot called Maggie, developed at RoboticsLab of the University Carlos III of Madrid for social interaction... more
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      Social InteractionControl systemHuman Robot InteractionPeer to Peer
This paper presents a strategy for ensuring safety during human-robot interaction in real time. A measure of danger during the interaction is explicitly computed, based on factors affecting the impact force during a potential collision... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringHuman Robot InteractionReal TimeMulti Degree of Freedom
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      Human Computer InteractionNavigationHuman Robot InteractionData Collection
In this paper we present Robox, a mobile robot designed for operation in a mass exhibition and the experience we made with its installation at the Swiss National Exhibition Expo.02. Robox is a fully autonomous mobile platform with unique... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRoboticsHuman Robot InteractionMobile Robot
It is generally recognized that non perceptual factors like age, gender, education and computer experience can have a moderating effect on how perception of a technology leads to acceptance of it. In our present research we are exploring... more
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      ComputersMobile RobotsCorrelationRobots
Human-robot interaction (HRI) for mobile robots is still in its infancy. Most user interactions with robots have been limited to tele-operation capabilities where the most common interface provided to the user has been the video feed from... more
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      Human Computer InteractionSituation awarenessSoftware ArchitecturePath planning
Social robots are those endowed with communication channels and abilities that take inspiration from human beings. The scope of such abilities should include those allowing a robot to understand people’s affective states and expressions,... more
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      Humanoid RoboticsSocial RoboticsMachine EthicsHuman Robot Interaction
Most telerobotic applications rely on a Human-Robot Interface that requires the operator to continuously monitor the state of the robot through visual feedback while uses manual input devices to send commands to control the navigation of... more
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      EngineeringRoboticsComputer ScienceInformation Science
Where a licence is displayed above, please note the terms and conditions of the licence govern your use of this document. When citing, please reference the published version. Take down policy While the University of Birmingham exercises... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringReinforcement LearningHuman Robot InteractionElectrical And Electronic Engineering
Face to face communication is a real-time process operating at a a time scale in the order of 40 milliseconds. The level of uncertainty at this time scale is considerable, making it necessary for humans and machines to rely on sensory... more
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      Human Computer InteractionComputer VisionComputer AnimationFace Recognition
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      RoboticsSocial ChangeArtificial IntelligenceCommunity Informatics
The capability of collaboration is critical in the design of symbiotic cognitive systems. To obtain this functional capability, a cognitive system should possess evaluative and communicative processes. Emotions and their underlying... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer ScienceCognitive RoboticsAffective Computing
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      RoboticsComputer ScienceHuman Computer InteractioneHealth
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      Mechanical EngineeringUser Experience (UX)Usability and user experienceUser interfaces
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      EngineeringNeuroscienceEmotionComputer Science
In this paper we describe a system that enables a mobile robot equipped with a color vision system to track humans in indoor environments. We developed a method for tracking humans when they are within the field of view of the camera,... more
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      Machine VisionTrajectoryMobile RobotsTracking
The human robot interaction community is multidisciplinary by nature and has members from social science to engineering backgrounds. In this paper we aim to provide human robot developers with a straightforward toolkit to evaluate users'... more
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      Human Robot InteractionCariesDevelopment ProcessSocial Robot