Recent papers in Caries
Despite the advancement of early childhood caries (ECC) prediction and treatment, ECC remains a significant public health burden in need of more effective preventive strategies. Pregnancy is an ideal period to promote ECC prevention given... more
Fissure sealant is a recommended preventive measure on permanent molars, but its efficacy on primary molars in preschool children is still in doubt. Sodium fluoride varnish (NaFV) enhances remineralization and is effective in preventing... more
This paper provides recommendations for dentists for the treatment of dental caries in children, with an emphasis on early childhood caries (ECC), primary teeth, and occlusal surfaces in permanent teeth. A consensus workshop followed by... more
To compare the prevalence and severity of developmental defects of enamel (DDE) among subjects whose maxillary incisors developed during periods with different concentrations of fluoride in the public water supply. Standardized intra-oral... more
For an Organisation for Caries Research/European Federation of Conservative Dentistry consensus, this systematic review is aimed to assess the question of how to manage the caries process in the case of early childhood caries (ECC).... more
La caries de la temprana infancia (CTI) es una enfermedad oral destructiva que afecta a los tejidos duros de los dientes de los niños menores de 72 meses (1). Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de caries de la temprana infancia a través... more
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Analyse the effect of varnishes containing xylitol alone or combined with fluoride on the remineralization of artificial enamel caries lesions in vitro. Bovine enamel specimens were randomly allocated to 7 groups (n=15/group). Artificial... more
Martani, Priskila W 2015. “EFEKTIFITAS EKSTRAK JAHE MERAH (Zingiber officinale Linn. Var. rubrum) TERHADAP DAYA HAMBAT PERTUMBUHAN BAKTERI Streptococcus Mutans DAN Staphylococcus Aureus” Karya Tulis Ilmiah Politeknik Kesehatan Semarang... more
Karies adalah penyakit infeksi rongga mulut yang berjalan lambat dan tidak dapat sembuh sendiri, ditandai oleh terbentuknya kavitas pada permukaan gigi. Karies terjadi hanya bila ada bakteri Streptococcus mutans dan Lactobacillus yang... more
La caries dental es la enfermedad oral de más alta prevalencia e incidencia, y el mejor entendimiento de su histopatología nos conducirá a un mejor manejo terapéutico. Tradicionalmente se ha entendido a la caries como un proceso... more
El presente Proyecto titulado “Aplicación del Esquema Básico de Prevención en Preescolares del Jardín de Niños Eva Monteverde de Quiroga del ciclo 2018 – 2019”. Consiste en el reporte de las actividades que se realizaron en el periodo del... more
Dental caries results from an imbalance of the metabolic activity in the dental biofilm. The microbial communities of teeth have traditionally been studied by standard cultural approaches. More recently, cloning and sequencing of the 16S... more
Les données relevées lors de l’examen du crâne correspondent à l’histoire médicale de Mozart (par exemple a carie d’une dent qui a produit un abcès décrit dans la correspondance familiale), son âge, ses habitudes. Les configurations... more
The oral cavity of humans is inhabited by hundreds of bacterial species and some of them have a key role in the development of oral diseases, mainly dental caries and periodontitis. We describe for the first time the metagenome of the... more
Objectives Non-nutritive sucking (NNS) is a common behavior in childhood. The association between digit sucking, dental caries and oral health has been studied with inconclusive results. The objectives of this study were to determine the... more
Dental caries is an infectious, communicable and multi-factorial disease. Various factors may influence the disease process. Behavioral factors such as poor oral hygiene and the consumption of sugar-containing snacks are significant... more
Early childhood caries (ECC) is closely related to high numbers of mutans streptococci, lactobacilli and Candida albicans. Oral colonization of these microorganisms was monitored in a prospective clinical study in order to investigate the... more
Anthropological characteristics of Koenigsberg population in the XVIIIth–XIXth AD