Just in Time
Recent papers in Just in Time
The automated material handling system (AMHS) is a highly automated transport solution of actual 300mm semiconductor waferfabs. The big logistic challenge in such a running system is the just-in-time delivery of lots (carriers).... more
Part of a research programme being undertaken in Italy on the applicability of the just‐in‐time (JIT) approach. The programme includes both the development of methodological concepts to evaluate JIT applicability and an extensive survey... more
In manufacturing facilities, shipping and receiving traditionally have been concentrated in one or two areas of the building. The widespread introduction of just-in-time shipping policies in US manufacturing companies during the past 15... more
Complex learning aims at the integration of knowledge, skills, and attitudes; the coordination of qualitatively different constituent skills; and the transfer of what is learned to daily life or work settings. Recent instructional... more
Growing firms often find themselves strapped for money. A gap in cash is created when bills are paid weeks before cash comes in from customers. The cash gap can be shortened by concentrating efforts on fast moving inventory, implementing... more
Supply chain management (SCM) is a concept that has flourished in manufacturing, originating from Just-In-Time (JIT) production and logistics. Today, SCM represents an autonomous managerial concept, although still largely dominated by... more
With its 350 years of history, Vitale Barberis Canonico is one of the oldest wool mills in the world and is considered to be one of the most prestigious and highly regarded “Made in Italy” trademarks. Despite the presence of 17 Italian... more
Download: https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv5cg94w The automotive sector represents more than a simple industry. Since the late nineteenth century, it has embodied the economic and technological power of nations, the lifestyle, the dynamics of... more
The e-Learning paradigm shift capitalises on two main aspect: the elimination of the barriers of time and distance, and the personalisation of the learners’ experience. The current trend in education and training emphasises on identifying... more
This paper analyzes the impact of information technologies (IT) on logistics by conducting a survey of literatures on academic logistics journals and practitioner journals. The literature survey and practice find that third party logistic... more
In the pharmaceutical industry, systems for improving operational effectiveness and efficiency are becoming more and more popular. In this paper, developments in the industry’s improvements in operational effectiveness and efficiency have... more
The overall scrutiny of the just – in – time (JIT) requires small lot size, perfect employee participation, total quality control and the basic industrial engineering etc. in the overall parts of the company. The ABC Company is facing the... more
The vast amount of heterogeneous information sources available on the Internet demands advanced solutions for acquiring, mediating, and maintaining relevant information for the common user. Intelligent information agents are autonomous... more
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference, https://blogs.cul.columbia.edu/rbml/files/2014/09/One-Dimensional-Man-at-Fifty-Conference-Program1.pdf