Intelligence and Strategic Studies
Recent papers in Intelligence and Strategic Studies
(Publicado com capa diferente em 2011: Pedro Borges Graça (Coord.) Estudos de Intelligence, Lisboa, Centro de Administração e Políticas Públicas do Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa)
This article, written a few months after the 9/11 terror attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, compares the intelligence aspects of these attacks with the attack on Pearl Harbor.
This paper’s main objective is to analyze the importance of strategic intelligence as a tool for decision making, applied to the operation of the State. In this sense, we highlight some elements related to the conceptual understanding of... more
A seminar on 22nd May 2003 based on my 2003 Masters essay on Business Intelligence for the former Australian Foresight Institute based at Swinburne University of Technology.
The Python module Strategy Analyzer is a decision support tool for analyzing complex dy-namical webs of events and actions in strategic planning, intelligence and risk analysis. The module has a built-in percolation-based artificial... more
Stratejik istihbarat, oldukça önemli bir araç olmasına rağmen, taktik / operasyonel istihbarat kadar kullanılmamaktadır. Bunun nedenleri arasında, stratejik istihbaratın tam anlamıyla bilinememesi ve anlaşılamaması gelmektedir. Ayrıca... more
In this PHD thesis, Intelligence practices in South Africa as a hybrid political regime – a meta-theoretical and theoretical analysis, (commended in examiners reports as a de facto seminal work with the potential for publication as a... more
“Academization of intelligence” is defined as the academic research, conceptualization, and teaching about the world of intelligence. Its goal is to study the field of intelligence’s essence, activities, and influence on the national... more
Security Intelligence cooperation and the coordinated war on terror among Nigeria’s security operatives is lauded to be a major panacea to stable national security and timely approach to conflict management, considering the barrage of... more
Two technological races, drivers of disruptive change and geostrategic (re)positioning of the great powers, are currently taking place: the quantum technological race and the Artificial Intelligence (AI) race. The present article develops... more
This paper identifies best practices for the selection and delivery of historical cases for use in intelligence studies education. These pedagogical imperatives (and avoidable pitfalls) apply to different levels of instruction and are... more
An apparent lack of interest by Russia in Sub-Saharan Africa over recent years masks persistent key strategic drivers for Moscow to reestablish lost influence in the region. A preoccupation with more immediate foreign policy concerns has... more
As the world continues on a path of increased connectivity, control over the cyber domain has become a matter of state security. The sustained loss of wealth in the form of intellectual property theft and financial shenanigans has reached... more
This article explores whether qualitative research methodologies can help improve strategic analytical processes and products. Currently, in many intelligence agencies, cultural and organizational barriers restrain the development of... more
The United States' over-reliance on technical collection systems and reduced focus on human intelligence reduces our capability to target adversaries that operate minimally in a technological world. This paper covers the history of US... more
Dābiq is an electronic magazine (e-zine) utilising strategic utopianism and savagery messages supported by exemplary leadership, eschatology, and current events reports. This project analyses narrative themes present within Dābiq and... more
Information and communication technologies have a broad impact on every aspect of social life. Cyberspace is an expanding digital network that connects social, business and military networks around the world. The advent of social media... more
General Yakubu Gowon became Nigeria’s military ruler at a very critical period in the young country’s history in 1966. Due to the various tensions orchestrated by the different ethnic groups in the multi-ethnic state, Nigeria tethered on... more
Commentary on Special Issue of Intelligence & National Security on "Developing Intelligence Theory"
expone los escenarios que enfrenta el analista de inteligencia y el agente operativo, a la vez que describe los elementos necesarios que deben ser incluidos en un juego de simulación, con el fin de comprobar las capacidades de los... more
The “holy grail of the nation’s secrets” is an imperfect yet highly idolized product within and throughout the intelligence community (Johnson 2008). With minimal declassified information available, the President’s Daily Brief continues... more
Les services de renseignement qui agissent dans un cadre par nature secret peuvent induire une certaine méfiance chez le citoyen. Dans cette période troublée que nous traversons, le grand public se doit d’être informé sur le... more
Da più di qualche anno ormai esperti, addetti ai lavori e semplici osservatori vanno interrogandosi su quale sarà il futuro dei nostri servizi di informazione e sicurezza e su come la comunità dell'intelligence vivrà tutte quelle... more
Stratejik istihbarat, oldukça önemli bir araç olmasına rağmen, taktik / operasyonel istihbarat kadar kullanılmamaktadır. Bunun nedenleri arasında, stratejik istihbaratın tam anlamıyla bilinememesi ve anlaşılamaması gelmektedir. Ayrıca... more
Intelligence analysts are regarded as some of the most authoritative experts in government and international affairs politically, economically, socially, technologically, environmentally and legally (PESTEL), more importantly, in crime... more
Apresentação com conceito básicos de inteligência pública, inteligência estratégica e planejamento estratégico.
A review of Bill Hayton's 2014 book
The purpose of this article is to identify the challenges that the Greek National Intelligence Service (NIS) is facing and to stress the need for a genuine reform of the Greek Intelligence Community. Over the past years NIS has... more
The Caspian Project is a weekly digital magazine organized by the online analytical resource, Modern Diplomacy. Dr. Matthew Crosston is the Senior Editor of the project, which aims to acquaint people with this critically undervalued... more
Despite the disparity of the intelligence services’ historical development during the 20th century, a comparative approach reveals that most of today’s democratic political regimes’ intelligence communities maintain apparent... more
By Rubén Arcos and William J. Lahneman (eds.), Lanham, Maryland, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2019, 208 p. The following is an account of the different approaches and issues contained in the book: • open source intelligence... more
This is part one of a mini-series attempting to grapple with US grand strategy and the potential need for its re-assessment. The goal of this series is to introduce readers to grand strategy, ideally prompting more to grapple with US... more
Desde el despliegue de la primera misión en mayo de 1948 (ONUVT-UNTSO), las operaciones de mantenimiento de la paz de las Naciones Unidas (OMPs) han ido adquiriendo un rol cada vez más destacado en la prevención y gestión de crisis... more
Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die substanzielle Rolle westlicher und östlicher Geheimdienste, vor allem des DDR-Ministeriums für Staatssicherheit (MfS), in Südtirol. Aufgrund der geopolitischen Bedeutung der Region zwischen den... more