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      Critical TheoryTheodor AdornoKant's Practical PhilosophyMichel Foucault
This article examines some arguments in favor of taking peace as a political obligation that can be found in one of the most important founders of the pacifist movement, Jane Addams. The main focus is on her 1907 book Newer Ideals of... more
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      Political PhilosophyPragmatismPeace and Conflict StudiesFeminist Philosophy
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      Immanuel KantAdam SmithKant's Political Philosophy
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      EthicsKant's Practical PhilosophyImmanuel KantMoral Philosophy
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      EthicsDiversityRace and RacismCritical Race Theory
Jest to recenzja z książki Romualda Piekarskiego, "Makiawelizm, patologia ducha, sacrum i polityka. Eseje z filozofii politycznej" (Sopot 2016, ss. 353)
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      Immanuel KantEric VoegelinMax Weber (Philosophy)Machiavelli
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    • Kant's Political Philosophy
The article examines whether realist theory should adopt a philosophical anarchist position concerning political obligation. The conclusions are mixed. Drawing on a distinction between strong and weak theories of political obligation (in... more
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      Realism (Political Science)AutonomyKant's Political PhilosophyPolitical Obligation
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      Philosophy Of LawImmanuel KantKant's Political PhilosophyRechtsphilosophie
En este trabajo proponemos examinar una doble exigencia formulada por Kant en El conflicto de las Facultades –a saber, la exigencia de libertad y la exigencia del orden–, a fin de señalar la premisa básica subyacente a dicha exigencia,... more
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      Kant's Practical PhilosophyImmanuel KantKant's Political Philosophy
Penultimate version of a chapter commenting on Arthur Ripstein's Kant and the Law of War, in E. Herlin-Karnell & E. Rossi (eds.), The Public Uses of Coercion and Force. Oxford: OUP 2021, 64-77.
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      CosmopolitanismKant's Political Philosophy
If the greatness of a philosophical work can be measured by the volume and vehemence of the public response, there is little question that Rousseau's Social Contract stands out as a masterpiece. Within a week of its publication in 1762 it... more
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      Intellectual HistoryLawJurisprudencePhilosophy
"Che cos'è l'illuminismo" è un'opera di Immanuel Kant, un piccolo capolavoro della filosofia kantiana la qualle esprime i valori dell’illuminismo europeo.
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      EnlightenmentImmanuel KantKant's Political PhilosophyFilosofía Política
Anyone familiar with much of the social-contract literature will have noticed that the sense of “social contract” can differ a good deal from field to field, for example, from political theory to business or medical ethics, and even from... more
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      Thomas HobbesRousseauJohn RawlsDavid Hume
Il pensiero politico di Kant, con particolare riferimento a Per la pace perpetua Un percorso attraverso i brani delle opere politico-giuridiche kantiane
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      Political PhilosophyNatural LawImmanuel KantClassical Political Philosophy
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      Applied EthicsKant's Practical PhilosophyJusticeMoral Philosophy
Gauthier's contractarianism begins with an idea of a rational deliberator but 'finds no basis for postulating a moral need for the justification of one's actions to others.
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      Political PhilosophySocial Contract TheoryConstructivismKant's Practical Philosophy
Encyclopedia Entry in Encyclopedia of Global Justice, ed. Deen K. Chatterjee, Springer Netherlands (2011), pp. 281-284.
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      Social JusticeKant's Practical PhilosophyImmanuel KantMoral Philosophy
El entorno religioso de nuestra imputabilidad moral y la fe reflexionante del auténtico credo kantiano (Presentación al texto de Kant Sobre el mal radical) The Religious Environment of Our Moral Imputability and the Reflective Faith of... more
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      Kant's Practical PhilosophyImmanuel KantKant's Political PhilosophyKantian ethics
Immanuel Kant es el filósofo más representativo del siglo XVIII, así como la expresión más depurada del pensamiento ilustrado. De Kant, hemos heredado con su antológico y exhortativo '¡Sapere aude!' la universal consideración de que los... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryImmanuel KantKant's Political Philosophy
This paper examines the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, particularly as interpreted by the Supreme Court in the 2008 Heller decision, in light of Kant's distinction between a state of nature and a civil condition. We find that... more
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      Kant's Political PhilosophySecond Amendment of the United States Constitution
forthcoming in Matthew Altman (ed.) The Palgrave Kant Handbook (Palgrave, MacMillan 2017)
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      AestheticsKant-studiesEveryday AestheticsEmmanuel Kant
A re-reading of Augustine’s theory of war and peace can be fruitfully advanced if we better understand his comprehensive concept of peace as the harmonic interaction of individuals with each other, mediated by their relationship with God.... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesJust WarAugustineJust War Theory
Husserl deemed that rational life is guided and surrounded by an “non-actualized” horizon of varied interests motivated by passive life. I wonder here, specifically, whether the properly theoretical rational activity (or praxis)—that... more
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      EthicsKant's Practical PhilosophyPhilosophy of HistoryKant's Political Philosophy
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryJudgment and Decision Making (Judgment And Decision Making)Political Science
Em 1795, a maneira sarcástica com a qual Kant inaugura um de seus textos mais influentes referindo-se ao letreiro de uma pousada holandesa sobre o qual está pintado um cemitério cujo lema é a “paz perpétua”, diz muito sobre a situação... more
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      International LawKant's Practical PhilosophyKant's Political PhilosophyDireito Internacional
These 22 essays examine student notes from all eleven areas of Kant’s university teaching – from metaphysics to geography. These notes (written by students such as Herder) can offer a new perspective on Kant’s intellectual development,... more
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      Kant-studiesKant's Practical PhilosophyEmmanuel KantImmanuel Kant
The paper aims to make a contribution to the debate about Kant’s take on revolution. It focuses on the principled, non-textual conflict within Kant’s writing and offers a possible analytical resolution. Along with Flikschuh and Ripstein,... more
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      Virtue EthicsRevolutionsFrench RevolutionKant-studies
Kant based his ethical theory on the belief that reason should be used to determine how people ought to act. He did not attempt to prescribe specific actions but instructed that reason should be used to determine how to behave. The... more
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      EthicsKant-studiesImmanuel KantKant's Political Philosophy
https://ctkebooks.net/translatio/hacia-la-paz-perpetua-un-diseno-filosofico/ Nueva traducción española de Hacia la paz perpetua, un texto donde Kant explicita su compromiso político con los ideales aportados por el republicanismo de la... more
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      Political PhilosophyKantPolitical ScienceKant's Practical Philosophy
The article argues that civil disobedience must be perceived as an action with progressive and political significance, thus reflecting, from a Kantian perspective, the recognizable paradox between morality and law, as expressed in Kant's... more
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      Political PhilosophyKant's Practical PhilosophyKant's Political PhilosophyCivil disobedience
Kant is famous for his universalist moral theory, which emphasizes human dignity, equality, and autonomy. Yet he also defended sexist and (until late in his life) racist views. In this essay, I address the question of how current readers... more
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      Race and RacismCritical Race TheoryKant's Practical PhilosophyImmanuel Kant
In the current era of political distrust and ideological extremism, perhaps the only element of modern politics we can all agree upon is its democratic structure – or can we? While democracy is now revered as the only political system... more
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      Political SociologyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryDemocratic Theory
Liberalism is a term employed in a dizzying variety of ways across the humanities and social sciences. This essay seeks to reframe how the liberal tradition is understood. I start by delineating different types of response – prescriptive,... more
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureBritish LiteratureBusiness Ethics
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      Political PhilosophyEthicsApplied EthicsSocial Justice
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      KantKant's Practical PhilosophyKant's Political PhilosophyKantian ethics
'Universalist' moral principles have fallen into disfavour because too often they have been pretexts for unilateral impositions upon others, whether domestically or internationally. Too widely neglected has been Kant's specifically... more
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      EthicsPhilosophy of EducationCivic EducationVirtues (Moral Psychology)
Review Essay of the Greek translation of Immanuel Kant's "Die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der bloßen Vernunft",  translated by Kostantinos Androulidakis, Athens: Polis 2008
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionKant-studiesKant's Practical Philosophy
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryKant's Practical PhilosophyArendt
A guided tour of the literature on Kant's political philosophy, including classic and recent work, background materials, online and hard copy works, and commentary on the state of the field.
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      Human RightsEnlightenmentKant's Practical PhilosophyIntellectual History of Enlightenment
Final version: http://psc.sagepub.com/content/early/2015/03/13/0191453714566483.abstract Today the idea of cosmopolitanism has become widely accepted as an appropriate answer to what we now call globalization. A key reference is Kant who... more
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      CosmopolitanismKant's Political PhilosophyExploitationMobility
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      Philosophy Of LawKant's Practical PhilosophyJusticeImmanuel Kant
The distinction between private and public use of reason in Kant’s “What is Enlightenment” is best understood as one between different communicative spaces: The private use of reason belongs to hierarchical institutions, whereas the... more
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      RhetoricImmanuel KantKant's Political PhilosophyPhilosophy of the Enlightenment
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      Kant's Practical PhilosophyImmanuel KantKant's Political PhilosophyKant's Metaphysics
The Walking Dead is a popular TV series depicting a catastrophic and violent world. After a pandemic that turns humans into zombies, we witness the collapse of civilization with all its institutions, the depletion of the resources, and... more
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      Kant's Political PhilosophyThe Walking Dead
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      KantKant-studiesCosmopolitanismKant's Practical Philosophy