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in "Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia del diritto", 2/2021. ABSTRACT: Definisco “normativismo trascendentale” la concezione per la quale le norme giuridiche non sono oggetto di una conoscenza possibile, ma sono ciò attraverso cui è... more
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      Philosophy Of LawNormativityImmanuel KantLegal Philosophy
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      PhenomenologyEdmund HusserlKant & neo-KantianismClassical German Philosophy
The significance of the German philosopher and social thinker, Georg Simmel (1858–1918), is only now being recognised by intellectual historians. Through penetrating readings of Simmel's thought, taken as a series of reflections on the... more
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      Intellectual HistoryGerman HistoryFriedrich NietzscheJohann Wolfgang von Goethe
Die Frage ‚Phänomenologie oder Kritizismus?‘ als Frage nach dem Profil der Philosophie wurde nicht zuletzt durch Rudolf Zocher (1932) und Eugen Fink (1933) in Angriff genommen. Inwiefern ist Finks Auseinandersetzung mit dem Kritizismus... more
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      PhenomenologyTranscendental PhilosophyKant & neo-KantianismNeo-Kantianism
En este artículo expongo cómo la filosofía trascendental kantiana utiliza la figura de las analogías de la experiencia como una forma de interpretación normativa y pragmática de las condiciones a priori del conocimiento. Dichas... more
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      Newtonian DynamicsEpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceA Priori Knowledge
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      EthicsKant & neo-KantianismHermann Cohen
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      Immanuel KantErnst CassirerKant & neo-KantianismWilhelm Windelband
Auf die Frage »Was ist Wahrnehmung und welche Rolle spielt sie für die Objektivität der Erfahrung?« hätte Ernst Cassirer vermutlich schlicht geantwortet: »Wahrnehmung ist eine erste Form objektiver Erfahrung.« Damit stünden wir bereits... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy of perceptionErnst CassirerJohn McDowell
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      Immanuel KantKant & neo-KantianismItalian MarxismItalian Philosophy
Friedrich Albert Lange was a German philosopher, political theorist, educator, and psychologist who outlined an objective psychology in the 1860s. This article shows how some of the most important worldviews of the nineteenth century... more
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    • Kant & neo-Kantianism
Dialectics of the fable "The Matrix", A philosophical Machine By Alain Badiou “Nevertheless we must recognise that the three films have a problem in common, which is simply the fundamental problem of cognition: what is it that, from... more
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      PhilosophyMedia StudiesFilm StudiesAugmented Reality
მივიდა იესო მათთან და უთხრა: „მოცემული მაქვს მთელი ხელმწიფება ზეცასა და მიწაზე. ახლა წადით და მოიმოწაფეთ ყველა ხალხი, მონათლეთ ისინი მამისა და ძისა და სულიწმიდის სახელით. ასწავლეთ მათ ყოველივეს დაცვა, რაც მე გამცნეთ. აჰა, მე თქვენთანა ვარ... more
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      LiberalismImmanuel KantJohn RawlsKant & neo-Kantianism
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      AestheticsEmmanuel KantKant & neo-KantianismItalian Philosophy
La tesi affronta il tema della veridicità dibattuto all’interno delle teorie morali dei filosofi Immanuel Kant e Benjamin Constant. Dopo aver analizzato la posizione di Kant, il quale afferma il divieto alla menzogna in quanto negazione... more
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      Immanuel KantMoral PhilosophyKant & neo-KantianismBenjamin Constant
Curso sobre la filosofía neokantiana dictado en septiembre de 2021 - Universidad Nacional Mar del Plata
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    • Kant & neo-Kantianism
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      20th Century Russian LiteratureKant & neo-KantianismBoris Pasternak
Encyclopedia Entry in Encyclopedia of Global Justice, ed. Deen K. Chatterjee, Springer Netherlands (2011), pp. 281-284.
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      Social JusticeKant's Practical PhilosophyImmanuel KantMoral Philosophy
Drawing on the often-overlooked transcendental philosophy of consciousness developed by Ernst Cassirer, I argue that the debate between contemporary realists and illusionists about consciousness is misconceived and misses the most... more
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      Philosophy of MindPhenomenologyConsciousnessTranscendental Philosophy
依據林鎮國的說法,天台智顗的哲學理論是透過禪修的實踐,藉以發現實相 的真理。就存有論 來說,真理存在於方法之前;但就經驗上來說,真理必須透過方法來開顯。 在智顗具有創造性詮釋和實踐性辯證意義下的「三諦」、「三觀」以及「三智」,存在著「三諦」作為「三觀」的對境, 而在覺悟經驗所生產出的果「三智」之相對關係。事實上,從智顗的文本中關於「三觀」或「三諦」的論述是充滿辯證性、實踐性、認識論以及動態的方法論意義的。此外,吳汝鈞在對天台宗的判釋中,將天台判教為為佛性圓覺,... more
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      Indian PhilosophyKant & neo-Kantianismmadyamaka philosophy of NagarjunaMahayana Buddhism
One aim of moral education is to help society progress from morally imperfect conventions towards more perfect ones. According to a popular view, reflecting judgment is the vehicle of this progress. In this paper, I argue that although... more
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      AestheticsEthicsPhilosophy of ActionApplied Ethics
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      SociologyGeorg SimmelKant & neo-Kantianism
Here I bewail the slapdash and confusing way in which philosophers bandy about the word ‘incoherent’ (and ‘incoherence’ and ‘incoherently’).  To some it appears to mean: inconsistent; to others: pragmatically self-defeating; and to yet... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPhilosophy Of LanguageAnalytic PhilosophyKant
The phenomenon of sacrifice was a major problem in nineteenth century social thought about religion, for a variety of reasons. These surfaced in a spectacular way in a German trial in which the most prominent Jewish philosopher of the... more
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      Sociological TheorySacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)Kant & neo-KantianismNeo-Kantianism
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      DeleuzeKant & neo-KantianismPhilosophia perenne
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      MetaphysicsKant & neo-KantianismHistory of Philosophy
Review Essay of the Greek translation of Immanuel Kant's "Die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der bloßen Vernunft",  translated by Kostantinos Androulidakis, Athens: Polis 2008
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionKant-studiesKant's Practical Philosophy
A review of Roger Scruton's book The Face of God.
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      AestheticsEthicsPhilosophy Of ReligionRomanticism
É inegável a importância da Teoria do Direito, de Hans Kelsen, para a tradição jurídica. Sua construção teórica abriu novos caminhos ao estudo do Direito ainda no início do século XX. E por mais que o Mestre de Viena tenha sido... more
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      Hans KelsenHistory and Philosophy of the Human SciencesKant & neo-KantianismNeokantismo
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesPhilosophyMetaphysics
Современная философия так богата идеями, направлениями и имена- ми, что написать ее историю почти невозможно. Но Михаил Ми- наков попытался сделать невозможное. Его «История опыта» — это почти детективная, и при этом совершенно... more
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This article explores epistemological bases for debates over the nature of archival research and practice, and argues that the lens of historical epistemology helps us best understand the critiques of the so-called "archival turn" as well... more
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      EpistemologyArchival StudiesDocumentationWilhelm Dilthey
Augustana-Hochschule Neuendettelsau | Forum Religionsphilosophie Waldstr. 11 | 91564 Neuendettelsau | 23.-25.03.2022 Kaum ein Thema hat die Gemüter in der klassischen deutschen Philosophie so sehr bewegt wie die Religion. Hinter die... more
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      ReligionPhilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionTheology
FROM THE BACK COVER: What is the essential nature of meaning? . . . . . This book answers by examining interpretive theories from the past and present. It finds that an historical struggle with meaning has been underway since the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistory of LinguisticsPhilologyLanguages
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCognitive ScienceEuropean Studies
Encyclopedia Entry in Encyclopedia of Global Justice, ed. Deen K. Chatterjee, Springer Netherlands (2011), pp. 280-281.
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      KantKant's Practical PhilosophyImmanuel KantMoral Philosophy
The World as Will and Representation is the major achievement of Schopenhauer’s life, and the backbone of his intellectual career. In 1844 he published a revised and extended edition of it, and now added a whole second volume of... more
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      IdealismGerman IdealismSchopenhauerImmanuel Kant
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      Philosophy of ScienceKantHistory of ScienceImmanuel Kant
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      Hans KelsenKant & neo-Kantianism
A ‘human economy’ places living people at the centre of economic theory and practice. We must also think of humanity as a whole, since making a viable world society is an urgent necessity. This entails learning how to combine small-scale... more
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      ReligionAnthropologyKant & neo-KantianismJean Jaques Rousseau
En réactualisant la question de la présence du platonisme dans les écrits de jeunesse de Heidegger (1919-1929), cet ouvrage comble une lacune importante dans les recherches heideggériennes, qui, jusqu’à présent, ont surtout souligné son... more
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      OntologyAristotlePhenomenologyMartin Heidegger
CfP for early career scholars for the Summer School at the University of Cologne June 20-24, organized by Prof. Thiemo Breyer (Cologne) and yours truly.
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      PhenomenologyGerman IdealismEdmund HusserlMartin Heidegger
Please email me if you would like access for streaming and other info.
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      PhenomenologyPhilosophy of Culture19th-century German philosophyKant & neo-Kantianism
O Estado de Direito expressa a etapa de decadência do absolutismo teológico-monárquico e representa o legítimo exercício do poder pós-metafísico no Ocidente; estabelecido fora da ordem de transcendência “espiritual”, que se construiu a... more
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      Philosophy Of LawKant's Practical PhilosophyKant's Political PhilosophyKant & neo-Kantianism
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    • Kant & neo-Kantianism
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      Michel FoucaultImmanuel KantBiopoliticsFelsefe