Cinema and Painting
Recent papers in Cinema and Painting
Few painters have had as many films made about their lives as Vincent van Gogh. The interest in his story is due in part to the mystery surrounding his last days, in Arles, France. It is thus no coincidence that all the biopics about the... more
One of the most comprehensive books to focus on the relationship between cinema and the other arts, this volume explores types and stylistic devices of intermediality through a wide range of case studies. It addresses major theoretical... more
Convertida en una de las fuentes principales con las que dotar de verosimilitud histórica en el ámbito visual, la pintura emerge como punto de partida para recrear ambientaciones del pasado, con especial relevancia en el ámbito de las... more
Henri-George Clouzot’s The Mystery of Picasso (1956) and Lars von Trier’s and Jørgen Leth’s The Five Obstructions (2003) are celebrated experimental documentaries on the creative process in the visual arts and cinema made (or co-made) by... more
Статья посвящена влиянию Эдварда Хоппера на кинематограф и современную фотографию в связи с основными способами воздействия его картин на зрителя. Создание "саспенса" в живописи связано с жанром нуар в кино, а специфические места и герои... more
Suspension of disbelief, ideas geometry, and the 1700s as no one has ever seen before: Barry Lyndon is not only one of the summits of New Yorker director’s career, and neither one of the milestones of entire history of cinema. The movie... more
In this article I examine the painterly qualities of Sergei Parajanov's films and argue that these qualities are profoundly related to the alteration of the spectatorial experience and reinvention of the aesthetic possibilities of the... more
Las correspondencias entre el universo pictórico de Edward Hopper y la narración construida de Alfred Hitchcock en La ventana indiscreta (Rear Window, 1954) superan lo estético y se explican en una clara voluntad de explorar las... more
Edward Hopper —who is known for his pictorial compositions reminiscent of film scenes and who inspired many filmmakers— went to the cinema himself very often. He also addressed cinema exteriors and interiors as a topic in some of his... more
Chapter in the book: The Photofilmic: Entangled Images in Contemporary Art and Visual Culture. Edited by Brianne Cohen & Alexander Streitberger. Leuven University Press, 2016: 233-257.
Parmi les nombreuses boutiques mises en scène par Jacques Demy, la galerie de peinture des Demoiselles de Rochefort est un des rares décors de sa filmographie dédié à la création officielle. L’actualité artistique y est réinventée avec... more
The article presents how the significance of the paintings in Hitchcock’s films is not only connected to the solving of a particular story of mystery or mysterious identity, but also consists in raising questions about the interpretation... more
Tableaux vivants, which invade contemporary art and cinema, as well as music videos, series, advertisements and social network posts in the 2000s-2010s, are to be considered beyond simple postmodernity. While they do not abandon... more
Study of the impact of the painter James Tissot on Cinema History.
Comparación de las películas L' Eclisse (1962), Strangers on a Train (1951) y Manchester by the sea (2016) con cuadros de Edward Hopper.
The Garden of Earthly Delights, painted by Hieronymus Bosch, is one of the most enigmatic paintings of all time. Its profusion of weird transgressions and intertwinings between the inanimate world and living creatures can be seen as an... more
Introduction and detailed list (about 40 films) of the retrospective that Valentine Robert curated at the Pordenone Silent Film Festival 2017. The programme was shaped by the direct comparison, on the screen, between (most of the time... more
The paper analyses the re-conceptualization of the intermedial trope of the tableau vivant in recent East European cinema through several examples from Hungarian and Russian films directed by György Pálfi, Kornél Mundruczó, Benedek... more
La produzione cinematografica di Agnès Varda è notoriamente ricca di riferimenti alla pittura. Le citazioni appaiono, nei suoi film, in modalità diverse: citazioni “in cornice”, tableaux vivants, inquadrature rifatte “à la manière de” un... more
Resumen: a través de este texto se analiza el potencial del retrato pictórico femenino como agente creador de identidad de la mujer desde la óptica masculina y bajo el perfil de las relaciones entre cine y pintura. De esta manera, a... more
Selon Ray Harryhausen, maître des effets spéciaux cinématographiques, « Gustave Doré aurait été un grand chef opérateur […] il regardait les choses avec le point de vue de la caméra ». L’œuvre de Doré a marqué de manière indélébile... more
Jelen tanulmány Pablo Picasso Las Meninas címen ismert festménysorozatának (Museo Picasso Barcelona) elemzése kinematográfiai kontextusban. Az életmű kései periódusában, 1957 augusztusától decemberéig készült képek (58 db) meglátásom... more
Seoane Riveira, José. (2015). "Poética del rostro en Nostalgia de Andrei Tarkovski. El monólogo de Andrei Gorchakov", Comunicación, 13, pp. 62-72.
Une période de l'histoire de l'art a pris, de manière exemplaire, le rêve nocturne com me modèle d'une création picturale, littéraire et cinématographique radicalement nouvelle, sans cantonner la présence de ce référent nocturne, aussi... more
In recent art cinema there are several experiments that conceive entire movies based on the aesthetic of the tableau. Such films blur the boundaries between cinema and installation art consisting of a loosely connected string of tableaux... more
Blo, Up.d'Antonioni (196f, a une posrdrir6 ; crnematographique importante. d commencer nar son descendant le plus evidemment revendioud. 6tow Out de Brian De palma ( I9g I ) qui revienr'sur tes quesllons de perception. de preuve et de... more
RESUMEN Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar las estrategias narrativas de las cabeceras fílmicas exentas de las películas sobre artistas; concretamente aquellas que se agrupan dentro del género biopic. A través del estudio... more
Few painters have had as many films made about their lives as Vincent van Gogh. The interest in his story is due in part to the mystery surrounding his last days, in Arles, France. It is thus no coincidence that all the biopics about the... more
Antonio Mercero, quien no se prodiga demasiado en el cine, aporta su visión del héroe anónimo y ordinario encarnado por un celador del Museo del Prado. Se trata de un anarquista ingenuo en el entorno de la Guerra Civil, ubicado... more
The paper proposes to focus on the multiple affordances and intermedial aesthetic of the cinematic tableau seen as a performative space resulting in the impression of watching a painting, a theatre stage, a shop window, a diorama, or a... more
The article deals with issues that rise from confronting Honoré de Balzac's famous short story "The Unknown Masterpiece" [1831] and the movie "La Belle Noiseuse", from Jacques Rivette [1991], being the latter a loose cinematographic... more
coords.), (2017). El efecto Phi. 14 ensayos sobre la imagen fotográfica y cinematográfica. Madrid: Modernito Books, 287 pp. Reseña de Elios Mendieta Rodríguez Avanzan Juan Carlos Alfeo y Luis Deltell en el prólogo de El efecto Phi que lo... more
Adapté de Monsieur Ladmiral va bientôt mourir (1945), “testament littéraire” du romancier et scénariste Pierre Bost, Un dimanche à la campagne occupe une position paradoxale dans la filmographie de Bertrand Tavernier. Reçu de façon... more
Resumo Nesta comunicação abordamos dois aspectos em que a influência da Pintura, com séculos de existência, mais se fez sentir no Cinema: as formas de utilizar a cor e a luz (muitas vezes relacionadas), nas quais têm um papel decisivo os... more
This is a revised and expanded version of the essay from the Yale Journal of Criticism
My contact with the Brazilian generation who have been releasing their first feature films during the course of the twenty‐first century proved decisive for me during the Tiradentes Exhibition, which is one of Brazil's most important film... more