Jan Brueghel the Elder
Recent papers in Jan Brueghel the Elder
Введение. В первый научный каталог (общ. ред. каталога: Н. Проказина. – Москва : Лингва-Ф, 2019. – 520 с. : ил.) частного московского собрания Валерии и Константина Мауергауз вошли 159 картин более 70 западноевропейских художников... more
This article examines the changing approach towards the representation of the senses in 17 th-century Flemish painting. These changes are related to the cultural politics and courtly culture of the Spanish sovereigns of the Southern... more
La letteratura artistica seicentesca ha posto i fondamenti teorici per la suddivisione in generi delle diverse categorie iconografiche di cui la pittura si compone. Questa classificazione da allora è entrata nell’uso comune e nel... more
Oysters are generally known with their legendary power as an aphrodisiac. In ancient Greek, oysters were so common that no banquet was complete without a spread of oysters and other seafood. In Roman gastronomy, oysters were a luxury... more
Il saggio analizza l’evoluzione italiana del genere pittorico della ghirlanda di fiori, una tipologia devozionale nata dalla collaborazione intellettuale tra il cardinale Federico Borromeo e Jan Brueghel il Vecchio. Prendendo spunto dagli... more
Jan Brueghel the Elder's paintings on copper, between the end of the sixteenth and the first decades of the seventeenth century, were very popular among contemporary collectors who were won over by the precise execution and the complex... more
In the early modern European period, questions of imitation, copying, reproduction, and “forgery” began to occupy centre stage, both in the making and the theorizing of art. In recent years art historical research has increasingly... more
Hijo del pintor Pieter Brueghel, Jan Brueghel (1568–1625) inventó nuevos tipos de pinturas en las que desplegó el oficio prolijo y exacto que heredó de su abuela, la miniaturista María Verhulst Bessemers, una técnica que volvía las... more
in M. Osnabrugge (ed.), Questioning Pictorial Genres in Dutch Seventeenth-Century Art. Definitions, Artistic Practices, Market & Society, series “Gouden Eeuw: New Perspectives on Dutch Seventeenth-Century Art” nr. 2, Brepols, Turnhout... more
Nel presente contributo si porta una testimonianza concreta d'uso di strumenti nati dalla collaborazione fra le cosiddette " scienze esatte " e il sapere umanistico, che si sono rivelati di grande aiuto durante il lavoro di ricerca di... more
Artistic specialization constitutes the founding principle of the classification per pictorial genres. Around 1600 it was Karel van Mander (1604) who on the base of XVIth-century historiographical models may have been the first to... more
Prefazione di Gabriella Cartago all'edizione commentata delle lettere italiane di Jan Brueghel il Vecchio, edita nel volume 30 della collana Fonti e Studi della Biblioteca Ambrosiana di Milano, a 150 anni di distanza dalla prima edizione... more
Oysters are generally known with their legendary power as an aphrodisiac. In ancient Greek, oysters were so common that no banquet was complete without a spread of oysters and other seafood. In Roman gastronomy, oysters were a luxury... more
(IN HUNGARIAN) Short notice on the relationship between the greatest Hungarian art collector, Miklós Esterházy II (1765-1833) and his mentor Anton von Lamberg-Sprinzenstein (1740-1822), involving the exchange of a painting by Hendrik van... more
Nell’articolo si analizzano due opere fiamminghe inedite custodite in una collezione privata newyorkese dagli anni Ottanta del ‘900. La prima, datata 1521, inizialmente attribuita a Hans Holbein il giovane, attraverso un’analisi... more
The Flemish painter Jan Brueghel the Elder wrote almost 80 letters in Italian, all conserved at the Ambrosiana Library of Milan and published in 1868 for the first time. These letters have been sent from 1596 to 1624 to the Cardinal... more
Paul Bril e Jan Brueghel il Vecchio furono letteralmente ammaliati dal fascino dell'acropoli di Tivoli, lambita dal fiume Aniene che ai piedi dell'elegante tempio della Sibilla si getta nell'orrida valle sottostante, dando vita a un... more
Введение. В первый научный каталог (общ. ред. каталога: Н. Проказина. – Москва : Лингва-Ф, 2019. – 520 с. : ил.) частного московского собрания Валерии и Константина Мауергауз вошли 159 картин более 70 западноевропейских художников... more
In the sixteenth century, a new kind of pragmatic, knowledge-oriented collection emerged in southern Germany. Called Kunst- and Wunderkammern, these new museums were intimately linked to the emergence of the modern nation state and the... more
Catalogue entry for "La Huella y la Senda", exh. cat. (Catedral de Santa Ana), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2004
Abstract. Several early spyglasses are depicted in five paintings by Jan Brueghel the Elder completed between 1608 and 1625, as he was court painter of Archduke Albert VII of Habsburg. An optical tube that appears in the Extensive... more
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Selected articles from the catalogue.
Exhibition catalogue, edited by Gianni Carlo Sciolla, with contributions by Laura Benedetto, Giuseppe Cipolla, Jennifer Cooke, Fabrizio Fantino, Laura Gallo, Stefano Manavella. Catalogo della mostra svoltasi al Museo Archeologico... more
La diffusion ou la divulgation de ce document et de son contenu via Internet ou tout autre moyen de communication ne sont pas autorisées hormis dans un cadre privé. Le film Brueghel, le moulin et la croix (Lech Majewski, 2011) donne vie... more