Recent papers in Idleness
Although largely neglected in Schelling scholarship, the concept of bliss (Seligkeit) assumes central importance throughout Schelling’s oeuvre. Focusing on his 1810-11 texts, the Stuttgart Seminars and the beginning of the Ages of the... more
Publicação da dissertação de mestrado publicada pela Editora Humanitas/FFLCH, em trabalho de mestrado selecionado em 2014 para a Série Produção Acadêmica Premiada - FFLCH - USP, pelo Departamento de Filosofia da USP.
מאמר זה נכתב לנוכח משבר העבודה הפוקד את העולם בזמן הניאו-ליברלי והאופי העמוס והקטטוני של החיים כיום, כשהעבודה השתלטה על כל זמנו של האדם ובד בבד איבדה את תכליתה. אך המאמר אינו מתמקד בעבודה, אלא במה שהיא מנסה לברא מן העולם: הבטלה. הוא מציע... more
Manuskript für Peter Seyferth: „Arbeitsverweigerung adelt. Bausteine einer negativen Arbeitsethik.“ In: Henning Ottmann/Stefano Saracino/Peter Seyferth (Hrsg.): Gelassenheit – Und andere Versuche zur negativen Ethik. Münster: Lit, 2014.... more
ABSTRACT Leisure and idleness in Sheridan's and Wilde's comedies of manners are not merely used as objects of satire. In Sheridan, idleness is presented as a highly productive state that brings forth the society that takes... more
The present paper is a result of a two-year intensive ethnography of an intercultural Japanese company. While most of the literature on the anthropology of work in Japan regarding foreign workers tend to focus mainly on two types of... more
No Ensaio sobre a origem das línguas, texto publicado postumamente, em 1781, Rousseau reflete sobre certos aspectos da conformação antropológica e social, tendo em vista as diferentes configurações climáticas e geográficas nas quais os... more
This book brings together theories of spatiality and mobility with a study of travel writing in the Victorian period to suggest that ‘idleness’ is an important but neglected condition of subjectivity in that era. Contrary to familiar... more
Abbas Kiarostami aplica em seus filmes e escritos certa técnica de produção de real a partir da observação de pequenos detalhes em contínuo movimento. Este artigo investiga como o cineasta elabora o ócio enquanto dispositivo para instalar... more
Following the work of Korean-German social theorist Byung-Chul Han, we can see that in his attempts to describe our current society, he builds the concept of Achievement Society through terms like tiredness, depression, burnout,... more